Denying Ecstasy (The Guardians of the Realms Series)

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Denying Ecstasy (The Guardians of the Realms Series) Page 24

by Setta Jay

  Conn’s back was to them, and he thanked fuck for that. He was raw.

  “You can go, Conn,” he whispered.

  His brother nodded and left. Never looking back.

  Her eyes opened, and he’d never seen anything more beautiful. She took deep breaths, and he saw the tears pooling in her eyes. Fuck. She hadn’t even cried when she’d been shot. He kissed her lips.

  It’s over. I’ll make it go away. Let me love you.

  Yes. Even in his mind, her voice was raw.

  She clung to him as he devoured her, trailing his tongue over her jaw and down her neck. He could never take the memories away. She knew him at his worst, and he was sure the only good things she’d seen in his mind were her. She was the only pure, beautiful thing in his world, and he’d almost lost her when he’d rejected her. Denied her. Them. Never again. She was his, and he would fucking cherish her every day as the gift she was.

  Chapter 34

  Kane’s Compound, Tetartos Realm

  The alarms were shrieking when Kane returned from the hidden lab. Why the fuck hadn’t Angus telepathed him? He searched for the link to his second and couldn’t find it. Anger and concern hit him hard. Was his second dead? He stalked the halls, snapping two hellhound necks on the path to his room. What the fuck were the Tria doing sending their beasts to attack him. He snarled as realization hit… Elizabeth.

  He sliced into the neck of another beast with his dagger. Dead Mageia littered the halls, and he raged as he continued to the tunnel leading to his suite.

  “Hello, lover,” Elizabeth purred as he entered. She had another bastard with her. Reve. The Kairos was so mild tempered, and Kane had never imagined the male would turn on him to help the bitch.

  Three hounds attacked at once, and he moved quickly to dislodge one, but another got his teeth into Kane’s neck. Fuck. He wouldn’t make it to his weapons. He wished he was able to teleport. He broke one more neck before hitting his knees from the paralyzing bite. The damn hound wasn’t letting up.

  He glared daggers at Reve, who just shook his head. The male had no loyalty. Fucking coward.

  “What happened to Angus?”

  Elizabeth’s silver eyes glittered with pure excitement, then tilted to the side. He saw Angus’s bloodied and abused body on the floor. “Dead, but not before I had some fun. He had some interesting memories of you going off somewhere with the reports you get from Ian.” Son of a bitch. Kane was glad he hadn’t shared the location with the male.

  He was done. Guilt and pain ate at him. He’d failed his sister. Her madness at losing her mate, because of him, would only continue. He wouldn’t make it out of this. Soon, she would take his blood memories, and it would be another bloodbath at the hidden facility, or worse. The sick bitch was capable of so much worse.


  “I never could have come up with all the lovely serums Cyril had. I never would have thought to give souls as payment for the hell beasts if it hadn’t been for him. He’s gone, though. Now, I have everything available to me, and you were no replacement for Cyril. I could never have taken him down so easily. I owe some gratitude to whoever killed the bastard.” She smirked evilly.

  Licking her lips, she slinked closer to him. He didn’t give a shit what she had planned. She’d done it all before. His gut clenched remembering the early years when he’d been at her mercy like so many of the others. He glared at Reve again. He should have disposed of her when he had the chance.

  None of it mattered now. All he cared about was Isaura. Elizabeth would do unspeakable things to his sister, if only because she meant something to him. The bitch was sadistic. Even the children in the lab wouldn’t be safe. He closed his eyes and contacted the only male that could help them now. He could only link with another Aletheia, and there was only one that could make sure his sister was protected.


  Kane’s life was already forfeit. He knew it by the look on Elizabeth’s face. Her evil smile indicated that he’d soon be wishing for death. Like Angus had. He looked at his friend’s defiled body, covered in blood, the head off to one side. He felt a pang of sickness and regret that he hadn’t killed her. He would soon pay dearly for that mistake, but Isaura didn’t have to. Pain was radiating down his arm from the hellhound biting into his shoulder. He was bleeding out, and the venom was slowing his movements. He only wished it would all end him, but it wouldn’t.

  He would give the Guardians the location of the secret lab before Elizabeth had those memories. He wouldn’t take the chance of the sick bitch getting to his sister before she could be rescued.

  It was the last thing he’d ever do for her. Regret washed over him, knowing he’d failed to make amends. To give her back the life that he’d taken from her.

  Chapter 35

  Guardian Beach House, Tetartos Realm

  Rain stretched her arms high over her head. Relaxed. She was content and happy. They’d spent the last few days in bed. She’d woken after the blood bonding, and he’d loved her over and over until she actually felt the connection of their mating and Immortality flowing through her. It had been blindingly intense, powerful.

  She actually felt stronger.

  “Are you ready? I imagine your loyal subjects await their goddess’s first transformation,” he whispered in her ear. She heard the smile in his voice as his strong arms circled her ribs.

  “I’m ready.” She was anxious and excited to attempt it. Would she be able to change so soon after gaining Immortality? He seemed to think so. She chewed her lip nervously as they walked through the house and out to the beach below.

  “Let me in your mind, nymph.”

  She got wet remembering just how much they’d shared minds in the last three days. It added an entirely new level of intimacy, having him so completely inside her, every emotion and thought, ranging from loving to hot and kinky. She felt every bit of his pleasure, knew everything he wanted before he demanded it in that sexy growl he’d started using. Everything was stronger, deeper, wilder than before. He no longer leashed his strength, and her body was more than capable, and oh, so eager for every heated thrust. She licked her lips remembering him taking her hard, slamming her body against the furniture, the walls. It took a day of pushing him, taunting him before he finally accepted that she wasn’t fragile anymore. After that, it was like an entirely new world opened up, and they’d done some serious damage to the beach house. She smiled to herself.

  Her new abilities were itching to be let loose. The only instruction she’d had so far was on using the world’s energies to fuel her body. That had been peaceful nourishment unlike food, undiluted energy.

  The lesson to come was the one she’d craved the most, yet gave her the most anxiety. Would she change? Would she get back to human form? She’d never heard of anyone getting stuck. Pain wasn’t an issue. Dorian already explained that it would feel good, almost freeing to let her other form take hold. She trusted that; it made sense.

  A buzzing had set up residence in the pit of her stomach, and it was past time to see what he meant. It became more insistent as her toes sank in the warm sand.

  “I’ll be with you. Open your mind, and I’ll guide you all the way through it.”

  She let down the mental shield and felt the itchiness inside growing hotter, heavier. It had a distinct wildness to it as she stepped into the surf. Soon liquid was running over her calves and thighs to her stomach. She closed her eyes and moaned. She felt like she would come out of her skin.

  Fuck, that’s strong. He was in her head showing her the way, but it was as if instinct was already taking over. She pushed through and felt the change in her muscles. It slid over her skin, and she dove, unable to stop herself. She needed to be covered in her element, needed to swim. She felt her creatures, her companions, moving in. Excited. More kept coming as she tunneled through the water. So many came, following her, wanting to be near, yet giving her space. She sent out the soothing emotion she knew they loved. She mindlessly moved, lost in th
e beauty of it.

  Fucking incredible. So damn beautiful and shit you’re fast.

  She looked over and grinned at him, knowing he was keeping pace with every inch, every mile she swam. She finally slowed and surfaced. She spun to see how far they’d gone. No land was in sight, and she was shocked they’d gone so far. It seemed as if only minutes had passed.

  “I wasn’t kidding, you’re fucking fast. You easily matched my speed as if you were born to that form.” He pulled her into his arms. “You were made for this, for me. I’ve never seen a more gorgeous female in all my centuries.” His hands went to her face, and he looked a little awed.

  She basked in it, loved the power of it, the freedom, being able to share it with him. She looked down at her tail. It matched his, steel grey and smooth. She turned her head and saw the sharp spines lining the back, a feminine version of what his sported. He usually made sure to keep them retracted while he was with her; she’d need to learn how to do that. She was just too damn ecstatic to think of anything past what they were doing. She was happy, loved… so deeply. She felt it in his mind.

  Creatures filled the water around them. So many they spanned the depths and kept coming. She projected more of what they craved from her.

  He looked around and shook his head before kissing her, hot and hard. Her tail rested against his, letting him keep her above the water as his mouth possessed hers.

  Chapter 36

  The Seas Outside of the Guardian Beach House, Tetartos Realm

  We have a situation. One of Cyril’s males contacted me with the location of a secret lab. He gave me other information, but said that Elizabeth would soon know. I don’t know if it’s a trap, but it feels urgent. We need to get there immediately. He asked me to take care of his sister. Protect her. I have a feeling he’s dying, Uri sent through the link along with a visual of where they were supposed to go.

  Rain was shocked and nervous. What the hell was going on?

  Feeling? Drake asked, likely wondering if it was part of Alex’s knowings.

  Yes, we have to go, now, Alex added anxiously.

  P and Sander, go with them.

  On it, came from P.

  Sacha and Jax, wait five minutes, then follow.

  Dorian teleported them to the house. “We need to get dressed and get you to the manor in case I’m sent out.” His jaw was tight as he donned his leather fighting gear and sheaths that held two swords at his back. He’d brought more and more of his things there. They’d pretty much settled in even though he’d said they needed to decide where she would like to build a home on Tetartos. She still wasn’t sure what to do with that.

  Son of a fucking bitch! Uri’s shocked growl reverberated through the link.

  What is it?

  Get Sirena in here. We have Mageia children, hundreds of all ages up to fucking ten years old. It’s a fucking breeding lab, Uri snarled through the link.

  The line went silent.

  Sirena, now! Drake ordered.

  Dorian teleported the two of them to the manor, still waiting to see if Drake would have more of them go.

  Gregoire and Alyssa appeared soon after them. Brianne came in right before Conn, who looked odd, anxious, maybe even a little wild under the surface. He was usually so mellow it caught her off guard. He smiled at her when she frowned in his direction, getting ready to ask what was wrong.

  Bastian, get over there. Sirena, where the hell do we put these kids? We don’t have room at the manor, and we don’t know what’s been done to them yet, Drake growled through the link.

  Rain sat with Alyssa on the nearest couch, both aware that they wouldn’t be called out there. She wanted to ask how her friend was doing, but they were all silent, waiting.

  Erik and Sam walked in a minute later as they listened to Sirena coming up with locations to send the children to. Babies were coming to the manor, and Drake gave the okay on that. Uri sent messages out to Immortal warriors that they needed foster homes for the children. Healers were notified that they would be needed to assist. Sirena ordered everyone around to different facilities, but Drake still hadn’t called anyone else in.

  I have the lead scientist. He didn’t put up a fight or attempt to flee. Getting his memories now so that we don’t miss anything here. More instructions came from Uri as he told them where all the information was kept. I can’t get through to the Aletheia. My guess is that he’s dead. The sister’s mind is gone, and she’s dangerous to herself. She’s apparently been this way since losing her mate in a battle a century ago.

  Rain’s heart lurched for the poor female.

  Chapter 37

  Brianne’s Home, Tetartos Realm

  Brianne couldn’t sleep. She’d been avoiding it for days, and the lack of rest was taking its toll. Each time she dozed, she was back with Vane, and every time he seemed more angry and frustrated than the last. She planned to avoid the hell out of him.

  Sirena had taken more of her blood in between monitoring the children they’d rescued from the lab. That whole thing was fucked up. They now had reports on the research being done to circumvent the mating curse. It was dangerous, and they had no idea where the other lab and Elizabeth were. All the bastards working in the breeding facility had been isolated there for over a decade. Sirena was backlogged, and there wasn’t a damn thing any of them could really do. Healing and studying charts was not among any of the other Guardians’ skill sets.

  She squirmed in her soft sheets; she was hot and horny. She always slept nude, and the supple sheets were only making it worse. Her body was so damn achy. She needed to be fucked. She was going to have to buy more batteries soon.

  What Sirena and Drake had said kept rolling in her mind. She hadn’t taken another male in the time she’d been with Vane. Too long. She’d always rationalized it because he knew just how to make her beast sing, and that kitty sated her body like no one else ever had. Why take a subpar fuck when she had him more than willing to make her purr? Of course, she’d never tell him that.

  She opened the drawer to her nightstand and rummaged in there until she pulled out a long remote-activated vibrator. She slid the sheet off her body and spread her thighs wide. She was so on edge and needed to relieve the tension. She rubbed the length of the rubber toy over her slit, and then swirled it around to get it nice and slick. She only wished that Vane was there with his big pierced dick. He was sheer perfection. She frowned before correcting that errant thought: his cock was sheer perfection.

  She rolled her hips and moaned. She pictured him over her, in her bed. A place she’d never taken him. Thank the Creators he didn’t know where she lived. If he did, she had no doubt that the Demi-God would be at her door, trying to get through her protection spells. He was not pleased that she’d left him in the dreams and was reverting back to her usual self. He’d called her bluff when she’d tried to make light of the things they’d done there.

  Why was his scent so much stronger than before? She forced herself to stay away from the infirmary because of it. Was it the connection Sirena spoke of? Like a mating, but not? She still didn’t understand what that meant, and she hoped to hell her sister had answers soon. Preferably before he woke up. Which didn’t give much time. Sirena thought he would wake soon. Days, maybe.

  She shook her head. All that mattered right then was getting off. Her muscles were too damn tight, and they’d stay that way until she found release. She slipped the toy inside her pussy, lodging it deep before hitting the vibrate button. She slid the fake cock in and out as she groaned and rolled her hips. It was good, not the same, but it would still get the job done.

  Snick. Her hearing focused, and she turned off the vibrator and took it out. Son of a bitch. She could smell him. Not possible. Her door slammed open, and a furious Vane stood in the doorway.

  Her breath caught, and she jumped from the bed and stood there paralyzed by the wild look in his eyes. Her pussy clenched, so damn primed and wet, and he looked good enough to fucking eat.

  He growled
when he saw the toy on the bed. He slammed her up against the wall. Her breath left with the force, and she knew he’d caved in the hard plaster. She hummed with need at the sight of his wild eyes. “I’m the one that fucks this pussy.” He sounded dangerous as two fingers invaded her pussy. He was hot, wild and fucking possessive. It was not a good idea to fuck him, but she needed to come. She was too primed, and his scent was all over her, inside her.

  He pulled his fingers out and slid the flimsy infirmary pants down to his ass. He grabbed her wrists in one hand and held them over her head as he lifted her with the other. “Spread your thighs.”

  She gasped and did as he commanded. He slammed her hard onto his cock. The scent of them fucking filled the room. She closed her eyes at how good it felt. That bit of jewelry decorating his dick was her undoing. It rubbed just right inside her as she met every punishing thrust.

  “Open your eyes!” he demanded, and she did, a little. He was glaring at her. “I told you there was no going back. You’re fucking mine, and you know it. I can feel you inside me. Something’s happening, and you’re not running again, or I promise you won’t like what I do, lark.”

  His thrusts grew even more demanding as they both rasped for breath, losing their minds to the need. She loved every damn minute of it. She shouted as her pussy constricted around him, but he didn’t stop. “Again,” he demanded, rolling his hips. He was so damn deep she felt his balls at her ass. She groaned hard, coming all over him a second time.

  He looked feverish, wild. Beyond feral, nothing like she’d ever seen him before. She worried for only a second before feeling him pulse inside her. She moaned, and he struck. His teeth sank in where her neck and shoulder met. First shock hit, and then another blinding orgasm sent her over. That time even harder. Her beast slammed to get free, to mark him as he was fucking marking her, and she fought it. What the fuck was he thinking? Why the hell had the feel of his teeth in her skin sent her back over? Her mouth dropped open as his tongue lapped at her blood. Oh, fuck what was happening to them? What had they done?


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