Silent Love_Part Three

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Silent Love_Part Three Page 12

by Kenadee Bryant

  “I think we look really sexy,” I said, making a face at Gage. He was slowly letting go of himself and breathing normally now.

  “Seriously, what are you guys wearing?” Luke asked.

  “A mask, you dumbass. You guys interrupted our girls’ night,” Macey said with her hands on her hips.

  “Why do you even need a girls’ night? We can come over and hang out too.”

  “Because I am always hanging out with you. I do need a break from my boyfriend at times.” While they argued, I turned to Gage.

  “Are you okay?”

  “I’m fine.” Gage’s face was now back to its normal color.

  “I’m sorry for hitting you…there.” I blushed a little at that.

  “Good to know you have no problem defending yourself. Although we need to work on your aim.”

  “I think my aim is pretty good.” I grinned. If any guy got near me, I knew where to hit. We looked at one another for a minute before his hands snaked out and grabbed my waist, pulling me to him. I stood between his legs with my hands now on his shoulders.

  “I missed you,” he said softly so only I could hear.

  “You saw me like four hours ago.”

  “I can’t miss my girlfriend?” I was still not used to him referring to me as his girlfriend. Every time the word left his lips, I still got shivers and my heart would thump in my chest. “By the way your pajamas are very sexy,” he whispered, looking me up and down.

  I glanced down at what I was wearing and blushed even harder. Of course tonight I had to wear my most embarrassing pair. Macey and I thought it would be fun to wear onesies tonight. We had gotten ours a few years ago for a pajama party they had at school. Mine was a cheetah, while Macey had bright pink unicorns on hers. We of course put them on after doing our toe nails. I also had my hair in a messy bun on top of my head, a few pieces coming free, as well as my mask slowly slipping off. Yup, I looked beautiful.

  “Well, you are just jealous because you have to wear that.” I gestured to his own clothing which was the same as always…drool-worthy. The guy could wear a bright pink onesie and still look hot as hell. It wasn’t really fair if you asked me.

  “I am jealous. How about we both get rid of these clothes so I’m not jealous anymore.” Gage’s voice went even deeper as he spoke. My breathing hitched but I didn’t want him to know what he did to me. It would just boost his ego.

  “So are you two staying then?” Macey’s voice interrupted us. I tried to pull away from Gage, but his hands stayed locked around my waist. Instead of leaving his embrace I twisted around so I was facing Macey, who was sitting on top of her boyfriend.

  “Yup! I’ve always wanted to know what girls do on girls’ night,” Luke said. At his words Mace and I looked at one another, our eyebrows raising. A smirk appeared on both of our faces. We were going to make them regret barging in on our girls’ night.


  “Thanks a lot, Luke,” Gage muttered as he sat at the kitchen bar alongside my brother.

  “Shh, don’t talk,” I muttered, concentrating on what I was doing. Next to me Macey was doing the same thing. I was so focused on the matter at hand that I was even sticking my tongue out in concentration.

  When Macey and I decided to make the guys regret ruining our girls’ night, we weren’t joking. Right now, they both wanted to leave, but since they chose this, we were not letting them off the hook so easily.

  It had been about an hour since they barged in and made themselves at home. Since they arrived, we had made them watch Twitches with us, and they both complained about how stupid, cheesy, girly, and not even realistic it was. Although neither of them had any problems eating the junk food we had out. I even learned that Gage also liked cookie dough. We were a match made in Heaven I tell you.

  Currently we were giving the boys makeovers. Yup, you heard right, Makeovers. And we were going all out on them. We made them sit at the bar on the stools while we stood in front of them. They of course tried to protest, but we threw Luke’s words back at him. He wanted to know what we did, so we were going to show them.

  First, we started off with masks, because let’s be honest, they felt great. Since Mace and I already did ours, we thought it was only fitting the boys did theirs right away. I knew they both would deny it, but I think they actually liked it. After that we started on makeup. All of our makeup products were spread out on the counter behind the boys so we could grab whatever we wanted to use. We made them shut their eyes so they couldn’t laugh at each other or do something to ruin our masterpieces.

  “Are you almost done?” Luke whined, moving a little in his chair.

  “Yes, now hold still, you little baby,” Macey muttered. I grinned as I grabbed some lipstick to finish off Gage’s look. I opted for a more…daring look just because Gage was daring. I gave him some dark smoked-out eyes, with a sharp wing. I also added a little bronze in the middle to hopefully make his hazel eyes pop little more. His cheeks were already sculpted, so I didn’t need to do much, but I did add some blush and a slight contour. Because he was sporting a five o’clock shadow, it did show but I thought it looked fine.

  Going along with Macey, I even added a bunch of highlighter to his face. This was totally not a look I would do myself, but yes, even Gage could pull it off. Now for lipstick. I decided to stay with the theme of dark and went for a dark red.

  “Put your lips out,” I instructed.


  “Do the duck face.”

  “What the fuck is a ‘duck face’?”

  “Just push them out like a fish.” I tried not to laugh at his expression. He was literally confused about the duck face.

  “Dude, how do you not know what the duck face is?” Luke asked incredulously.

  “I will come over there and beat the shit out of you, Luke,” Gage gritted out. The entire time we had been doing this, Gage had been cursing Luke out for even mentioning anything. We learned, though, that both boys were on their way to our place before running into each other. Gage said he didn’t want to interrupt us—I didn’t believe that—so Luke convinced him to knock on the door and hang out with us. I didn’t believe either of them. I think they both just wanted to be with us.

  After a few more minutes I was finally done with my masterpiece. I took a step back and grinned at what I saw. It was actually kind of sad how Gage could even pull this look off, and he was a guy. Not even a second later Macey stepped back as well, looking at her job on Luke. I glanced at him and my grin got wider. For Luke, she went a little less intense but more sparkly. He had way more highlighter on, sparkles on his cheeks, eyes, and even his lips.

  Stifling a giggle between us, we both nodded at each other’s work. Macey nodded at our phones on the counter then back at the boys. Grinning at her idea, I quietly grabbed both of them, ready to take a picture without them noticing. Smiling like an idiot, I snapped multiple pictures of both Gage and Luke. This was perfect blackmail material. Once we were done, we grabbed two handheld mirrors.

  “Okay, open your eyes now,” Macey said. Keeping the mirror cast down, they grabbed it. Biting my cheek, I waited for their reactions. Macey still had her phone out, secretly recording them.

  The moment they caught a glimpse of themselves in the mirrors, a girlish scream escaped Luke’s lips and a loud curse came from Gage. Both brought their hands up to touch their faces obviously almost thinking, or well wishing, what they were seeing wasn’t true. As I looked at the both of them, though, I realized they didn’t make terrible-looking girls. Sure, they were pretty manly with their strong jaws, wide shoulders, and thick eyebrows.

  “What did you do to me?” Luke asked, touching his face while looking like he may pass out.

  “I made you look even better. Are you saying my makeup skills aren’t good?” Mace asked, faking being mad.

  “Uh…” Luke had no clue what to say which just made this even funnier. I looked over at Gage, who hadn’t said a word. He was staring wordlessly at himself in the m
irror, his brown eyes wide.

  “What do you think?” I asked.

  “I look…” He trailed off, not finishing his sentence.

  “Amazing? Beautiful? Like Carter-the goddess-made-me-so-pretty?” Gage glared at me, not finding my words funny.

  “I can’t. I just can’t.” He jerked the mirror away. My dam finally broke as I started laughing loudly. I hunched over with my hands on my knees, giggling. I stopped for a second, but every time I looked up at either Luke or Gage, I started laughing again.

  “It is not funny, Princess,” Gage bit out.

  “Yes, it is.” Finally, I was able to calm down enough that looking at the guys didn’t cause me to break out into laughter.

  “You know what?” Luke said after some time. “I actually look pretty good.” He even went so far as to do the duck face at his reflection.

  “You are so weird,” I commented. I went around the bar to the kitchen to grab some waters.

  “Now what?” Mace asked leaning against Luke, who finally put the mirror down.

  “I think it is only fair that Gage and I do your makeup now,” Luke said, sending Gage a look.

  “Gage doing makeup? Yeah, right.” I shook my head at that. Gage would never do that; hell, I was surprised he even let me do his own makeup.

  “No, I think that is a good idea,” Gage said, his eyes flashing. His look made me pause. I had a feeling he had something planned for me.

  “I don’t think—”

  “Sounds fun,” Mace interrupted.

  “Macey, you know they will do something stupid, right?” I said to her while the guys talked quietly. I was happy to see my brother and boyfriend finally getting along. I guess Luke accepted the fact that Gage was sticking around and he had to deal with it.

  “Yeah, but who cares? It will be funny.” She shrugged. Sighing, I nodded, knowing my face was going to end up a mess.

  Switching places with the guys, I took Gage’s seat as Mace took Luke’s. I silently prayed to Gage not to make me look stupid, but I knew I wouldn’t get my wish, not if the glint in Gage’s eyes meant anything.

  The next half an hour was interesting to say the least. I couldn’t count how many times Gage poked my eyes with the eyeshadow brush, or how many times he used his fingers to roughly rub away unwanted makeup. Bless his heart, he did try to be gentle though. He just slapped on the foundation, used his fingers to spread it all over my face. I did have to help him a little on what was used for what, as I didn’t want lipstick used as blush.

  I did let him do what he wanted though. I felt him using way too much makeup, but seeing as he was quiet when I was putting it on him, I stayed silent as well. Next to me I could hear Luke making noises every so often, some of confusion and some of triumph for finding the right product or something.

  I wish I could have had my eyes open to see Gage’s face, but every time I went to open them Gage would make a noise at me. It felt like an eternity had passed until Gage and Dylan finally stopped putting stuff on our faces. When it became very quiet, I had a sneaking feeling that they were taking pictures like we had.

  A minute later we were told to open our eyes. When I did, I bit back a gasp at what my face looked like. While it wasn’t as bad as I thought it would look, it wasn’t the greatest. I looked like a clown. Bright pink blush was in big circles on my cheeks, not blended out. My foundation was thick in some spots and there was nothing in others. My eyes looked like a raccoon’s. Eyeshadow was everywhere around my eyes, but he had some good smudging going on at least. The eyeliner looked like a five-year-old drew it on, but it didn’t look terrible. Small little black smudges could be seen from where Gage tried to wipe it away with his fingers. My lipstick was probably the worst. Gage didn’t stay in the lines and way overdrew my lips. The pale pink going up past my lips made me look like the Joker or something.

  “So?” Gage asked, looking at me with a smirk on his face.

  “I look…pretty,” I said slowly. I didn’t want to offend him.

  “I know. I am amazing,” he boasted. I grinned and shook my head at him. Glancing at Macey, I saw she looked a little worse than I did. For someone who had never really been around makeup, Gage did better than Luke. Macey had blush drawn in circles like Luke had been coloring. Turning away from Luke’s proud smile and Macey’s glare, I looked back at Gage.

  “Thank you for doing my makeup.” Gage leaned forward so both of his arms were caging me in between the counter and him. His head dipped toward mine, a smile upon his lips.

  “Thank you for making me look terrible.”

  “I think you look pretty.” I smiled, bringing my hands up to wrap them around his neck, pulling him closer. “I mean, the bronze eyeshadow brings out your eyes, and that contour for your cheeks.”

  “Just shut up and kiss me,” Gage grumbled. Not even waiting for my reply, he brought his lips to mine. Not fighting it I kissed him back, molding my lips with his.

  “Ew, quit kissing my sister, Harper,” my brother said in a disgusted tone. Gage just flipped him off and kept kissing me, making me against his lips.

  “Hey, tonsil buddies!” Macey yelled, a little too close to us. We pulled apart and sent her a look. “You two need to decide on your Halloween costumes.” I rolled my eyes at that. She was still on it.

  “So while you think of it, let’s watch another movie.” As the two of them went back over to the couch, still covered in makeup, I slowly slid off my stool.

  “Costumes?” Gage asked, grabbing my hand to hold me back.

  “Apparently there is a Halloween party soon that Macey wants to go to, which means we are going. You have to dress up too.”

  “So, couple costumes then? That means we need to come up with something badass.” I raised an eyebrow at how he was already thinking of ideas for us. I was sure I was going to have to convince him to go.

  “I am only going if you are dressed in something sexy,” he added. Yup, should have seen that coming.

  “Maybe I’ll wear a tight black short leather skirt and top,” I whispered, trying to make my voice low and husky like his got sometimes. I got the reaction I wanted. Gage’s eyes darkened and widened.

  “I’ll let you think about that,” I said smirking as I moved away from him and sat down on the couch. It took him a good minute before he sat down right next to me, and he had a dark look on his face. Ignoring me, he only looked at the TV. Still smirking, I leaned back against the couch.

  Gage: 100

  Carter: 50

  Chapter Eight


  “Babe, you ready to go?” Amy yelled from the living room.

  “Coming!” I yelled back as I slid on my brown boots that matched my Halloween outfit. It was the night of the Halloween party here on campus, and aside from the fact that everyone on campus would be there, Macey was literally forcing everyone in our little group to dress up.

  I didn’t want to dress up, but with a kick to the balls from Mace and a glare from Amy, I found myself agreeing. That was why I was currently pulling on boots to go with my Flynn Rider costume. Amy decided that we should go as Disney characters, so she was dressed like Rapunzel and I was dressed as Flynn Rider, because apparently, I looked like him.

  I was reluctant as hell to put on the stupid outfit, but not wanting to get kicked in the nuts again, I readily agreed to wear it. I wasn’t sure who anyone else was going as, but I just prayed I didn’t look like an idiot, although it could be worse.

  Coming out of my bedroom, I paused mid-step when I saw Amy standing there. She looked really beautiful in a pink, form-fitting dress, the same dress that Rapunzel wore in the movie Tangled. She also had her blonde hair braided down the side of her head. She really did fit Rapunzel perfectly.

  When she smiled over at me, I was struck with what made me fall for her in the first place. Aside from the fact that she was really beautiful, she had more to her than others thought. Yes, she was a cheerleader, but she was also incredibly smart and sweet.

sp; The first time I really took notice of Amy Manson was one day after football practice. Coach had worked us for three hours straight, so by the time we were done I was covered in sweat and wanted nothing more than to shower and eat. As usual, the cheerleaders would practice out on an empty field right in clear view of the football team. Not a smart move I tell you.

  Anyway, I was heading toward the locker room when I saw her come around the corner dressed in a pair of small shorts and a tube top. Her body was soaked with sweat, which just made her look even hotter.

  I was not going to lie; our relationship did start off as us using each other for sex. I wasn’t sure why she was using me, but whenever she would show up, she would be very upset about something. Afterwards, she would seem better but never wanted to talk to me about it. I of course was not going to pass up free sex. I was a guy, after all.

  After about a month of it going on, I finally asked her what was up. As much as I liked to have free sex, I wasn’t one for being used; I got that from enough people already. The conversation was awkward at first, but after some talking, we both decided we wanted to see where this would go. From then on, we kind of just became a couple.

  Things between us came naturally. I felt just as comfortable around her as she did with me. Amy seemed to get me, unlike other girls. She already knew about my family and the kind of shit I had to put up with. When I was with her, I could block out some of it, which I liked.

  My family wasn’t a topic I normally talked about with anyone. Of course Luke, Carter, Macey, and Amy knew about my family. They knew that they were never around when I was little, and still weren’t. Too busy running their empire to care about me.

  My father was a business mogul like Luke and Carter’s father, but whereas he came home to make time for his family, my father did not. I could count on one hand how many times I had seen my father since I was ten years old. He was always busy doing something for his company, that he never had time for me. And when I did see him, he spent most of his time telling me how I was going to take over after him, and random shit about the company. My mother was the same way.


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