Broken Fairytales Series Box Set (Broken Fairytales, Buried Castles, Shattered Crowns)

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Broken Fairytales Series Box Set (Broken Fairytales, Buried Castles, Shattered Crowns) Page 88

by Monica Alexander

  “What’s going on in here?” I asked, realizing just how close together they were sitting.

  “We were just discussing the show. I think it was a huge success,” Jonathan said smugly, and I knew he was lying.

  “You guys are doing a radio show tomorrow morning before we head out,” Emily said quickly, telling me what I already knew. I didn’t like that she was all darty-eyed.

  “I know,” I said blandly. “I’m going back to the hotel.”

  Then I turned to leave, figuring I wouldn’t pressure her into going with me if she wanted to stay and hang out with her new friend.

  “Zack, wait,” she called after me a few seconds later as I headed out the back door.

  “Stay if you want,” I said, not looking at her.

  “I don’t want to stay,” she said, as she caught up to me and slid her hand into mine.

  I squeezed it because I didn’t want to let her go, but a part of me felt like she was slipping from my grasp. I knew that if she didn’t want to come with me – and I didn’t just mean that night – she wouldn’t.

  “Are you mad?” she asked as we stepped outside the theater.

  Dwayne was waiting with the Hummer he’d rented for us, so we climbed inside. Our tour bus was in the parking lot, but we weren’t sleeping there. It was so cramped that we only slept there when we had to. I wondered if Derrick might end up in the bedroom and figured I’d have to change the sheets if that was the case since it was where Em and I usually slept.

  “Where to?” Dwayne asked.

  “We’re going to back to the hotel,” I told him, not answering Emily’s question.

  “Zack,” she said insistently. “Answer the question. Are you mad at me?”

  “I don’t want to talk about this here,” was all I said, and she sat back against the seat in a huff.

  Dwayne dropped us off in front of the hotel, and I followed Emily out of the Hummer. She reached for my hand as we walked inside, and I let her take it, even though I was fuming mad. We were silent the whole elevator ride up to our floor, and when we got inside our room, I let go of her hand and headed to the bathroom.

  After a shower to attempt to clear my head, I headed back out to see her sitting tentatively on the bed, still wearing the same sexy black top and my favorite skirt, her snakeskin heels still on her feet. She didn’t say anything as I got dressed, just putting the same jeans and t-shirt back on.

  “I don’t know what I did,” she finally said, and her voice was soft and scared.

  I turned to look at her slowly, and the look on her face nearly broke my resolve, but I’d been putting up with Jonathan trying to work his claws into her for too many weeks. I was over it.

  “Is this because I wouldn’t marry you tonight?”

  “No. It’s not.”

  “Then what is it, Zack. One minute you were fine, and the next you aren’t speaking to me. What did I do?”

  I crossed my arms over my chest. “Are you having second thoughts?” I asked, and she looked down.

  “About what?”

  It was bullshit that she was asking. She knew what I meant.

  “Marrying me. Being with me for the rest of your life. Are you worried that we’re too young? That you can do better than me? What is it?”

  Her eyes narrowed as I repeated Jonathan’s words back to her. “No,” she said slowly, cautiously. “Where is this coming from?”

  “I heard what he said to you.”

  “Who?” she asked cautiously, but she already knew.

  “Who do you think? His mic was still on after sound check. I could hear everything. He’s in love with you.”

  She suddenly got a horrified look on her face. “No, he’s not!”

  “He is. Trust me. Or else he just wants to get into your pants. I thought it was just that for a while, but after what he said tonight, I think there’s more to it.”

  “Well, I don’t have any feelings for him,” she defended. “He’s always been nice to me. He’s my friend. I can talk to him about stuff.”

  “Like me asking you to marry me tonight? That kind of stuff?”

  She sucked in a breath. “How did you know I talked to him about that?”

  “Lucky guess,” I said sarcastically. “I know you talked to him about our past and your history with Ben. Why wouldn’t you talk about me being all crazy and asking you to marry me because I was terrified I was going to lose you?”

  “Is that why you asked?”

  I looked down at the floor and shrugged.

  “Zack, no,” she said, stepping up to me. “You’re not going to lose me. I promise.”

  I looked up at her then. “I’m sure he tried to talk you out of it, didn’t he?”

  I just couldn’t let it go, even though she was telling me what I needed to hear.

  Emily got fire in her eyes in that moment. “For your information, after talking to him, I was going to go back and tell you yes. But you went ahead and ruined that, didn’t you?”

  I was stunned as she stormed past me into the bathroom and slammed the door behind her. Shit. I was pretty sure I’d just majorly fucked up. Why couldn’t I have left well enough alone? I had to push her.

  I waited a few seconds before I knocked on the door. “Princess?” I called out to her, softening my voice just enough to let her know how bad I felt.

  “Go away, Zack,” she just about screamed, but her words were choked off by a sob.

  I assumed the door was locked, but when I tried it, it opened easily. Emily looked up in surprise when I walked in, and I was triumphant for half a second until I saw her tear-stained cheeks.

  I pulled her into my arms before she could pull away, and she started sobbing against my chest. Fuck. I hated that we were fighting. I was too hot-headed for my own good sometimes.

  “I love you, you stupid asshole,” she said, as she slammed the soft part of her fist against my chest. “I would never, ever go for a guy like Jonathan. Shit, I haven’t so much as looked at another guy in almost a year. I’m wearing your ring on my goddamn finger. I turned down an amazing job so I could go on tour and be your publicist, all so I could be with you. Stop being a selfish prick. Stop–”

  Her rant was cut short by another sob that escaped.

  “I’m sorry, princess,” I said, pulling her tight against my chest. “I’m so sorry. You’re right, I’m an asshole. You have every right to be mad at me.”

  “You’re damn right I do,” she said, her face smashed against my chest as I rubbed her back.

  I pulled back and looked at her for a second. She was looking up at me like she’d been wounded. It broke my damn heart. Before I could stop myself, I crushed my lips against hers, kissing her with everything in me, letting her know through that kiss just how much I loved her. After a few seconds, I felt her arms wrap around my neck, her five inch heels making her much taller than normal.

  “I love you so fucking much,” I said in between kisses. “I just want to call you my wife, for you to have my last name. I want the whole world to know that you’re mine, and that I’m yours. I want your ring on my goddamn finger.”

  “Zack, I want that too. More than anything,” she said as she kissed me back.

  “Do you?” I asked, the relief I felt so evident in my voice.

  She pulled back and looked at me. “Yes, of course I do. I want to be your wife. I want to wake up next to you every day for the rest of my life. I want to experience everything in life with you, because you mean everything to me, and I love you. Zack, if there’s one thing I’m sure about it’s that I want to be with you forever.”

  I breathed out a sigh of relief as the tension suddenly left me, and I rested my forehead against hers. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry for doubting you.”

  “I know, baby,” she said, her hand cupping my face.

  She was so damn understanding, especially when I didn’t deserve it.

  “I was an asshole. I’m sorry,” I repeated, because I needed her to hear it.

; “I know. I know. Just – just don’t do it again. Don’t ever doubt what I feel for you.”

  I nodded. “I won’t. I promise, I won’t.”

  She lifted her head to kiss me again, pressing her body against mine. I had her practically pinned up against the wall of the bathroom as I furiously returned her kiss, probably more aggressive than I need to be, but in that moment, I just needed to be close to her. And she must have felt the same thing since her hands reached for the waistband of my jeans that I’d pulled on sans boxer briefs, and she started to undo them. When she got the button undone, she yanked my jeans down, and I lifted her as she straddled my waist, my erection pressing against her.

  In one swift move, I reached between her legs and tore the lace panties she was wearing before I pushed into her, making her cry out and throw her head back. Taking advantage of her exposed neck, I landed my lips on her skin and kissed and sucked furiously, my tongue ring grazing her skin as I pounded into her, her screams and moans growing louder and more reckless as she completely let go.

  I had so much pent-up aggravation and rage that I was being more aggressive than usual, and when she toppled over the edge a few minutes later, I followed her. I groaned loudly as I let my body go slack and pinned her to the wall while my head fell onto her shoulder and I gasped for breath. In my ear, I could hear her doing the same.

  “I love you,” I rasped out. “I love you.”

  “I love you too,” she repeated, her breath coming in short bursts, and I smiled against her skin.

  I was so relieved that we were okay. She owned my whole heart, and only she had the ability to crush it if she wanted. I couldn’t let that happen.

  “I thought we were supposed to wait until after we got married to consummate our relationship,” she breathed out.

  I pulled back to look at her and grinned. “I think we’re a little past that stage, princess.”

  She smirked at me. “We haven’t consummated our marriage yet.”

  I knew my eyes got wide as she caught me off-guard. “What are you saying?”

  “Let’s get married. Tonight. Just us, and then when we get back home at Christmas, we can have a big party at the beach house and invite all our friends. I’ll wear the dress I ordered, Lily can still be our flower girl, and we can even redo our vows if you want.”

  My heart started to pound hard and fast in my chest. “You’re sure?”

  She nodded. “I want to be your wife, Zack. I know we’re young, but I’m never going to want anyone but you so why hold off any longer?”

  “I. Love. You. So. Much,” I said, kissing her between each word.

  “I love you more, and I hate fighting with you.”

  “Me too. I’m sorry I overreacted.”

  She shook her head. “No, you had every right to. I knew how Jonathan felt about me, but I was ignoring it because I like him as a friend. Trust me, he could never take the place of you. He’s too good. I like my men bad.”

  “I’m not that bad.”

  She cocked an eyebrow at me. “You’re a hot, badass rock star who has never given me anything but screaming orgasms – and I’m not talking about the drink you tried to seduce me with once.”

  “Hey, that worked,” I pointed out.

  “Maybe so, but so did this skirt.”

  “I fucking love that skirt,” I growled, as I finally pulled out of her and set her on her feet.

  “I know. It’s why I wore it tonight,” she said simply. “I like the idea of you thinking about me when there are hundreds of women screaming your name and imagining what it would be like to see you how only I get to see you.”

  “I never notice any of them. I only see you,” I said truthfully.

  “I know. I’m going to need a few minutes,” she said then, and I looked at her in confusion.


  “I’m not getting married looking like I just got fucked,” she said so casually that I almost choked.

  Thankfully I recovered quickly. “But you did just get fucked,” I teased.

  “I know that, but the whole world does not need to know that when I walk down the street.”

  “Fine,” I said, smacking her ass as I left her alone in the bathroom.

  I walked out to our room and picked up my cell phone. I needed to call the guys.

  Chapter Twenty-Three


  “Your phone’s ringing,” Cole said in between kisses.

  We were lying on the bed in my hotel room where he’d tackled me when we first walked in the room, and we hadn’t moved for the past half hour. I could seriously kiss that man all day long if he’d let me.

  He’d made a habit of surprising me at the most unexpected times, which I was learning to love. He hadn’t even told me he was coming to Vegas. He just showed up and stood there in the front row looking all hot with a shit-eating grin on his face, because he knew the second I saw him I was going to want to jump off the stage and into his arms, but I wouldn’t be able to since we were in mid-song.

  I’d loved that he’d seen the whole performance, though. That was pretty freaking awesome since the last time he’d seen me on stage had been when we were in Tampa, and I was so shocked to see him in the audience then, but it was for a completely different reason. Now that we were together, that we were in love – sappy, ridiculous, miss the other person when they leave the room kind of love – I’d just been excited to see him. The fact that we hadn’t seen each other since I’d left for L.A. a week and a half earlier had been starting to eat away at me. He’d really picked the perfect time to visit.

  As my phone continued to ring, I ignored it and kissed him furiously, never wanting to stop. I hadn’t realized how much I would miss him until he was there. I didn’t want him to ever leave.

  “Drew, your phone.”

  Why the hell was he concerned with my damn phone? There were much more pressing issues that needed to be attended to, namely the one pressing against his thigh as our legs tangled together.

  “Ignore it,” I said, as my hand slid down to cup his ass. “It’ll go to voicemail.”

  Cole groaned, as I shifted him so our erections were pressing together. The phone stopped ringing, but then it started right back up again a few seconds later.

  “I think you need to answer that,” he said, and I wanted to smack him.

  “Fine,” I growled, as he rolled off of me. I reached for my phone on the side table and saw it was Zack. “What?”

  “I need your help,” he said.

  “Dude, I’m kind of in the middle of something,” I said, looking longingly at Cole who was lying shirtless on my bed, watching me, the bulge in his jeans so inviting. He smirked at me.

  “Come on, Drew. Please. Em and I are getting married tonight, and we need two witnesses. We don’t want to use the people at the wedding chapel. We want our friends to be there. I want you to come.”

  I groaned, even though it was kind of a big deal. Zack and Em were getting married. I guess it was sort of on a whim too since they’d been planning a wedding in the spring at Zack’s beach house. I wondered what made them move it up. I hoped she wasn’t pregnant. Selfishly, I knew that would be a damper on the four month long tour we had planned for the following year.

  “How long until you need us?” I asked, as Cole leaned forward and pressed kisses against my bare stomach.

  “Thirty minutes,” Zack said, and I sucked in a breath I hoped he couldn’t hear me as Cole’s lips trailed a line lower while his hands undid my jeans. “Tell me that wasn’t a zipper.”

  “It wasn’t a zipper,” I said, and Cole chuckled, as he pulled my boxer briefs down. Then his lips encircled me as he sucked me deep into his mouth. I groaned. I couldn’t help it. Then I let my head fall back and took deep breaths, trying to center myself and focus on the conversation I was having.

  “Are you actually getting head while I’m on the phone?” Zack asked, and I snapped back to attention.

  “No,” I lied.

�Bullshit. For the record, you’re sick.”

  “Fuck you,” I hissed out as Cole pulled me deep into his throat. “I’ll be in the lobby in thirty minutes.”

  “Bring Cole,” he said, and I froze. When he felt me stiffen, Cole froze too and looked up at me. I looked down at him, wishing things were easier, as he released me from his mouth.

  “I don’t want to. Derrick will be there,” I said regretfully.

  I was so afraid that Derrick would see me with Cole and revert back to the hate-spouting asshole he’d been. Things had been so good between us that I didn’t want them to change, and I knew in the back of my mind that they might.

  “I can’t get ahold of him,” Zack said. “Besides, if he says anything, then fuck him. Bring your boyfriend. He seems cool.”

  I took a deep breath, my head spinning from several things that were happening all at once, since Cole had started working me with his hand. “Okay. I will.”

  “Good deal. I’ll see you soon.”

  I dropped my phone on the bed, braced my hands above me on the headboard and looked down at Cole, loving the visual I was getting as his full lips wrapped around me again. Right when we both knew I was about to be finished, he released me from his mouth and crawled up my body.

  When he was flush against me, he paused for a second, his arms holding him up. I put my hands on his toned biceps, loving the feel of hard muscle and smooth skin. He leaned down and kissed me, his blond hair falling around his face.

  “We are going to a wedding,” I said around his lips, and he pulled back to look at me in confusion.

  “Okay. Who’s wedding?”

  I shook my head as I pulled his lips to mine again. “No time for questions. Get naked. We have to be downstairs in twenty-five minutes.”

  He grinned through his kiss as my hands reached for the button on his jeans. “I can do a lot in twenty-five minutes.”

  “That’s sort of what I’m counting on,” I said as I yanked his jeans over his ass only to find that he’d been going commando all night. God I loved when he did that. “Now that’s what I’m talking about.”

  He just grinned and crawled back up my over-sensitized body, promising me that I’d get the relief I was craving, that only he could give me.


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