Brandishing a Crown

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Brandishing a Crown Page 12

by Rita Herron

“You can go with him if you like,” Jane said, humbled by the concern on Stefan’s face. Even though Hector was an employee, Stefan obviously cared for him as family.

  “No,” Edilio spoke up. “I will go. If he knows any more than he’s said, I will call.”

  “One more thing,” Stefan said. “Have you heard anything about Jarryd or Butrus?”

  Edilio lowered his voice. “According to sources, Jarryd is rallying against the summit but there’s nothing specific indicating he’s involved in the attacks. Not so far anyway. And Butrus—according to an inside man, he is in favor of the summit. As far as opposing the marriage, he has kept his reasons to himself.”

  “Interesting. Keep me posted.”

  As Edilio left, Stefan turned to Jane. “What can you tell from the phone, Jane?”

  She scrolled through the history of calls. “There are a few calls to you. And this number.” She angled the display screen for Stefan to read the number.

  “Edilio’s personal cell.”

  “How about this one?” Jane asked, gesturing to an unknown number.

  “I do not recognize it,” Stefan said.

  Jane tried calling it back. “Damn,” she muttered.

  “It’s blocked. Could be from a prepaid throwaway cell or someone smart enough to know how to keep us from tracing them.”

  “Can you do something?”

  She nodded. “I’ll send it to Computer Crimes at the lab. One of our experts might be able to trace it.”

  Stefan paced the room. “So what do we do now?” He threw his hands up, agitated. “What if this attack was about me all along? What if the bomb that struck the limo with Amir was intended for me? This bastard does not care who he hurts as long as destroys me.”

  He gripped her arms. “Please, Jane. Excuse yourself from the investigation.”

  Jane brushed his cheek with the palm of her hand. “Stefan, you’re panicking, letting fear control you. We can’t do that or they win.”

  Stefan hissed, then strode to the window and looked out, his shoulders tense, his head bowed in thought.

  Jane cleared her throat. “While I go arrange a courier to get this phone to the lab, think about the people you know, the enemies you listed, about who would know to target Hector’s family.”

  She quickly punched in the number for the courier service and requested a transfer of evidence, then disconnected and exited the room to meet the courier.

  Hopefully Stefan would come up with a lead while she was gone. If not, maybe Computer Crimes could find a link to the kidnapper.

  That might be the break they needed to bust this case wide open and find the sheik.

  HECTOR’S AGONIZED FACE haunted Stefan. He had to find his family. They were in danger because of him.

  He punched in the number for his father’s security team in Kyros. Julius Kassar, his father’s personal security agent, answered.

  “It is Stefan. I need to verify that my father and brother are safe,” Stefan said, tensing as he waited.

  “Your father is resting well. Your brother just left with his own guard. What about you, Prince? We heard news of a bombing, and that you were fired upon.”

  “Yes, but I am okay.” Stefan rolled his shoulders, then explained about Hector. “I need your men to determine if the Perro family has been taken hostage,” Stefan said.

  “If they have, I need you to locate them and devise a rescue plan.”

  Julius made a clicking sound with his teeth. “Yes, sir. I will assign men to it immediately. Do you have any idea where the kidnapper might be holding the family?”

  “No. Check the house first. Then…use your resources.” He contemplated the possibilities. “The American police are analyzing Hector’s phone to trace the source. If they are successful, maybe it will lead us to that location.” Stefan rubbed a hand over the back of his neck. “And, Julius, please call me as soon as you know anything.”

  A knock sounded at the door, and Stefan snapped his phone closed. “Yes?”

  “It’s me, Jane.”

  “Come in.”

  She opened the door, the bruise on her face stark against her pale skin. This woman was tough and strong, but she had been through hell and back, had worked around the clock because of him, and continued to amaze him with her skills and fortitude.

  “You sent the phone to the lab?” he asked.

  Jane nodded. “Hopefully they can find out who made that call and where it came from.”

  He closed the distance between them, suddenly needing to be near her. “I phoned my security team in Kyros. They are searching for Hector’s family.”

  “Good. I hope they’re unharmed,” Jane said. “I know you’re upset about what Hector did, but under the circumstances…”

  “Yes, under the circumstances…” Anguish rocked through Stefan at the mere thought of Hector’s family suffering. At the thought of Hector dying because he’d been coerced into helping Stefan’s enemy.

  But it was obvious that whoever orchestrated the attacks would hurt anyone to kill him.

  Including Jane.

  This time he would not accept no for an answer. He had to get her removed from this investigation, even if he had to tie her down and endure her wrath to do so.

  Chapter Thirteen

  “You have done your duty, now leave,” Stefan said curtly. “I do not wish you to continue working this case. If need be, I will phone the sheriff or whomever necessary to have you replaced.”

  Jane gaped at him. She knew he was upset about Hector and his family, but was he blaming her? “What are you blabbering about? You think this is my fault?”

  “I have my own people to protect me. Having you here is a distraction.” Stefan jerked his head back, annoyed. “I demand you remove yourself from this investigation, and this time I will not accept your protests.”

  His icy tone took Jane by surprise, but anguish tinged his tone. Stefan blamed himself for endangering his friend and his family, for Benito’s death. And he was trying to protect her.

  In his own alpha male kind of way.

  It was a chivalrous gesture, but her temper flared.

  “Stefan, you aren’t in Kyros. You can’t order me around.”


  She pressed a finger to his lips to quiet him. “I am a grown woman, a trained professional. I intend to do my job, and nothing you do or say will deter me.”

  A muscle ticked in his jaw. “I could tie you down. Lock you in my quarters until this situation is resolved.”

  His concern not only touched her, but the gruff texture of his voice and his threat to tie her down triggered wicked fantasies that she’d never imagined before. Fantasies that heated her blood and made her crave his touch.

  “I understand you feel responsible,” Jane said softly.

  “That you’re torn up about your friends being hurt and endangered. But I can take care of myself, Stefan.”

  A charged moment passed between them. Jane wanted Stefan to accept her for herself. There was no other way they could be together…

  Not that they had a future.

  God, what was wrong with her? Suddenly seeing images of her and Stefan in love, marrying, having a family.

  That scenario would never happen.

  But she could comfort him tonight. Have a night in his arms.

  “Jane…you have already suffered two injuries,” Stefan said on a hushed breath. “Do you not understand? I could not tolerate it if you were hurt further.”

  His voice cracked, and Jane’s heart melted. She had never had a man worry about her.

  “Stefan…” Jane pressed her hand to his cheek.

  “Thank you for your concern, for being the man you are. But I’m tough, and I want to be here, to help.”

  Stefan’s breath gushed out. “Don’t you see, Jane? If you left, I would not have to worry about you anymore.”

  Jane traced her finger along his jaw. “I’m not leaving you, Stefan. I’m here for you now.”

face twisted in turmoil. “But I need you safe.”

  “I’m safe with you,” Jane murmured.

  Stefan stared at her for a long moment, the stark emotions in his eyes making her want to soothe him.

  She lifted one of his hands and kissed it, hoping to show him that she could be tender as well as strong.

  Then suddenly Stefan’s wall seem to crumble, he yanked Jane into his arms and crushed her in his embrace. “I wish to keep you that way,” he murmured next to her ear. “In one beautiful unharmed piece, here with me.”

  Jane closed her eyes, imagining that he was speaking of forever when she knew plain girls like her didn’t get forever.

  When the danger was over and Stefan closed his business deals, he’d go home to Kyros and marry some exotic princess.

  But tonight he was hers.

  STEFAN’S RESISTANCE FLED. He had desired Jane from the first moment he’d seen her. Knowing that she wanted him now only fueled his passion to a burning crescendo. He had almost lost her earlier.

  He had to have her now.

  A sultry smile curled her lips, and he angled his head and claimed her mouth with his. She tasted like sweetness and stubborn vulnerability, and raw sexuality. He traced his tongue along the seam of her lips, probing, teasing, aching until she parted her lips wider and suckled his tongue into her mouth. Together their tongues danced, a symphony of erotic moves that made his body rock hard and begging to be inside hers.

  Jane ran her hands along his shoulder blades, stroking his back and rubbing her femininity against the v of his thighs, and his erection thickened, pressing against his slacks to the point of pain.

  He trailed his lips across her throat, nibbling at the tender skin behind her ear. She moaned softly, and stroked his calf with her foot. Passion exploded inside him, and he traced his tongue along her neck.

  “Jane?” he whispered.


  He brushed hair away from her neck. “I want to make love to you,” Stefan murmured.

  “Oh, yes,” she whispered. “Please.”

  Stefan smiled at the husky sound of her admission then swept her up into his arms and carried her to his bed. He threw the coverlet aside and eased her onto the white satin sheets, drawing back slightly to look into her face.

  Her eyes flared with passion, the rosy hue to her cheeks a sign of her arousal. “You are exquisite,” he said softly.

  Jane started to shake her head, but he bent and kissed her, cutting off any response. He refused to hear her berate herself.

  He was a man and he knew better than she.

  She purred into his mouth, rubbing against him in invitation, and he lowered one hand to peel away her clothes. The material slipped off her shoulders, and she wrestled out of it. He tossed it onto the ottoman beside the bed, then let his eyes rove over her voluptuous body.

  Her breasts spilled over the scalloped edges of her black lacy bra, her nipples jutting against the thin barrier. He licked his lips, his chest clenching as excitement seared his blood.

  Jane’s eyes flared with a wantonness he had never seen before, and she began loosening the buttons on his shirt.

  “I want to touch you,” Jane whispered hoarsely.

  Pleasure rippled through him at her husky admission. Nothing had ever sounded so sweet to his ears as her declaration.

  “And I want to love every inch of you, my darling.”

  A blush crept onto her cheeks, and he lowered his mouth and kissed her again, another improper princely kiss that hinted at the pleasures to come.

  She ripped off his shirt, and ran her hands over his chest, igniting fiery sensations along his skin with her touch. He traced his mouth over her throat and neck, then lower to tease at her cleavage, then slipped the edge of her bra back to expose one creamy breast.

  She groaned and undulated her hips beneath him, and a frenzy of emotions overcame him. This woman was so much more than she seemed. So much more than any woman he had ever known.

  He stripped away her bra, then her jeans. The rasp of his zipper as she undressed him flooded him with erotic sensations.

  Need and longing vibrated between them as they tossed clothes and underclothes across the floor and their naked bodies slid together. He nibbled at her breasts, then suckled one plump rosy nipple into his mouth. She thrust her hips upward, then wrapped her legs around him as he laved one breast then the other.

  His body hummed with arousal as his thick length wedged itself between her thighs, begging to be inside her.

  But he forced himself to wait. He intended to pleasure Jane thoroughly tonight, to hear her cry in ecstasy. It would be music to his ears.

  So he dipped his head lower, spreading tongue lashes down her abdomen, tasting the alluring softness of her skin as he spread her legs apart.

  Jane pulled at him to join her, but he was in charge, and he refused to rush. Too many things were rushed in America. Morning coffee, dinner, sex.

  Lovemaking should be long and languid and savored just as fine wine and a gourmet meal.

  Her heady scent enveloped him, and he licked her belly, teasing her inner thighs with his fingers first, then gently caressing her femininity with his tongue.

  Jane moaned and rolled her hips, inviting more, and he teased and stroked her, wetting her thighs with his mouth and circling her precious nub until she threaded her fingers in his hair and cried out in sweet release.

  Stefan drank in her luscious flavor, his body aching for more as he finally rose above her.

  “Stefan…” Jane whispered.

  There was no need for words. Their bodies spoke their own silent language.

  A tenderness for her surged through him, and he knew that tonight was special for both of them, that Jane did not give herself lightly or without emotion.

  Pausing above her, he reached inside the nightstand, removed a condom and tore off the wrapper with his teeth. Jane watched him, her eyes awash with arousal.

  He wanted her more than he had ever wanted a woman. He wanted to be inside her, wanted to love her, wanted to make her his.

  Wanted to keep her by his side forever.

  The thought sent a streak of fear bolting through him. But Jane wrapped her fingers around his sex, then took the condom and slowly rolled it over his length, and fear fled.

  The almost desperate hunger in her eyes as she watched him pulse in her hands nearly made him burst. He sucked air between his teeth to regain control, then pushed her hand away, cupped her bottom with his hands and yanked her hips upward.

  Moaning with unspent desire, he stroked her sweetness with his throbbing length, watching elation darken her eyes as her second climax built. She moved against him, rubbing his chest, clawing at his arms, and undulating below him until he felt the first tremors of another climax gripping her body.

  The desire to mate with her surged through him, and he thrust inside her. The first touch of his body inside hers felt like a fire had been lit. His body burst to life, singing with erotic sensations while his heart swelled in his chest.

  Inside Jane, he had found where he belonged.

  And he never wanted to leave.

  Jane rasped his name, and he slid out, then thrust again, repeating the motion as his own climax gained momentum. He stroked her over and over, pushing deeper, filling her and pulling out only to fill her again even deeper. She wrapped her legs around him, and he rocked inside her, a gruff shout of her name escaping his lips as her muscles clenched around his, and she began to climax yet again.

  Adrenaline mixed with emotions as he pumped harder and faster, harder and faster, deeper and deeper until he knew she was his and he hers.

  Then and only then did he allow himself to spill his seed inside her.

  Yet in the afterglow of their lovemaking, fear clawed at his chest. He felt as if he’d just lost a part of himself to Jane, a part of his heart.

  But a lifetime, a marriage to Jane would never work. She was a forensics specialist, an American who would never fit into
his country and his world.

  And if duty necessitated, he would have to do the honorable thing and follow his father’s wishes and marry Daria…

  His throat clogged at the thought.

  JANE CURLED into Stefan’s arms, sated and happier than she had ever been in her life. Stefan made her feel beautiful both inside and out, cherished and cared for and totally feminine.

  But she knew it wouldn’t last. Standing next to the prince, she’d be the drab wallpaper she’d always been when her glamorous mother made appearances before her death. She did not want to be in the limelight. To have people across the world gossiping and wondering why Prince Stefan had a plain girl like her on his arm. He deserved someone more worthy of being his princess.

  Hush, Jane. Just enjoy the moment.

  Stefan stroked her bare shoulder, drawing sensations that made her snuggle closer to him and nibble at his jaw. He angled his face to look at her, and the raw need in his eyes robbed her breath.

  With moonlight spilling across his face, he looked like a fierce Greek warrior, a leader who could command an army—and a woman—with just one word. One look.

  One touch.

  He caressed her cheek, his breath bathing her face, and with that touch she was his, totally succumbing to his every command, to his every need.

  She could lose herself so quickly in him.

  Then she would be crushed when he left. And he would leave.

  But he kissed her again, and she finally understood her mother’s obsession for love and romance, because she didn’t care.

  Hunger washed over her as he trailed more kisses along her jaw then flipped her over to trail them down her back and lower. And when he rolled her to her hands and knees and probed her hips apart with his thick length, she spread herself and welcomed him inside her again, crying out his name as he pumped inside her and brought her to another mind-blowing orgasm.

  He growled his own pleasure, gripping her hips and burying himself so deeply that pain and pleasure mingled together, until she knew that no other man could ever fill her the way that Stefan had.

  And when they were both spent, he collapsed against her, then cradled her in his arms and wrapped his legs around her. They lay there entwined, their breathing rasping in the still night air, moonlight streaming through the window as the wild animals outside roamed freely, and the honeysuckle scented the air.


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