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Adaptation Page 20

by Kaitlyn O'Connor

  When she glanced at Sissy, she discovered her friend was staring at the Sirians with the wide-eyed glassy look of a hare caught under the spell of a predator's gaze. She elbowed her friend and glared at her when that caught Sissy's attention.

  Sissy blinked at her several times and then pasted a bright smile on her face. "We thought we'd show you guys to your quarters and then give you a little tour … so you know where everything is!"

  Kate nodded at the Colonel as the five of them left the holding area and headed toward the lift, trying not to look like they were fleeing the scene. She was so tense by the time they had all gotten into the lift cubicle, though, that every movement felt awkward. Her shoulders slumped with relief when the doors closed without any alarm being sounded.

  "It is these faces," Dax said flatly.

  Kate shot Dax a quick look.

  "For god's sake, don't change them!" Sissy gasped.

  All three men turned to glare at her with varying degrees of surprise and anger and Sissy shrank back until she was plastered against the back wall.

  "We know we cannot do that," Ronan said tightly.

  "Why not?" Jarek demanded at almost the same moment, drawing Dax's and Ronan's disapproving gazes. If Kate does not like them ….

  Because we are supposed to be the men whose faces we have mimicked! Ronan pointed out irritably.


  "You're supposed to be …." Kate broke off and rubbed her head. "I can't even remember the names you're supposed to be using now … I mean the men you're supposed to be," she said unhappily.

  We are the same, Kate.

  "But you don't look the same."

  Sissy glanced from Ronan to Kate. She chewed her lip a moment and finally came to a decision. "You guys are going to have to work on that or we're never going to pull this off," she said shakily.

  Kate glanced at her without comprehension.

  Sissy's lips tightened. "He didn't speak, Kate-not out loud-but you answered him as if he had! People are either going to think you're crazy as a loon if you keep that up or …. Well I don't know what else they might think, but it's for damned sure these guys aren't going to 'blend in' if they go around talking to you telepathically and you answer them!"

  "We work on dis," Jarek assured her.

  Sissy gaped at him. "Oh god, Kate! We are so screwed!"

  Ronan frowned.

  "Dis mean 'nglish bad?" Dax asked uneasily.

  Sissy covered her face with her hands. "This is a nightmare!"

  "Stop it, Sissy! Like Jarek said-we'll work on it," Kate said testily.

  Sissy dropped her hands and glared at Kate. "He isn't supposed to be Jarek, damn it! They're impersonating three bumpkins-Earth men!"

  Kate blushed when Sissy pointed out her mistake. "We'll all work on it."

  * * * *

  Kate didn't know who was most relieved when they finally reached the cabin that had been assigned to the … Williams brothers, she reminded herself, Sam and his twin brothers, Derik, and Eric.

  At least, she thought she recalled that that was their names!

  Sissy didn't seem particularly relieved, but she certainly was and it was clear that the Sirians were-not terribly happy about their cramped quarters-but relieved that they hadn't been recaptured and hauled back to jail.

  Ronan looked the cabin over with distaste and sniffed. "Dis look like de jail."

  "Is ok we change now?" Jarek asked hopefully.

  Kate hesitated, but even though she knew it was dangerous to allow it, it disturbed her on a deep level to be with the three men who looked nothing like the three she'd come to know. She nodded.

  Sissy turned white when they morphed-right down to their clothing. Looking vaguely ill, she glanced around and finally wobbled to a chair and collapsed on the seat. "I think I'm going to throw up."

  "I'll get you something to drink!" Kate exclaimed, springing into action and rushing toward the kitchen area to grab a glass of water.

  "Maybe I'll just faint," Sissy said vaguely.

  Ronan looked her over as Kate rushed to hand her friend the glass of water. "Is breeding."

  Sissy's eyes widened on his face in horror. "You can tell that?"


  Shoving Kate out of her way, Sissy leapt to her feet, looked around a little wildly, and then raced to the bathroom when she spotted the door leading to it. Kate clamped her lips together, trying to decide whether she should go see about Sissy or not, but the sound of vomiting was the deciding factor. Her own stomach lurched in commiseration. She wobbled to the seat Sissy had vacated and took a gulp of the water she'd gotten for Sissy, struggling to shut out the sounds and focus on taming her own stomach.

  Dax knelt in front of her, studying her face. "You is sick?"

  Kate closed her eyes. "That's a really bad place to be right now," she said through clenched teeth.

  "You do dat, too?" he asked, amusement threading his voice.

  "God! I hope not!"

  "Is breeding, too," Jarek said, grinning.

  "Uh oh! Move!" Kate gasped, jumping up and racing to join Sissy in the bathroom.

  Sissy had reached the point of gagging unsuccessfully by the time Kate joined her, but as soon as Kate puked, it set Sissy off again. When they finally managed to regain control and stood up weakly, Kate discovered that all three of the Sirians were standing in the doorway, watching them curiously and somewhat anxiously.

  Anger flickered through her.

  "Dis practice for feed baby?" Jarek asked curiously.

  "Oh my god!" Sissy gasped in horror. "I don't think I can do this, Kate!"

  Kate put her hand on her stomach, fighting a battle with a fresh wave of nausea. "No!" she snapped. "We don't … regurgitate to feed babies!"

  Ronan sent Jarek an irritated look.

  "Stupid!" Dax said with disgust. "'Course dey not!"

  Jarek balled his hands into fists but apparently thought better of punching Dax.

  Ignoring them, Kate rinsed her mouth and splashed water on her face.

  "I'm going back to my quarters to lie down," Sissy said agitatedly.

  "Why don't you just use one of their bunks?" Kate suggested.

  "I need … distance!" Sissy snapped, a hysterical edge to her voice.

  Kate considered arguing with her that they didn't have a lot of time to work with, but she finally merely nodded and Sissy darted out of the cabin.

  "What mean dat?" Ronan demanded, clearly suspicious.

  Kate bit her lip and moved to one of the bunks. "She isn't feeling well."

  She could tell from Ronan's expression that he wasn't convinced that that was what Sissy had meant. When she'd settled on the bunk, she considered whether there was any point in trying to explain and if she even ought to try. "What does that mean," she corrected him wearily.

  "I say dat."

  Kate let out a weary breath and opened her eyes. "I know that's what you meant but it isn't what you said. Say it correctly."

  He frowned at her but carefully repeated it.

  "Better." She paused. "You aren't supposed to be foreigners, understand? If you were it would be ok to talk like that. People wouldn't expect any different if English wasn't your native tongue-but it's supposed to be." She sighed. "I guess it would've been better if I'd found some foreigners for the three of you to disguise yourselves …."

  Ronan settled beside her on the bunk. You did not explain what that female meant.


  What that Sissy meant?

  Kate bit her lip to keep from smiling but then thrust her amusement aside and studied his face seriously. "Sissy's right. You guys aren't going to pass for humans if you interact with the other colonists."

  "Learn spek better."

  Kate glanced at Dax when he spoke. "There's so much more to it than just being able to enunciate the words correctly and construct sentences correctly I hardly even know where to start."

  "No matter when get to Ra," Ronan said easily.

bit her lip. "What do you plan to do when we get to Ra, then?"

  He frowned a question.

  "If you don't plan on fitting in with the rest of us, what do you plan to do?" she asked a little testily.

  She could see from the flicker of doubt in his eyes that he hadn't actually considered that. Or maybe he just didn't want to tell her his plans?

  "Stay till younglings hatch. Tak dem to clan," Jarek said helpfully.

  Kate stared at him while that sank in and then sat up so abruptly she nearly butted her head against Ronan's. "What?"

  "Nurture younglings. Faderz … do dis."

  It took Kate a few moments to decipher that. "You're saying that, in your culture, the fathers take care of the babies?"


  "Over my dead body!" she growled, surging off the bunk and facing the three men angrily. "This is my baby! Like hell you're taking it any damned where!"

  The shock that registered on all three faces might have been comical if she'd been in any mood to appreciate it.

  Ronan recovered first. His jaw jutted belligerently. "Fader … job."

  Kate narrowed her eyes at him. "It's the mother's job!"

  "Tak later?" Jarek asked uneasily.

  "You aren't taking it at all!"

  "Dey clan younglings!" Ronan said tightly.

  "They're …. Wait! They? How the hell many did you put inside me?"

  Ronan, Dax, and Jarek exchanged an uneasy glance.

  "Stupid!" Dax snarled and punched Jarek on the shoulder. "Now mak Kate mad!"

  Jarek punched him in the face, sending Dax reeling backwards several steps.

  "Don't you dare start fighting!" Kate gasped with a mixture of horror and anger as Dax righted himself and stalked toward Jarek purposefully. "The MPs will be here to lock you up again … and I'm damned well going to let you stay this time!"

  "No fighting. Kat no like!" Ronan added.

  Kate whipped a look at him. "It isn't just a matter of not liking! It isn't acceptable behavior … among humans."

  Ronan studied her skeptically. "Shoot instead."

  Kate felt her face flush. "There's a difference between keeping order and …. Never mind! Let's get back to the 'they' thing."


  Kate sat weakly on the bunk again, struggling for acceptance. "You put three inside me?" she finally managed angrily. "Three? How the hell …? Never mind! Why?"

  "One each," Jarek supplied uneasily. "All mate."

  "That's why …. Never mind! Three! Damn it!"

  "Dis not goot?" Dax asked uneasily. He glared at Ronan. I told you that it was a small nesting place!

  Ronan glared at him. You were not so worried that you did not coax another for yourself!

  Because you insisted that it would not be a problem!

  I told you to use your best judgment! Clearly you did not consider anything beyond your own desire to spawn on my mate!

  Our mate! Jarek reminded him.

  "Two would've been bad enough!" Kate snapped. "But three?"

  Ronan and Dax turned to glare at Jarek accusingly.

  You should not have bred one!

  "Will you guys stop doing that, damn it? I know what you're doing! No telepathing and leaving me wondering what the hell is going on! We are going to have a real problem."

  "Three bad?" Ronan demanded. "Two not bad? I beat Jarek senseless."

  Kate gaped at him. "Why?"

  "He fader tird."

  "Oh come on! How the hell would you know that? Maybe you fathered the third one?"

  He looked indignant. "Alpha. Fader fust."

  Kate rubbed her throbbing temples. "I don't see any point in arguing that … now," she added angrily. "You didn't even check to see how many babies human women typically have, damn it?"

  "Many eggs," Ronan pointed out.

  "Small belly!" Kate snapped. "We carry them inside, in case you didn't even do that much research!"

  "Know dat," Ronan said tightly.

  "You just ignored it."

  "Dis stretch," Ronan said pointedly, gliding a finger along the skin of her arm.

  She slapped his hand away. "Not that damned much!"

  "What do?" Dax asked uneasily.

  "I don't really have a choice now, do I?" Kate said angrily. "It isn't like I could remove any of them without risking losing all of them! Besides, I'm not supposed to have even one without a damned permit!"

  All three of them gaped at her. It was Ronan who spoke, however. "Need paper dat too?" he demanded, clearly outraged.

  "Yes we need papers for that, too!" Kate responded angrily. "We need permits for every damned thing-especially reproducing! In case you didn't notice we have a population problem!"

  "So … ok tree?" Jarek asked hopefully. "Just no … paper? You get paper, yes? Like did us?"

  "No it isn't ok three!" Kate snapped. "It isn't ok with me, damn it! And its three times as much trouble as I'd be in if there was only one!" She thought about it. "You're sure there are three?"

  She could tell from the looks the three of them exchanged that they were debating whether to admit it or not. "Never mind! Don't bother to tell me different now!"

  Truthfully, she hadn't even figured out what she was going to do about being pregnant at all when she hadn't gone through channels. She'd had a vague idea that, maybe, it wouldn't be the issue on the new world that it would've been on Earth-probably more hopefulness than anything approaching reason-but she thought having triplets wasn't going to be received well-at all! Even if attitudes changed once they began to build their colony and accepted that they were on a new world and the old ways they were used to just didn't matter as much when they had new things to worry about, she doubted people would relax that much!

  They had, after all, been subjected to orientation for the colony that included the warnings that they had to protect their new world. They couldn't afford to behave as generations of the past had on Earth or they would be making the same mistakes and, in time, the new world would be in pretty much the same trouble as the one they'd left. They did have to adjust their thinking regarding children. They could not only afford to have children-each of them-but new colonists would be needed since they would have to rely a lot more on manpower than they had on Earth. Balance was the key, though! No one was allowed to make any decisions that could affect the colony as a whole.

  Not that she had made any decision to have a baby at all, much less three!

  What the hell was she going to do?

  It flickered through her mind that the Sirians had actually given her a possible solution, but her emotional reaction was sufficient to convince her without thinking about it, at all, that that was not acceptable to her. She hadn't planned to have children. Like pretty much everyone else, she suspected, there'd been the biological urge from time to time, but she'd dismissed it.

  Genetically speaking, she'd been tentatively approved to have a child if she wanted one, but all that meant was that she had no genetic defects that couldn't be easily removed and she had desirable traits that made approval a higher probability. It didn't mean she would actually get all the way through the process and attain final approval. There were waiting lines so long that a lot of women were beyond the most desirable childbearing years before they got approved-when they got it at all.

  She'd accepted the unlikelihood that she would have a child of her own long ago and, mostly, put it from her mind and focused on her career.

  The career that was pretty much in shambles now!

  "I don't know what we're going to do," she said finally, "but Earth customs-I am not giving up my babies! Regardless of what you're used to …." She stopped, frowning, and then looked at the Sirians. "How do you know that your … uh … the father usually nurtures the young? How do you know anything at all about your home world? You weren't even born … uh … you've never actually been there."

  Ronan looked surprised. "Memories."

  "How could you have …? Wait! Are you saying …? You are sayin
g that you have … memories that aren't yours?"

  Ronan and the others shared a look. "You no have dat neider? How younglings …?" He stopped and seemed to struggle with what he was trying to ask her. I cannot explain in your language. I do not know the words.

  So explain telepathically! And while you're at it, explain to me how it is that the fathers are supposed to nurture the young and there was no father around when we … uh … took the eggs. There should have been three, right?

  They must eat! Jarek said a little defensively.

  Kate glanced at him. But there should have been one, at least, that stayed to protect, right?

  The three of them looked uncomfortable and defensive at the same time.

  Sometimes the males follow the queen to seed her again … or try. Usually the queen will not allow it, but sometimes …. If she is young and has not produced before. There were only three. She could not be sure all would survive.

  Well that certainly wasn't likely if she abandoned them to be taken care of by three males that abandoned them to follow her off to screw again!

  The males were young, too, Ronan said tightly.

  How the hell do you know that?

  "Do not know. Guess," Jarek said.

  Ronan and Dax both sent him an irritated look.

  They would not all have left if that was not the case, Dax said. They were more driven by their instinct to reproduce than the caution of the old ones to protect the young they had already spawned.

  "The old ones?" Kate asked blankly. "You're talking about memories again? You have actual memories from … ancestors?"

  Gathered knowledge passed to off-spring, Ronan said. Humans do not do this? They are not truly memories-not the way you think of memories. We did not experience these things. We simply know because it is written in the mind.

  Kate stared at him, digesting that. They'd always suspected that some animals had 'racial' memory coded into their genes. There had never been any solid proof of it-except for the fact that a lot of animals could be separated completely from their parents and still have the same behavioral traits. But those things couldn't be actual memories either.

  She had a lot to learn about the Sirians, she realized in dismay, and not a lot of time to process it!


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