Taking His Woman

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Taking His Woman Page 9

by Sam Crescent

  Chris scented her musky arousal. He kept three fingers inside her as he sucked her clit into his mouth.

  She screamed, the sound filling the room and his ears like the sweetest classical music of all time. He could listen to her pleasurable noises for the rest of his life. Her cum pulsed around his fingers. He pumped his digits inside her, wishing that it was his cock. However, he wanted to look at her sweet pussy more than fuck her. So many wants and needs could not be filled in one morning. He had the rest of his life to show her the power of true passion and lust.

  Running down from her clit, he removed his fingers and replaced them with his tongue.

  He fucked her cunt with his tongue, tasting all of her cum as it slid into his mouth. She was addictive to him. Erica pushed her hips up to meet him. Chris pulled away.

  “Look at me, Erica,” he said.

  She opened her eyes, which had shut some time when he sucked her clit into his mouth.

  “I want you to watch me.” He placed a pillow under her head for a better angle. She held onto the arm of the couch as he put one of her legs along the back of the sofa and the other on the floor. She was open, wet, and willing.

  Chris loved her body while she watched. He sucked on her clit, fucked her cunt, and savoured every delicious moment.

  Her cries permeated the air, and her pelvis thrust up to meet him for every touch. He prolonged her release for as long as possible until he couldn’t hold it back any more. Pushing three fingers inside her, he flicked her clit. Her pussy squeezed him, her hips rose, and he finally catapulted her into her release.

  Afterwards he held her. Work was forgotten with her in his lap. He kissed her head and held her shaking form. Chris hoped she’d find the courage to tell him the truth about what she wanted.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Erica couldn’t tell him. She watched him for hours on end to try to find the right time to tell him her desire. Every time she found a reason to hold back. Their painful beginning was a factor. They’d spend so much of their relationship at loggerheads that she didn’t want to cause any problems now. She read her books and tried to forget about her rampant desires.

  The more she put off telling him, the harder the love-making seemed to be. His passions became more demanding. He would fuck her without saying a word, then treat her with so much love he had her bursting into tears.

  She wanted to open up to him so badly, but like always, she held back. When she wasn’t working or thinking about her dilemma with Chris, she spent a great deal of time with Elizabeth. Trent was helping her to read and write. She knew her sister wouldn’t accept charity from him, so she cleaned Trent’s house, cooked for him, and did his laundry. In return, he paid her and taught her at the end of the day.

  Erica helped where she could, listening to her older sister try to read certain letters. At times while she listened and watched the concentration on her sister’s face, she felt guilty. Throughout growing up, she could have been there for her sister. Instead, at the first opportunity she had left.

  One afternoon after work, she listened to her sister read a child’s books. She stumbled over the words a few times, and Erica helped her. Elizabeth was putting the book away when she turned to her.

  “What’s going on with you?” she asked.

  “What do you mean? Nothing is going on. That was some good reading.” Trent had told her to praise her sister when she could but not to patronise her efforts.

  “Thank you. Don’t change the subject. I know you’re listening to me, and I can see you’re thinking about something else.”

  Erica shifted on the couch feeling uncomfortable under her sister’s scrutiny. She thought it amusing that she felt uncomfortable under her sister’s watchful eye but turned on when Chris stared at her in that way.

  “I don’t want to talk about it.”

  Elizabeth took her hand. “I’ve spent most of my adult life unable to read and living in a dump because I didn’t feel I was worth anything. My proudest moment was seeing you off on that bus into the city. I’ve done right by you. Please don’t make me wish I was back there because you can’t confide in me. I’m thirty years old and dealing with some crap. Please, tell me.”

  The tears sprang to Erica’s eyes. Compared with the problems her sister faced daily, her issues seemed irrelevant.

  “They’re stupid. I’ve not got half the problems you’ve had to deal with.” She stared down in her lap. The need to talk to someone was burning through to her soul.

  “I’m still here, Erica. My problems are my own. We’re sisters. No matter the problem we should be able to share with each other. Don’t let our differences in situations cloud your judgement.” Her sister always sounded so smart. It was what made the knowledge of her lack of reading and writing so hard to believe.

  “I’ve been reading some stuff,” Erica said, licking her lips. The heat filled her cheeks from her embarrassment.

  “What kind of stuff?”

  “Erotic romance. Don’t laugh or anything. I think I’m addicted to sex. Or at least freaky kind of sex.”

  When her sister didn’t laugh or make a sound, she glanced up. Elizabeth was waiting for her to continue.

  “What do you mean freaky kind of sex? All I’m thinking about is you being crawled on by a load of spiders and being turned on, and that would be freaky.”

  Erica laughed. “Don’t make fun of me.”

  “I’m not. Seriously, what do you think is freaky? I have no idea what kind of sex is freaky.”

  “Chris is wonderful. He’s tender and loving, and he makes me feel whole.”

  “He can’t be that great if you think something is wrong with you,” Elizabeth said. “Get to the good stuff. I don’t need to hear about how wonderful my sister’s fiancé is in the bedroom. That’s creepy.”

  “Why? Chris is wonderful.” Erica couldn’t help but defend her man.

  “Don’t get so defensive. He’s great for you, but I’ve watched him with you, and there is something dark or intense about him that scares me a little. I like him because the only woman he sees is you.” Elizabeth had been to their house for dinner with Trent. Erica sat back, staring at her sister and thinking about what she’d said.

  “You think he’s dark?”

  “I don’t know, Erica. I’m not that great around men. The most men I’ve seen are the ones mum came home with. Let’s face it. They’re not easy on the eyes.”

  Erica couldn’t argue with her sister. “Have you been with a man?”

  Her sister looked uncomfortable. “No. After a few of her boyfriends tried to get into my pants, I locked my door and fit a barricade over it so no one could get into my room. That house could be falling ‘round our ears, but no one was getting through that door without my say so.”

  Erica laughed at her sister. She could imagine what she’d do to keep people away from her.

  “You’re a virgin?”

  Elizabeth nodded. “Pathetic, I know. Thirty years old and a virgin. The shit life I’ve led you’d think I’d be fucking everything with a dick. Watching the way the men were with mum, I knew I didn’t want to be just another screw. When I give myself to a man, I want it to be because he loves me.”

  Erica could relate to her sister’s words. Erica had waited for Chris. Everything that happened after had meant nothing. When he’d taken her innocence it had been the most amazing feeling in the world.

  “You want my advice? Talk to Chris. He loves you, and I’m sure he’ll want to know the kind of freaky sex you want. He’s older and has probably done most of it. Talk to your soon-to-be-husband. If you can’t be open with him, why are you marrying him?”

  Erica thought about her sister’s words on the way home. She knew she should just tell him. The traffic blurred as her decision became final. She would tell him tonight when he got back from his business dinner. He said he’d be home to change before leaving, but she didn’t want him thinking about her revelation over food where she couldn’t see him.

>   ****

  Chris moved the drawer out of the way to grab his cufflink. In the process something fell with a heavy thud. Frowning, he leaned under the bed and pulled out what had fallen. It was a book. He turned it over to look at the cover on the front. The picture was of a woman bound before a man, who held a whip coiled in his fist. His free hand was gripping the woman’s hair in a firm grasp.

  The cufflink forgotten, Chris sat on the edge of the bed and read the back of the book. It was clear the book was about dominance and submission. He flicked to the page to where Erica had obviously dog-eared the page. Chris smiled thinking about the many books she’d pulled out of his library that now had a page marked from her lack of a book mark.

  Intrigued, he began to read the page she’d left. He turned a couple of pages to the beginning so he could get the whole scene.

  By the end, he was hard as rock. Erica had hidden the book under the bed. Without thinking, he opened her side unit and then a few of her drawers, discovering more erotic books with a similar theme.

  Chris was no virgin. Before Erica, he’d had many women and had experimented in everything. He’d even experimented with his own sex for the fun of it. No one knew about his exploits. He kept most of his private life, private.

  Holding the book in his hand, he went in search of the woman in question. She was in the kitchen, tossing some pasta in a pan of tomato sauce.

  “Hi. Did you find those cufflinks?” she asked.

  He wasn’t upset with her over the reading material. If anything, he wondered why she hadn’t shared these with him.

  “Yes. I did. Look what else I found.” Chris put the book on the counter next to the cooker. He watched her reaction closely. Her face went the shade of beet-root, and her hands shook as she picked it up. The reading material and all of her actions leading up to this point made sense. His woman was unsatisfied and didn’t know how to tell him. Chris wasn’t insulted. He held a great deal back because he didn’t want to scare her. Passion could affect everyone in different ways.

  “Interesting reading material while I’m not here.” He lifted an eyebrow. She bowed her head, looking away from him. He didn’t want her being afraid.

  “I don’t know what you mean. I haven’t seen this before.” Chris chuckled. He moved round the counter, standing behind her. Curling an arm around her waist, he pressed his cock against her ass.

  “I’m not upset, baby. Is this book yours?” he asked.

  “Do you promise not to be mad?”

  “I promise.”

  “Yes. I’ve read this book.”

  “And a few others.”

  He leaned round her, turning off the hob. The flame died out. Her saucepan of tomatoes and basil-covered pasta was forgotten. Turning her around to face him, Chris cupped her cheek in his palm.

  “Don’t you have to go out?” she asked.

  “Not if I don’t want to. I’ve only been invited to go, and that was before you were back in my life. It’s business, and Blaze has Cassie to go with him. I was only going because I said I would. I’d rather be home with you. My gorgeous, sexy, soon-to-be-wife.” He ran his thumb over her bottom lip. The fullness called for him to sink other body parts inside her. “Have you fingered yourself imagining scenes from the books?”

  “Yes,” she whispered.

  “Hey.” He lifted her head to look at him. “Don’t ever be embarrassed or ashamed about your desires.”

  “But I shouldn’t be needing that. I’ve got you, and it’s freaky,” she said.

  “There is nothing freaky about wanting to try new things, love. And I’ve not been fulfilling everything you need.” He wasn’t upset. Chris was excited at the prospect of exploring so much more with her. Their age gap always held him back for fear of hurting her in some way. Women needed to know when they were ready to broaden their horizons, not have a man force a woman into situations that risked scarring them beyond repair.

  “I love being with you.”

  “I know, but we can still be together and delve into something kinkier if you would like.” He unbuttoned her shirt. She didn’t protest.

  “I’m not sure,” she said.

  “I can’t promise to go intense on you, but I think I could extend to a firm spanking and certainly some outdoor sex. I noticed you marked the page where he takes her from behind in the back of the car, and where he puts his hand print on her ass.”

  If it was possible her face went a deeper shade of red.

  “I’m hard, baby.” He rubbed his cock against her pussy. Chris lifted her onto the counter, pushing her skirt out of the way. She opened her legs wide. Most of their love-making had taken place in bed. He wanted to prove to her that their time together meant more to him than a quick tumble in the sheets.

  “I love you, Erica. What happens between us would never tear us apart. I want to explore your desires with you, every step of the way.”

  “Are you sure?” she asked. She looked and sounded so vulnerable.

  “You’re going to be my wife. I want to share everything with you. When you close your eyes all I want you to see is me. I’m a selfish bastard, Erica. I won’t share you, but I’ll give you everything you need.”

  “I love you, Chris. Always.”

  “You own my heart, baby. You’ve forgiven me for what I did to you in the past. You’ve opened your heart to me. Going on this path would be the greatest pleasure. Only for you, Erica.”

  He claimed her lips in a consuming kiss. There was nothing gentle. He put all of his love, passion, and desire into the kiss. Chris wanted to show her with his actions rather than words what she meant to him.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Erica cried out as he ripped her panties from her body. The action was so violent it should have scared her. But it didn’t scare her; it excited her. How could she have been with a man for the past few months and never known this side of him? The intense way he was staring at her as she unzipped his pants, pulling out his cock, shocked her. There was no foreplay. He pulled her to the edge of the counter and slammed inside her in one hard thrust.

  Their groans mingled.

  “I feel how wet you are, Erica. Tell me what you want. I’d love to be part of this,” he said. Her shirt fell onto the floor, followed by her bra. Her tits bounced with every hard push of his cock.

  “I want to be with you, Chris. Only you,” she said. He tweaked her nipples, and the sensation went straight to her clit. She clawed at his back trying to feel his flesh.

  Chris pulled away long enough to get his shirt off. His trousers were round his knees, and she found his state of dress highly erotic. Her skirt was round her waist as he held her hips and pressed back inside her.

  “Fuck, you’re so tight.”

  “More, please, I want more.”

  “Tell me to fuck your cunt,” he said.

  He’d never used that word with her. She stared at him in shock, her body pulsing with fresh arousal at his words. In the books, men talked to women like that, and hearing it from him sent her desire shooting sky high.

  “Fuck my cunt, Chris.” He plunged inside her in one smooth, hard thrust. She cried out, clawing at his back for something to hold on to.

  “You feel so good around my cock, Erica.”

  Staring down into his eyes, she saw the lust for her in his depths.

  “I want you. Harder.” She gave herself over to what her body demanded. Their whole world was opening up with the revelation of their sexual desire. The lust building between them was like a blaze that could not be put out. She was going to talk to him tonight. His finding the book had brought forward her conversation.

  He fucked and made love to her on the kitchen counter. Chris took her to new heights that she had never known existed. Her tits bounced, and he bit down on the tips. She cried out. The sound was not muffled and led to more screams of release.

  “Give it to me, baby. Let me hear you take your pleasure. You’re my woman, and I’ll never let you go.”

sounded like he was making it a threat. To her it sounded more like a promise. There was no place she wanted to be other than in his arms.


  She wrapped her arms around him as he pressed her against the fridge, driving inside her harder than before. His cock was thick and firm, giving her all kinds of pleasure.

  When she was close, he pulled out, bent her over the counter and slipped inside her from behind.

  “I love that you’re going to be more open with me. Tell me what you want,” he said. Chris stopped moving giving her time to speak.

  “I want you to fuck me everywhere. I don’t want to confine ourselves to the bedroom. I want to have everything with you.”

  “We’ll do it, baby. There won’t be a surface or a place in this house that I don’t fuck you. I’m going to give you everything you’ve ever desired, and I’m still going to love you afterwards.”

  She cried out when he slapped her ass, the sound of the smack shocking her. The heat on her ass sent a burn of pleasure to her clit.

  “Again,” she asked. The next slap landed on her thigh. She’d read about the pleasure from being spanked but had never thought it was possible to feel so damned good.

  Smack. Smack. Smack.

  He took it in turns changing the angle and where he landed. She knew she would want him to spank her more often. The change in their relationship would be fiery, and she was looking forward to more.

  Chris slammed inside her, reaching round to finger her clit. She ground her ass against him. He changed the angle, stroking along a spot inside her body that made her scream for more. The pleasure he gave her overrode everything else in her body.

  Two more stokes to her clit and she bucked back against him. Her orgasm rode the pain and pleasure together. He held her hips and fucked her harder than ever before. She accepted him and felt so much happiness when his growl erupted in the air between them.


  Chris held her in his arms. The love he felt for her threatened to burst out of his chest. His grip around her waist kept her still. He knew she’s collapse on the floor without his touch.


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