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Hardball Page 3

by Sykes, V. K.

Her mouth relaxed into a half-smile. “Oh, I see,” she replied. “You’re one of our celebrity visitors.” Her crisp tone told him she was far from awed by his presence. Looking down at the little girl, she said, “Mr. Carter, this is Morgan McDaniel.”

  Morgan shyly put her little hand in his big one.

  “Dr. Holly, I know who Nate Carter is,” she said in a whispery voice. “He’s the Patriots’ best pitcher. Everybody knows that.”

  Dr. Bell seemed to hold back a smile as Morgan skewered her. “I don’t think I’ve told you yet how new I am to the city, Morgan,” she said, her serious voice at odds with the amusement in her eyes. “If I’d been here for more than just a few weeks, I’m sure I would have recognized a man as famous as Mr. Carter.”

  Nate smothered a chuckle. What a perfect response. She validated what the little girl had said, and made him feel good at the same time.

  “That’s why I didn’t recognize you, either,” he said. “I’ve met most of the doctors here over the past few years, and I know I would have remembered if I’d ever seen you before.” He made no attempt to keep the appreciation out of his voice.

  “Well, then, I suppose we might run into each other again.” Her smile was hesitant but intriguing. “Since you’re a regular visitor here.”

  “You bet,” he said.

  As if he didn’t already have enough motivation to keep doing this. “Doctor Bell,” he continued, wanting to keep the conversation going, “do you mind my asking where you’re from? I detect a bit of a southern accent.”

  She sighed, her expression conveying rueful resignation. “You’re probably hearing the north Florida in my voice. I grew up in Jacksonville. But for the last nine years I’ve been studying and working at the University of Virginia.”

  “You’re from Jacksonville? No kidding? I’ve got a condo in Ponte Vedra Beach, and I’m in Jax all the time when I’m down there.” He looked over at Morgan, staring at the adults with big, round eyes, and winked. The little girl giggled.

  Nate glanced back at the doctor. “That’s got to be some kind of karma, right?”

  Dr. Bell registered his flirtation, and her eyes widened in surprise. A slight blush colored her smooth cheeks. He could feel his smile broaden as she somewhat defiantly returned his look, and it occurred to him that perhaps the good doctor was issuing a challenge.

  Well, he’d be more than happy to oblige her. He knew without a shadow of a doubt he was going to find out just what this lovely doctor was all about.

  * * *

  Holly’s pulse had jumped when she looked up at the imposing man who’d nearly barged into her. In fact, she’d had to stifle a gasp at the sight of him.

  She wasn’t used to seeing a man’s chin as high as her eye level. This guy had to be six-five, or maybe even more. And he wasn’t just tall, he was built. Not like the proverbial Mack truck. More like a sleek, expensive sports car. Maybe a Ferrari, she mused, thinking back to her father’s expensive auto collection.

  Despite his deep, hooded eyes and dark masculine stubble, she guessed Carter might be a couple of years younger than her. He radiated youthful vitality and off-the-chart testosterone. As soon as he had entered the room, she instantly sensed the power coiled in his long, whipcord body. Instinctively, she had taken a small step backward to preserve her personal space.

  It didn’t surprise her that he was an athlete. His hard, agile-looking body fit the part. What had surprised her was how the normally shy Morgan had immediately warmed to him, and how he interacted with her in such an easy, gentle way.

  Carter was obviously a natural charmer with kids, and she would have bet a month’s salary that his charm would be just as effective on women.

  Still, charming was one thing. Steaming hot was something else entirely. Nate Carter put the two together, and it made for a dazzling combination. When he sat down next to Morgan’s bed, Holly had opened her mouth to make her goodbyes. But the words had died in her throat and her feet had remained glued to the floor. She stood silently by for several minutes as the big man and the little girl happily chatted away like best friends.

  “Would you like me to sign a picture for you, Morgan?” he asked, pulling an eight by ten from a folder tucked under his arm.

  “Yes, please.” Morgan’s eyes shone. Though she was a very sick little girl, she glowed under Carter’s gentle, humorous attention.

  He carefully inscribed the photo as Holly looked over his shoulder.

  To beautiful Morgan—as brave and strong as she is sweet. Your pal, Nate Carter.

  “But I’d like something from you in return, honey,” he said, handing her the glossy print.

  “What?” Morgan giggled, plucking shyly at the bed covers.

  “Well, I’d really like it if the next time I visit I could bring my camera and get someone to take a picture of us together. Would you like that, too?”

  “Yes! Yes!” she cried, more excited than Holly had ever seen her. “Dr. Holly can take our picture!” She looked over at Holly, who nodded her agreement with a smile.

  “Good, then, that’s settled. I’ll come back soon. Very soon. Maybe I could even drop by tomorrow morning.”

  Holly finally found her voice. “We’ll be here. You can page me when you arrive. If I’m not tied up at the time, I’d be glad to help.”

  He smiled, and the teasing warmth in his eyes set off a corresponding rush of heat in her face and neck. God, she must be blushing like a teenager.

  “Great! I’ll see both you lovely ladies tomorrow.” Carter affectionately stroked Morgan’s cheek with his big hand, then winked at Holly as he left the room.

  Holly gazed at his back until he was through the door and out of sight, more than a little flustered by the encounter. The man was a powerhouse of sex appeal, yet the empathy and kindness he had shown Morgan seemed totally genuine. It was crazy, but she couldn’t help wondering if he was single. Though she’d seen no ring or tan line on his finger, a guy who looked and acted like that sure wasn’t likely to be sleeping alone.

  Turning back to the still-beaming Morgan, Holly gave her head a quick shake. She had exchanged maybe a dozen sentences with Nate Carter, and yet she’d caught herself wondering about his marital status. Not that she could completely blame herself. With those dark eyes and sensual mouth, plus the combination of strength, size, and masculinity, Nate Carter was a package that would mesmerize any red-blooded woman.

  She tucked Morgan back into bed, determined to push Carter firmly from her thoughts. No doubt he was the kind of guy who automatically flirted with every woman who crossed his path. Yes, he had seemed interested in her, but her mind was surely playing tricks. The guy obviously had a charm factor pretty close to ten out of ten, so it would be all too easy for a woman to see what she wanted to see.

  Still, her internal radar—as rusty as it was—told her that Carter had definitely made something approaching a pass at her. After all, there was the way his eyes had raked over her. She didn’t think she could be wrong about that. Then there was the sexy wink when he left the room.

  Oh, for God’s sake, get a grip, Holly. She mentally scolded herself as she strode down the hall to the elevators. He’s a baseball player, for heaven’s sake. Even if Nate Carter were by some remote chance actually interested in me, we’d probably run out of conversation after half an hour.

  She sighed as she stabbed her finger at the elevator call button. She knew a half hour would probably be all Carter needed to get her flat on her back and between the sheets.


  Nate worked hard at cheering up the rest of the kids in the Cardiac Unit, but it was a struggle to focus—thanks to Dr. Holly Bell. Wayward mental images of the leggy physician threatened to break his concentration, and he had to push back to keep his attention where it belonged.

  He couldn’t help thinking how weird his reaction was as he wound his Aston Martin down the seven levels of the parking garage to the exit. Nate Carter all lathered up over some lady doctor? Her slightly
severe, high-class looks reminded him more of a headmistress or librarian at some snooty girls’ school than anything else. Then again, how many headmistresses had bodies like a Victoria’s Secret model? Dr. Holly Bell sure knew how to rock a lab coat.

  Nate was also sure fate had intervened this afternoon. When he’d asked Morgan—a cute little kid if there ever was one—if she’d like a picture with him, it had never occurred to him that she’d blurt out that “Dr. Holly” should take the picture. That she did, and that the doc had been game, gave him a good feeling about his plans to find out more about Holly Bell.

  After dropping the car at his condo’s garage, he took a long walk to Angelo’s bar on South Street for a leisurely beer and a read of the local paper before he had to head back to his apartment to get ready for the evening. He’d invited Martha Winston to meet him for dinner. Nate had been too neglectful of their friendship over the winter, and had been planning to get together with her ever since he got back from spring training. But here it was well into May and they still hadn’t connected.

  They’d had a hot but brief romance a few years ago, soon after they met. It had flamed out after some spectacular sex and some even more spectacular fights, but they’d managed to build a lasting friendship on top of the charred remains. Their personalities meshed perfectly, but only as friends.

  After changing into a suit, Nate drove to Umberto’s and handed his keys to the valet. As usual, the popular Northern Italian restaurant was jammed, but the maitre’d picked him out of the crowd and led him to his reserved table in the back of the room. As soon as he was seated, a server appeared. Nate ordered a Sam Adams and settled in to wait. In typical diva fashion, Martha made a point of never arriving at any social occasion on time.

  He’d nearly finished the beer when he spotted her tall figure behind the maitre’d, her hips swaying seductively as she moved through the restaurant. Nate still enjoyed watching her, as did every guy with a pulse. The gentle sway of her body as she moved said I am a woman to be watched. And she was indeed turning the head of every man in the crowded room, to the consternation of their wives and dates.

  His friend was decked out in slim black pants, a silver blouse, and heart-stopping stiletto heels. With her dazzling blond looks, elegant manner, and razor-trap mind, Martha Winston was a classic southern belle in every way. Nate rose as she approached the table, readying himself to pull out a chair for her.

  “Thanks, Pietro,” Martha said to the maitre’d, giving him a pat on the arm for good measure. As usual, Pietro looked smitten, giving her a regal bow before taking himself off. With an amused smile, Martha turned to greet Nate.

  “Hey, hon! Long time, no see.”

  She hugged him tightly as he pulled her into his arms. “You’re looking damn fine, Nate Carter. That I-haven’t-bothered-to-shave-in-three-days-look is really in vogue these days.” She made a show of rubbing her soft cheek as she extracted herself from his embrace.

  “Saves a few bucks on razor blades,” he said. He eased behind her and pushed in her chair as she sat. “Sorry I couldn’t get together earlier. It’s been crazy ever since spring training.”

  She shook her head. “No problem. I’ve been up to my butt in alligators for the past couple of months anyway.”

  He took a long pull on his beer. “On the road as much as usual?”

  “Too damn much. I have to cover the Women’s Tennis Tour when they’re on this side of the pond, and they have four big tournaments in a row in April. You know how much I like to watch chicks swatting tennis balls.” Martha heaved an exaggerated sigh. “Not.”

  Nate shook his head. “Still lusting for the Patriots or Flyers, aren’t you?”

  “Still my dream, and you know it. When Maddie left the Post to go freelance, I practically begged for a chance to take over her Patriots beat. But her editor said I was too valuable covering the tennis and golf tours. Okay, I like golf—you know that. But golfers aren’t the same kind of eye candy,” she finished in a voice laden with self-mockery. “Okay, maybe Camilo Villegas. That boy’s ripped as all hell.”

  “You’re all talk,” Nate said.

  She rolled her eyes. “No more gabbing until I get a drink in me. This girl is thirsty.”

  Nate flagged the server. When he came to take their drink order, Martha asked for the restaurant’s full wine list. That request had become a tradition between them, and a running joke. Whenever Nate was paying, Martha would choose from the most expensive wines in the cellar, and vice-versa. Not that Nate often let her pay, despite her insistence. He made more pitching one game—a couple of hours’ work—than Martha made in a year. It made no sense, but he wasn’t about to stop cashing the owner’s checks.

  “So, big guy,” Martha continued after the server left them alone, “what’s new in the ever-magical world of Nate the Great?”

  “You first,” he countered. “I hear you ditched that fiddle player Tarawhosis a while ago.”

  An incredulous look crossed Martha’s elegant features. “You must be referring to Vitaly Tarashenko. He’s first freaking violin with the Philadelphia Orchestra—not a fiddle player, you abysmally uncultured moron.”

  Nate grinned. Trading barbs with Martha was one of his favorite pastimes, and one he knew she enjoyed as much as he did. “What? He didn’t take to your legendary fried chicken and grits?”

  Martha ignored his dig at her challenged culinary skills. “I probably never should have dated the man. It’s just that I seem to have a weakness for slightly unkempt Slavs.”

  He almost choked on his beer as he chuckled. “Why’d you dump him?”

  “Oh, mainly because he’s so damn full of himself. I’m surprised he doesn’t insist that they stick a mirror in front of his chair so he can preen better during the symphony.”

  “Aw, I’ll bet you broke the poor guy’s heart.”

  “Maybe for about ten minutes, tops. Then he jumped into the sack with one of the back row viola players. Who looks about eighteen, incidentally. What a wiener.”

  Martha called the server back over and pointed to what Nate knew would turn out to be one of the priciest bottles of red wine on the list. When she handed the list to the server, her satisfied look told him he’d nailed it.

  “But enough about Martha’s misadventures,” she said. “What about you? You must tell all.”

  “Well, I suppose there are a couple of things I could talk about.” Nate paused for several seconds, taking a long drink of beer and then fiddling with his cutlery. He knew keeping her in suspense would irritate her, because that’s how he reacted when she did the same thing to him. Which was often.

  “Like?” Martha’s crooked half-smile conveyed her impatience.

  “Okay, but if I tell you, you’ve got to keep it buried deep. I mean it, Martha.”

  “Well, what do you know? Nate Carter being discreet! Now you’ve really got my interest, hon. Well, go on, then. You know I can keep my mouth shut.” Her eyes glittered. “If I absolutely have to.”

  He set his mouth in a grim line to convey his intent. “No, this one really is serious.”

  “Oh, dear God, please put me out of my misery,” she practically wailed.

  He couldn’t help another grin. “Okay. Well, it’s possible that I might get traded to the Dodgers. In fact, it’s more than possible.”

  She jerked in her chair slightly as she sucked in a deep breath. She stared at him for a long moment, then seemed to make up her mind. “Hell, you’re not kidding, are you?”

  Nate shook his head.

  Martha looked stricken. “How do you know?” she managed in a small voice.

  Suddenly, he felt like crap. Occasionally he’d thought in theory about how a trade would affect his friendships. Now he had to face the reality of their reactions. “Buddy Baker,” he said hesitantly. “He told me the Dodgers are prepared do whatever it takes to pry me away. But before they’ll make a move, they need to know I’d be willing to sign a long-term contract. So, it’s all going to be total
ly hush-hush for now.”

  She nodded. “Of course.” Martha closed her eyes for several moments. Nate stayed quiet, letting her process the news that had clearly unsettled her.

  Her eyelids opened and her solemn gaze met his. “God, I’d miss you so much if you were all the way out there. I don’t get to see you a whole lot as it is.”

  “I know. I feel the same way about you. But you have to admit it would be a hell of an opportunity. You know exactly what it means to play for a big market team. I’ve always been a Patriot, and it’s hard to imagine leaving Philly. But I don’t know if I’d be able to turn down a chance like this, if it happens.” He twisted the empty beer glass around in his hands, thinking that he was trying to convince himself as much as he was her.

  “You know how much I love this town, and it would totally suck to leave you and Jake and Maddie and everybody. But, L.A., well…” He shook his head, leaving the sentence unfinished as he took in the emotional magnitude of what such a move would mean to him.

  Martha seemed to pull herself back together. She tilted her head and quirked one corner of her mouth in a gesture he’d always found disarming. “Okay, hon. I’ll keep quiet about it, and I promise I won’t try to influence your decision. It’s sweet of you to confide in me before the news gets out. I know you’ll think hard about it, and do what’s right for you. Whatever your decision, your friends will support you. But that sure doesn’t mean we won’t miss you like holy hell.”

  She reached out and covered his fingers with hers. They sat for a few seconds in silence before Martha withdrew her hand.

  “You said there were two things you could talk about?” She forced a smile, obviously determined not to let his news spoil the evening.

  “Yeah, well, I met a very interesting woman this afternoon.”

  Nate was glad to see the mischief return to her eyes.

  “You’re spending your afternoons at the bar again?” she teased.


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