Finding Bliss (Bliss #1)

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Finding Bliss (Bliss #1) Page 41

by Cassie Strickland

“No, you don’t,” Oliver snapped, his tone vibrating with anger. “You’ve never given a shit about Abby. You haven’t since her diagnosis. None of you cared to know anything about her since she disappeared. Why now? Because she’s dead? I’m sure you’re glad of it, though. I’m sure you’re ecstatic that the little stain on your perfect family is finally wiped clean.”

  “You need to quiet yourself, son,” Al demanded, the vein at his temple pounding with fury.

  “Or what? Huh, Dad? Don’t want people to know what an uncaring bastard you are? How you let down the one person that needed you the most?”

  “How dare you speak to Dad like that?” Gretchen gasped, horrified.

  “And like you’re any better? Jeez, Gretchen. You are just as bad as he is. This whole production you three put on this morning is sickening. I haven’t been able to touch my food, you disgust me so much.”

  “Oliver!” Al yelled as he scooted his chair back.

  The rest of us watched as voices raised with obscenities and accusations. The sound was so loud Mrs. Birdie came rushing in to find out what was happening. She stared, bug-eyed, as she witnessed it play out.

  This had gone on for a good five minutes before Teresa shouted, “That’s enough!” The room became silent as she glared at her husband and children. “This is ridiculous. I am ashamed of all of you. I…” She shook her head in disgust.


  “No, Al. There’s no excuse.”

  Al’s jaw ticked, but he stayed quiet.

  “I’m sorry for my family’s atrocious behavior this morning.” She met everyone’s eyes at the table, hers showing anguish. “I think we should leave.” She stood with Bella in her hands and slowly shuffled toward the door, her head high.

  Her children walked behind her, dragging their feet. Oliver was the only one that had the decency to look ashamed. The other two were scowling, stewing. I could only imagine the ride to the airport. I was glad I wasn’t going to be in that car.

  Gretchen and Clyde walked out the door without saying goodbye to the rest of us, but I didn’t think any of us cared. Al nodded, but that was it. None of them said goodbye to Bella, either, which, even though they were asses, was saddening for Bella’s sake.

  Oliver was waiting at the door with his mother when we approached. “I cannot express to you how sorry I am for that. I…I got a bit carried away.”

  Dad slapped him on the back, grinning. “Proud you stood up to him, son. You did really well in there. Don’t beat yourself up about it.”

  “Uh…okay.” Oliver didn’t seem convinced.

  “I agree with Brad, Olly,” Teresa added, smiling. “You’ve never done that before. It’s been years coming.”

  We shared a laugh, finding humor in all the craziness.

  Teresa was the first to sober. She clutched Bella to her chest and kissed her head. “I’m going to miss you, my dear.” She glanced at Clara. “Call soon…and send pictures.”

  “I will,” Clara returned, smiling sadly. “No matter what.”

  “I cannot apologize enough for-”

  I cut her off. “Don’t, Teresa. Don’t apologize for them. Whatever that was, it’s on them. We don’t hold it against you.”

  “That’s sweet,” she murmured, observing us all. “I’m so happy to meet you. Thank you so much for this opportunity. Meeting Bella…I feel closer to my daughter than I have in years. It’s been a gift.”

  Mom and Clara wiped their eyes, trying to hide their tears.

  “Come back any time, you two.” I switched my gaze between Oliver and Teresa, letting them see my sincerity. “You’re welcome anytime. Just give us a little notice and we’ll have a room ready. And leave the others at home.”

  “I can do that,” Oliver muttered, his lips twitching.

  Someone honked.

  “I guess it’s time,” Teresa murmured, giving Bella one last kiss before she handed her to Clara. She leaned in and hugged Clara, too, saying something in her ear. Clara nodded at whatever it was and released her, a watery smile on her face.

  After the final farewell, the door closed behind them and everyone sighed audibly, relieved.

  “That was a disaster,” Sam acknowledged.

  “Ya think?” Dad laughed bitterly. “That man is a snake in the grass.”

  “That’s putting it mildly,” Galen added, frowning at the door. There had been something going on with Galen since the Montgomery’s arrival, but he’d been silent about it.

  Sam found my gaze and asked, “What was all the questions about Clara’s past? Why were they bein’ so invasive?”

  “Hell if I know,” I answered, not having the slightest clue.

  “Maybe they were just bein’ spiteful,” Mom offered.

  “There’s no way to tell right now, so we should let it go,” Galen advised, sighing.

  “How about we let it go for now,” Clara suggested. Like always, she’d already bounced back from the debacle and was smiling again. “Why don’t we finish our breakfast?”

  “I vote for tequila shooters instead. I need a drink after that bullshit.”

  Tequila did sound perfect.

  Chapter 27


  “Eat. Come on, Chels,” I urged. “I’m worried about you. You’re skin and bones.”

  I wasn’t exaggerating.

  “I’ve been eatin’. I’m fine.” She took a bite in spite and glared at me. She started pushing the food around the plate again, like she’d been doing the last fifteen minutes.

  Her appearance at Christmas was so drastic compared to normal, I knew that Adam and I had to step it up. Since then, between the both of us, we’d been coming by twice a day, forcing her to eat while we watched. Something needed to be done. She was going to hurt herself or wind up in the hospital.

  This plan wasn’t going over well.

  “You’ve gotta get more than that down,” Adam pressed, giving me worried eyes.

  “Seriously, this whole motherin’ thing you two have been doin’ lately is gettin’ old,” she complained, annoyed.

  “Someone has to look out for you,” Adam stated.

  I winced.

  Chelsea narrowed her eyes at him from across her dining table. “Really, Adam? You’re gonna say shit like that to me right now?”

  Adam stared up at the ceiling, growling softly. “You know that’s not what I meant. You’re scarin’ us.”

  She rolled her eyes, muttering, “Whatever.”

  “Not whatever, Chels. If you don’t start takin’ better care of yourself, you’re gonna get sick. It’s not healthy.”

  I sat back and watched this play out. These visits were getting more and more aggravating. It wasn’t that I didn’t care – I did – but Chelsea didn’t. She had checked out. You can only do so much for someone that refused help.

  “I don’t need this,” Chelsea whispered, staring down at her plate.

  “That’s bullshit, Chels. Justin screwed you over, we get that – he’s screwed everyone over – but it’s not the end of the world. You’ve gotta bounce back. You’ve got to start livin’ again.”

  “I agree with him, Chels. The way you’ve been carryin’ on has got to stop,” I interjected, drawing attention to me.

  “Stop. Both of you stop!” Chelsea slammed her fork down on the table. “I’m fine! Fine!”

  “You aren’t!” Adam argued. He pushed himself out of his chair and stared down at her, his fury blazing. “I cannot watch you waste away like this. It’s fuckin’ killin’ me!”

  “Killin’ you? Who do you think you are?! He left me! He did all those things, and he left without facin’ me!” Her voice cracked and lowered. “I’ll be fine. I just have to…I have to get used to it. I have to figure it out. You two always motherin’ me isn’t helpin’.”

  “We care!” Adam yelled.

  “Calm down, Adam,” I advised, keeping my tone level.

  “I know! Okay! I know…” She put her face in her hands. “But havin’ you two here all th
e time makes me remember him. He’s constantly in the room with us, even though he’s gone. I’m constantly reminded of what we had… I think it’s time I moved on, too. I need to leave Bliss.”

  “What?” Adam was winded, shocked.

  “Chels, don’t say that,” I implored. “We don’t want you to go. We want you here.”

  “I think it’s best. I need to start over. I have to…to start over. It’s the…the only way.” She was crumbling under her words.

  “How can you say that?” Adam questioned, his pain evident.

  “I’d rather start over than be like this!” She waved at herself with disgust. “I’m a fuckin’ mess, Adam!”

  Adam stormed to the door and tugged on his coat, his movements jerky. “If that’s what you want, I won’t stop you! But damn it, Chelsea! I don’t want to lose anyone else!” He slammed the door behind him.

  “He’s in shock, Chels,” I whispered as she stared at the door. “You know how he is…”

  Chelsea had tears trickling down her cheeks when she faced me. “I don’t know how much more I can take, Grey. I don’t. I want you and Adam in my life, but you were too…too close to Justin. I’m scared. I’m so angry.”

  “Shhh,” I soothed her and stood from my chair. As I reached her, she leaned forward and rested her temple against my sternum. I rubbed her back and whispered, “I’m sorry, Chels. So damn sorry. If you think leavin’ is best, I’ll stand behind you. Always. Still, I don’t want you to go. This is your home. It wouldn’t be the same without you.”

  She sniffled. “I don’t know what to do anymore, Grey. I don’t.”

  I held her tighter and let her cry. “I’m here, Chels. Just let me know what you need, and I’ll make it happen.”

  “I can’t live in this house,” she confessed, her voice tired. “I can’t. The memories are all I see.”

  “Is that why you’re adamant about leavin’,” I questioned, remembering Clara’s suggestion.

  Adam was all for her moving in with him when I suggested it. We’d wanted to wait a little bit to see if she’d bounce back before we approached her, though. I believed this was a bad move on our part.

  “Yeah…mostly,” she admitted as she eased back in her seat and wiped her face.

  “If you lived somewhere else, would that help?”

  She’d stared at me for a beat before she replied. “I don’t know…maybe. But I can’t afford anythin’ right now, Grey. I’m strugglin’ as it is. Justin has left me broke, and his income paid for all of this.” She gestured at the house. “I’m barely scrapin’ by.”

  I grinned, hoping to comfort her. “Let me worry about that.”

  “I can’t let you do that, Grey. I’m not takin’ handouts.”

  “You won’t be,” I assured her.


  “You don’t own the house, Chels. You can get out of the lease.”

  “We’ve been month to month for a while,” she mumbled.

  My brows raised. “So why haven’t you left sooner?”

  “The memories,” she mumbled again, unable to meet my eyes.


  “What?” she snapped defensively.

  I sighed and sat back down. “Adam and I were waitin’ to bring this up, but we talked about it and thought it might be a good idea for you to move in with him.”

  She started laughing – the first one I’d heard in a long time – and shook her head. “That’s the worst idea ever.”

  “Why?” I questioned, surprised.

  She sobered, realizing that I was serious. “I’d cramp his style. Adam’s a player. He wouldn’t want me there, messin’ with his mojo.”

  I smirked at that, then sobered, sighing again. “Adam adores you, Chels. He would do anythin’ for you.”

  She considered it for a second. “I don’t know, Grey…”

  I detected a spark of hope in her eyes.

  “He’s got plenty of room, and I’m sure you won’t be crampin’ his style. Knowin’ Adam, he’s already gotten it all worked out.”

  She nodded, her lips twitching. “Probably.”

  “If you’re roommates with him, your rent will be a lot less. You’ll be in a completely different environment, and the memories won’t overwhelm you anymore.”

  She flinched, then slowly agreed, “That’s true.”

  “There’s a lot of good in this, Chels.”

  Her eyes closed as she confessed, “I’m so scared to lead my life alone, Grey. He was everythin’ to me. There're things…”

  When she didn’t finish, I prompted, “There're things that what?”

  She shut down again and stared off to the side. “Nothin’…”

  Damn you, Justin.

  If I could track him down, I would.

  “It’ll get better, Chels. It will.”

  “I don’t know how.”

  “Chels…” I cupped her cheek, bringing her eyes to mine. God, they were haunted. “We’ll figure it out.”


  I called Adam as I pulled out of Chelsea’s driveway, wanting to give him an update and see how he was doing.

  “Hey,” he answered, somber.

  “You holdin’ up okay?”

  “I feel like an asshole.”

  “Don’t. She’s good…and she understands,” I told him, feeling his pain.

  He sighed loudly. “I was a dick.”


  He laughed. “No maybe about it… Damn, Grey, when she said she was leavin’, I thought I was gonna explode. Chels can’t leave us.”

  I couldn’t put my finger on the emotion behind his voice, but I didn’t question it. “Look, I called to tell you that Chels is thinkin’ about movin’ in with you.”

  “Say what?” His voice dripped with astonishment.

  “Yep. She admitted it was the house doin’ her in. She’s strugglin’ financially, too. I talked her around to the idea. I think she’ll agree to it.”

  “You’re a fuckin’ miracle worker, man,” he said in awe. “I was so worried she was gonna take off like Justin did.”

  “Not a chance, Adam. You know her better than that.”


  “Give her a couple of hours to let the idea sink in and then head back there. You can apologize in person and try and talk her into it more.”

  “Good idea. Thanks, Grey.”

  “No prob,” I replied, grinning.

  “I’ll call you later to let you know what happens.”

  “’Preciate that.”

  “Later,” he finished and hung up.

  Feeling like a huge weight had been lifted off of me, I smiled and turned onto Main. Now that this was starting to pass, maybe things would finally get back to normal.

  I was thinking about calling Clara to give her an update when I started to pass Teal and Lace. The girl that helped Clara and I adjusted something in the window display. You could fully see her face under the lights as she worked, and a memory slammed into me.

  They were standing on the street corner as I drove by. Jon was holding her arm, trying to pull her away. She was talking passionately, shaking her head, her face masked in fear. Whatever Jon said to her caused her to rip her arm from his and take off running. Jon shook his head and turned the other way.

  When I’d asked him about it, Jon told me that she was a runaway that disappeared from his house. He was trying to get her to come back.



  “Look, mister. I…I’m doing really good here with Mrs. Hunter. I don’t need any problems. I’ll do…I’ll do whatever, but please don’t make me lose this job.”

  This could only mean one thing. She had to be one of the girls that Jon hurt. She had to be.

  I pulled into the parking lot behind Teal and Lace, my breathing rapid. I wanted to hit the steering wheel over and over again, but the poor thing had had enough of that in recent events. Instead, I got out and kicked the tires a few times.

  No wonder she w
as so scared of me and looked at Clara like she did. She knew who we were. She probably thought she’d have freedom now that Jon was dead. Then Stacy’s twin showed up and became involved with his best friend.

  She’s probably been scared to death.

  I needed to talk to her. Hell, Wes needed to talk to her. That was if she’d talk. I had to find out.

  I jogged to the street and saw her still working in the window. I opened the door of the store, the bells jingling to announce my arrival. I shook off the cold and took a few steps into the store.

  She called out, “I’ll be right with you. Sorry, I’ve got my hands full at the moment.”

  I didn’t respond and leaned against the counter to wait for her. It was possibly not the best idea to surprise her. My approach was going to be hellish on her no matter what, though. However, she held information that we needed. Still, I felt like an ass for putting her in this position.

  It’d taken a couple of minutes before she ducked out of the display window and turned to me. When she saw me, the blood drained from her face. “What do you want?”

  “I need to talk to you,” I told her, making sure I kept my distance. I didn’t want to alarm her.

  Her expression hardened. “There’s nothin’ I need to say to you.” She stomped around the counter to put a barrier between us. “You need to leave.”

  “Look, I know you don’t have to talk to me, and I could only imagine what you’re thinkin’.” I kept my words soft and my demeanor calm, friendly. “I want you to listen to what I have to say, and then you can add anythin’ to it if you’d like. If not, that’s okay, too. But I think you might be a big help.”

  Her back went ramrod straight as she cocked her head to the side, her eyes narrowed. She wasn’t the scared little mouse I’d initially presumed. “I don’t see how I can help.”


  Something switched when she heard my plea. She seemed suspicious but intrigued at the same time. “Fine. I’ll listen, but that’s it. I don’t have to say anythin’ if I don’t wanna.”

  “That’s fine.” Her nod told me to begin. “I know that you were in Pastor Jon’s runaway program at some point. You saw me in here with his sister that day and you seemed scared.”


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