Be Mine This Christmas: A Lovers in London Book

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Be Mine This Christmas: A Lovers in London Book Page 22

by Mary Lynn Cooper

  Fortunately, Luis and Trisha were around to lend some comfort.

  “You look absolutely gorgeous.” Luis kissed her cheeks.

  Dressed in his prized- tailored tux, Luis was easily one of the best dressed men that evening. Trisha was a stunning sight in a royal blue gown that accentuated her beautiful golden locks. But something in the serious girl’s eyes told Darcey Trisha was anything but happy that night.

  Darcey gave her friend a warm hug and whispered words only Trisha could hear, “Is everything OK?”

  “No, but I’m glad tonight my mind won’t be dwelling on it. I’m having fun.” Trisha shrugged and squeezed Darcey’s hand. “How about you? You look like you have more suitors than the Polish ex-comunicado princess!”

  “Ha ha.” Darcey rolled her eyes. “But serious, they have princesses?”

  “Of course, even the US has a royal family,” Luis butted in.

  “Now, you’re taking the piss.” Darcey wanted to hug both her friends. They never failed to lighten any mood.

  “You can’t fling words like that in here, darling. That makes you such a commoner,” Luis chided her. He lifted his chin and wineglass in the air in an exaggerated motion, almost spilling wine on an elderly woman standing behind him.

  “But I like being common. Ordinary, no, common, that I am.” Darcey gave Luis’ cheeks a gentle squeeze.

  “I completely disagree,“ Dimitri replied. “You’re one of the most special creatures I’ve been so fortunate to meet.”

  The trio laughed at Dimitri’s flamboyant compliment. Darcey knew her friends loved how down-to-earth the heir was. Despite his background, Dimitri was as laid-back as anyone could get. He had this completely polished yet un-posh appeal.

  “Why, you served as my knight in shining armour several times, Dimitri.” Darcey teased. “This lady in distress is much appreciative of the display of chivalry. Which, may I add, is lacking in this generation.” She enjoyed playing along with him, provided it was clear to Dimitri they were nothing but friends. “So, tell me about the US royalty. Are they from a reality TV show? Everyone thinks the most famous family on reality television is the best American import.”

  “No, I am referring to your future boss.” Dimitri took a sip of champagne and then lowered his voice. “I met the crème de la crème of America, right there with the Kennedy’s, the Rockefellers and the Vanderbilts.”

  “And?” Darcey was intrigued. She had been looking forward to her move to California for days.

  Dimitri chuckled. “Darling, I hope you fatten up before you leave for Los Angeles or Sissi Anderson will skin you alive.”

  The thought of Sissi skinning her alive to make a new bag made Darcey squirm. “Come on, she isn’t the Wicked Witch of the East,” Darcey protested.

  “That’s because she’s the wicked Witch of the West Coast,” Luis said and everyone laughed.

  “Don’t worry, Luis. I promise the moment Darcey complains, I shall drop everything and fly to her aid.” Dimitri raised his glass. “Ah, allow me to introduce you to my parents.”

  Dimitri walked towards a couple who had just finished speaking to a world-famous heiress. Superman planted a kiss on his mother, a beautiful Grecian beauty. Darcey noted how the mum’s face probably launched many ships during her youth. Even in her later years Dimitri’s mum could easily stir jealousy in the hearts of younger women.

  “Mother and father, let me introduce to you some of the loveliest friends I’ve met in London. Luis Santander.”

  Luis smiled politely. He appeared to fight the urge to curtsey.

  “Trisha James.”

  Trisha acknowledged the beautiful couple with the grace only she could impart.

  “And, of course, the very lovely Darcey Vaughn. Darcey, my mother and father, Camilla and Stavros.”

  Without warning, Dimitri’s mum gave Darcey a big hug.

  “Oh Darcey! It’s wonderful to finally meet you.”

  Darcey instantly liked her. “The pleasure is all mine. I see where Dimitri inherited his good looks.”

  “Yes, from his father.” Dimitri’s father had a huge smile on his face.

  The mum chuckled. “Oh agape mou, the only thing our son inherited from you is his apparent good taste in women.”

  Everyone was put in a cheery mood. While her friends were engrossed with Dimitri’s charming mother, Darcey felt someone’s eyes were upon her. In an instant she met Nathan’s sombre eyes. He stood a few meters away, his mouth forming a tight line. Before she could think of what to do, he walked away, unsmiling.

  For most of the evening Nathan, being part of the committee, was seated at a special table. He walked around the room to check the food and confer with his staff. He didn’t bother approaching Darcey while he was busy running the operation. She suddenly realized he didn’t need a date after all.

  The nerve. He brought me here to make sure his ex-fiancé knows he’s capable of parading someone around.

  Darcey’s thoughts threatened to unleash a fresh batch of tears but she fought them back. She made a decision to forget Nathan and she had to stick with it.

  When dinner was about to be served, Darcey was elated to discover she was to sit with Luis, Trisha and a few couples who appeared to be around their age. Dimitri sat with his parents and, coincidentally, with the Wicked Witch of the West.

  Nathan’s mum barely acknowledged Darcey all evening. It annoyed and hurt Darcey that even though she would soon be working with the elegant Sissi Anderson, her future boss wasn’t warming up to her. But she saw Sissi and Madeleine chatting like old friends.

  Surely that’s the kind of lady she approves for her son, Darcey thought bitterly. Her only son.

  The host called for everyone to move to the ballroom, interrupting Darcey’s thoughts. She felt a hand softly touch the small of her back. She turned around and was met with Nathan’s stoic face. She was quite amazed with how he was staying in character.

  Dinner was torture. She and Nathan hardly spoke to each other. A few times he stood up to assist one of the hotel staff or a charity employee. Despite her anger towards Nathan, Darcey couldn’t help feeling proud and impressed while he directed his staff. She could tell he was doing what he loved. He found his passion. Two of them. His charity work and Lena, Darcey thought wryly, the pain in her chest becoming harder to bear as the minutes ticked by.

  Just when she thought she couldn’t bear staying in the ballroom any longer and was seriously contemplating calling a cab to head home, Darcey heard the host announce the silent art auction winners. Then the host, a stunning Spanish beauty with a sexy accent, told everyone the most awaited part of the evening was coming next.

  “We all know how many young men here are dying to help the world by dancing with the lady of their choice. But of course, like any courageous lady, we’re no longer in the Victorian era. Please, feel free to bid on the Prince Charming of your choice, provided he isn’t someone else’s husband or boyfriend, of course.”

  The Spanish lady smiled sexily. Laughter came from the audience and Nathan excused himself once again, this time to check with the organizers. Darcey’s feet were torturing her. So much for paying a premium for high-heels only to feel the wrath of stiletto, she thought.

  Darcey found a seat by the fireplace and wrapped her shawl around her shoulders. Her feet felt so raw she decided to remove her shoes and hide her bare feet behind her long gown. Her friends began to crowd around her, craving the warmth of the fireplace. The room was instantly lifted by music from the live band. They started playing classic Christmas songs, songs of White Christmases and coming home to someone during that special time of the year.

  After several songs, the music stopped. The Spanish host came back on stage, garnering attention from many men as her legs peeked through her gown.

  “For the first dance, the highest bidder gets to dance with his or her chosen partner. All proceeds will go to the charities our committee has carefully selected. So, without further ado, who wants to start
? Bidding begins at £500,” the sultry host proclaimed.

  An elder gentleman raised his hand. “500 to dance with my wife.” He winked and the crowd clapped excitedly.

  “Ah, that is very sweet, Lord Carlson,” the host acknowledged.

  A few other young men raised the bidding to £1,500. Out of nowhere, to Darcey’s horror, Nicholas yelled, “£2,000 for Miss Darcey Vaughn.”

  “Oh Miss Vaughn, where is she?”

  Darcey felt all eyes landed on her. She remembered she was barefoot and turned a deep shade of Christmas red. At any moment she figured she would turn into a lovely hue of Christmas green. What if nobody would outbid Nicholas?

  She had no choice but to stand up. Slowly she stretched her legs and, with a shaky arm, she raised her hand. Luis gave her a wink and Trisha was smiling from ear to ear. Darcey sat back down again, worried she might purge her expensive dinner right at the fireplace.

  She hated the idea that Nicholas had to bid for her. All for the love of Madeleine. She felt sad for her friend. Two tables away Darcey saw Madeleine’s look of disdain. The blonde didn’t even bother to turn away when Darcey’s gaze landed on her.

  Darcey shifted her eyes away from Madeleine’s smirk. She met Nicholas’s eyes instead and he gave her a smile.

  “£2,500 for Miss Vaughn.” Dimitri’s voice was loud and clear in the ballroom.

  The host squealed, “Oh wow, Miss Vaughn seems to have more suitors tonight. I think this is the first time I’ve seen Mr. Stenolakis this excited to grace the dance floor.”

  Darcey felt more eyes were on her. If looks could kill, Madeleine would have sent Darcey to hell and back a few times over.

  “£3,000.” Nicholas raised the bid.

  “£3,500,” Dimitri replied without waiting for the host to acknowledge the bids.

  “£4,000.” Nicholas was determined. The voices from the audience grew more excited.

  Nick and Dimitri were reminding Darcey of the odd dinner party at her place. She almost laughed at the memory, except she hated being the centre of attention and was afraid her laugh would come up maniacally at that point. She could only imagine the whispers going on about her in the hall.

  From behind where she sat, Darcey could hear the distinct pleasant voice of Dimitri’s mother. “I’ve never seen my son so smitten by a women and that makes me happy.”

  Trisha and Luke were clearly enjoying the scene. Darcey, on the other hand, wished the bloody nightmare would end. Several people had stopped bidding for other candidates, everyone at the entire ball found the bidding war for Darcey more exciting to watch. People were asking who Darcey Vaughn was. Some were wondering whose child she was.

  “Is she one of our people?”

  “Where is she seated?”

  “My. Is she a tart?”

  The host stopped Darcey from eavesdropping. “Dimitri is at the highest bid of £5,000.”

  The host turned to Nicholas and the chef conceded to Dimitri.

  The Spanish beauty chuckled and clapped. “For the first dance of the evening with the lovely Miss Vaughn, we have—“

  “£10,000,” said a voice from the back of the room.

  All heads turned. The cracking of some necks could literally be heard in the ballroom. Everyone wanted to see who would pay such a price. Darcey, with wide eyes, scanned the room and found the winner in an instant.

  The exorbitant bid came from none other than Nathan Cromwell. He stood in the middle of the hall, a hand in his pocket and the other held a champagne flute. Confidence exuded from his tall frame. He didn’t meet Darcey’s saucer eyes.

  The last minute bid had everyone chattering excitedly. Nathan wasn’t through.

  “And, if Mr. Stenolakis want to raise it again, I shall double his wager.”

  Dimitri stood silent, a very annoyed look on his face.

  The host beamed from the stage. “Well, Mr. Cromwell, congratulations! And thank you for your absolute generosity. Shall I request the band to play a song? You may now officially begin the dance. Merry Christmas, one and all!”

  The Spanish lady curtsied and the crowd gave an enthusiastic applause. Nathan walked slowly and purposely to a blushing girl who sat by the fireplace, a girl with twinkling eyes. All eyes in the room fell on the handsome man as he walked towards his prize.

  Darcey couldn’t understand the emotions that swelled inside her. Her heart was pounding, blood rushed to her face, making her feel hot as coal. She couldn’t take her eyes off Nathan’s face, his own eyes caressed hers as he walked steadily towards her seat.

  When he finally stood in front of her, she gave him an angry look.

  “Seriously, Nathan? You would go this far?”

  He didn’t answer her. He looked down and noticed her bare feet. As if the entire evening wasn’t enough to give Darcey a heart attack, he knelt down on one knee and placed each of her foot back into her shoes.

  He stood up and offered his hand. Without saying a word, for words tend to escape the heart of the one who loves, she took his hand and allowed him to lead her to the dance floor. She saw the beaming look on the faces of Luis and Trisha. She saw Dimitri’s sad eyes and Nicholas’s angry one.

  And then there was Sissi. Her expression was cold but there was a hint of pride on the older beauty’s face. Perhaps her son’s romantic gestures impressed her? It was hard to tell.

  The crooner began to sing The Christmas Song by the legend Nat King Cole, filling the room with his rendition of the beautiful tune. Nathan took Darcey to the centre of the ballroom.

  Chestnuts roasting on an open fire,

  Jack Frost nipping at your nose,

  Yuletide carols being sung by a choir,

  And folks dressed up like Eskimos.

  Little by little couples began to join them, beginning with Dimitri’s lovely parents and the baron and baroness Darcey met earlier. Through the corner of her eyes, Darcey saw Nick stand up, leaving with Madeleine in tow.

  “Can you relax? You look like someone’s rag doll,” Nathan whispered as he slid a hand on her lower back.

  “Me? I might as well dance with a mannequin,” she retorted.

  “OK, since we have an audience, let’s try harder.”

  Before she could protest, he pulled her closer towards him. Darcey allowed herself to relax in his arms, the champagne and the divine music left her with no choice. No, Nathan left her with no choice.

  In an instant, as quick as a shooting star lights up the night sky, all the anger she felt for him melted like snow. She could feel his cheek on her hair, pressing closer by the second. Did he want to kiss her, or was her imagination toying with her emotions once more?

  She knew eyes were on them. She didn’t care. Once again she was in his arms. It was the magic of Christmas. The magic of love. If only for tonight, she thought, he could love her for tomorrow, she would vow to forget him.

  Darcey felt him move. She stared at his face. The expression in his eyes had changed. His gaze was soft, his eyes held a longing that matched her feelings.

  He looked at her tenderly. “You asked me something earlier.”

  Darcey didn’t reply, unsure which of her questions he meant to answer.

  A soft smile formed on his face. “Here’s my reply.”

  He stopped dancing and slowly traced a finger along her jaw. Gently he lifted her chin and then, as the singer sang ‘Although it's been said many times, many ways, Merry Christmas to you’, Nathan brought his lips on hers for a kiss, a slow and thorough kiss for everyone to see.

  Chapter 28

  Darcey tried to enjoy the rest of the evening. It wasn’t everyday Cinderella got to be invited to a ball. She figured it might as well be her last.

  She sipped her champagne, walking around the ballroom. The artworks set in intricate gold frames were propped on one side of the hall. She studied them, wondering if any were donated by Nathan. Suddenly memories of their last kiss made her absentmindedly touch her lips. No matter how angry she felt towards him, she knew
forgetting him wouldn’t come so easy. Thankfully Los Angeles would be another world. A new chapter was waiting for her.

  Her friends’ laughter made her turn around. Trisha and Luis were chatting with a few people they met at the party. Leave it to the two to be a hit at social gatherings. Darcey’s mates were great at networking. She smiled fondly at her best friends.

  Dancing at the centre of the hall was Dimitri. He held his mother in his arms. Darcey realized he really proved to be more than what meets the eye. Perhaps, she pondered, had she never met Nathan, she would have fallen for the laid-back Greek. In many ways he was very much like Nicholas.


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