Real Magic

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Real Magic Page 26

by Wayne W. Dyer

  If you truly believe and act to heal your body of diseases and conditions that you believed beyond your control, you will discover real magic. But the willingness to use trust and knowing will come to you only through your thoughts. And when you have that knowing, and believe in it, and go to it often in the ways I am suggesting here, you will be unable to go back to doubt.

  3. Realize that there are no limits. Begin reinforcing within your trusting mind that there are no limits existing within the physical world to your achieving real magic in your life. There is nothing to stop you from converting your illness to wellness. Nothing! If you are reading these lines and saying to yourself, “He is wrong, he doesn’t know about my condition,” then that is what you will be using to create your physical body as you read along right now. Your limits will be what you defend and believe, and you can only act upon what you think, even in the creation of the physical body that you occupy. That body is constantly being re-created each and every moment of your lifetime. The tools for recreating it, and reproducing the new cells that will replace the old, are all within your invisible self, your mind. Regardless of what any medical team may have convinced you of, regardless of what you experience of addiction to substances such as nicotine or caffeine or alcohol, regardless of your eating disorder that you so religiously hang on to—all of these conditions of your body, all of them, are capable of being reversed in some miraculous way. But only if you know and understand that the limitations that you experience are the result of limited thinking and limited believing. The very least you can do, rather than hanging on to your limitations, is to shift around how you are going to process your thoughts toward your body. Maybe, just maybe, those physical limitations that you know and experience are the result of your thinking.

  As you toss away your limited thinking, the teachers that have long been absent in your life will begin to appear and to guide you to miracles. But remember, thinking that you must have limitations is like putting a barricade in front of you that will not permit those teachers to appear in your life.

  4. Know that your life has a purpose. It is very likely that your physical body has been as purposeless as your nonphysical self. Everything on the planet has a purpose, including your visit here as a human being. It is part of the perfection of this inexplicably divine and perfect universe. You must get your body to purpose as well.

  The question “What is the lesson here?” must now be applied to your physical self. Seriously seek to discover the lesson embedded in your inability to accomplish certain tasks, the physical breakdown that you are experiencing, or the addiction to substances that you suffer. You can then switch from focusing on suffering to learning what you can from your illness, accident or addiction. Remember this method? I described it as the path of enlightenment through outcome in chapter 1. It is the path preceding that of purpose. First comes suffering, second is outcome, and third, purpose.

  At purpose, you no longer need to be focused on what the lesson is, because you know that your entire life is about giving and serving and reaching out to others. When you truly know that your life has a grand and heroic mission, you have realigned yourself as a spiritual being having a temporary human experience. Consequently, in order to fulfill your mission and stay purposeful, you will automatically provide your body with all of the most powerful fuel and love that you can muster for fulfillment of your purpose.

  You will find yourself wanting to exercise frequently and you will do it with love and appreciation for the perfection that your body represents. You will treasure your physical being as a vehicle that houses your soul, and you will be in awe of its perfection and beauty. You will not have any judgmental, ugly thoughts about it ever, because you will know in your heart that your purpose is about love and serving, and this means having harmonious, giving thoughts toward everyone and everything, including your body. When you align yourself with your purpose, so too will your body.

  It will be a joy to feed it properly, remove the poisons, heal it naturally and appreciate its perfection. Your life has a purpose! Don’t forget those important words. When you know it, act on it and live it daily, the teachers will begin to appear with regularity and guide you to real magic in your physical being.

  5. Overcome weakness by leaving it behind. Learn to practice leaving self-defeating habits behind you, rather than trying to outthink or outmanipulate them. It is amazing how quickly you can leave negative habits behind when you realign yourself as a spiritual being. It is like walking through a gate to a garden of health and happiness. What seems so difficult when you are thinking in terms of limitations is now miraculously simple to achieve. When you leave your old ways of thinking behind, your old ways of being remain back there as well.

  I was shocked at how easily I quit nicotine and caffeine. When I knew unconditionally that I no longer wanted those poisons in my body—and when I believed that quitting didn’t have to be difficult—I was easily freed from those substances. The addiction was my way of processing what I thought about addictions! Once I believed in myself, and saw my soul and body as divine and precious, I was automatically converted to a being who could create the miracle of ending my addictions. And believe me, changing from a person who smoked heavily and consumed gallons of caffeinated soda pop daily, to a person free of those substances, feels miraculous.

  I have had temptations placed before me countless times, but I never feel tempted. I have left that part of my life behind me, and it takes serious recollection to make me believe that I was once an addict to those poisons.

  One simply leaves those behaviors in the past. Going back is just as impossible as returning to crawling when one knows how to walk. You will leave behind those impediments to your journey automatically when you decide to proceed with the steps that I am outlining here.

  6. Examine what you believe to be impossible, and then change your beliefs. If you think that cancer is incurable, you will come to know there is no truth in this position for you. If you think you are relegated to a lifetime of addiction or disease or discomfort, you will reexamine that belief and begin to apply real-magic thinking in its place.

  The words “It’s impossible” are symbols for thoughts. The notion of impossibility is not a reality separate from our thoughts. Technically, in thought, which is dimensionless and formless, nothing is impossible. Your body, which appears to you to be a solid mass, upon closer examination is empty space, or consciousness. In fact, as we’ve seen, empty space dominates all matter, and the more powerful the microscope, the more you can see that, all the way to infinity, matter is composed of empty space. Or you’ll recall, as Robert Frost poetically described it, “the secret that sits in the center and knows.”

  As you go through your life, keep in mind that every cell in the universe, including those in your body, is composed of an invisible force. Forget about how to pronounce what it has come to be called, or how to spell it or label it. Know it is there, and that nothing is impossible in this dimension, including your ability to use that life force to make of your life in the physical sense all that you want it to be. Miracles can only happen when you get rid of that concept of impossible and allow yourself to experience the magic of believing.

  7. Go beyond logic. Abandon heavy reliance on your rational mind as your guide. Your rational mind plays tricks and deludes you. You cannot logically explain your own mind, where it is located, where it was before you showed up here in form, or where it goes when you leave.

  There’s a long list of things that defy rational explanation. What is a thought? How are thoughts connected to each other? How can mothers know what their babies are thinking? What allows geese to fly in formation without any training? How can a salmon get back to its spawning place? If we cannot even begin to explain what life is, let alone how we think, then why should we rely so heavily on that rational left-brained side of our humanity for what can and cannot be accomplished?

  Every cell in your body has the entire energy force of the universe loca
ted within it. Instead of perceiving yourself as one human in the vastness of the universe, try the reverse. Try imagining that the world is within you. In every cell of your body the world and all of its magic is present and available to you. If you use logic and rational analysis to try to explain miracles, you will soon be back thinking how impossible all of this is. You will trap yourself in your old patterns, helpless and hopeless about what is possible for you.

  Allow yourself the luxury of believing in the divinity of your own soul. Allow yourself to know that every thought you have is a miracle incapable of being explained away by logical, scientific discourse. Know that you, body and soul, are a miracle and that nothing you can imagine in your mind is impossible. Even the creation of life itself comes from that invisible dimension of thought.

  These are the seven steps to real magic, revisited for the benefit of applying them to your physical self. The way to the actual creation of that new self, as with everything you have to learn, begins and ends in your invisible self, that place with no boundaries where all of your actions are first set into motion—your magical mind.


  José Silva, the founder of the Silva Mind Control method, is a man I’ve admired for a long time. I have used the Silva method of visualization for many years. It has helped me overcome illnesses and accidents and avoid surgery. I was able to heal myself of a hernia that I had been advised would require surgery. Obviously I have a great deal of faith in the power of the mind to heal and assist us in creating higher and higher states of health.

  The following quote is from the preface to Silva’s powerful book You the Healer. I concur totally with his statement. This man has helped millions of people tap into their minds to create perfect health. I urge you to look for his books and tapes and even attend his training sessions around the country.

  You need not live a life of sickness.

  You need not die from ill health.

  It is your natural state to be healthy.

  It is your right to live a perfectly healthy life

  right up to the day you die of natural causes.

  Strong, powerful words. What else could you possibly want for yourself in your physical body? Simply to be healthy, happy, fully alive and free from sickness. Yet so many of us are not even close to accomplishing this.

  Several years ago my wife and I spent some time on the island of Bali in the South Pacific. We were fascinated by the way the people there related to each other. They had very little in the way of physical possessions, living mostly on an average family income of less than fifty U.S. dollars a month, but it seemed to matter little. There was a noticeable and much appreciated silence about the people, even in the large families where the children slept on dirt floors under straw roofs, and they looked into each other’s eyes rather than each other’s wallets. But what we didn’t realize until we returned home was how unhealthy we Westerners appear contrasted with the Balinese.

  After arriving in San Francisco to catch another flight to the East Coast, Marcie and I simultaneously looked at each other as we sat down on the plane, with the identical reaction. We were jolted by the appearance of most of the passengers. The people all around us, for the most part, showed evidence of anxiety in their skin and eyes and they looked so overweight. We hadn’t seen any of this on Bali, where, though the people lived in poverty, there was abundant healthy food thanks to its location in a lush rain forest climate on the equator. We saw not one overweight body and no one who appeared to be physically out of shape.

  We were struck by how our fellow passengers seemed unable to look each other in the eye and exemplified the Western inclination to look past each other into wallets and possessions. That attitude, combined with the evidence of physical deterioration, presented a sharp contrast to the people we had seen on Bali. It seemed clear to me that the Balinese and the Westerners were displaying physical evidence of their inner mind-set.

  Yet, most of those people on the plane would never for a moment consider that their physical appearance had anything to do with their inner thoughts. If asked why they felt so bad, or fatigued, or had so many colds and flu attacks, or spent so much time and money on painkillers and antibiotics, they would most likely attribute those conditions to the stresses of modern times. But it need not be that way. Your own health and healing capacities are located strictly within you.

  Silva presents numerous case studies of people who were told their physical ailments were beyond their control. One of those that he writes about is a man who had been a quadriplegic for eighteen years, with total paralysis on one side and 8 percent paralysis on the other. He had been diagnosed with multiple sclerosis, an incurable progressive disease. This man learned to go to the alpha state that I discussed in the section on meditation in chapter 3.

  On the first day of his training, he noticed some feeling in his little finger. From there, he began to set physical goals for himself that originated in his newfound power of healing with imagery through the alpha state of higher consciousness. Within eight months of daily alpha meditation training, he was able to drive a car even though he was still restricted to a wheelchair. Then he decided he wanted to climb stairs and walk on his own. He created his own miracle in fourteen months of deliberate mind training, and walked up those stairs.

  What is relevant here is how this relates specifically to you. The message I wish to impart is that you are capable of picturing the highest state of physical health for yourself within the confines of your mind. And it is these pictures, these mental movies, that are the very stuff of which miracles are made.

  The stories of people who have been able to manifest physical healing miracles are legion. One of the most profound books of this kind that I have read is The Cancer Conqueror, by Greg Anderson. It is a parable based on the truths Greg learned during his two bouts with cancer and his release from the hospital supposedly to die. Told he would not live beyond the next thirty days, Greg’s experience led him to a new respect for the power of the human spirit in overcoming illness.

  The book is presented as a parable, but his own personal story is real and offers dramatic testimony to what I am writing about manifesting miracles. It is not a wait-and-hope-that-things-will-get-better approach to miracles. As Greg puts it, “You become a cancer conqueror not because you go into remission…. Instead, you become a cancer conqueror because you choose to become a new person.”

  He discovered how powerful fear, anger and distress are in affecting the immune system. He discovered also that unconditional love, inner peace, giving away love, reducing expectations of others and tuning into the powerful effect of meditation and visualization were the seeds for defeating the cancer that was raging in his body. He had to shift his entire consciousness from a nonspiritual to a spiritual mode, and in the process he was able to magically restore his own healing capacity. His is indeed an incredible journey. I recommend that you read his wonderful book and share it with anyone you know who is diagnosed with cancer.

  The key to miracle making is not in reading a book or listening to another’s words, however. The key is knowing, when you are told that you have some kind of physical affliction, that you can either prepare to suffer or prepare to heal. This is not meant as a disparaging commentary on the medical community. In fact, they have made enormous strides in eradicating the disease process for many conditions. And in recent years they have been instrumental in conducting research on the power of the mind and teaching people how to tap their invisible selves to treat their illnesses.

  One of my favorite people and a person I think of as a dear friend and soul mate also happens to be a fantastic medical doctor. He is Deepak Chopra, a man I’ve referred to already. His exciting books include Perfect Health, Quantum Healing, Unconditional Life, The Return of the Rishi, and Creating Health. Consider the following from Dr. Chopra from Perfect Health, as he discusses how we can become healers, or what I call miracle workers:

  As we probe deeper in
to the pathogenesis of disease, however, a primary truth comes to light: all disease results from the disruption of the flow of intelligence. When people speak of intelligence, they refer almost automatically to the intellect and its dealing in concepts. Intelligence is not simply in the head, though. Its expression may be at the subcellular level, at the cellular level or tissue level, or at the level of the central nervous system…. Although all these levels of intelligence can be located, intelligence itself cannot. It permeates each level of its expression; it is all pervasive in us and universal in nature. Intelligence is mind … its scope embraces the cosmos. We would be rash to suppose that it operates from the confines of the brain alone. In that sense, all disease processes originate on this vaster stage of Mind. So also does health.

  This is a mind-boggling notion indeed for those who are not yet schooled in the belief of miracles and real magic. Your health is the result of an intelligence that is in every cell in your body, and that intelligence is neither visible nor identifiable. That invisible intelligence is not local in nature. It is not just in your brain, it is in every cell, every neuron, every hormone, every antibody that is a part of you. Indeed, your very essence is that invisible intelligence. In order to create perfect health for yourself you need to understand that the mind is the place where you process it all, and decide about the physical reality you will experience.


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