The Temple of Light (The Shadow Space Chronicles Book 5)

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The Temple of Light (The Shadow Space Chronicles Book 5) Page 14

by Kal Spriggs

  Seeing it from a distance, he wanted to believe that she'd exaggerated, that humanity could not have done such terrible things on their world of birth. No, he thought, not humanity... individual humans: men and women who thought they were better than the rest of us, that they should rule the rest of us.

  Amalgamated Worlds was every bit as much to blame as the Shadow Lords, for setting up the conditions where everything had failed so utterly. They'd shattered the framework of society in trying to brand themselves as the uncontested rulers. They'd demolished any sense of community or locality and had turned the cities into huge, sprawling regions where food had to be shipped and transported rather than grown.

  To top it off, they'd limited emigration and prevented "undesirables" from leaving Earth, keeping political prisoners in sprawling work camps. The Shadow Lords had sacked Earth, but Amalgamated Worlds had made it ripe for that sacking.

  "Captain," Lieutenant Meyer spoke up, "I mark the arrival of one battlecruiser, looks to be a Molotov-class."

  Daniel nodded. His gaze went to the Tanis Defense Force battlecruiser in a parallel orbit. That ship and his own represented the only presence of warships from their alliance. Kapitan Langsdorff of the Tau Ceti had backed out, stating that his presence would only strain matters, while Kaigun Motogami and the Shogunate's Envoy had agreed to come aboard the Constellation.

  "Hail them, inform them that we are waiting as agreed, weapons powered down," Daniel said. He glanced at Alannis, "and that we have Princess Alannis Giovanni aboard as our envoy."

  As a military officer serving aboard a warship, she couldn't also be endorsed as an ambassador. Just as well, in his mind. It was hard enough to think of her as two separate legal individuals, one of whom could give him orders and the other he could give orders.

  "They acknowledge. Presidential Aide Annabelle Spiridon is aboard the Pinnicle of Centauri, they will meet us aboard the TDF Gauntlet."

  Daniel's eyebrows went up at that. He glanced at Lieutenant Giovanni, "That's President Spiridon's daughter, isn't it?"

  She nodded. He knew she'd spent the past week reading up on any potential emissaries that the Centauri might send. "She's been out of sight for the past few years, to the point that some news outlets were suggesting she'd been assassinated. She just reappeared a few months ago and she's been acting at President Spiridon's main troubleshooter since then." Lieutenant Giovanni gave a tight smile, "This is going to be interesting, three princesses, so to speak."

  Daniel snorted at that. "You're right," he said, "Chairman-Admiral Ortega of Tanis, Presidential Aide Annabelle Spiridon, and yourself. This will be interesting."

  He just hoped it would also prove fruitful. They'd had no further leads on Reese Leone. If they didn't get some kind of break, then Daniel didn't know what they could do.


  "Envoy Noguchi," Alannis greeted as she stepped aboard the shuttle.

  The shorter man gave her a friendly smile, "Please, call me Mike."

  "Only here in private," Alannis replied as she took a seat across the aisle from him. Captain Beeson had already moved to the front of the shuttle where he and Kaigun Motogami had begun to talk. "I hadn't had an opportunity to greet you. I've heard quite a bit about you, actually. Princess Lizmadie thinks highly of you."

  Mike Noguchi cocked his head, "Ah, yeah, I remember her, now. Good kid." He shook his head, "That was a long time ago."

  "Ten years or so, right?" Alannis asked. "You and my brother saved her life as well as that of Prince Octavian. Pretty impressive."

  "Some good people died in the process," Mike said, his gaze going distant. "Some very good people. Then and later, as a consequence." He sighed, "But that's in the past."

  Alannis's curiosity piqued, but before she could ask further questions, the shuttle pilot announced they'd begun docking procedures. The shuttle would stay docked with the Gauntlet. Just in case they needed to head straight back to the ship... or in case they needed to make a quick escape. Trust was one thing, but this being the Centauri they were dealing with, Captain Beeson was prepared for anything. That was why the other shuttle carried a platoon of Marines in powered armor ready to go at a moment’s notice.

  Alannis led the way off the shuttle, followed by Captain Beeson. The Tanis Defense Force officer led them down the corridors of the ship to the conference room and Alannis gave Chairman-Admiral Ortega a polite nod as she stepped inside.

  The tall, coldly beautiful woman returned the nod. Chairman-Admiral Ortega's father was one of the most powerful people in the Tanis system and he owned majority shares on dozens of the major corporations and banking institutions in the system as well as being the defacto leader as the CEO of Tanis System Control.

  In theory, Alannis and Amelie Ortega should have felt some sense of affinity, as two women born into powerful families. In reality, Alannis found the woman aloof. Everything from her perfectly pulled-back raven-black hair to her impeccable uniform suggested an almost inhuman attention to detail. There was something distant about her, a sense of calculation that made Alannis feel uncomfortable. Her lavender eyes seemed to observe everything, like a biologist staring through a microscope.

  Alannis took a seat and then Captain Beeson sat down next to her. Next to him was Kaigun Motogami and Mike Noguchi as the Shogunate Envoy.

  A moment later, they rose as Presidential Aide Annabelle Spiridon stepped into the room. She gave them freindly smile, "Thank you for having me," she said. "It is a pleasure to meet with all of you, though I wish it were under better circumstances."

  In person, Annabelle Spiridon was of medium height with strawberry blonde curls. Her cheerful round face and green eyes held warmth aplenty, though Alannis didn't know how much she trusted that impression.

  "Presidential Aide, this is Princess Alannis Giovanni and Senior Captain Daniel Beeson of the United Colonies," Chairman-Admiral Ortega said, her voice leached of emotion as she gestured at them, "and this is Kaigun Motogami and Special Envoy Mike Noguchi of the Shogunate of Nipponese Colonies."

  "Pleased to meet you," she said, sweeping that smile to all of them. "I understand that you have requested a meeting to share information?"

  "We have," Chairman-Admiral Ortega spoke. Alannis didn't miss how the woman's attitude had grown harsher, less welcoming with Annabelle Spiridon's obvious friendliness. What is behind that hostility?

  Alannis spoke up, "Reese Leone's criminal organization has attacked vessels from several nations. We believe that his intent is to either attack or slip through the blockade at Kapteyn’s Star and to access the Temple of Light."

  Annabelle Spiridon cocked her head, "We have lost vessels to several criminal and pirate attacks, but I'm not certain if these are the actions of terrorists, rogue Separatists, or criminals. Truthfully, while I'm certain that this criminal you mentioned is dangerous, why should the Centauri Confederation concern itself with a single individual?"

  "He's extremely dangerous," Mike Noguchi said softly. "He's behind the destruction of four ansible platforms--"

  "Interesting," Annabelle Spiridon said, her smile disappearing, "our sensor data suggests that two of those platforms were destroyed with United Colonies vessels present and another with several Shogunate vessels in the vicinity. I don't have data on the other one, but do you have any proof that you weren't behind those platforms destruction?"

  "We have sensor data to back up our claims," Captain Beeson replied.

  "Sensor data that can be altered and doctored," Annabelle Spiridon said with a condescending smile. "You bring nothing but the name of a wanted criminal to this meeting. A wanted criminal, I might add, with direct familial ties to Princess Giovanni. Tell me, are you trying to drag the Centauri Confederation into your dynastic war, Princess?" The very fact that she connected the information told Alannis that she already knew what this meeting would be about.

  Alannis's face went hard. "My former relationship with Reese Leone is not the central issue here..."

  "He has accumul
ated several extremely rare and dangerous Illuari artifacts," Mike Noguchi said. "Some of them are dangerous enough in themselves to warrant military intervention. In fact, just before we departed the Tanis system I was informed that he broke into the Elysia Research Ministry and absconded with the contents of a secure vault of Illuari weapons."

  Annabelle Spiridon went pale. Alannis's eyes went wide and she looked over at the Shogunate Envoy, who sat with a pleased expression on his face. Clearly that wasn't anything near public knowledge, which made Alannis wonder just how he'd learned such information.

  "You are certain that he was behind this attack?" Annabelle Spiridon asked.

  "We are," Mike Noguchi nodded. "It as one of the locations we knew he hadn't yet attacked. There's few stockpiles of the kind of things he's after, we had it under observation."

  "I see," her green eyes peered at him for a long moment. Unspoken was the fact that now she knew that he had agents in place to observe that which her father's people would try to locate. Equally important was that he'd proffered that information, which meant either those agents meant nothing to him or else he felt confident in their survival.

  Alannis's head hurt a bit as she thought about it.

  "Reese Leone is a threat to all of us," Chairman-Admiral Ortega grated. "He has access to extremely dangerous weapons, he has managed to attack and embarrass us all, and his goals, whatever they are, involve extremely dangerous technology that none of us feel is safe to utilize."

  "You want access to our information?" Annabelle Spiridon asked, looking back at Amelie Ortega. There was a flash of vitriol in Chairman-Admiral Ortega's eyes, as if asking for anything from this woman was degrading to her. Even so, she gave a slight nod.

  Alannis realized that there was some antagonism that went beyond mere hate and into something levels beyond that. Chairman-Admiral Ortega hated Annabelle Spiridon... which made Alannis wonder why the woman had suggested this meeting in the first place.

  "Reese Leone has hit shipments for several of our companies. Predominantly Nova Corporation, but some others. I can provide information on ships and crews lost... but only as a fair exchange."

  "You'd be able to tell a great deal about our shipments and industry with that information," Mike Noguchi said.

  "And also to forecast future shipments and shipping routes," Chairman-Admiral Ortega said. "Should you wish to then use that information yourself or provide it to your corporations to give them methods of conducting industrial sabotage."

  "You would be able to do the same," Annabelle Spiridon smiled. "What was the archaic Earth term? Mutually Assured Destruction, yes?" She looked at Mike, "I will give nothing without payment in kind. You've told us nothing we didn't already suspect and couldn't confirm ourselves. What do you bring to the table?"

  "Our ships," Alannis said. "We can provide military support--"

  "You'd operate in league with our patrols?" Annabelle Spiridon asked. "So you'd need our patrol schedules, call-signs, and pass phrases. Your 'allies' from Tau Ceti would love that information, they could slip weapons in to terrorist organizations and their insurgent puppets who kill our citizens." She gave Alannis a condescending smile, "Or is this about the Volaterra and Lavinium star systems? Do you want our schedules so that you can launch a surprise attack and seize worlds that requested our protection?"

  "Funny," Alannis snapped, "the last I'd heard you are the ones who have rejected allowing a popular referendum on their independence." Her headache had worsened and she realized that she'd lost control of her temper. She saw Annabelle Spiridon flush, her face red with anger as well.

  What is happening? Alannis wondered. She almost felt as if this was something projected, something from the outside.

  Mike Noguchi and Chairmain-Admiral Ortega had begun to bicker now and Alannis looked around, shocked to see how the group had descended into squabbles. Something is wrong, she realized. Instinctively she pushed back. For a moment she felt some kind of resistance, like she tried to push against a heavy, wet blanket.

  Then the resistance shattered and a wave of exhaustion rolled over her. Alannis saw Mike Noguchi and Amilie Ortega break off. All of them swayed and blinked at one another, as if they couldn't remember why they'd been arguing. "This..." Annabelle Spiridon shook her head, "this has been... educational." She looked at Chairman-Admiral Ortega and then at Alannis. "Perhaps I was too hasty to reject some of your offers. I will consider your words."

  Chairman-Admiral Ortega's distaste remained on her expression, "You'll consider it? You realize that we face a limited amount of time--"

  "Do not push this," Annabelle Spiridon snapped. "The situation is far more delicate than you realize. I understand the importance, but the Centauri Confederation will not be rushed into anything. I will consider it and I will confer with my advisers. You'll have an answer soon."

  Without another word, she adopted her friendly cheerful expression once more, "Good day."


  It seems we've further underestimated the Giovanni's, father, Minder's daughter sent, her mental tone exhausted. Since he'd expected her contact, he was still awake, though the local time was much later here than the ship's time she kept. I had almost broken up the meeting, nearly even set them at grounds to war... and she disrupted my efforts.

  Minder felt shock roil through his system. Telepathy? The matron of the Giovanni line had been a telepath, but thus far Lucius Giovanni, at least, had not shown any signs of it.

  Telepathy and empathy, his daughter sent. I used both to stir emotions and to plant antagonism, she seemed to realize what was happening and to act against it.

  Minder lay perfectly still as he considered that. How powerful? Has she been trained?

  No training… she didn't seem fully aware of what she accomplished, but she is very powerful, his daughter replied, more powerful than I am.

  In truth, his daughter wasn't particularly strong in those areas. Minder wanted someone to assist him, not a potential rival, but he hadn't let her know that. One prerogative of his people that separated them from the rest of their species: they could keep secrets from one another.

  We will need to take direct action against her, he sent, could you manage? They had worked continuously to prevent the rise of psychic leaders among humanity. Only the Shadow Lords served as exceptions, and they were figures of fear and terror to the rest of humanity and thus of little note. Powerful in terms of ships and armies, but also at odds with one another to the point of marginalizing themselves as a threat. Which is what I have worked to maintain and encourage, he thought to himself.

  Not unnoticed, she sent back, if I was detected...

  Minder mentally shied away from that idea. Discovery would lead to questions, questions that might begin to unravel his people's efforts. The United Colonies and their allies were already looking too closely at things. This could all go terribly wrong if they started to ask too many of the right questions. We will have to arrange for something, he sent back, she puts herself into danger, sooner or later we will have a situation where we can take advantage and eliminate her.

  Pressing things at the meeting held too much potential to backfire, though, with Alannis Giovanni possessing telepathic abilities. Allow things to wrap up, there, he sent, do what you can to prevent any full alliance, but no further pressure, nothing that even an untrained telepath might sense.

  Of course, father, she replied, I will not fail you.

  She had better not, he considered. The very last thing he wanted was a psychic human with access to the United Colonies' resources going into the Temple of Light. He wondered, for a moment, if that was what this Reese Leone had planned, but he discarded that thought. The human couldn't know the full keys to what he wanted to accomplish. If he had, there were far more straightforward means to accomplish his goals.

  Minder would just have to make certain that an accident befell Alannis Giovanni. Probably her child, as well, sooner, rather than later. The dangers of a psychic leader were simply t
oo grave, not just for his people, but for the galaxy as a whole.


  Alpha Canis Majoris System

  Centauri Confederation

  January 19, 2410

  “I want to know where that bastard is going to be, because I'm going to gut him and make him eat his own stomach!” Tomas Kanreich snarled. The snarls and growls from the other pirates and assorted criminals around the crime boss suggested that they shared Tomas's anger.

  Ricky One-eye gave his “ally” a nod, even as he wondered if things had gotten a little out of hand. I mean, sure, he thought, I want Reese's head on a pole, but at a certain point we're just throwing money away. Ricky was a pirate second and a slaver first. Fighting wasn't something he enjoyed and he was more the type to hit someone from behind while they weren't looking.

  Tomas Kanreich, on the other hand, had been one of the big movers and shakers in the Peoples Freedom Arm, an ultra-violent separatist faction from Tau Ceti. The PFA had funded their organization from selling stolen artifacts to collectors... and Reese had stolen from them in turn.

  Since Tomas had made his name by dumping live hostages into trash incinerators, pissing him off struck Ricky as a bad idea. It was just as bad with the Slivko family crime syndicate. Reese had cheated them out of millions in a transaction where the laundered money he'd paid them with had disappeared from their accounts.

  Ricky had been the small fish in the pond, even before the run in with the military force had destroyed his ragtag fleet. Since he'd blown his entire reserve of cash in putting together that force, Ricky had stuck around with the group of cutthroats in the hopes that he might be able to get something out of all this.

  If they were out on the rim, he would have just raided some squatter colony. That would have restocked his inventory of slaves and any loot he took would have gone towards buying new ships. But here near the Centauri Confederation, most worlds and stations were heavily defended. Ricky didn't know that he could pay his crews long enough to get out of the area, much less cover supplies and fuel.


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