At Drogan’s Command (Hades Helmet Crew)

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At Drogan’s Command (Hades Helmet Crew) Page 5

by Illyria, Selena

  * * *

  The large blue-green marble glowed with an indescribable light as Rena gazed out the window of Drogan’s office. In a few hours she would be stepping foot on Earth, a planet whose environmental damage had been reversed through alien technology. The oceans were clean, the air purified. Rena knew that one third of Earth’s population had been lost due to nuclear war and disease, but looking down on it from space, it was beautiful.

  Drogan had told her he wanted to go over the results of her monthly review. She tried to calm her body down, but her heart was beating erratically. Heat was dancing along her nerves. Her pussy clenched and her stomach tightened.

  Over the last few weeks she had been having the most erotic dreams about Drogan. Her mind played out all the scenarios that she had experienced at the Fantasy Spa. All the droids’ faces would morph into Drogan’s. It would be Drogan taking her from behind; Drogan fucking her from underneath; Drogan all around her, taking her to heights of pleasure she could only imagine.

  She had become so engrossed in thoughts of her dreams that she hadn’t heard him come in. It didn't help that during her review those fantasies had played out as he had questioned her. When he'd asked her if she felt she had any issues that wouldn't allow her to do her job to the best of her ability, she'd thought of the disc and her fantasies—and those testing machines had ways of detecting stray thoughts. Rena didn't know how that would affect her results. She hoped it wouldn't be enough to lead to any kind of discipline.

  She turned around with a smile on her face but it quickly faltered. Drogan looked serious, and fear rose inside Rena. Something had happened. She tried to think over the last few weeks. Had someone been hurt when they had made their way through the last meteor cluster? Did her stupid fantasies screw up her results?

  “Sit down, Rena, please.” Drogan took his seat behind his desk and gestured toward the visitor’s chair across from him.

  Rena walked over to the chair and sat down, reluctantly. Worry ate at her. She resisted the urge to nibble her bottom lip. “Is someone hurt? What is wrong, Captain? Sir, did something happen?”

  “First, I want to say that I found your disc…”

  Chapter Five

  Rena sat on the transport to the Nevada 896-04 Spaceport. When she’d first arrived on Earth, two months earlier, she had stayed in her apartment, getting up only to eat, use the bathroom, and shower. She had repeated the routine mindlessly, without thought or care. She was in too much turmoil.

  Drogan had betrayed her. He hadn’t even tried to protect her or destroy the disc. She understood his sense of duty and loyalty to his ship and crew, but in those moments in his office, he had made it clear where she stood with him. Drogan was known to go to great lengths for his crew, but she was not part of his crew; she was just someone he had hired. He could have turned a blind eye. He could have hushed it up. But he hadn’t. He had followed the letter of the law and suspended her, telling her that she needed a break, needed time to think about what she had done.

  Rena knew that was bullshit. She didn't need a break or time to think. She needed to show him she could still do her job, despite her feelings. But clearly he hadn't valued her enough to keep her on his crew. That is what hurt most of all. He had cast her in the role of a temp unworthy of such loyalty. The years she had worked for him seemed irrelevant to him.

  He hadn’t looked disgusted with her. That was the sole saving grace. There had even been desire in his eyes, on his face, as he had played back the evidence of her so-called “nymphomania,” but his body showed no response.

  After three weeks of moping at her increasingly unaffordable apartment, anger took the place of pain. How dare he cast her aside like some replaceable part? She was the best damn assistant he would ever find in all the quadrants. Rena was mad at herself for being so careless with the disc in the first place, but she was angrier still at Drogan. He could do any of the things she had done and get away with them.

  When Rena had signed onto the Hades’ Helmet, she had heard all about Drogan’s reputation with the ladies. But unlike Jason, Drogan didn’t go after crew members. No, he went after gorgeous women who were models, actresses, daughters of Fed Commanders; anyone beautiful, rich, and powerful was game. Rena had seen his infamous charm in action and envied the women who were his prey. She heard whispers of his bedroom prowess. He was said to be the spaceship captain’s version of Casanova.

  It angered her in ways she couldn’t fathom. She had just been trying to blow off steam at that Fantasy Spa, had been trying to lay her desires to rest so that she could do her job even better. And yet he had suspended her, all for a few harmless fantasies? It just wasn't fair. Jason got away with far worse things. Hell, even Drogan himself should have been fired long ago. The double standard he had used to let her go overwhelmed any sense of self-loathing or sadness she had. Now she was just mad.

  He hadn’t even given the disc back. He said he was keeping it “as evidence.” Rena guessed he was passing it around to all the men on the Hades’ Helmet and having a good laugh about it. Well, Rena was going to get it back, and that’s why she was on her way to Nevada 896-04 Spaceport.

  She knew Drogan’s schedule well. He had reiterated it to her over and over again enough times. She would break into his suite of rooms, get the disc, and get the hell out of there. She had no idea how she would react if she saw him again, but he had meetings all this week and would not be back at the spaceport for ages.

  Rena yawned and glanced up at the clock in the small cabin she had been given in the transport. It had taken nearly all of her savings and then some to get a ticket on the transport on such short notice. They charged extra to stow bags, so she hadn’t brought any luggage. She had only the clothes on her back.

  She ran over the list of things she needed to do. First, she needed to get past his security detail, who were always stationed at the entrance of the hallway leading to his suite of rooms. After that she had to get into the room itself. She sent up a silent prayer that he hadn’t changed the codes yet. Drogan always told her, as his assistant, his access code in case he needed her to fetch something for him. Once she was inside, she needed to find the disc. Then all she needed to do was leave the station and she would never see him again.

  Once back on Earth she would find a job that suited her skills. She couldn’t go back to work for the Galactic Federation. That could bring her face-to-face with Drogan, and who knew what would happen then? There would be a slap of course. No one looked down on her like that, not even Drogan. No. She would get work with a planetary corporation. As much as she was loath to work for another big business outfit, she needed the money. She would move on with her life after she got the disc back and forget about Drogan.

  The cabin shook slightly as the transport hit a patch of turbulence.

  “Nothing to worry about folks, we’re almost there. Just hang on for a few more hours and keep those seatbelts fastened,” the captain announced. Then the intercom fell silent.

  Glancing out the window, Rena saw the large, dusty red planet approach. Despite its color, she knew there was life down there. There were jungles of lush green; frozen deserts of bright white; and, here and there, communities of humans living with the alien life of the planet. She wished she had time to see it all, but she shook her head. In a few hours she would be at the station. There was no time for sightseeing. Besides, it took money she didn’t have to go planetside for even a few hours.

  The turbulence increased and she gripped the edge of her seat, praying that they would get there in one piece. After four hours of gut-wrenching turbulence, they arrived at the station. On wobbly legs, Rena left the small spacecraft. She stared around her in awe at the size of the entrance hall. People, humans and aliens alike, were everywhere. Bright neon signs blinked on and off, offering every imaginable service. The noise of life rushed all around her, almost overwhelming.

  Her heartbeat increased in her chest, sweat prickled the back of her neck and forehead, and go
oseflesh broke out on her arms as panic set in. In such a vast space station, how the hell was she supposed to find his quarters?

  Someone bumped into her and jolted her out of her nervous state of mind. Clenching her jaw in determination, she checked her watch. She had ten hours to carry out her mission and leave. Striding farther into the entrance hall, her gaze was drawn everywhere at once. Then the captain’s voice slid into her mind, a distant, almost comforting sound.

  My suite is on the black level, topmost floor, the penthouse suites.

  Rena shivered as her nipples turned to hardened points, pressing against her shirt. She had rushed out of the house that morning, not willing to give herself the chance to change her mind and chicken out. In her hurry, she had forgotten to put on a bra.

  She looked all around until she saw an elevator. She felt like a fish trying to swim upstream. A multitude of bodies was pushing against her, going the other way. Finally she made it to the elevator and waited.

  Soon she would be in his suite and then the real panic would begin.

  * * *

  “She’s here. She arrived a few minutes ago,” Jason said, walking into Drogan’s suite in the Private Room Club. Drogan looked around—black silk sheets on the bed, candles lit, jasmine perfuming the air. Everything was set.

  “Are my arrangements on the ship made? The room next to mine cleaned out?” He'd been planning this for a month and a half. Everything had to be just right.

  Jason nodded and answered, “Yes, they finished this morning.”

  “I’ll check with you again in a few hours just to make sure. After that I don’t want to be disturbed. You’re in charge. If the ship catches fire or the crew decides to duel each other to the death, you are to handle it, understand?”

  Jason chuckled. “But, Captain, what if I’m caught up in a duel?”

  Drogan's lips quirked into a smile. “Then make sure you don’t die. Now go. I have to eat and then confront Rena.”

  “Have fun,” Jason said in parting. The doors closed with a soft click behind him. Drogan breathed in deeply and exhaled.

  “Oh, Rena. Tonight I make you mine, love.” Drogan left the room to have a leisurely dinner. Things were going according to plan. He knew her far too well.

  Chapter Six

  Rena’s hands shook as she reached for the doorknob. This was her chance, her one and only opportunity to get the disc back. Otherwise, Drogan and the disc would be gone forever. She had managed to get past security easily by showing them her credentials. They hadn’t even bothered to check if she was on the list, just nodded and let her by. She made a mental note to tell her replacement about that and have him or her get a new security team together for the captain.

  Twisting the knob, she stepped over the threshold. Cool air brushed against her cheek. She could smell a whiff of cologne rushing past her. Closing the door behind her she reached out, searching for the light switch. She pressed the button and suddenly the room was flooded with a soft, golden glow. The dimmer was set on low, undoubtedly for the benefit of Drogan’s latest conquest tonight. Anger burned in Rena’s stomach. This meant that she didn’t have a lot of time before he returned from wherever he was.

  Rushing forward, she looked everywhere for the data disc that contained her secrets. She searched his living room in every conceivable hiding place, but it was nowhere. Checking her watch, she saw she needed to move faster. An hour had already gone by. She made her way to the study. After a quick but exhaustive search, she came up empty. Where the hell was the bastard keeping it?

  He couldn’t have left it on the ship. She knew that Drogan brought all sensitive material with him whenever he left for a station or planet. She just hoped he wasn’t carrying the damn thing on his person. That would end up getting her arrested for trying to beat the shit out of him.

  In desperation she checked the bathroom and then the master bedroom. Dropping down to the floor on her hands and knees, she searched under the bed for almost twenty minutes. She had just come up for air when she heard a voice.

  “Looking for this?”

  She stilled and prayed that it was not the captain’s voice that had uttered those words. She hoped that in her panic she was hearing things, that her paranoia and anger were causing her to lose her mind.

  “I believe you were in a similar position on the disc, only naked,” Drogan murmured in that rough and husky tone he had.

  She bit her lip to keep from groaning aloud. Her nipples peaked and moisture gathered within her. Her labia flooded with heat and her clit thickened. Her vaginal walls fluttered. Not now, she admonished herself. But she was powerless to stop the effects on her body.

  Slowly, she wiggled out from under the bed. She was on her knees, about to stand up, when she saw him shake his head, his tiny, dark brown braids swinging this way and that.

  “Don’t move. Stay just like that,” he ordered.

  Her eyes widened and she swallowed. Was he going to call security? Have her arrested? Panic started to overwhelm her. She couldn’t get arrested. Rena needed to find a new job. She couldn’t do that if she was booked as a criminal. She would do anything he wanted just as long as he didn’t call security. Anger mingled with her desire.

  “Captain, sir, please, I’ll leave. Just don’t call security. Please, I’m begging you. If I’m arrested I won’t be able to get another job. I need to work.” As much as she hated to grovel, it was the only way to get out of this unscathed. She balled her hands into fists.

  She knew Drogan was wealthy. He never had to worry about having a job. He could quit today and live off his inheritance. Some said it was due to his family’s history of piracy. Looking at him now, he looked every inch the pirate, and she felt like his captive, utterly at his mercy.

  “Mmm, I always loved it when you called me ‘Captain, sir,’ in that sweet voice of yours.” His tone went lower, deeper, rougher.

  She just stared at him, confused. What the hell was he talking about? He had always winced when she spoke to him. She bit her lip to keep from having the words come out.

  “And then I find this.” He held up the data disc she had been looking for. It took every ounce of self-control she had to stop herself from getting up and launching herself at him.

  “I was already attracted to you, and then I found this little beauty. You took on a whole new image in my mind. I had to suspend you, Rena. It wouldn’t have been good for either of our careers if I had fucked you in front of the crew on the bridge. You needed to clear your mind and I needed to clear mine. These weeks without you have been hell, but now I can't just let you go.”

  Rena’s mouth dropped open in shock, her eyes bulging. Drogan walked forward and tossed the disc onto the bed.

  “You have no idea how many times I watched that disc and wanted to be that man, fucking you, disciplining you. Jesus, I must have jacked off at least three times a day once I found that. I couldn’t be around you without picturing you naked and bending over, waiting for me to take you from behind.”

  Drogan shivered and Rena continued to stare at him, her mouth agape. He stopped in front of her, leaned down, and slid his callused fingers under her chin, gently pushing it up, closing her mouth. “I had to do that. You have no idea how tempting it is to unzip my pants, push them down, and slip my cock into your mouth.”

  Rena’s jaw would have dropped open again if his fingers hadn’t still been under her chin. His thumb reached up and caressed her full bottom lip, lightly. An almost wistful look was on his face at her now-closed mouth.

  “Now, I’m sure you’re wondering what you have to do to get the disc back. Well, that’s simple. Join me at the Private Room Club. Go to the hostess and tell her I’m expecting you and she will show you to my suite. We will play out every scenario on that disc. We will fuck until neither you nor I can walk.”

  Rena’s breath caught in her throat, heart hammering out of control. She felt so angry she could punch him. Any minute now she expected him to say, “April Fools!” This bi
t of blackmail had better be a joke.

  Only it wasn’t April, and by the look in his eyes he wasn’t kidding.

  The callused tips of his fingers slipped along the soft skin of her jaw. He straightened up and stepped back from her.

  “I know you want me, otherwise you wouldn’t have said what you did on the disc. I’ll meet you in my rooms in an hour.”

  Chapter Seven

  Rena made her way blindly through the busy spaceport. Her mind was going a mile a minute. She couldn’t stop hearing his deep growl in her head, telling her he knew, knew her secrets; telling her he wanted her. He had watched the disc to the end where she revealed her very private fantasy of the captain throwing her in the brig and having his way with her.

  How many times had he watched that disc? Her mind produced an image of him in bed, naked, stroking his cock, hips thrusting up and down as he watched every second of her most secret desires, desires she had kept hidden for good reasons. The crew would never have respected her if they had known she liked to be dominated, enjoyed role playing and other things—things she was doing her best not to think about at the moment.

  She finally made it to the Private Room Club and told the hostess that the captain was expecting her. She caught the look of surprise and then the brief once-over the woman gave her. Rena knew she was not the captain’s usual type of woman.

  The Private Room Club was an infamous sex den. All around them naked flesh heaved and pulsed. As they wove their way through the crowds of people, Rena couldn’t help but wonder if he was going to make her do any of what she was seeing. She felt hot and bothered just watching some of the sexual acts around her.

  Would he have her suck him off in public? Maybe he would fuck her for a private audience. Would he give her a ménage à trois with two of the muscular, half-naked waiters who walked around the club? She almost swayed on her feet from the very thought. Anticipation sung along her nerve endings. Her body was on fire with arousal.


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