Hearts Aligned (Eternal Love #1)

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Hearts Aligned (Eternal Love #1) Page 14

by Cheri Marie

  He closes his eyes and rests his forehead on mine.

  “Okay, I get it. I understand and I won’t push the issue anymore. I just want you to have everything you want in life.”

  “I already do. He’s standing right in front of me,” he opens his eyes to look at me. The emotion there is so raw, I have to choke back a sob to keep from crying.

  “I love you my angel, my queen.”

  “I love you too my hero, my king,” I say before kissing him.

  Ashlan isn’t home before we head up to bed. I lock the door and pray she remembered her key if she comes home.

  Lying in bed holding Arianna, I think about the fight we just had and how my life had been in the past. Growing up my parents were wealthy. Then I joined the Marines and just saved everything I made while enlisted. When my parents passed away a few years ago I inherited their entire estate. With more money comes more troubles. The women flocked my way but all they wanted was a piece of my bank account. Arianna telling me all she wants and needs is me, is fucking frustrating as hell; she’s the one and only woman I’ve wanted to buy the world for. Not that I ever thought she was, but knowing Ari isn’t after my money is yet just another validation that marrying her is absolutely right.

  I pull Ari closer into my side and kiss her head. She’s a queen and I, her king. I intend on spending the rest of my life worshipping her and being at her beck and call. I close my eyes, thinking about how I’m going to pull off this proposal without her finding out. With how excited Ashlan was I really hope she can keep her mouth shut. I have to get ahold of Kat and Xavier to help out, but I’ll wait a while because I know how overbearing Kat can be. It’d probably be her that would likely let it slip about the ring to Arianna. I try to coax myself to sleep, the excitement and nervousness of asking this beautiful woman lying next to me to be my wife is overwhelming but eventually I doze off. I dream of long brown curly locks, piercing green eyes and her hand with a beautiful diamond ring on it.

  I wake to my alarm going off, I look next to me and Landon is gone. I feel a twinge of panic. I climb out of bed and head downstairs. As I’m descending the stairs I smell the aroma of coffee and bacon. I walk to the kitchen, peeking around the corner I see Landon at the stove cooking breakfast. I watch as he serves eggs, bacon and toast up onto two plates. He grabs two coffee cups and two glasses, pouring us both coffee and orange juice. He turns around to put the juice back in the fridge when he notices me watching him.

  “Good morning beautiful, I didn’t know you were awake already. I was just about to come up to wake you and serve you breakfast in bed.”

  “Well I could always go back to bed, but something about you cooking me breakfast in your boxer briefs is fucking sexy. If I go back to bed, breakfast will be the last thing on my mind,” I grin at him. I don’t know what it is, I’ve never been this sex crazed before but something about this man drives me completely wild.

  He grabs me, pulling me up against him and grinding his hips into mine. I bite my lip and look up at him through my lashes. His beautiful hazel eyes have darkened, showing nothing but deep desire. I hear a deep growl come from his throat as he quickly spins me around. Slowly he slides my nighty up my back, placing light kisses up my spine. I get goosies at the feel of his warm lips on my skin. He runs his hands down to my hips, my thighs, then between my legs. I open my legs wider, letting out a light moan as he teases my sex under my panties. Grinding my ass against him, I can feel his growing erection. Quickly he slides my panties to the side and buries his fingers deep inside me. I yelp, and then moan grinding into his hand. He removes his fingers and quickly strips me of my panties. I look back over my shoulder, watching him as he slides his boxer briefs down his hips allowing his erection to spring free in all its gloriousness. He places his hand on my back, gently pushing me over to lean across the counter. Leaning over me, his hard cock pressing against my ass, he whispers in my ear.

  “I’m going to fuck you from behind right here. I don’t care if Damien and Ashlan walk in and watch. It’s going to be quick so that we can eat and get ready for work,” I almost come at the deep sexiness of his voice. In the heat of the moment his voice sounds feral and it’s probably the sexiest thing I have ever heard. He lightly nips my earlobe and then my shoulder before he stands. He teases the lips of my sex with the head of his cock; I moan quietly and try to grind against him but he stops me. Reaching up he wraps his hand in my hair before slamming into me. I pull back; swiveling his hips he slams into me again hitting my sweet spot. I feel my legs quiver.

  “Again,” I say breathless. He repeats his movement and I moan in pleasure. He picks up speed but repeating the same motion. He gently pulls back with the hand wrapped in my hair making my back arch. With his free hand he reaches down and fondles my clit as he continues pumping inside me. I can feel his cock pulsating, he’s getting close.

  “Come with me baby, I want to feel you all over me.” At that moment he thrusts deep inside me, giving my clit a flick with his fingers and I lose all control. I come hard, my legs quivering and I have to hang onto the counter to keep from collapsing. Seconds later he’s coming with me. After both our bodies have recovered from our orgasms he slides out of me, using a paper towel he wipes himself off and then tucks himself back into his boxer briefs. He comes over to me with another paper towel and wipes me off then slides my panties back up. I reach up and kiss him. Just as I’m pulling my nighty down I hear the click of the lock on the front door. I look at Landon and giggle.

  “Perfect timing there chef,” I wink at him. He laughs at me and we both walk over and take a seat at the breakfast bar to eat. When Ashlan and Damien walk in we both look up at them. Ashlan squints her eyes at me and I can’t help but laugh. I turn back to my breakfast. I finish eating in record time and head upstairs to shower while Landon is distracted talking to Damien. I know if we shower together we’re both going to be late for work. I wash up quick, jumping out just as Landon comes walking into the bedroom.

  “Damnit, I was just coming to shower with you.”

  “Yea, and we both know neither of us would make it to work on time.”

  “Would that be such a bad thing?” he winks at me.

  “Usually, no but today yes; I have a busy day today.” He gives me his cute pouty look, I smile and roll my eyes at him as I wander into my closet to find something to wear. I think he might follow me but instead I hear the water turn on in the shower. I grab a pair of black slacks, one of my favorite flowy shirts and a cute pair of flats. I dress quickly, checking the time I realize it's quarter until eight. Shit, I have to get to work. As I’m finishing getting dressed I turn around and nearly run into a gloriously naked Landon. I stop and stare at him for a minute and he grins. I shake my head at him.

  “I have to go, I’m going to be late. I only have fifteen minutes to get to work.”

  “Okay baby,” he says as he wraps a towel around his waist, “I’ll call you at lunch. I love you.”

  I kiss him quickly, “I love you too baby. See you later,” then I’m almost running out the door. I speed to work, thank God there aren’t any police officer's running speed traps this morning. I pull into the office with two minutes to spare.

  I grab my things and head inside, of course Tristan is already there and ready to start the day.

  “Good morning Arianna.”

  “Good morning Tristan,” I say with a smile, “Any calls for me yet this morning?”

  “Yes, Christopher said the house for the Carter family will be completed sooner than he thought.”

  “Did he mention how much sooner?” Her eyes widen and sparkle with excitement and she nods her head yes. She gets just as excited as I do about things like this.

  “Okay, so when did he say it will be done?”

  “Tomorrow!” she shouts with enthusiasm, clapping her hands.

  “That is fantastic! I must call Christopher. I need to go shopping for furniture for them but I need to find out when I can have it all delivered.” />
  “Arianna, can I help? I would love to be a part of this!”

  “Absolutely!” I smile at her, she looks like she is going to burst with excitement. “Can you get Christopher on the line for me please?”

  “Yes ma’am,” she says.

  I head into my office placing everything on my desk. I take a seat and wait for Tristan to put Christopher through. After a couple minutes my line buzzes.

  “Yes Tristan.”

  “Christopher is on the line for you, I’ll put him through now.”

  “Thank you Tristan.”

  I wait for the line to switch over.

  “Good morning Arianna.”

  “Good morning Christopher.”

  “So has Tristan filled you in on the great news?”

  “Yes she has, I am ecstatic! Tristan and I are going to go shopping for furniture. When would it be okay to have it delivered?”

  “Tomorrow is fine. They’re just finishing painting and cleaning up today. So everything should be dry and ready by tomorrow.”

  “That is fantastic, thank you so much Christopher; you and your team are truly incredible.”

  “As are you,” he replies.

  “Thank you,” I feel my cheeks flush at his compliment.

  “I’ll give you a call later with an update. Have fun shopping, I’m sure the house will look fantastic when you’re done.”

  “Thank you, talk to you later Christopher.”

  “Bye Arianna.”

  I decide to call Landon and fill him in on what is going on. Since he was planning on calling at lunch, I don’t want him to worry when no one answers, though I’m sure he’d just call my cell.

  “Landon Holt speaking.”

  “Hey baby.”

  “Hey Ari, is everything okay?”

  “Yes, everything is great actually! Remember that house my organization was having built for that military family in need?”


  “Well it is finally complete! Tristan and I are going to go furniture shopping for the family, I just didn’t want you to worry when you call the office and no one answered.” He’s quiet on the line for a minute and I’m not sure what he’s thinking about.

  “Baby, that is amazing! Do you know where you’re going to go shopping at?”

  “I was thinking about checking out that little mom and pop furniture store in the historic district, and that little art depot as well.”

  “That sounds great. Well, I hope you ladies have fun shopping. I’m sure the Carter family will love it and the house will look fantastic!”

  “Thanks babe. I’ll call you when I get back to the office.”

  “Okay, I love you.”

  “I love you too. Bye,” I say and hang up.

  I grab my keys and my purse. I walk out into the lobby and Tristan’s face lights up.

  “Are you ready to go?” I ask her.

  “Yes, absolutely,” she says, jumping to her feet and grabbing her purse and keys to lock up the office.

  “Okay then, let’s go.” We head out the door for our shopping adventure. Tristan locks up and then we climb into my car and we're off. We pull up outside of the furniture store and head inside. The woman who owns the place is behind the counter when we enter.

  “Miss Taylor?” she asks. I look at her strangely, how did she know my name?


  “Great, we’ve been expecting you.”

  “You have?” I ask.

  “Yes, Mr. Holt called us and told us you were coming. He gave us his charge account and said to charge whatever you want, no matter what it is.”

  “Of course he did,” I say flatly. Tristan grins at me.

  “Will you please excuse me for a minute?”

  “Sure,” she says.

  “Thank you. I’ll be right back,” I say to Tristan as I head for the door.

  Grabbing my phone out of my pocket, I click on Landon’s name. He lets it ring, and for a moment I don’t think he’s going to pick up but he does.

  “Hey beautiful.”

  “Don’t you hey beautiful me, I thought we talked about this money shit last night. I thought you understood I don’t want your money.” He’s quiet for a second before he speaks.

  “I do understand. The understanding was that you didn’t want me paying your bills, you never said anything about making contributions to your organization.” I start to open my mouth and then shut it. I can literally hear his smirk through the phone, he knows he's won this argument. He knows I would never turn down a donation to help the families of my organization. I let out an exasperated breath.

  “Fine, you win this one, well played Mr. Holt.”

  “Good," he chuckles. Go have fun shopping, and I meant it when I told the woman anything you want get it.”

  “How did I end up with such an amazing man?”

  “Just lucky I guess!” I laugh at him.

  “I love you.”

  “I love you too baby. Talk to you later,” and he hangs up. Heading inside, I meet back with Tristan and the woman who is helping us.

  “Sorry about that. I’m ready now.”

  “So where would you like to start?” the woman asks.

  “Well we can start with the children’s rooms. The little girl is into anything princess.”

  “Oh, I have the perfect bedroom set for her. Follow me.” Tristan and I follow along behind the woman until she comes to a stop. I step around beside her and my jaw drops. In front of us is this beautiful bed for a little girl. The frame is made to look like a beautiful carriage. It has exquisite detail making it look like it is a real horse drawn carriage. Above it there is a pink sheer lace canopy that goes all the way to the floor. There is a matching dresser, vanity, and nightstand. Each have the same exquisite detail. Skye is going to love it!

  Once I’ve picked my jaw up off the floor I tell her we’ll take it. Next we move onto Dominic’s room. The bedroom set she shows us is just as awesome as the princess set. The bed frame is a racecar shape; the headboard has an actual steering wheel on it with all the dials and gages painted on it. The dresser and nightstand are just as awesome. The nightstand and dresser look like tool chests. It is the coolest thing I have ever seen! We move onto Mr. and Mrs. Carter’s bedroom. She shows us a beautiful bedroom set. It’s a queen size bed, the frame is a hand carved dark cherry wood four poster bed. There are two dressers and two nightstands with this set. They’re all the same beautiful dark cherry wood with black marble tops. They’re elegant and beautiful. I consider buying myself this same bedroom set. Lastly, we pick out a living room set. I spotted one I thought would be perfect on the way in. We head back toward the front door. As we get to the front, I stop dead in my tracks as I see Liam walking by with some blonde bombshell. Boy is she not aware of what she has gotten herself into. I try to turn and duck out of sight but just as I do we make eye contact. I pale trying to remember to breathe. My whole body trembles and I feel like I’m going to faint. His eyes are empty and I can see the anger in his expression. For a minute I think he’s going to come in but the blonde bombshell tugs on his arm and he follows her on, I let out a deep sigh of relief.

  “Are you okay?” Tristan asks visibly concerned.

  “Yes, I’m fine,” I smile at her reassuringly. She frowns, not really believing me but she doesn’t say anything. We walk over to the living room set I saw on the way in. It’s a black and grey microfiber sectional with a matching ottoman and recliner. They also have a beautiful white shag throw rug. I know white isn’t practical with children but it says it’s stain resistant so I get it too, it will look great in the living room. We pay for everything and set up a time for it all to be delivered in the morning. We hesitantly step out onto the sidewalk, quickly glancing around to see if Liam is still lingering around. He’s nowhere to be found, I take a deep breath and turn left to walk to the art gallery.

  “Are you sure you’re okay boss?”

  “Yes, Tristan I’m fine, really.”

p; “Okay,” she says as she opens the door for me to walk into the art gallery.

  We walk inside, beautiful art is everywhere. We walk around looking at each piece. They’re all exquisite; I’ve always loved art, each artist tells a story in their own way. When we reach the one corner it’s a whole section dedicated to kids. Talk about princesses galore. I pick out a few pictures I think Skye will love. A little farther down is some paintings for boys. I grab a few for Dominic and a few other paintings for Mr. and Mrs. Carter's room, the living room and kitchen. On the way to the front, I spot this painting that I am drawn to. It’s a couple, it’s whimsical and beautiful. Something about it touches my soul and I have to buy it for myself. When we get to the counter the cashier tells me that everything has already been paid for; I tell her that the picture I wanted for myself is separate. She’s insistent that she was instructed to charge everything no matter what it is so I give in. I’ll pay Landon back later. I shake my head at myself for falling into Landon’s little trick at finding out where I was going to be shopping.

  Tristan and I decide to stop for a bite to eat before heading back to the office. There’s a little café a few doors down, we stop there to get food. It’s an adorable little place. Only about five or six tables that seat four people each are in the dining area. It has a warm and welcoming atmosphere. The waitress greets us sweetly, showing us to a table and takes our drink order. As we're waiting for her to come back with our drinks, I stare out the window day dreaming. I think I see Liam standing on the corner watching me. My heart drops into my stomach, why can’t he just leave me be? I look at Tristan, but she’s reading the menu; I look back out the window and he’s gone. Maybe I’m just losing my mind now, I think to myself.

  The waitress is back and takes our order. Tristan and I talk about all the amazing things we bought for the Carter family today. As frustrated as I was with Landon calling ahead and leaving his charge account, it’s a gesture that I appreciate more than he will ever know.


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