FILTHY KISSES (A Back Down Devil MC Romance Novel)

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FILTHY KISSES (A Back Down Devil MC Romance Novel) Page 1

by London Casey



  A romance novel by London Casey

  London Casey is the pen name for bestselling romance author Karolyn James

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  A Back Down Devil MC Novel

  She has my son… and nothing is going to stop me from being the outlaw father I’m meant to be.


  When Dakota got pregnant, she begged me to keep it a secret from the MC, which I did. But after I’m thrown into jail for a couple months, I come out not only a free man, but also a father. The problem? Dakota has taken off – with my son.

  After I confess to my club the truth, they support me, even in the midst of seeking retaliation to those who set me up to be put away.

  The moment I find Dakota and meet my son, I know my life will never be the same. Terrified for her life, Dakota leaves me with the hardest decision I’ll ever have to make – either be a father to my son or be an outlaw. If I give up my leather cut, I’m turning my back on my brotherhood. If I don’t, I just might lose my family for good.

  All the while lurking in the background is an enemy, ready to strike not just against the club or me… but against my family.

  One thing I know for sure – wearing a cut or not – I’m going to fight to survive and I’m going to fight for my family.



  I touched the two wires together and the car exploded.

  There was nobody in the car, too bad though, because our payment would have been much higher. Our Russian friends from a different part of the world threw the MC an offer we couldn’t let slip away. Cruise an hour north, wire up a car, and send a message to someone that owed Ivan a few bucks.

  The club needed the cash and I needed the distraction.

  Max slapped a big paw to my back and grinned with a cigarette balanced between his teeth. “Well fucking done.” His words were muffled.

  “That’ll get attention fast,” Duke said. “We better go south.”

  “Hey, guys,” Austin said, “I just talked to Jasper. There was a radio call into the PD, searching for us.”

  “Ah, fuck,” I growled.

  Trev - our President - didn’t want a big crew flying all around northern Cali looking like we were guilty. We were supposed to just be a few outlaws out, minding our own business.

  “Where the hell is Xavier?” Cade asked. “He was supposed to be here ten minutes ago.”

  We all got on our rides. The thundering growls echoed into the night as we waited for our brother to come back. Xavier had been the one to wire up the car. According to Ivan, the supplies could never be tied to the MC nor to Ivan. They were from Surge Supply Company based out of Miami.

  We spotted Xavier in the distance and when he got close enough, we all started to ride.

  If I had to pinpoint it all down, it was like a high. From the greatest drug ever. Yeah, we were breaking the law. We were doing bad shit to people. But wasn’t that how the entire world was though? Everyone guided themselves by a set of laws someone else put in place. Fuck, we were doing the same thing. Just handling things a little bit different. To our credit, the crime in Daurian had been dropping and things had been pretty quiet lately. Most of our work came from the outside of town, either with our Irish friends (who weren’t friends at all) or from Ivan and his goons (again, friends but not really). If there was any kind of situation in Daurian, we would step up as fast - if not faster - than the police and remedy it.

  But now we were flying around a wide bend, working our way home to the clubhouse. I could already taste the whiskey and pussy on my lips. The only way to keep the high rolling was to enjoy myself. I felt a little sting of guilt in the pit of my gut, but I forced it all away.

  This is what she wanted, right? She explained that this was her situation and I would go along for the ride. That was my job. I fucking asked her what I could do. Shit, on top of giving her how much money already?

  I shook my head and refocused to the road. My headlight hit the pavement and spread out. That was my path. It wasn’t much to see in the dark and that somehow just fit my life and life in the MC.

  I knew how bad Trev wanted to be there tonight but he was at the clubhouse with Eden. She was so close to popping from pregnancy it was insane. Shit, I felt bad for her. Trev had taken her to the hospital three times already, hoping that one of those times was the big moment, but it wasn’t. She and the other women in the clubhouse would chatter it up about pregnancy.

  Fuck, if they only knew…

  My mind started to wander again.

  That was easily taken from me though.

  As we came around the long bend, we were met with three polices cruisers - lights flashing, guns drawn.


  I hit the pavement and felt my gun dig into my right hip. It was the kind of dumb shit move that ended up with people shooting themselves. Or getting my dick blown off. The officer put a foot to the middle of my back, right against the Back Down Devil MC logo. Talk about fucking disrespect.

  They hadn’t searched us for weapons but the three cops wanted to break our balls. It was me, Max, Cade, and Xavier. Four outlaw bikers to three cops. You do the math and you know damn well we could have taken control of the situation and gotten out of there. But the four of us were on the ground.

  “What the fuck do we have here?” one of the officers said. “A little midnight riding?”

  “Is that against the law?” I asked.

  The officer dug his foot harder to my back. “Shut your mouth, cocksucker.”

  I had my hands visible and I turned my head, looking back and up at the cop. He had his gun loosely in his hand. The flashing blue and red lights bounced against his face. I saw the bottom of his lip was swelled out, making him look like a squirrel. A second later he spit, letting a thick glob of chew hit the ground, splashing at me. I could smell the minty tobacco and it made my nose burn.

  “Fucking call came through about a car blown up. Not too fucking far from here.”

  “We don’t drive cars,” I said.

  “Smart ass,” the officer said.

  “What the fuck proof do you have that you shit heads didn’t do it?” another officer asked.

  Max pointed to his ride. “We’re carrying nothing with us.”

  The officer then made a really stupid move. He slammed his foot down on Max’s hand.

  See, for guys like us, we could throw out respect when it was needed. Breaking our balls in the middle of the road didn’t help the situation. Not to mention someone had called in about us riding. Once again, shit was supposed to be secure but it wasn’t.

  Now my brother had his hand crumpled under some officer’s boot.

  Max was the first to react. He punched the officer’s leg and rolled out of the way.

  I hurried to plant my hands to the ground and pushed up, throwing the officer off my back.

  In a whirlwind of a few seconds we found out who had the balls to do their job. Hint, it was the outlaws.

  The three officers retreated back, guns up, shouting at us. We simply offered our hands in the air and banded together.

  “Look,” I said. “What do you want right now? Stomping on us isn’t going to help. You want to search us? Do it. We were
on a ride.”

  “Why?” the first officer asked. I saw his name tag flash in the lights. Rickels.

  “We don’t know anything about a car exploding,” Max said. “Christ, man, that’s what I was showing you. Look at our rides. We’re not equipped for that kind of shit right now.”

  “You’re grabbing at the wrong straw here,” I said. “Last time I checked this road didn’t close overnight.”

  “There,” Officer Rickels said. “Look at that bag right there.”


  Xavier was supposed to ditch his bag. That’s what the rest of us did. We worked together to bring all the supplies needed to blow up that fucking car. Our fucking payment wasn’t going to be worth being dragged through the muck by some cops looking for a score.

  I felt my phone vibrating on the inside of my leather cut.

  Probably Jasper or Trev calling.

  If the PD was snooping around Daurian, they were obviously spreading their fingers wider, looking for us.

  Now we’d need an alibi.

  I looked at Xavier and thought about shooting him.

  “Fuck yes,” Officer Rickels said. “That’s what I’m talking about.”

  He slowly strutted toward Xavier’s ride like a guy that just got laid for the first time. He grabbed the bag off of Xavier’s motorcycle and turned to face us.

  We were fucked. We were really, really fucked.

  I mentally started to figure out how to survive in jail. It would take time for the message to get down to Trev. Then he’d have to get on the phone with the lawyers. Shit, the amount of money…

  “Open it up,” Xavier said.

  “I fucking plan on it,” Officer Rickels said.

  I looked to my right, at Max. I could see the rage in his eyes. We were matched up. I was half tempted to just run forward and go after the cops. My life was always a game of survival, even if that included secrets.

  She didn’t want me to tell the club? She didn’t want to get involved with the club at all. Fuck, I never said she had to. It wasn’t my fucking fault…

  The zipper ripped open on the bag. The three officers stood there like kids on Christmas morning. Officer Rickels stuck his hand into the bag and pulled out a jar of jelly.

  A jar of jelly?

  “A jar of jelly?” Officer Rickels asked.

  I looked at Xavier.

  I mouthed to him a jar of fucking jelly?

  “The bag is full,” Xavier said.

  “What the fuck…” Officer Rickels threw the jar to the road. It popped and shattered.

  “Hey!” Cade yelled. “Those are expensive!”

  “What is this?” Officer Rickels asked. He held the bag up. Rage climbed across his face.

  “That’s why we’re up here,” Xavier said. “Our President of the club… his woman is pregnant. She looks like she’s fifteen months pregnant at that. She’s fucking miserable.”

  “When the Prez’s old lady is miserable, we’re all miserable,” Cade added.

  “What the hell does this have to do with jelly?” Officer Rickels yelled.

  Cravings. Shit, I knew enough about that…

  “Cravings, asshole,” Xavier said. “She’s been bitching about this special jelly for weeks now. She woke up two hours ago and drove Prez nuts about it. So he sent us up here to get some.”

  “Fucking jelly?” Officer Rickels asked. “The four of you? For jelly?”

  Cade pulled a card out of his pocket. “Here. This is the little store. Homemade. They’re obviously closed right now but the couple that runs it have taken to Prez and his old lady. Their phone number is on the back of the card. Call. Ask. Get fucking proof. Whatever you need.”

  When the cops slipped away and dropped the bag, I looked at Cade and Xavier.

  “You know me,” Cade said. “I always have a backup.”

  Cade was the finance guy. He knew how to maneuver like I’d never seen someone do in my life. Always thinking ten steps ahead of everyone else.

  “Is this legit?” I asked.

  “Fucking right it is,” Xavier said. “Eden found the spot months ago. She did like this shit. She wasn’t craving it tonight but this obviously helped us out.”

  A minute later the officers returned.

  Officer Rickels flicked the card at Cade. One of the other officers kicked the bag.

  “Get the fuck out of here,” the third officer said. “You’re clear for the moment. We have a crew up at that car. One fucking clue and you’re all fucked. I’ll chase you right into that shit town of yours and drag you the fuck out.”

  “Sounds like a plan,” I said.

  Yeah, my smart ass mouth always seemed to get my in trouble. No difference then as Officer Rickels swung his gun and smacked my mouth. I stumbled back, grabbed for my mouth, and at the exact same second Max turned and grabbed my shirt, making sure I didn’t try and go forward after the officer.

  “Easy, brother,” Max said. “It’s not worth it. Trust me.”

  The three officers got into their SUVs, turned their flashing lights off, and took off.

  Then it was just the four of us - four outlaws - standing in the middle of the road.

  Xavier pointed to the bag. “I’m going to smell like jelly for days if I’m carrying that bag back to the clubhouse.”

  “You better keep the Prez’s old lady happy,” Cade said.

  I broke away from Max and touched my jaw. It fucking hurt. I licked my lip and tasted blood.

  “Let’s get riding,” Max said.

  “I have to call Jasper first,” I said. “Let him know what’s up.”

  I reached for my cell.

  I saw the time.

  I wondered if she was sleeping. Fuck, I hope she was sleeping. She needed it. Her body needed it.

  My baby needed it.

  chapter two.


  Named after a set of states I never visited, that was just the beginning of several let downs in life. I sat up in bed and touched my swollen stomach, watching late night talk shows and infomercials, unable to sleep because he wasn’t home yet.

  I knew better than to care but something about him not being home bothered me. Was he out there getting arrested? Was he out there killing people? Was he out there fucking other women?

  I groaned and my teeth chattered with a pulsing sense of anxiety. I always hated thinking about him but my mind couldn’t do anything but that. I had made it very clear what I wanted from him and he complied. There was nothing like standing up to a massive sized outlaw with killer eyes and telling him what you wanted… and he listens.

  Of course, I had a big piece of the puzzle.

  I rubbed my belly again.

  It was a boy. I was just a week or so away from having him. For everything that was wrong outside of my womb, in my life, in this town, everything was perfect on the inside. The little guy inside me had no idea what he was being born into. Hell, even I didn’t know. I hadn’t talked to Kye about our future beyond giving birth. I knew what the leather cut meant to him. That was how we met. The big doe eyed look on my face attracting him with my innocence. The allure of the bad boy outlaw as he threw back a shot of whiskey and whisked me off my feet. Like I was the chosen one among two dozen women in a bar. How we ended up going for a ride - then he ended up riding me.

  The wild night turned into a little bit of a wilder fling, but it was only for a couple weeks. In between all of that, we both fucked up. My day drinking binges that led to hot sex with Kye resulted in me leaving my birth control tucked away in my nightstand. And, of course, the last time we had sex was the time he came in me, unprotected, and I let him. My mind wasn’t straight and I let my body take full control of the decision making.

  Now my very round belly was the result of that.

  Watching what the life did to Kye though was a far cry from the fantasy of being with the outlaw.

  And yet I had the nerve to ask him to keep it all a secret. Don’t tell the club. If he did, I was going to leav
e him. I gave up my apartment and stayed at his house. I had my own bedroom. I had my own bathroom. Kye took care of me and the baby. Yes, even with physical stuff that I craved. It was a strange feeling having him fuck me when I knew there was nothing there except the life we created. I made sure he wore a condom and made sure he hadn’t fucked another woman that same day.

  When I thought about the laundry list I gave him, I felt like a bitch. But what else was I going to do? The police were forever after those guys. There were other gangs and motorcycle clubs and mobs after them. I knew enough to know that if someone wanted to attack, wouldn’t they go after the families first?

  I grabbed the remote and flicked through the channels. I stopped at some business reality show. The owner of a restaurant was getting screamed at by a customer for serving up an uncooked piece of chicken. I reached for a bottle of water and took a drink. The baby inside me seemed to have his father’s schedule. Up all night and rest all day.

  What sometimes got me the most was when Kye was around, the baby would go wild. I knew I had to face the fact that we were a family. Even if me and Kye weren’t together we were still a family. Forever with our child and we’d have to find a way to raise him. I couldn’t keep the baby from the club. I could try hard and fight though, right?

  I know my opinions about the MC were terrible, but when you’re the daughter of a cop who was murdered by an outlaw gang like Back Down Devil, you tend to have strong feelings toward that stuff.

  The clock glowed past two in the morning.

  I was getting annoyed.

  It was rare anymore that Kye wouldn’t come home. Especially with me that pregnant. He would always check on me. He would always touch my back. My shoulder. Stroke my cheek. Then he’d put his large hand over my stomach and smile. Yeah, it made my stomach flutter and it made my heart skip a beat.

  But how could I love an outlaw? He was the kind of man that took my father’s life. We’d have our son and that would be it. We’d have to figure out how to raise him and keep him safe. It made my stomach burn knowing that my son would be in the company of outlaws.

  Even if there were times when Kye was gentle. Even when he tried to talk to me about the MC and what they did. I couldn’t hear any of it though.


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