Hammer - Galactic Cage Fighters 5

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Hammer - Galactic Cage Fighters 5 Page 13

by K. D. Jones

  “Don’t,” Molly told him as she got off the bed. “Let the IDJ take him. I don’t want his death to cause trouble for you.”

  Hammer nodded for Trig to handcuff Jerry. The cuffs had a special feature that allowed for shock waves to go through the perpetrators body if they struggled. A few shocks and Jerry stopped trying to remove the cuffs.

  “Come on, baby, let’s get you back to your room.” Hammer went over to Molly but she shook her head.

  “Could I have a minute alone with Jerry?” Molly asked Rachel.

  “No.” Hammer shook his head.

  “He’s in cuffs. The place is surrounded. There is nothing else he can do and no where for him to run,” Molly pleaded with Hammer to understand.

  “I want to stay.” Hammer crossed his arms across his massive chest.

  “Please, baby. I need to do this,” Molly told him.

  “Fine, but I’ll be right in the hallway outside.” Hammer stomped off.

  Rachel and Trig gave her a nod as they also went out into the hallway leaving her alone with her ex. He glared at her.

  “Why couldn’t you have died?” Jerry asked with hate.

  “Oh, I could have died. You just barely missed a major artery.” Molly walked up to him and looked him up and down. “If I had one of kids with me or Hammer, you could have hurt them.”

  “I was hoping the muscle head would be with you so I could get both of you,” Jerry admitted.

  Molly walked closer to him. She gave him a huge smile. Then she kneed him in the groin—hard—making him fall to the floor on his knees. “I hope you like where you are going. Because I’ll be enjoying my life, making love to the muscle head and building a family. Goodbye, Jerry.” Molly turned and saw Hammer standing in the doorway. Pride and if she wasn’t mistaken, desire, showed in his eyes.

  “Come up, babe. Let’s get you to bed.” Hammer picked her up and carried her out of the room. IDJ officers rushed passed them and into the room to get a crying Jerry.

  “Remind me to not piss you off,” Hammer said. Molly giggled and then winced. She hurt herself a little but it was worth it.


  It took six weeks to fully recover from the shooting. Hammer had hired a nurse to help look after Molly. Maya and her grandmother helped with the kids. Hammer babied her and wouldn’t let her do anything. He also wouldn’t touch her, except for a brief kiss.

  She was bored and horny. Damn him and his good intentions. Molly had had enough with waiting around. She was given a clean bill of health. She told the nurse her services were no longer required. But she did ask Maya to take the kids to her house for a sleepover. She was going to have it out with Hammer once and for all. She was fine and she wanted to reclaim her life, her life with him.

  Hammer walked into the suite and noticed the lights were down low. He reached for the switch but Molly’s voice called out to him.

  “Leave it down for now. I have candles.”

  “Why?” Hammer walked further into the room. There were candles everywhere giving off a golden glow.

  “I thought we would have a candlelit dinner.” Molly motioned at the table.

  His eyes sought her out and his breath caught. She was wearing a tight silky red dress with thin spaghetti straps. He could see her nipples harden beneath. He gulped. He was hard for her. He had been for six weeks. But he kept his hands and cock to himself until she recovered. How was he supposed to keep going without touching her. He knew there was something he was supposed to ask her about before he was sidetracked by the damn dress.

  “Did you have a doctor’s appointment today?” He watched as she flipped her long brown hair over her shoulder. He felt sweat beading on his forehead as he watched her every move.

  “Yes, I did,” she responded lightly.

  “What did they say?” He moved slowly toward her. She was arranging plates and silverware on the table.

  “I’m good to go.” She leaned over the table to reach a cup. She knew the dress was short and he would get an eyeful.

  “Good to go? As in…sex?” Hammer adjusted himself. That dress rose up so high he could see a bit of her ass. It didn’t look like she was wearing any underwear. Fuck!

  “They said I could fuck you as much as I like,” she said as she started to lift back up from the table. She heard a growl from behind and then a strong hand stopped her on the middle of her back. Hammer pushed her chest back down to the table.

  His hands flipped up her dress exposing her completely bare backside. He rubbed the soft white globes with reverence. “What about me? Can I fuck you as much as I like?” He inserted a finger into her already wet entrance.

  “Yes,” she moaned, pushing back against his hand.

  He used a second and a third finger moving in and out of her. He leaned down and bit her right cheek. The scent of her arousal washed over him. He wanted to eat her pussy for hours but right at that moment, he needed to be buried deep inside of her. It had been torture the last few days not being able to touch her.

  “Hammer, I need you,” Molly moaned with desperation.

  He undid his pants and let them slide down to his ankles. He wasn’t going to make either of them wait any longer. He centered himself at her entrance and pushed in. So tight. She was always so tight.

  “Oh, babe. You feel so damn good,” Hammer whispered with a husky voice.

  “More, Hammer!” Molly tried to push back but Hammer was holding her completely still.

  “Slow and easy, honey. Don’t want to hurt you.”

  “Fuck that! I want it hard and fast and right now, damn it!” Molly had enough of being treated like fine china. She wanted him in the worst way.

  Hammer growled his response. He moved faster and harder. He went deeper into her wet channel until he was all the way in. He stilled so he could enjoy being completely enveloped within her. He smiled when she became impatient again. She started to rock herself on him.

  “Behave, honey.” He slapped her ass lightly, which caused a vibration to go through her vaginal walls and straight to his cock. Oh man, that felt good. He slapped her ass again and the vibrations happened again.

  “Oh God that feels…naughty,” Molly moaned with pleasure.

  “Have you been naughty, Nanny Molly?”

  “Yes,” she whispered. She turned her head to look back at him.

  He slapped her ass a little harder and began a steady rhythm in and out of her. She was perfect. Made just for him. He was never going to give her up. He felt the fires of his arousal building and shooting electrical currents throughout his entire body. He pounded into her grinding his hips against her ass. Fuck yeah!

  “Mine!” Hammer yelled out.

  “Yes!” Molly came at the same time that Hammer filled her pussy with his warm seed. She stayed flat on her stomach, enjoying the feel of him, the closeness, the love.

  Hammer leaned over her back careful not to crush her with his weight. “Molly.”


  “Marry me?”

  “What?” Molly pushed up forcing him to pull out of her. She rolled onto her back.

  “Will you marry me?” Hammer asked, looking into her beautiful brown eyes.

  “Yes,” Molly said. She should have been scared to death about agreeing to marry someone so soon after her divorce. But she wasn’t, not with Hammer. He was her heart and soul. “I love you.”

  “I love you too.” Hammer stood back up and pulled her to the edge of the table.

  “What are you doing?”

  “I’m hungry,” he told her as he went down to his knees. “I have been dying for a taste of you for days.”


  “Little bit, you are a great dancer,” Zen told Lauren who blushed.

  “Thanks,” Lauren whispered back.

  Zen loved weddings. Molly and Hammer tied the knot eight weeks after she had been shot. Hammer claimed he couldn’t wait any longer to make her his officially. Everyone was there, his GCFA family. The kids were so far on their
best behavior. Molly glowed at Hammer with all the love in her heart.

  Zen envied that love. If only he could find someone who would love the real him. Not what everyone sees. Not what he pretended to be.

  Zen looked up and noticed that Hammer was glaring at him from across the room. He frowned. Come on. He was like Lauren’s favorite uncle. Not some lecherous creep. He looked down at Lauren’s face as she blushed again and turned away. Uh oh. He didn’t realize the girl had a crush on him. Suddenly he understood Hammer’s behavior. He wanted to kick himself.

  “So…are there any boys in your class you like?” he asked, hoping there would be someone.

  She shook her head. “They’re all so immature.” She glanced up at him with adoring eyes. “Not like you.”

  “I’ve been told I am plenty immature and irresponsible.” Zen tried to downplay himself. But these were things people thought about him.

  “They don’t know you then.” Lauren was quick to defend him.

  Zen knew he should set her straight. But he didn’t want to hurt her feelings. He knew what it was like to want someone completely wrong for you and to be thrown away. He didn’t want Lauren to have her heart broken. Broken hearts sometimes took a long time to mend. He should know.

  He was saved from having to say anything. A screech and a few screams, then a bellow from an angry Biclops were hard to miss. He released Lauren as they both turned to look as Tomas and little Kate ducked under the cake table to try to capture a snake frog. It squeezed out of Tomas’s hands and ended up on top of the wedding cake. What a topper. He would not be eating cake tonight.

  Despite the chaos going around, Molly laughed and it spread through most of the room. Hammer pulled her to him and leaned forward to give her a long, lingering kiss.

  “The snake frog is not going on our honeymoon,” Hammer told her.

  She nodded her head looking at him with all the love she felt inside. “Agreed.”

  Books by KD Jones

  Katieran Series

  Katieran Prime

  Prime Commander

  Prime Medic

  Kiljorn Prime

  Prime Deliverance

  Prime Salvation

  Colonial Prime

  Galactic Cage Fighters






  Zen's Story – February 2014

  You may contact me at:

  Facebook: www.facebook.com/kdjonesauthor

  Website: www.kdjonesauthor.webs.com/?nr=0

  Email: [email protected]

  Excerpt from Rage

  Galactic Cage Fighters Book One

  by KD Jones

  The recorded fight they had just watched was one with which Rachel was familiar. She had actually watched the match with her friends and co-workers at the local Galactic Pub. Rage had been her uncle’s favorite.

  “I am not sure I understand what the mission is. Did you want me to investigate the fighter?” Rachel asked, not taking her eyes off Rage. Even covered in alien blood, he was hot. He stood over seven feet tall and was reported to weigh two hundred fifty pounds. His body was all muscle.

  “We want you to start your investigation with the GCFA circuit. It may lead to individual fighters.” Marks handed Rachel a personal electronic display, a PED, with a beautiful woman’s image on it. She had long, sable brown hair and chocolate brown eyes. She had mixture of a Hispanic descent, and she was human, at least in appearance.

  “Her name is Lucinda Stamos. Her uncle is Senator Jon Stamos of the Eastern Quarter of the Omega Region. She went missing a little over two months ago,” Marks informed her.

  “What does her disappearance have to do with the GCFA?” Rachel asked as she studied the image of the young woman.

  “She was celebrating her college graduation with friends. They went to one of the GCFA matches and according to her friends, she started an affair with one of the fighters. She followed him on their circuit tour, but somewhere along the way, she just disappeared. Her friends and family haven’t heard anything from her and the GCFA released a statement saying she left the spaceport hotel on her own.”

  Rachel looked again at the image of Rage. Was he involved somehow? Could he be the boyfriend? A part of her hoped that he wasn’t as she asked the question, “Who was the fighter she was involved with?”

  “Talon, according to the friends’ reports, but this is bigger than just her. She’s the eighth human woman to go missing in the last six months. They were women of different ethnicities, from all over the eight regions. The one common thread linking them is that they were all last seen at a GCFA match before they were reported missing. I’ve downloaded a report on each woman for you,” Marks stated.

  She quickly scrolled through the summaries of each case. Each woman had last been seen in one of the regions on the GCFA circuit. The circuit covered eight regions—Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Omega, Delta, Kappa, Theta, and Zeta. Each region was also separated in four quarters—Eastern, Western, Northern, and Southern, with each quarter containing a million galaxies. That was a lot of ground to cover, and it was only a small piece of the enormous universe.

  The young women had gone missing from almost every region on the GCFA circuit. The first girl, Lauren Crabtree, was reported missing from the Alpha Region. Then two girls, Sandra Tate and Melissa Dearling, went missing from the Delta Region. Barbie Vent went missing from the Beta Region. Two more, Robin Teros and Vanna Jones, were from the Theta Region. Candy Simmons had gone missing from the Gamma Region. The final girl, Lindy Stamos, went missing from the Zeta Region.

  As Marks was explaining the disappearances of the other women, Rachel looked at their images on her PED, one right after another. They were all young and beautiful. “Did you question the fighter, Talon?”

  “We tried, but the GCFA lawyers have been giving us grief about harassing their fighters. It’s been hard to get answers from him or anyone associated with the GCFA. The statement their publicity team released stated that each of the women in question left of their own accord.”

  “So you want me to question them?” asked Rachel as she continued to stare at the girls pictures on the PED.

  “Not directly. We want you to go undercover as a new female fighter for the GCFA,” Marks continued to explain. “They’ve been off the circuit for two months. They’re about to restart their GCFA tour again in about six weeks. We want you to pose as a new fighter and go with them on their circuit to investigate from the inside. We believe they may talk to you as a fellow fighter. I have to warn you¯if you accept this assignment, you’ll be going in solo.”

  “Okay, I’m in,” she said without hesitation.

  “Good. Once your training is complete, we’ll set you up with an identity,” Marks told her.

  “Training? I’m already trained to fight in multiple disciplines,” Rachel responded.

  The other man in the fancy suit had been silent until now. “Not for this type of fighting.”

  “And you are?” Rachel asked as she raised her eyebrow up at him.

  “I am called Lesak. I have trained many fighters for the GCFA. I am well known within the fighting circuit. I will be your in, but I must make sure you can fight well enough to be accepted at the tryouts. The fights won’t be fixed. They will be real.”

  “I’m one of the best fighters in the agency. The best female fighter for sure,” she said with confidence.

  “It won’t be good enough. You are pure human. You have only fought other pure humans. The GCFA fighters are mixed species, halfsies as they are called. They have to be, in order to sometimes fight full-blooded aliens as their opponents. A halfsies alien DNA ensures that they will have superior strength and speed.”

  “I think I just got insulted.” Rachel looked ready to knock this guy on his ass.

  Excerpt from Katieran Prime

  Katieran Prime Book One

  by KD Jones

  “We have a security breac
h in the interview room!” The lieutenant sounded out of breath.

  “I’m on my way!” He looked at Ren and knew he had heard about the breach. Ren nodded that he was coming too.

  The two men turned to run at full speed toward the hotel ballroom that was being used to conduct the interviews. As soon as they burst through the double doors, they both came to a screeching halt. They were unprepared for what met their eyes.

  About fifteen Earth females stood cowering against the walls of the interview room. That wasn’t what caught their immediate attention. Near the center of the room were six Earth females standing in a tight circle, with one lone female standing in the center of the protective circle. The female seemed to be swaying slightly.

  Katieran warriors surrounded the circle of Earth females, giving commands to the females to calm themselves, to which the Earth females responded by shouting back at the warriors to shove something up. . . Ren wasn’t exactly up on Earth vernacular. One female, with a brunette braid falling midway down her back and dressed in Earth’s warrior attire, seemed more aggressive. As two Katieran warriors advanced towards her, the female warrior took them both down to the floor.

  Ren looked at his brother, who seemed just as shocked as he was.

  “By the fiery flames of Kitana, what is happening here?” The commander looked at the nearest lieutenant who was sweating fiercely. “Why are the females acting this way?”

  The lieutenant looked at both the Prime Leader and the Prime Commander and hated that he was the one having to explain the situation. “Prime Commander, those seven females came in right at the end of the interview session. The medics had been dismissed, so the females were not given the translators. We tried to explain the interviews were over, but they did not understand without the translators.”

  The lieutenant continued, “We noticed right away the female in the middle of the circle was breeding and seemed very sick. We tried to get her to come with us to have the medics check her out. She did not understand and feared us. The female warrior took a protective stance and the other five females joined her and formed a protective circle. The female breeding looks to be in very bad shape.”


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