Finding Bliss (Bliss #1)

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Finding Bliss (Bliss #1) Page 4

by Cassie Strickland

  “So, I’ll be off. I’m sure Grey will be right with ya,” Shelley said as I soaked it all in.

  I nodded, not paying attention to what she was saying. “Thanks, Shelley. I appreciated it.”


  “What?!” My face snapped to hers. “Did you say Grey? As in Grey Raiden?”

  Please tell me she’s joking!

  She cocked her head to the side. “You know Grey?” Her eyes grew rounded. “Oh, now that explains the getup.” She waved to my power suit. “You’re here for the funeral.”

  “I, uh… You knew my brother, Jonathan?”

  Her face gentled as she touched my arm, offering her sympathy. “Oh dear, I didn’t know. I’m so sorry for your loss, hon. I had no clue he had a sister. Jon was such a sweet man.”

  I took a step back. I’d arrived in the Twilight Zone. “I…uh…”

  She nodded sadly and thinned her lips. “Most folks here knew your brother, hon, since he was the pastor and all.”

  It was official.

  I’m in the Land of freaking Oz!

  Jonathan, a pastor?!

  A man of God?!

  I was going to wake up and find that the last few days were all a dream. A nightmare. Jonathan couldn’t have been a pastor. A preacher for the devil, now that I could believe.

  But then memories came to me…and it made sense.

  Oh, Jonathan.

  What did you do?

  Footsteps sounded on the stairs, gaining our attention. A man powered down them rapidly, heading straight for us.

  Oh, dear Lord, I was in La-La-Land.

  There was no way a man like this existed. He was, quite simply, spell-binding.

  His hair was dark and shaggy, his lips curled into a smile, but his eyes were what had me completely immobile. They were tawny and flecked with brilliant shades of gold, making them appear almost liquid. Lush, long black lashes fanned them, and if it wasn’t for his rugged apparel – jeans, flannel shirt, and work boots – I would have thought they were fake. His brows were thick and heavy with dark hair. They accentuated his eyes in a way that made them scream at you.

  I’d never, in all my life, seen a man this perfect. It was very intimidating and off putting. And I wasn’t one to take looks into consideration.

  “Told you it was gorgeous in here,” Shelley whispered to me conspiratorially.

  The man came to a halt in front of Shelley and me, grinning widely. He even had dimples.


  “Clarabelle, finally! I’ve seen pictures of you as a kid…but wow!” His gaze traveled over my face as he held out his hand. His gorgeous eyes went a little funny, but they changed back to normal quickly – it happened so fast, I’d almost missed it. “I’m Grey.”

  This was the voice?!

  This is Grey?!


  “Pictures?” I whispered, my mouth dry. “Jonathan had pictures of me?” I absently put my hand in his, mine trembling. Fear and disbelief were raging war inside my stomach. I wanted to scream at Jonathan’s audacity for keeping something that represented me close to him. I wanted to run from this place and scrub it from my mind.

  Grey looked at my hand and narrowed his stunning eyes. When he brought them back to mine, they were all-seeing. He wasn’t missing anything, reading me completely. “Yeah. You were his sister. He had pictures of your parents, too.”

  I pulled my hand from his and rubbed my lips together nervously. Coming here was a bad idea. A really bad idea. I couldn’t do this. I had to get out of here. “I think-”

  “Whelp!” Shelley clapped her hands together. “I’m outta here now that you’re safe and sound. I’ve gotta pick up Momma.” She looked to Grey. “You know she can’t drive anymore. She wants me to get her so she can be on time to Pastor Jon’s funeral. She’s been in tears for days over it. So sad… I’ll see you two at the church.” She turned back to me. “The pastor from the next town’s comin’ to perform the service. He’s a good man, dear. He’ll do your brother proud.” She closed the door behind her before I could say anything.

  Grey’s focus on me never wavered. “You okay?” he asked, unsure.

  “I think I need to leave. This…this was....”

  “You’re in shock. It’s understandable.” He laid a hand on my shoulder, trying to offer comfort, but I scooted away, flinching. I didn’t like his hands on me, even though he was the voice. His eyes darkened. In what, I wasn’t sure. It cleared just as quickly as it came, though, and he smiled again. “Let’s get you settled in.”

  He grabbed my bags and pivoted, heading down the hall. He started talking before I could tell him I was leaving. “Pretty great place, isn’t it?” He lifted one arm and gestured at the hall. “It’s been in my family for a long time. My little sister and I run it now that Mom and Dad are retired.”

  That was interesting and all, but I needed to run.


  “Samantha and I don’t do as well as they did.” He looked over his shoulder and gave me a wink. Oh, wow! Thoughts of fleeing disappeared. “But we do our best. Sam cooks with the help of one lady, Mrs. Birdy, as well as take care of the house. I handle more of the upkeep and business end of things. I’m not much for laundry,” he joked as he moved into a huge kitchen.

  Why were we going to the kitchen? The bedrooms should be upstairs.

  Wait?! I was leaving! I didn’t need to know where anything was. I needed to track down my rental, head back to the city and hop on the first flight out.

  Once Grey was out of the way, I really saw the kitchen and was blown away. It was all newly renovated. There were stainless steel appliances, all commercial grade. The cabinets were a beautiful cherry wood, and the counters were a butterscotch marble. A pale yellow was splashed on the walls, turning what should be a restaurant style kitchen into a country one. It was gorgeous, a chef’s dream.

  “Pretty impressive, isn’t it?” He was standing at the back door, watching me. I had stopped in the middle of the kitchen, spinning to take it in. “Jon and I did it last year.”

  I hated it instantly.

  Something on my face must have given me away, but instead of holding it against me, Grey burst out laughing. And his laugh! It was one of the most appealing sounds I’d ever heard, other than his voice when he spoke, of course.

  I rubbed my temples, completely losing it. One minute, I was freaking out, and the next, I wanted to jump this man! Usually it was like, knock, knock, libido, are you there?

  “Come on. This way.” He opened up the back door and wandered outside.

  Everything was moving way too fast. I couldn’t keep up with anything. He was intentionally trying to keep me off kilter because he knew I was ready to bolt.

  “Clarabelle, you comin’?” he called out, snapping to it.

  I followed him, almost sprinting to catch up. He was heading for a house at the back of the property and was almost there. When I finally caught him, he held the door opened for me. I obediently went in and looked around. This house had a different feel to it. Way different. It was masculine, modern. There was a leather couch with a large entertainment center to the right and an open kitchen lining the wall to the left. There was a rectangular table in the center with heavy chairs surrounding it, separating the two spaces, but it was all one large room.

  The sound of the door clicking behind me caused my heart to beat faster. “Uh, what’s this?”

  I was confused. You didn’t rent a place like this – it was lived in. There were boots by the door and coats on the rack above them. There were personal pictures on the wall. I couldn’t make them out, but they had people in them. Usual hotel rooms had paintings or types of art decorating the walls.

  “This is my place,” he told me, no joking anywhere to be heard.

  I spun around to face him. “What?!”

  He shrugged. “We were booked solid, and when Galen called, I told my sister to go ahead and give you a reservation. I knew you’d probably refuse anythin’ I offered if y
ou knew what your accommodations were gonna be.”

  The nerve!

  “You’re damn right-”

  He spoke over me. “Hear me out.” His eyes pleaded with me, so I shut my mouth and glared at him. It only caused him to smirk, the (devilishly handsome) bastard. “There isn’t anythin’ available within fifty miles. I checked. I called around once I knew you were headin’ here. I didn’t want you to have to drive all around when you didn’t know the area. Chicago is a far cry from the Blue Ridge Mountains. It can get really dark and really cold out here.”

  He dropped my bags and rubbed the back of his neck. “I know that this is probably uncomfortably strange for you, but I won’t even be here. My sister is lettin’ me crash on her couch while you stay. I was just tryin’ to do you a favor…and well, look out for you. You’re Jon’s sister, after all, and I felt that it was my responsibility. I’m not chargin’ you. Sam took down Galen’s information, but I made her shred it immediately.”

  I blinked at him, unprepared for his speech. No one has ever looked out for my wellbeing other than Galen and Paige, and it was iffy with Paige at times. It was strange…crazy. I was on overload from the mound of information Shelley dished out, and this man had taken over my mental capabilities by his presence alone.

  “I don’t-”

  “Jon died in these mountains, Clarabelle.” Immense pain flashed in his eyes. He was hiding how much Jonathan’s death had affected him, but he let me see it. “Please, let me do this for you.”

  “Look, Grey-”

  “It’s either that or I’ll be drivin’ you back and forth from where ever you’re stayin’ so that I know you’re safe. It’ll be a pain in my ass, since I know you have a perfectly good place to stay, but I’ll do it.” He was completely serious.

  “Why won’t anyone let me speak lately,” I snapped.

  Between Galen, Paige, and Grey, it was getting old. I wasn’t a toddler.

  He lifted his brows at me, but I swear his mouth twitched like he wanted to laugh at me.

  I glowered at him and gave in. “I have conditions.” He nodded, waiting. “I’m going to call around to see if anything is available.” He tried to interrupt me again, but I glared at him.

  Try me, buddy. I’m not in the mood.

  He made a motion like he was zipping his mouth shut.

  “Good. I understand that you have done so already. But – like what I was going to say – I’ll leave my number in case anything opens up last minute. If it does, I’m leaving. Same goes for here. If a room becomes available, I want it.”

  “I can do that, but I doubt it’ll happen.”

  I glared at him again. “I don’t appreciate your highhandedness. Yes, it is kind of you to offer your home. You’re going to a lot of trouble for me when you don’t know me from Adam. And it is very sweet of you to look out for me. I’ve not had…” I stopped myself at that, but he waited, and I think he was hoping that I’d finish. He didn’t need to know anything about me, though. “Thank you.”

  Disappointment flashed in his face quickly, but he changed the subject on me. “Well, we leave in fifteen for the funeral. I’ll meet you at the front door.”

  “Wait! What? A car should already be here for me.”

  He shrugged. “It is. I have the keys in my office, but I figured it was a waste to take two vehicles. I’m already goin’. I have to change first, though. Plus, I know my way around and your car is compact. My Tahoe has four wheel drive. Much safer.”

  “Again with the highhandedness.”

  He did laugh this time, and it was glorious. “Come on. Would it kill you to be in the same car as me for a little while?”

  It just might.

  I didn’t think my nerves could handle more…but damn. He had a point.

  I still wasn’t sure what I thought about him. It wasn’t like he was leaving me his house for a month. I was only here a few days. Still, the nerve to con me like this. And to automatically assume that I’d just hop in his Tahoe, willy-nilly. Nevertheless, he did just lose a friend. Even if I hated my brother, I understood what the passing of a loved one did to you. I couldn’t fault him for that.

  “Well?” he prompted since I didn’t answer immediately.

  I blew out a breath, annoyed. “Fine. I’ll be ready in fifteen.”

  “Good. It’s nice to finally meet you, Clarabelle.”

  “Will you please stop calling me that? It’s Clara,” I snapped.

  His brows lowered like he was contemplating me, trying to figure me out. “Okay… Clara, it is.”

  “Sorry. I’m just a bit touchy when it comes to that.”

  “Really? I couldn’t tell,” he remarked dryly, but his expression was full of amusement. I rolled my eyes at him. “Fifteen minutes,” he repeated and gave me a devilish grin before he left.

  I leaned against the door after that parting gift – and what a gift it was! – knowing I was in way over my head.

  I needed Galen.

  I scrambled around to find my purse and located it next to my bags. I pulled out my cell, fumbling it in my hurried movements, before dialing. He answered my call right away. “How are you holding up, girly?”

  “Uh, Jonathan was a pastor and the town loves him and I met Grey and he owns the bed and breakfast and they didn’t tell you that they were booked because he lives in a house at the back of the property that he duped me into taking. Oh, and he also forced to me to ride with him to the funeral. I meet him out front in a few minutes!” I gulped down air, my ramblings leaving me breathless.

  “Err, I don’t know what to say to all that. Are you all right? This Grey guy isn’t threating to you, is he?”

  “No.” I sighed, walking around Grey’s place, looking at things absently. I was stomping down my panic and anxiety. Being able to talk to Galen helped with that tremendously, but I knew what I was about to face. “He’s rather charming in a way, but I don’t get any weird vibes from him. He said he’s just trying to take care of me, because I’ve never been here before and I shouldn’t be driving around a town I didn’t know. He’d already checked around for vacancies and couldn’t find any. He’s kind. It’s just strange…that’s all.” I plopped down on his couch, wishing I could pull my hair down – the pins were killing me – and fall asleep instead of going to the funeral.

  “That seems nice of him. He can’t be all that bad then. What’s this about Jonathan? That’s a bit, ah…strange.” His surprise echoed my own. “But then…”

  “I know! One lady was telling me about him. The funeral is going to be at his church. His church! Can you believe that? This is so crazy, Galen. I don’t know if I can go through with it. I want to come home.” Tears welled in my eyes.

  “I know, sweet girl. I know. But we talked about this. You’re doing this for you. You need to beat this. Beat him. There is nothing anyone can tell you about him that will ever make up for his actions. But maybe, just maybe, it’s time for you to let go of the past and forgive. There’s no reason for you to hold onto all that hate any longer. It will fester, my dear. And when it does, you’ll turn bitter. You are too kind and too beautiful for that.”

  “You want me to forgive him?”

  Is he mad?

  “Forgiveness is the path to happiness. He’s dead, Clara. There’s nothing else you can do with this.”

  I sniffled. He had a point. Maybe I should try.

  “You have a way with words, Galen.” I swiped underneath my eyes to make sure no tears had fallen. If I was going to this funeral, I didn’t want to look like a raccoon. “Okay. I’m ready. I’m going.”

  “That’s my girl,” he murmured. “Love you. Call me later and let me know how you’re doing, okay?”

  “’Kay. Love you too.”


  A woman was standing at the stove, stirring something in a pot with a spoon, when I walked through the backdoor of the B&B. She glanced at me when the door clicked closed and then returned her focus back to what she was doing. “You must be
Clarabelle. I hope you aren’t too mad at me for what Grey told me to do. He can be very persuasive when he needs to be.” She set the spoon down and wiped her hands on a towel as she turned to me, smiling. But it dropped and she looked…confused?

  “Don’t I know it,” I admitted, wondering why she seemed confused. “He had me agreeing to stay within minutes. I didn’t even realize what I was saying until he walked out the door.”

  Her expression transformed, and her shoulders shook with silent laughter. “That brother of mine, I don’t know what I’m gonna do with him.” She approached me, holding out her hand. “I’m Sam, by the way. It’s nice to meet you.”

  I shook it, maybe a bit too eagerly. “It’s nice to meet you, as well. Call me Clara. It’s been a long time since I’ve answered to anything else.”

  She tilted her head thoughtfully. “If I remember right, Jon told me he called you Bella.”

  All the blood drain from my face.

  She rushed forward, catching my upper arms to stop me from swaying. “Are you okay? I’m sorry. You probably don’t wanna talk about him right now. How inconsiderate of me.” Her face was set with worry, but there was something else there, too.

  I squeezed my eyes closed, not caring what it was.

  He talked about me with people. What did he tell them? Did he tell them-?

  I stopped that train of thought. There was no way he’d tell anyone that. No way.

  Get it together, Clara!

  “It’s fine.” I took a deep breath. “I’m fine.” I opened my eyes and tried to smile, but it fell flat. “Just a tough day in general. You said nothing wrong in the least.”

  She kept her hold on my arms, her gaze calculating. She was watching me with the same intensity as Grey, but hers was more. It was like she could see into my soul.

  Grey and Sam looked a lot alike, their eyes identical. Her hair was a lighter shade of brown, and her lips were fuller, really full actually, and plump. She even had those beautiful eyelashes I’d admired on her brother.


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