Just Exes

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Just Exes Page 5

by Charity Ferrell

  Hudson squeezes my shoulders and narrows his eyes on me upon pulling away. “Old man? I still don’t regret cutting off half of your bangs when you were six.”

  Hudson is the middle child between Dallas and me. He’s a tough dude, a former Marine, and a part-time bodyguard to his fiancée, Stella Mendes. She happens to be TV’s it girl.

  At first, he didn’t want to work for her, but he broke down and took the job after dealing with the reality that his high school sweetheart and my former best friend were screwing behind his back. The fuck-boy bestie married said cheating ho on her and Hudson’s scheduled wedding day. Good thing he did take the job, considering his life is hearts and roses with a talented and independent woman.

  Yes, our family is one big dating-confusion circle. It’d take hours to break down every relationship situation. It’s hard for me to keep up with it at times. They all got name tags from me for Christmas.

  I slap his chest. “Joke’s on you, homeboy, because I’m the one who cut the heads off your G.I. Joes, which Mom didn’t ground me for or tell you because she understood it was done in retribution.”

  He plops down on a barstool at the crowded table and pulls the one next to him out. “Waitress delivered our drinks before you got here, but I’ll track her down to get you something.”

  I wave off his offer and stay standing. “I’ll run up to the bar and order something from Maliki. This place is a madhouse. It’ll take forever for a drink.”

  He picks his beer up. “Throw it on my tab.”

  “You’re the birthday boy. I should be buying your drinks.” I hold a finger up. “Nothing too expensive though. This chick is on a budget.”

  He takes a drink and wipes his mouth. “Exactly. You’ve lost everything you owned. Add it to my tab.”

  I shake my head. “Nope, you know us Barnes kids don’t like people feeling sorry for us.”

  “I don’t feel sorry for your evil, G.I. Joe–killing ass. I’m having a good night, and I already told everyone at our table that drinks are on me.”

  I tap his head while he takes another drink and then move around the table to complete my hugging and greeting duty to everyone, including Willow, Dallas, and Stella. That takes a good fifteen minutes. A crowd of people surrounds the bar, but luckily, Maliki skips over them and heads straight to me.

  A smile beams on his dark-skinned face. “There’s my favorite arsonist nurse. What can I get you? Fireball?”

  I lean against the bar to smack his shoulder. “So hilarious, ass. There goes your tip.”

  Maliki and I had a thing for a few months last year. He graduated with Hudson, and neither one of us was looking for anything serious, so we didn’t feel the need to tell anyone. Not an ounce of drama happened after parting ways when the flame dimmed. That’s the kind of sex relationship I want.

  Perhaps I should ask him to share his bed with me tonight to fuck out all the sexual thoughts I’ve been having about Gage.

  I shake my head. Nope. That’s a bitchy thing to do. I won’t use someone to get back at my pain-in-the-ass ex.

  Maliki grins, showing off his bright white teeth. “Your usual? Lemon drop martini?”

  I tap my chin. “I might be in need of something stronger this evening.”

  “Rough week?”

  “Considering I’m homeless, yes.”

  He goes to open his mouth, most likely about to offer up his spare bedroom, when someone wedges himself between us, stopping him.

  “My tab, man.”


  Just as I said, you never fail to run into someone you hate.

  And what’s up with everyone offering to buy my drinks? This chick buys her own drinks. Period.

  The smile I had for Maliki slips, and the headache from earlier is creeping back in.

  “Really?” I grumble. I don’t have to look to know who it is. Not only do I recognize his voice, but I also recognize the smell of him, the heat of his body brushing against mine. “Maliki, do not add it to his tab. I don’t accept favors from douche lords.”

  “Can’t have a homeless woman buying her drinks,” Gage throws back.

  I give him a glassy stare when I finally turn to look at him and blow out a series of breaths. He’s wearing a blue button-up flannel and what appears to be jeans, but I can’t exactly shove away the person behind me, blocking half of him from my view. A light scruff still covers his cheeks, and I wonder if that’s his everyday look now. It saddens me that I’m not sure if every change in him is recent or if he’s been doing it for years and it’s only new to me.

  Maliki holds his palms up and breaks my attention from Gage. “The nightly goal of every bartender is not dealing with patrons’ drama.” He snaps his fingers and points to me. “Something strong is coming your way.” His focus moves to Gage. “You two work your soap-opera shit out before I come back.”

  “I think this proves you are stalking me,” I grumble to Gage.

  He rests his elbow on the bar and leans against it, facing me. “It’s a small town, Dyson. Get used to seeing me around.”

  “Small town, my ass. You’ve been here for weeks without us running into each other. Now, all of a sudden, you’re everywhere. I’m not about to become a star of Dateline. Everyone loved Lauren … and her ex-boyfriend loved her a little too much.” I wisp my hand through the air. “Blah, blah, blah.”

  “Again, don’t flatter yourself, sweetheart. I had no idea you’d be here tonight.” He gestures to the door. “I can leave if it’ll make you more comfortable.” He lowers his gaze on me. “Or we can leave and fuck our hate toward each other away.”


  Maliki slid some blue concoction in front of me at the same time Gage said those words. His eyes wide, Maliki holds his hands up while retreating backward and walking away.

  I shyly look away and catch my breath before managing to give Gage a cold stare while hating myself for the excitement rushing through me at the idea of hate fucking. I rub my legs together to ease the sudden tension.

  Sex with Gage was incredible when we were younger. I can only imagine what it’s like with him now that he’s older and more experienced.

  Damn. The mood is ruined now that I’ve thought about him with other women.

  I turn around and lean back against the bar, my drink in my hand. “Screw you. You can stay. I don’t want to be blamed for your lack of getting laid again.”

  He raises a brow. “That an offer?”

  “Absolutely not. That’s a kind way of saying, Stay out of my way, and I’ll stay out of yours. You’re right. We’re going to see each other. Let’s not make a big deal about it during every encounter, okay?”

  “I heard you were back in town, brother.”

  I freeze at the sound and sight of Derrick Howard, the man I lied about sleeping with. He slaps Gage on the back while smiling at him.

  “Let me buy you a drink,” he goes on.


  Gage pulls away from him in disgust. “I’d recommend not touching me, brother.”

  “What?” Derrick asks around a confused laugh before slapping his leg. “Come on, man. It’s been nearly a decade. Let’s bury that high school rivalry shit.”

  Gage tilts his beer toward me with what sounds like a growl coming from his throat. “It’s not done when you’re fucking her. When it comes to Lauren, it’ll never be done.”

  Derrick looks at me in confusion. “What is he talking about? We barely speak.”

  “Nothing,” I answer, and I grab Gage’s arm. “We need to talk in private.”

  Derrick might be a dick, but that doesn’t mean he deserves to get his ass kicked.

  Gage slips out of my hold. “No, we don’t.”

  “My sex life is none of your business,” I snap.

  “You’re right. Just answer me this one question, and I’ll stop. I won’t talk to you anymore. I’ll let you and Derrick fuck yourselves happy.” His voice breaks. “Please.”

  “Gage, I’m not fucking Lauren,” De
rrick says. “You two figure your shit out and leave me out of it.” He turns around and walks away without waiting for a response.

  “All I needed to know,” Gage yells to his back and glances at me. “This a new hobby of yours? Lying about whom you’re sleeping with?”

  I bite into my lip, answering honestly, “Sort of.”

  “Why? Is your mission in life to piss me off?”

  “To be honest, yes. It’s revenge for arresting me.”

  “Let me get this straight. You left me. You walked away for some bullshit reason after I begged you not to. Then, you tell me you’re sleeping with the dude I fought numerous times for attempting to fuck around with you. If anyone should hate anyone’s guts, it’s me who should hate yours.”

  He turns around and walks away before I can answer him. I stare at his back while he maneuvers around the crowd and heads to Hudson’s table. Hudson slaps him on the back, and they start what looks like a comfortable conversation. Hudson doesn’t seem surprised to see him.

  Not fucking cool.

  I grab my drink and stomp over to Hudson as Gage moves around the table to talk to Dallas.

  “You didn’t think it’d be cool to give me a heads-up that he was back in town?” I ask Hudson, pulling out the stool next to him with added force and falling down on it.

  He and I are close and spent a lot of time together growing up. Gage and I double-dated with him and his ex all the time in high school.

  “It’s a sore subject for you,” he answers. “Anytime his name was mentioned after you broke up, you would leave the room.”

  “You know what was also a sore subject? When I found out my best friend was cheating on you and I told her to never come near me again.” I press my drink to my lips. “Apparently, you’ve forgotten what loyalty means.”

  He shakes his head while slowly running a finger through his short beard. “The situation is different. Gage didn’t fuck around on you with someone else. Otherwise, he wouldn’t be walking. I didn’t tell you because I didn’t want to hurt you. Something sour went down between the two of you, and I know you have so much going on. You didn’t need any more stress.”

  I glance over at Gage at the same time he moves around the table to my side.

  He leans down, his elbows resting on the wood, and lowers his voice. “You staying at your parents’?” he asks.

  I clear my throat to gain some time to get myself together. The feelings I have when he’s this close are embarrassing. “Kind of have no other option.”

  There’s a hint of mint and beer on his breath. “You can stay in the loft if you want.”

  I scoff, “You’re joking.”

  He shakes his head. “My dad is listing it for rent in the paper this week for extra money.”

  “Where would you stay?”

  “In the house with him.”

  I look around to see if people’s eyes are on us, and about a dozen are staring. Both of my brothers have all their attention on their girls, and a few women have their gaze on Gage, assessing the situation to see if we’re back together.

  “Don’t you think that’d be a little weird?”

  More along the lines of extremely weird.

  “Think on it and get back with me.” He grabs his beer and tilts it my way. “Enjoy your night. If you need a ride again, let me know.”

  I watch his back as he walks away, and he joins a group of men at a table in the corner of the room. I finish my drink and depart for another one.

  More alcohol equals fewer feelings.

  “I have to say, I’m pissed you’re not in jail.”

  I turn around at the gravelly voice to find Ronnie standing behind me. He takes my frown as an invitation to move to my side. He’s, of course, wearing a suit in this hole-in-the-wall pub. His blond hair is gelled to perfection, like he’s still a frat boy bonging beers in loafers, and his arrogance reeks from here.

  “Word is, your little friend over there never took you in,” he goes on.

  “File a report, Ronnie,” I answer. “I didn’t set the building on fire.”

  The strong scent of him hits me as he comes in closer.

  “I’ll leave this alone if you give me one date. One. That’s all I’m asking.”

  “No. I’ve made it clear that I’m not dating at the moment.”

  I look around the bar for my brothers. If they see this jackass talking to me, they’ll no doubt put him in his place. I don’t see either one of them.

  Ronnie inherited the building but didn’t grow up in Blue Beech. He grew up in some big city, attended a prestigious school, and came into town thinking he’d impress people with his money and expensive cars.

  “Come on. I have to be better than these small-town chumps around here.” He flashes me a smile. “You work nonstop. I own several buildings and will take care of you.”

  I grimace and pull away when he runs his hand down my arm.

  “And I can promise, it won’t only be financially. I do magical things with my tongue. Come home with me tonight.”

  I’ve seen enough rape victims come into the ER to know this man is a threat. Pissing him off, turning him down, will only make him more persistent.

  I order a water instead of an alcoholic drink from Maliki and fake a laugh when I look back at Ronnie. “I have an early shift tomorrow and am staying with my parents. They’re giving me the same curfew I had in high school.”

  Please buy it. Buy it.



  Am I fucking crazy?

  Why in the living hell would I offer Lauren the loft? My loft?

  Not only did I do that, but I also lied about it being available for rent.

  It’s not—again, because it’s my motherfucking loft.

  The keeping my distance plan with Lauren is deteriorating fast. That woman has been my weakness from day one, and that weakness fucked up my life in so many ways.

  I straighten in my stool when I notice Douche-Bag Landlord meeting her at the bar. He runs his sleazy hand down her arm, and she pulls away from his touch with revulsion on her face.

  I slide off my stool at the same time she steps away from him, grabbing the glass of water Maliki slid over to her.

  Good girl.

  I flinch when a hand hits my arm.

  “Gage, man, don’t do anything stupid that’ll cost you your job,” Kyle warns. “You might’ve gotten away with roughing dudes up in Chicago, but that shit won’t fly here. You put your hands on that guy, and he’ll demand you lose your badge. I had the displeasure of hanging out with him while you ran off to do who knows what with your girl of destruction. He went on and on about how much money he has, how many cars he owns, and the endless parade of chicks he bangs. Dude will press charges in a heartbeat and demand you lose your badge.” He tips his beer to his lips and takes a drink. “Not to mention, Lauren’s ass won’t fall for his bullshit. That girl is fucking evil.”

  As much as I want to, I can’t bring myself to sit back down. If he touches her again, fuck my badge, fuck my job. I rub a sweaty hand over my forehead.

  She’s not yours to protect any longer.

  I have to pound that through my thick skull and broken heart.

  My attention stays pinned on her as she maneuvers through the crowd, holding her water in the air, and goes back to her table. I sit back down and make myself comfortable, knowing she’s surrounded by a layer of her brothers’ protection.

  She circles the table, hugging everyone, and finishes off her water before heading to the door. I start to relax—until she goes outside, and the landlord does the same minutes later.

  This time, I ignore Kyle’s protests as I stalk out of the bar and into the parking lot. It’s close to empty, which surprises me. Patrons are usually gathered out here, smoking and shooting the shit.

  I follow the sound of his voice.

  “Come on, baby. One night. You won’t regret it. Trust me.”

  “I told you, my parents are expecting me,” she answer
s. “I already called and told them I was on my way home.”

  I round the corner to find Lauren standing in front of her pink Mustang with Douche-Bag standing in front of her, blocking her from opening the door.

  He snags her around the waist, and she pushes him away. “Then we can go to my car and mess around. A quick fuck then I’ll take you to dinner tomorrow.”

  “You couldn’t pay me to touch you, asshole.”

  He grabs her arms and pins them above her. “Baby, don’t tempt me. Money talks. It always does.”

  He turns her head to the side as he grows closer, and I yell at the top of my lungs while running toward them.

  “How much will it take? A few hundred? I’m willing to pay thousands to get between your legs. Now that I think about it, you need a place to stay. My bed is always open.”

  The idiot is practically screaming out his assault.

  “You’d better step the fuck away from her before I bash your skull in,” I yell, finally catching his attention.

  He releases her and holds his hands up. “No need to interfere. My girl and I are having a little spat. We’ll be on our way.”

  “I’m not your girl, sicko,” Lauren yells.

  She pushes him, and he stumbles backward.

  He stares at me, blinking, while I clench my fist in hopes that I can control it from hitting his face.

  “You’re the officer who arrested her,” he says.

  “No shit, and she wasn’t your girl when you demanded I do that,” I reply.

  “I now see why I haven’t been updated on any charges.” He lets out a gravelly laugh. “Looks like I’m not the only man who wants a piece of her. It’s always more tempting when you have to work for it.”

  Anger spirals through my veins, and I hold my clenched fists up. “I’m giving you five seconds to split before I bust your jaw open.”

  Pretty boy doesn’t take it as an idle threat.

  He swiftly glances at Lauren. “You have my card. Let me know when you’re ready for some quality dick.”


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