Finding Bliss (Bliss #1)

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Finding Bliss (Bliss #1) Page 30

by Cassie Strickland

  Damn Justin.

  He didn’t tell her.

  He was leaving it to me, the bastard. I couldn’t wait to get my hands around his puny little neck.

  “Sure,” Chelsea replied uneasily and stepped back to give us room to walk in.

  I’d been here many times over the years. They’d lived here since they were married. I remembered watching games on their couch, us laughing and hanging out, and having dinner at their table. All of the memories were like a punch to the gut. I was about to add one more to them, one that would shatter all of the good ones Justin and Chelsea had here.

  Chelsea sat on the loveseat and gestured at the couch next to it. They butted up against each other, the arms touching. I took the seat closest to her and pulled Clara next to me, needing her at my side.

  Chelsea fidgeted, unsure of what was going on. “Can I get you somethin’ to drink?”

  “No. Don’t worry about it.” I took a deep breath and asked, “Have you talked to Justin recently?”

  “What’s going on, Grey? You’re scarin’ me.” She looked between Clara and me again, and then I saw something dawn in her eyes. “Somethin’ happened to him, didn’t it? Oh, God! Is he okay?”

  I scooted forward and rested on the edge of the couch, placing my elbows on my knees as I observed her. “No, Chels. It’s not like that. Just answer me, please. Have you talked to him in the last hour or so?”

  I already knew the answer, but I wanted to make sure.

  “No, I tried callin’ him about thirty minutes ago, but he didn’t answer. He should have been home by now.” She forced a smile. “He had errands to run and probably left his phone in the car, like he usually does when he’s out. He can never keep track of the dang thing.”

  He probably didn’t answer before for different reasons, but I didn’t say that.

  I blew out a breath. “Okay, Chels. I don’t know how to tell you this…”

  God, shoot me now.

  I wanted to be anywhere but here.

  “What’s going on, Grey? It’s not like you to be this timid.” Her hands shook as she tucked her hair behind her ears.

  I scooted closer to her and took her hands in mine. Clara placed a hand on my back, boosting my courage. I silently thanked her for that.

  “Somethin’ did happen, but it’s not what you think… Clara and I…we were in town earlier…”

  “Grey…” she started to say, interrupting me. It was like she knew what I had to say was going to change everything for her, and she wanted me to stop before it could.

  But I knew she hadn’t a clue. Chelsea wasn’t the type to put up with that.

  “Look, there is no way to tell you this and cushion it – it’s gonna be a blow no matter what. Clara and I were in town today and overheard Justin talkin’ to a woman. The woman was pregnant. From what we heard, it’s Justin’s baby.”

  Her expression hardened as she studied us. “Is this some type of sick joke?” She jerked her hands from mine.

  “Chels, I’d never-”

  “How can you be so cruel? Seriously, Grey? We’ve been friends forever.”

  “Listen to me, Chelsea. You know me. I’d never lie to you about this.”

  She placed her hand on her throat, licking her lips. “I know you wouldn’t, Grey, but what you’re sayin’… That’s not Justin.”

  God, her voice was too calm, too controlled.

  “I agree, Chels. I wouldn’t have believed it if I hadn’t heard. Clara was with me. We were walkin’ into the parkin’ lot behind Teal and Lace. We just finished shoppin’ when we overheard.”

  “You heard wrong,” she snarled. “You need to go. Now. Go.”

  I kept calm – she was hurting and was in denial. “I’m not lyin’, Chels. I swear. I confronted him and told him he had an hour to come tell you. I tried callin’ him, but he wouldn’t answer…so I came. I knew you had to know.”

  She let out a strangled cry and stood suddenly, stumbling over her feet to get away from me. “No. You’re lyin’. That…that can’t be. Justin wouldn’t. He couldn’t.” She choked back a sob. “Why would you do this me, Grey? Clara? Why?

  “I’m tellin’ the truth, sweetie. I hate doin’ it. It fuckin’ kills me, but you have to know.”

  “You’re lyin’!” she screamed. She grabbed a picture off the table next to us and threw it at me, but I dodged it easily as I stood. “Get out! Get out!”

  She nabbed something else off the table, but I grabbed her hands and pulled her to me, wrapping my arms around her to restrain her. “I’m so sorry, sweetie. So sorry.”

  She collapsed against me, sobbing. “Please be lyin’. Please!”

  “No, Chels. It’s true.”

  She cried against my chest for a few minutes before calming down slightly.

  “You okay?” I asked quietly.

  “No. Just…let me go. I’m okay. I won’t throw anythin’…”

  “Okay, sweetie.” I let her go, but her knees buckled. I grabbed her quickly and helped lower her to the loveseat.

  She sat there silently crying, the tears streaming unchecked. “I don’t understand this,” she whispered.

  I hated doing it, but she had to know. “There’s more, Chels.”

  “No. I don’t wanna hear it. I can’t.” She put her face in her palms, her shoulders shaking as she cried more.

  “You have to, darlin’.” She fought back another sob and then nodded to me, not meeting my eyes. “I’ve been tryin’ to talk to Justin for the last few days. I, uh…remember that night you met Paige? Remember how you thought she was bein’ rude to Justin?”

  “No,” she wept, shaking her head frantically. “No, no, no.”

  I told her about that night with Paige and everything that had happened over the last few days. With every word, she dissolved into herself more. In the end, she was curled up in a ball on the couch, crying profusely. I kneeled down next to her and pulled her to me, my heart breaking for her. Such a sweet, kind woman shouldn’t have to face this alone…or at all.

  When the sobs grew more uncontrollable, I sat on the couch, pulling her into my lap, and tucked her head against my shoulder, absorbing her despair. I stared at Clara as she silently cried with Chelsea, feeling her pain.

  “I’m sorry, darlin’.” My voice broke.

  “How could he do this to me, Grey? How?! We love each other. He tells me all the time. He always goes out of his way to make me feel special…so that I know he loves me.” Her words were broken as she forced them out, trying to comprehend it all.

  “I don’t know, Chels. I don’t. I couldn’t believe it, either. I don’t think any of us expected this. He’s been head over heels for you since you met.”

  “Who is this woman? The one pregnant?”

  “I don’t know. She works at The Ridge.”

  “I have to talk to her. I have to find out.” She tried to force herself out of my lap, but I held on.

  “I don’t think that’s a good idea right now. You need to talk to Justin.”

  She deflated against my chest again. “You’re probably right. I…I just can’t believe this.”

  “I know, darlin’. I know,” I whispered into her hair and held her tighter.


  We had stayed for a couple of hours as she went through the different emotions – grief, heartbreak, and then anger – but Justin was a no show. I tried calling him again, but he still didn’t answer. If he had any family still left in town, I would have called them, as well, but his parents had long since retired in Hawaii and his sister lived in upstate New York somewhere.

  Chelsea wanted to be alone, so I’d put her to bed before Clara and I left. I was fine with this, but I made her promise to answer the phone when I called to check on her.

  “That didn’t go well,” Clara remarked as we drove.

  My bark of laughter was not humorous. “Ya think?”

  “Where do you think he is?”

  “No idea, darlin’. Spineless bastard…I shou
ld have beat his ass when I had the chance. No, I should have forced him into the car and drove him to her, so he could face her like a man.” I banged the steering wheel again. “Damn him!”

  Clara placed her hand on my forearm to calm me. “I know, Grey. I’m sorry. I had no idea that telling you about Paige would lead to this.”

  “I told you, you have nothin’ to be sorry about. It’s Justin who should be sorry.”

  My cell’s ringtone interrupted us. Hoping it was Justin, I looked at the screen and saw Adam’s name. More anger surged through me as I answered.


  Seeming off, he asked, “What’s crawled up your ass?”

  I grunted. “Long story. Where are you?”

  “About to head your way. I need to talk to you.”

  “Meet me at Clara’s.”

  He let out an audible sigh. “See you in a few.”

  “That didn’t sound good,” Clara commented, watching me closely as I hung up. “I wonder what he needs to talk to you about.”

  I scrubbed my face with one hand, not having a clue, but that wasn’t what I was really worried about. Of all people this would anger the most, it would be Adam. He’d be feeling this for a long time.

  And if he caught up with Justin…

  God help Justin.


  As we turned into Clara’s driveway, Adam’s truck pulled in right behind us. We slammed our doors at the same time, all of us heading for the porch.

  “What’s goin’ on?” I asked Adam as we met him at the steps.

  “Let’s get inside first,” he replied cagily.

  Paige threw the door open before we could move. “Is Chelsea okay?” she immediately asked.

  Adam’s head swung toward me, his face scrunched up with suspicion. “What happened to Chels?”

  “Let’s sit down and I’ll tell you,” I replied.

  Once we were in the house and seated, I told him everything that happened. As I explained, his hands turned to fists and he became incensed.

  “It all makes sense now,” he whispered menacingly. The fun loving guy was replaced with someone more severe, hard edged. Even though he was a jokester, he sometimes cared almost too much.

  “What makes sense?” Clara inquired, puzzled.

  “Becky Holt and her husband hired me to build their back porch.” When Clara stared at him blankly, he explained who Becky was. “She works at the bank in town. She’s the biggest busy body you’ll ever meet, always gossipin’ and spreadin’ rumors. She likes to poke her nose into everyone’s business.”

  I nodded my agreement at his description.

  “Anyway, she came home, tryin’ to pump me for information. I guess, right before closin’, Justin went to the bank and cleaned out his accounts. He told her he had a huge surprise planned for Chelsea.” He stared at me, his expression pained. “She was tryin’ to find out what it was. I had no idea what she was talkin’ about. Justin and Chels have always been a bit frugal, plannin’ for the future and whatnot. I couldn’t see him doin’ that, even if it was a surprise for Chels. I tried callin’ him, but he didn’t answer. That’s when I called you, Grey.”

  My rage went up a whole other level. “You’ve got to be shittin’ me?!”

  Adam’s jaw ticked as he gave me a subtle shake of the head. “No.”

  “What does that mean?” Clara asked, confused.

  It was Paige that answered. “He skipped town. He cleaned her out and skipped town, rather than facing her.”

  “No!” Clara cried, horrified.

  “It’s the only explanation.”

  I prayed we were wrong, but I had a strong feeling that we were right.

  “That son of a bitch,” Adam snarled, his face contorting with the same fury I felt.

  “What do we do? Can we call the cops?” Paige wondered.

  “No. There’s nothin’ they can do. They had a joint account. He didn’t do anythin’ illegal, only immoral.” I ran my hands through my hair, mystified by it all.

  Did I even know Justin?

  Shit, did I know any of my friends these days?

  “At this point, we can only wait and see if he shows,” Clara stated regretfully. “Poor Chelsea. He cheated on her and deserted her.”

  Paige studied us, concerned. “I guess the next question is…who’s going to tell Chelsea?”

  Chapter 20


  “Clara, if you want this one, we’re gonna have to bring in heavy machinery to get it into the house, let alone decorate it.” Grey stared up at the large Christmas tree I’d fallen in love with, bewildered.

  I observed the big beaut for a moment, begrudgingly admitting to myself that he was right. Even though the ceilings in the living room were high and it would fit perfectly, it would be a pain to decorate it.

  Still, I didn’t want to confess that to him. I really wanted this tree.

  “Don’t you have a ladder at the B&B? Surely it wouldn’t be too hard,” I debated.

  He gave me a sideways glance and lifted a brow. “Clara darlin’…”

  I turned my head, hearing the warning tone – he was reaching his limit for the day.

  Not only had I dragged him around Asheville to buy new Christmas decorations and presents, but I’d also made him go to four different lots to find a tree, only to come up empty handed. I could understand his impatience, but I wanted everything to be perfect.

  It was then that I noticed another tree across the lot. It wasn’t as tall as the one I wanted, but it was twice as fat, the branches lush and full.

  Smiling to myself, I conceded, “Fine, not that one then.” I pointed to my new love and asked, “How about that one?”

  Grey’s eyes swung to where I pointed, bugging out a bit. “Jesus, Clara… How in the hell am I gonna carry it inside? Are you tryin’ to give me a hernia?”

  I laughed and hooked my arm in his, pulling him with me as I walked toward the new tree. “Come on, Grey… Your parents are coming tonight to decorate, as well your sister, Adam, and Chelsea. We’ll have a blast decorating it. Plus, it’s Bella’s first Christmas – we’ve got to go all out.”

  “Clara…” he warned, but I caught the resignation in his voice.

  He was so going to give in.

  We stopped in front of the tree and studied it. “Just imagine it in the living room, all set up. Wouldn’t it be beautiful?”

  “You’ve become a Christmas monster, you know?”

  I knocked my shoulder against his. “Whatever…”

  He tipped his chin down at me and grinned. “You totally are. It’s gonna look like the North Pole exploded in your livin’ room by the time you’re done. Remember, I saw all the shit you bought today.”

  I returned his grin, saying, “What? It’s Christmas.”

  Normally, Christmas wasn’t the happiest time of year for me. Since I’d lost my parents, the holiday just wasn’t the same. I missed the house filled with people, the songs, the cheer in the air…and just the all-around love it brought. It was the first year since then that I’d felt like I was part of a family again. I was beside myself with glee at the change, so I was going overboard.

  Did I care?


  This Christmas was going to be over the top.

  Grey shook his head at me and then kissed my temple. “All right, darlin’. We’ll get this one if it’s what you really want.”

  “Yay!” I playfully shouted.

  “You’re going to have to explain it to Dad and Adam, though. They’re gonna have to help me carry this behemoth in.”


  I was putting the last minute touches on the stew when I heard the front door open. Emma and Sam’s voice echoed down the hall as they approached.

  “Are you kiddin’ me?” Sam barked, clearly upset.

  “No, you’re Dad told me right before I left. He wasn’t too happy, either,” Emma returned as she entered the living room, Bella’s car seat in her arms.

What’s going on?” I questioned, alarmed.

  Sam appeared from the hall, her head shaking. “Apparently, Chels isn’t comin’.”

  I blew out a breath, understanding their disappointment. Chelsea had become a hermit since Justin’s disappearance weeks ago. She barely got through her day to day life and wouldn’t talk to anyone.

  “Is Grey still stoppin’ by?” Emma quietly asked as she sat the car seat on the coffee table. She gestured towards Bella, signaling that she was asleep.

  “Yep, everyday… She’s still closed mouth about it.” I pointed upstairs, telling her I’d take Bella up there.

  Emma shook her head and picked up the car seat. “Same here… Even Adam’s havin’ a hard time getting’ her to open up.” She sighed. “It’s all so sad. What I would do to that boy if I found him…” She made her way to the stairs, conflicted. “I’ll go put her down.”

  Sam and I watched Emma disappear upstairs as Sam stated, “I’ll cut his balls off if I find him first.” I let out a strangled laugh. She turned her gaze to me. “What? I would. That sorry piece of shit just vanished. He’s a coward and deserves far worse.”

  My amusement vanished, and I nodded. “True. I still can’t believe it.”

  “I’m never gettin’ married. I thought the two of them had something special. If someone like Justin – a man I’ve known all my life and thought the world of – could do that, I’m not goin’ there.”

  “I don’t know about that…” I trailed, thinking about Grey. I knew within the depths of me he’d never do that.

  Sensing my thoughts, she stated, “Grey’s a good one, Clara. You’re lucky. Besides Dad, he’s the only one.”

  “You’ll find yours one day, Sam. Don’t put off the notion.”

  “Enough about that… We need wine. Lots and lots of wine, especially now that Chels won’t be here. Adam and Grey won’t be in the best moods.”

  A thought struck me, so I asked, “What about her family? No one’s mentioned any of them.”

  Sam uncorked a bottle of wine and poured our glasses as she answered. “Not much to tell. She doesn’t talk about them.” I carved out the tops of the bread bowls as Sam strolled around the island and plopped down a stool. “She met Justin when she came to visit Bliss with some friends. Originally, she’s from South Carolina somewhere. They did the whole long distance thing for a while, then she moved here to be with him. I don’t think anyone in her family has come to see her since, and I know that she’s never visited them.”


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