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Hardball Page 10

by Sykes, V. K.

  With a lazy gesture, Holly made a half-hearted attempt to smooth her dress down, leaving most of her silky thighs exposed. Nate clenched his jaw hard against the rush of blood to his groin. He totally forgot what they were talking about.

  Oh, right. Her grand plan.

  “I was going to ask if I could drive this sweetheart home,” she said. “But that was before you plied me with all that wine.” Her eyelids fluttered shut. “Not to mention bourbon. One would almost think you had an ulterior motive.”

  Holding back a grin, Nate decided to yank her chain a bit. “Hell, I wouldn’t care if you were stone cold sober,” he said in a growly voice. “Nobody drives my baby. And sure as hell not on a first date.”

  Her eyes opened wider. “So this was a date, after all?”

  “What did you think it was?”

  She stared at him, looking almost embarrassed, before she lifted one slender hand to rest just below her neck. “Oh, I don’t know. I guess I wondered if you were just being nice to a newcomer.”

  The doctor was full of surprises. Didn’t she get how attracted he’d been to her from the first moment? He’d always been direct with women, and hadn’t disguised his interest. How could she not see it?

  “What do I look like, lady? The welcome wagon?” he joked, wanting to ease her shyness.

  Holly laughed as she aimed a little punch at his shoulder. “Okay, I get it. Anyway, I’d still like to drive this car. Someday, if you’ll let me.”

  Nate gave her a wink. “Like Scarlett said, tomorrow is another day.”

  “I’m taking that as a promise, Nate Carter,” she said in a schoolmarm tone of voice. But then she relaxed back into the seat and, as she stretched her long legs, her dress rose even higher, revealing a couple more inches of creamy thigh.

  That’s all it took for Nate’s erection to push aggressively against the fabric of his pants. He clenched his hand into a fist to stop from reaching over the center console to stroke her silk-clad flesh.

  As if reading his thoughts, Holly laid her hand on top of his. Nate gazed at her, searching her eyes for confirmation of what he thought she was saying.

  “It’s okay,” she breathed. Her eyes were sensual and heavy, the lids almost closing.

  Nate pulled her to him, unable to keep his hands off her gorgeous body a second longer. Holly sighed as his lips found hers, and eased open her soft mouth to his probing tongue. He knew he should be tender and gentle, but he wanted her as much as he’d ever wanted any woman. He devoured her mouth, and his arms pulled her flush against him as he leaned over the console. With a whimpering little moan that shot his lust sky high, she snuggled into him, sifting his hair through her fingers.

  With a harsh breath, Nate drew back a few inches and gazed into her eyes. There was no mistaking the message in their smoky, hazel depths. She wanted him as much as he wanted her.

  He came back down on her like a rocket, devouring her mouth again as he lost all sense of his surroundings. The fire in their kiss seemed to consume the oxygen, taking his breath with it. He knew only her lips, the hot cavern of her mouth, the sweet, welcoming taste of her. But he needed more. He needed her body. So, he slid one hand up to cup a full, soft breast as his other hand inched across her lap to an exposed thigh.

  A mechanical roar from behind drove them apart. Nate jerked back into his seat as headlights bathed them in a wash of halogen light. Part of him cursed the interruption, but the rest of him realized the parking lot was no place to be fooling around. Especially not with a woman as classy as Doctor Holly Bell.

  Holly let out a nervous laugh as she smoothed her dress down then ruffled out her hair. “God, that was embarrassing. I think I gave up about five years of life with that one.”

  Nate buckled his seat belt and pressed the crystal starter knob on the dash. “Scared the hell out of me, too. Whoever it was must have been damn quiet getting into the car. I didn’t hear a thing before the engine roared.”

  “We were a little preoccupied.” Holly said in a muffled voice. Thank God she sounded amused. He sure as hell had no intention of offending her by making out like a horny teenager in the parking lot.

  “A little.” Nate grinned as he slammed the car into gear. “I couldn’t see who was in that SUV. But I sure as hell hope it wasn’t Dr. Fredericks and his wife.”

  Holly shook her head. “They left the club before we did. I’m positive of that.”

  Nate gave her a contrite look as he eased the car through the nearly-empty parking lot. “Listen, Holly, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have lost—”

  She held up a hand. “Don’t apologize. I’ve wanted you to kiss me for hours.”

  * * *

  Holly thought her brain might melt into a puddle of idiot goo under the force of Nate’s sensual onslaught, and wouldn’t that be humiliating. Not that he seemed to mind or even notice. Witty conversation didn’t seem foremost on his to-do list at the moment.

  As soon as they were on the expressway, snaking down the twisty road at a relatively sedate speed—sedate for Nate, anyway—he reached across and gently pushed up her dress and stroked the inside of her thigh. It shocked her for about a second, and she gasped softly at the first contact of his confident hand along the silk of her stockings. He glanced at her, a question in his eyes.

  Even though Nate was driving at the speed limit on a fairly empty freeway, Holly’s first instinct was to tell him to keep both hands on the wheel. But she found herself trusting him to get them home safely. And she had to admit she wanted his hand to stay where it was.

  Besides, the man was an athlete. His level of physical coordination had to be spectacular.

  Feeling reckless, she pushed the power control lever to recline her seat a few extra degrees. Then she stretched out her legs and relaxed deeper into the leather cushion. Even over the purr of the engine she heard the hitch in his breathing. That big hand slid a little higher on her thigh and she sighed as a rich, moist heat settled deep and low. It had been way too long since she’d felt that sensation.

  Well, she’d never actually felt anything like this. The truth was that a man’s touch had never felt that good before, and they were barely to first base. Her body was responding in an unfamiliar and yet totally natural way.

  The lights of the city flashed by in a neon blur, shimmering before her half-dazed vision. The inky night sky, the soft air, and Nate’s hand on her thigh nudged her into a hazy, sensual trance. Holly wriggled her bottom and the dress crept up some more. He took the invitation and slipped his hand higher, barely an inch away from hot, tender flesh. She wanted his hand to do more—so much more, and she couldn’t wait for that to happen.

  Of course, she was lying there like a lump when she knew she probably ought to be doing something, too. Nate must want her to do the kind of thing she knew women sometimes did to men while they were driving. But sensual inertia aside, she couldn’t muster up that kind of nerve. Better to let him take the lead rather than stumble into some clumsy mistake that might ruin the evening.

  Nate increased his speed and soon they crossed the bridge into New Jersey. Holly closed her eyes, letting pleasure flow through her, and a few short minutes later they were driving through tree-lined suburban streets. Nate brought the car to a smooth stop in front of her little rented house.

  His hand withdrew and she instantly missed its warmth, but he swooped in to give her a short, hard kiss that left her breathless. Then he strode around to the passenger side, where he practically hauled her out and set her on her feet. Given the trembling state of her legs, she almost asked him to carry her up the front walk.

  She dug into her purse and pulled out her keys. “Here,” she said, handing Nate the jangling bundle. “The one with the red sticker is the front door. I’m sure your hand is steadier than mine, and the lock is a little finicky.”

  His only answer was a rumbling laugh that made her insides pull tight with longing.

  As they reached the porch, he took the keys and, in the same motion
, pulled her closer. His kiss was hungry and insistent, rushing in like a wave. He eased her slowly against the wall of the house, one hand cupping her bottom as he pushed against her. The hard pulse of his erection rubbed against her mound, the delicate fabric of her dress little protection from his heat. The power of his urgent mouth on hers, the feel of his thick bulge against her—the sensations threatened to overwhelm her and she felt a flash of insecurity. They were making out on her front porch and any night owl neighbors could see.

  Holly broke the kiss and wriggled out from against the wall. “Inside,” she whispered, glancing around.

  “Oh, yeah. I want you naked,” Nate breathed, shoving the red key hard into the lock. He got it on the first try, twisting the door open.

  They barely made it through the door before Nate pulled her to him again. She dropped her bag from nerveless fingers and managed to kick off her high heels without wobbling. As tall as she was, she still had to stand on her tiptoes as they kissed. Nate made it easier by supporting her, practically lifting her off the ground.

  Despite her size, he handled her with a controlled gentleness. How incredible to be held by such a strong, powerful man, one who could fling her across the room like a rag doll, but whose touch caressed and cherished her. Without taking his lips from hers, Nate smoothly lowered the straps of her dress, sliding them down her shoulders. A moment later he found the clasp of her zipper, his hand moving down her back, building the anticipation as he lowered it.

  Releasing her lips, he flicked the bodice down to rest around her waist. His eyes ran hotter than the engine of the DB9 as he studied her breasts, his hands shaping wherever his gaze landed. Holly sucked on her lower lip, loving the feel of her nipples pulling tight as his fingers brushed so lightly over them.

  “You make me crazy,” he murmured. “I can’t wait to be inside you.”

  Before she could move or even say a word, he ran a string of hot kisses across her neck as he deftly unhooked her bra. She gasped as he slid the straps down her arms. Her breasts fell into his hot, waiting hands.

  Holly shivered as the truth of the moment finally sunk in. She was about to have sex with Nate Carter. On their first date. And until a short time ago she hadn’t even been sure it was a date, so how insane was that?

  She had known it would come to this since the girl chat in the rest room. She’d spent the rest of the evening thinking about it, thrilling at the thought of his powerful body taking her, even though she finally acknowledged the thrill had been tempered with anxiety.

  But the reality of it had remained abstract. Now, as Nate gazed hungrily at her breasts, his eyes locked onto the flushed tips of her nipples, she suddenly felt a sharp stab of panic.

  Holly plastered her hands on his chest, her fingers digging into the smooth fabric of his suit. “Nate, hold on,” she gasped.

  He slowly pulled back, his eyes clouded with passion “What?”

  She looked away from him and took a step back. They hadn’t even made it out of the hallway and she’d let him get her half-naked. Mortified, she quickly put her bra back on. “I could use another glass of wine,” she said in a shaky voice. “What about you?”

  She needed time to recover her wits. If she started babbling about how she felt, it would probably come out all muddled and stupid.

  Nate looked mystified. But, after a moment he nodded uncertainly, raking a hand through his thick hair. “Well, okay, we can take it slow. Maybe I came on too strong, but...” His eyes cleared and he shook his head. “No buts. Sure, I could use a drink. Got any cognac?”

  Relief weakened her knees. As if they aren’t already weak enough.

  “Of course,” she said. “I’m my father’s daughter. I always have a good stock of fermented products on hand.” She led him into the kitchen and retrieved a bottle of Courvoisier from her pantry.

  “Make it a double,” he said.

  Holly pulled up her bodice and flipped the straps back over her shoulders. Seeing Nate’s face deflate, she decided not to reach around for the zipper. She’d already thrown enough ice water in the poor guy’s face.

  “Sorry, I just need a breather,” Holly apologized. “But take your jacket off and stay.” She poured a double cognac into a snifter and handed it to him, then uncorked a bottle of red wine and poured a small glass for herself. She didn’t really want any more alcohol, but she needed the cover.

  “Okay,” he said, his confusion evident.

  He draped his suit jacket over a stool at the counter and followed her into the small living room off the galley kitchen.

  “Okay, did I do something wrong?” he asked as sat on the sofa. Its old wooden frame creaked ominously, but he ignored it. Given his big, rangy body, that kind of thing probably happened all the time, but she could only pray her grandmother’s antique sofa didn’t collapse beneath him.

  Wouldn’t that be a great end to the evening?

  Repressing a spurt of semi-hysterical laughter, she sipped her wine. Finally, when she could no longer avoid his question, she sat down in the overstuffed armchair on the other side of the coffee table and forced herself to look at him. Part of her was amazed he hadn’t already bolted. And it touched her that he continued to wait patiently for her to find her voice.

  “Nate, I’m sorry. I really wanted to do this. I can’t tell you how much.” She paused, unhappily searching for the right words.

  He simply nodded. If he was angry with her, he was doing a good job of repressing it.

  “It’s just that I haven’t had that much experience, and most of what I’ve had has been, well, sort of mediocre. I was always too busy with school or work to bother very much with men and sex.” She shook her head, feeling a prickling in her eyes that told her tears weren’t far behind. That was so not going to happen. “It’s weird and embarrassing to be talking about myself this way. But I feel like I have to get this out on the table,” she finished in a firm voice.

  He leaned forward, setting his snifter on the table between them. A smile lifted the edges of his mouth. “Can I try to help you out?”

  “Please,” she sighed.

  “Based on what you’ve no doubt heard already about me, I’m guessing you think I’m some kind of, I don’t know, super stud or something.”

  She stared at her feet, wishing she could crawl under the floorboards. How had she gotten herself into this ridiculous situation? But now that she was in it, she had to plow ahead. “I don’t know about that. But I do know the kind of women you’re used to. And I’m not in the same league.”

  Her voice caught on an infuriating croak. Suck it up, Holly. You can do this.

  “Look, if we do this, I’ll disappoint you,” she said through clenched teeth. “And I can’t stand the thought of being judged on how good I am. In bed, or whatever. By you or anyone else. That’s not what I’m about.” Angry embarrassed tears stung her eyes. “Damn, this is ridiculous!” She shook her head hard, furious and lost in an unfamiliar jumble of emotions.

  Nate pulled out a crisp white handkerchief from an inside pocket and handed it over. With a defiant sniff, she dabbed at her eyes.

  “Holly, look at me, okay? Everything’s cool. I understand where you’re coming from.” He moved around the coffee table and went down on one knee before her, reaching out his hand. She hesitated a moment, then held out her own. As Nate grasped it gently, Holly absorbed the warm strength of his calloused palm and her heartbeat began to settle.

  “Forget about not being experienced enough,” he said gazing straight into her eyes. “Experience is way over-rated. Trust me on that.” His eyes were warm and open, but his voice held a touch of cynicism. Oddly enough, that reassured her.

  Without letting go of her hand, Nate stood and drew her up to him. “And as for disappointing me, you can forget that, too. You’re incredible—in every way. Man, I’m the one who should be worried, not you.”

  Hard to believe that, but it sounded like he actually meant it. The tension in her body began to ease.

  “Truth?” she whispered.

  “Truth,” he said firmly. He slowly pushed the straps of her dress down, his lips brushing each bare shoulder in turn. She shivered as the bodice fell away, just as it had done minutes earlier, and she had to fight not to stiffen up again.

  “Relax, sweetheart. Let me take care of you. Let me make love to you,” he whispered in her ear. “Tonight is going to be all about you.”

  “Okay,” Holly said, allowing him to pull her close. “I think I can go along with that plan.”


  Nate breathed a sigh of relief as he reached under her skirt with both hands. Her curvy body felt like heaven as he shaped her ass with his fingers and eased her pelvis flush against his raging hard-on. Holly, finally starting to relax, sank into him, giving a little whimper of pleasure.

  When she’d pulled away from him earlier, Nate had thought his brain would explode. He wasn’t used to a woman going all Arctic on him while his hands were roaming over her. But when she’d revealed her surprising insecurities, he couldn’t help but be touched.

  And, as hard as it was to believe, her relative innocence turned him on even more. But he didn’t want to spook her—there really was something intensely vulnerable underneath all that tall, glorious womanhood—so he forced himself to slow down and tread carefully.

  Breaking the hot, slow kiss, Nate slipped her dress all the way down and dropped it on the chair, then shrugged off his jacket. He paused a moment to drink her in. Tall and lean, but still full and soft in all the right places, she looked like a fucking goddess. She smiled shyly as she pushed her thick auburn hair back from her shoulders. The movement made her breasts lift and strain against the lace of her bra, and his mouth salivated.

  Then she reached over and, with fingers that trembled a bit, started to unbutton his shirt. He slid his hands behind her back to free the clasp of the white bra. Its hooks released and it fell to the floor. Her round, creamy breasts, the nipples jutting rosy and hard, spilled free.

  Breathing an inaudible curse, he cupped one in each hand. She might have the most perfect breasts he’d ever seen. Just touching them made him hard enough to pound nails. He ached to bend her over the arm of the couch and slide inside her that very second, reaching around from behind to play with those fabulous globes as he fucked her to a fast and wild orgasm. But he’d promised that this night was about her, and he would keep that promise if it damn near killed him.


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