Cam (Hollywood Binge Book 1)

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Cam (Hollywood Binge Book 1) Page 19

by Julia Bright

  “I put some chicken in the oven. It’ll be done in about ten minutes.”

  He smiled and threw his hands up in the air and did a little dance step. “Well then, we’ll celebrate with chicken. I love chicken.”

  Rose laughed, and she took a step closer to him, but hesitated, her eyes landing on the floor then the ceiling. He closed the distance in two steps and pulled her into a hug. Maybe they wouldn’t last past a few weeks, but she was here and he wanted to give it a try. She wasn’t with him because she was interested, but he wasn’t going to let that stop him from showing her how much he wanted her.

  Cam leaned back and stared into her eyes, seeing something similar to sadness. “Rough day?”

  “Janice hates me.”

  He nodded and brushed his thumb over her chin. “Janice hates everyone. But she’s good at what she does. I’m sorry you had a hard time.”

  She shivered and he saw tears fill her eyes. “It’s been years since anyone has made me cry like that. I cried at Andrew’s office today.”

  He pulled her into a hug. “I cried too when she was coaching me.”

  “Really?” Rose sniffled and glanced up at him.

  “Yeah, she broke me hard. I was so upset I broke down. I didn’t cry for long, and I tried to hide the tears from her, but I was crying.”

  She nodded and swiped at her eyes. “I’m sorry.”

  “It’s okay. I learned a lot from her.”

  “I’m not sure I learned enough. I don’t think I’m ready for the public at all. I hope no one expects me to do anything other than walk next to you.”

  Cam chuckled and drew her closer, kissing her forehead before smoothing his hand down her back. He wanted more than just a few kisses and hugs tonight, but the timer rang on the food and she pulled away. At some point, he wanted to discuss their relationship, not the fake one, but the real one they were developing.

  Rose pulled their dinner out of the oven as he stepped into the kitchen. The food smelled delicious, and it wasn’t just chicken. She’d cooked vegetables and rice too.

  “Wow, that looks great.”

  “Thanks. It’s one of my mom’s old recipes adjusted with less calories and more vegetables.”

  “That’s great, because I have to maintain a certain weight and body fat percentage on set.”

  “Oh, really?”

  “Yeah, I didn’t know before today, but the studio changed which film they wanted me in. It wasn’t the family film. Instead, it’s Juniper.”

  The plate Rose held clattered to the counter. Luckily, she’d only been holding it about two inches above the surface.

  “Are you serious? Juniper? Wasn’t Jackson—”

  “He was. That wreck he had involved drugs and alcohol. He’ll be out for a while.”

  “Oh my goodness, this is a huge break for you. That’s supposed to be a huge film, and Mia is in it. She’s good.”

  “She is. We read a part together today. It was amazing.”

  Rose stepped closer and lifted up on her toes, kissing him on the cheek. “I’m so happy for you. How about we open a bottle of wine and do a toast to your good fortune.”

  His whole body buzzed. “I’m so excited. I can only have about a half of a glass. I have an early meeting in the morning.”

  “You’re already starting?”

  “They were supposed to start filming anyway. Mia’s schedule is clear and the studio is ready. Tomorrow is just a meeting, but it looks like I’ll be in preproduction meetings until we begin actually filming next week.”

  “Wow. Okay, so Mike called and wants me to work tomorrow and the rest of the week. I have off next Tuesday, but otherwise I guess we’ll just be seeing each other in the evenings.”

  Cam opened the bottle of wine and poured up two glasses, making sure his was a short pour. “To good fortune.” Cam lifted his glass and Rose lifted hers.

  “To good fortune.”

  They both took a sip before Rose sat at the table serving him some of the food she’d made. He took a bite and moaned.

  “It’s delicious.”

  Rose nodded and stared at the food. “Thanks. We’ll see what we can do with the diet the studio puts you on.”

  “Ugh, a diet.” He rolled his eyes.

  Rose’s lips twisted into a half smile. “We’ll work to make sure your food is perfect to maintain your current look.”

  He nodded and smiled, wondering if she had any idea how crazy it was about to get. “The next few weeks as we get going on production are going to be very intense.”

  Rose took a bite of food then shifted in her chair and lifted her shoulders. He could see the influence from her meeting with Janice. Learning a new way of behaving all the time was difficult, but the tabloids were mean. They took every misstep and blew it up into a terrible tragedy. Men were given breaks at times, but women were trashed mercilessly, and if he didn’t make sure Rose looked brilliant in all of this, she’d end up being massacred by the media.

  They finished eating, and he helped Rose put up the food. He wanted to ask her if she wanted to have sex, but since they didn’t really know each other that well, he wasn’t comfortable saying the words. Instead, he positioned himself close to her. Their shoulders bumped and she glanced up.

  His body heated even more, and he leaned in, pausing only centimeters from her lips, waiting for her to pull back. After a few thuds of his heart, she hadn’t moved away, so he closed the distance, claiming her mouth. The slow moan from her made his dick fill out. She turned and wrapped her arms around his back, pulling him close. There was no doubt she wanted him too.

  Cam let her take the lead, allowing her to set the pace. She arched against him, increasing the pressure. He rocked forward, and she responded by plastering her hands against his butt cheeks and squeezing. She moved fast, reaching for his pants button, tugging it open. She was on her knees so fast he had no time to prepare for the sweet feel of her lips wrapped around him.

  “Oh fuck.” Cam groaned as he fought the urge to grab her head and slam into her mouth. He closed his eyes, concentrating on the sensation of her tongue licking up him. Her mouth was gone from his dick and he was about to complain when he looked down and saw her pushing his cock against his belly as her lips encircled one of his balls. The feel of her lips around him that way was almost more than he could stand as she sucked on him. The pressure was so amazing he almost passed out.

  “Oh fuck. Wait. Stop.” Cam gently stepped away from her and held out his hands. “I’m going to come right now if you keep that up.”

  Rose stood and shoved her pants to the floor, stepping out of them before she tugged off her shirt. Her bra was pink with little hearts decorating the cups. He didn’t give her a chance to pull it off as he lifted her to the kitchen counter and stepped between her legs. He needed a condom and was about to say so when she wrapped her legs around him and forced him close. He slid in and was lost to the heat.

  His skin tingled where she touched. Then her lips were on his neck, sucking and biting as he rocked into her. Her bra brushed against his chest and he cried out as it rubbed over his sensitive nipples. She clung to him, their body heat ramping up with every move.

  Rose’s whimpering increased, and she clutched him tighter before she threw her head back and screamed his name. He watched in awe as she shuddered, her heat clenching around him. Her body melted against his, her head on his shoulder after she finished pulsing. This was better than everything he’d ever experienced before. This woman ruled him and he was lost to her allure. Making love to her was a treat he wouldn’t ever take for granted.

  He was so close and he wanted this to last, but Rose was too delicious. Though he wanted to slow down, the draw to speed up and pound into her drove him crazy. He was gasping for breath, his body humming as he lost control and came.

  They were both breathing hard, their bodies plastered together, sweat coating their skin as they recovered. He lifted Rose off him before picking her up and carrying her to the bathroo
m. She stayed tucked under his arm as he flipped on the water. He removed her bra then guided her into the shower, washing her body before getting shampoo for her hair. He helped her suds up then rinsed her off. After she was clean, they changed positions and she spent time running the soap over his body while he washed his hair.

  Once they were done, he shut off the water, then wrapped her in a towel and carried her to the bed, tucking her in. She protested, but he kissed her lips, quieting her.

  “I need to make sure everything is put up in the kitchen. I’ll be back in just a few minutes.”

  It was early, and after he came back, he thought they would have time to talk, but she was asleep, her breathing deep. His body tingled as he watched her sleep. After a few minutes, he grabbed a pair of shorts and moved to the den, checking his schedule and setting an alarm on his phone. There were no updates in his email and nothing pressing for him to tackle, so he opened the script and started to read through it, making notes. At ten, he shut the folder and headed to bed, listening to Rose’s steady breath as he drifted off. It was nice sleeping next to her. She brought something special to their relationship that he’d never found with anyone else and he never wanted to lose it.

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Rose woke and reached down between her legs, realizing how wet she was. Had he used a condom? She’d sworn he had the first night they were together, then last night she’d been too in the moment. They needed to use one, but when he’d placed her on the counter, she’d not cared to check if he had a condom on. His body heat and his hands on her mattered more. She would need to have a chat with him about that.

  She turned her head to stare at him, marveling at his beauty. He really was the best-looking man she’d ever met. He had a strong jaw, great cheekbones, and lips that she loved to have on her body.

  He’d gotten the part, which was great, but that meant she would leave earlier. His life had come together enough to impress the studio executives and that was exactly why she’d moved in with him.

  Living with Cam made her realize some things needed to change in her life. Maybe having Andrew represent her would get her a part. If that didn’t work, then it was time for her to leave Hollywood and get a real job in a city that wasn’t so crazy. Living here had been exciting, but she didn’t want just the excitement, she wanted more. Making it in this city was difficult and she was exhausted from just trying to stay afloat.

  She drifted off again before waking when Cam’s alarm sounded. She watched as he rolled out of bed and headed to the bathroom. He shut the door silently and was quiet in the bathroom. Since she hadn’t made any noise, he must have thought she was still asleep. Going into the bathroom now would only entrench the feelings she had for him. Separating herself was really the best path. She wouldn’t be a bitch to him, he didn’t need that. She would have sex with him every chance she got, as long as they used condoms, but she wasn’t going to allow herself to become emotionally entwined with Cam. It wouldn’t be fair for either of them.

  The water turned off and Rose got up and headed into the hall bathroom. She finished quickly then moved to the kitchen where she started the coffee to brewing. Cam came in and wrapped his arms around her, holding her close.

  “I got an email in the middle of the night. We’re headed to Paris for filming in two weeks. I want you to think about coming with me.”

  She nodded, knowing their relationship would be over before then. Andrew wouldn’t allow her to travel with Cam, not with the breakup looming. While he was away would be the perfect time to end the fake pregnancy and their relationship.

  Cam kissed her cheek then stepped away and grabbed two mugs from the cabinet. He poured them both coffee before taking his to the table, setting it in the spot he liked to sit. She watched him, wishing her heart wasn’t so affected by this amazing man. Every move he made was beautiful. Then he would meet her gaze and smile and her heart would shatter again. Everything Cam did was near perfect and it was breaking her heart.

  After drinking half his coffee, Cam scrambled eggs for them as she grabbed the fruit out of the refrigerator. How they would mesh if he wasn’t filming. Would he eat toast too? Would they still be in bed? Cam grabbed the script and leafed through the pages, making notes as he read while he ate his breakfast.

  She drifted through the motions, sipping coffee and eating fruit. After pulling her into a crushing kiss that heated her to the core, he left for the studio. Rose showered then dressed for her day of waiting tables. Part of her was happy no one recognized her while she’d been on shift. She didn’t want to discuss her fake baby or Cam with anyone. Mike didn’t treat her any differently, which pleased her.

  She came home exhausted and then Cam stumbled in after seven. He didn’t hesitate to move close and hug her tightly. She’d been sitting on the couch and it didn’t take long for him to get her on her back with her panties around her ankles. They made love, fast and hard, the intensity even higher than before. She clung to him, drinking in everything he gave, memorizing his body and how he moved. Every second was special, and she didn’t think she would survive once they parted. Even with the promise that Andrew would represent her, she couldn’t stay here. There was no way she’d be able to see Cam and not break down. It was inevitable that she would have to leave. They had maybe two more weeks together, and she was going to make the most of those two weeks, even if it killed her afterward. The intense connection they were forming had caused her to fall heavy, and there would be no easy fix for the after-Cam blues.

  The days melted past with Cam waking early and coming home late, totally exhausted and consumed by his work. He made love to her like a wild man who couldn’t get enough. She took everything he gave, treasuring each kiss, each moment wrapped in his arms. Being with Cam was the best relationship she’d ever had in her life.

  They didn’t talk much and she understood. They were both exhausted, and with the looming split, she was too sad to discuss their relationship. She had bought a box of condoms, placing them beside their bed. He hadn’t hesitated to wear one each time after that. If he was worried about having sex unprotected, he never said anything to her.

  On Sunday, he wasn’t expected at the studio though she had to work. That morning, he pressed her into the mattress and held her as if she were the most precious thing as they made love. His body fit perfectly with hers, taking her higher than ever before. When he stared into her eyes, she saw his soul and knew this was more than she’d ever get from another. Her heart ached with feelings for this man. She would be devastated when he left.

  After they’d both come, he stayed inside her, his breath hot on her shoulder. Then his lips trailed over her neck, and he nibbled her earlobe, sending sparks of excitement through her.

  “I want you to come by the studio one day next week.”

  “Okay, I think I’m off on Wednesday.”

  “Could you take some more time off work?”


  He lifted up a little and his brows pinched together. “You could quit. You know that, right?”

  She pushed at his shoulder and slid out from underneath him. She couldn’t deal with the realities of their fake relationship, not after making love like they had. The fantasy she was living under may make it worse in the end, but for now, she needed to lie to herself to stay sane.

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Since signing onto the project, they’d accomplished so much. They were ahead on filming because both he and Mia were working hard. The chemistry between them was easy. They didn’t have to refilm scenes because they couldn’t hit the right tone. If they redid a scene, it was to shoot at a different angle or just have another backup to go from.

  Mia deserved all the credit, though she said he should have it. It was nice working with a professional who took her job seriously.

  His nerves were knotted today. Rose had agreed to come watch for a bit, and he and Mia had one scene in bed together. He worried seeing them in bed would upset Rose. Mia was a gre
at person and very good-looking, but she was happily married. He hadn’t even touched on the truth about Rose or how he really felt about her with Mia. They were close for costars, closer than he’d ever been with any of the other girls he’d been in films with, which was nice. Since he was still trying to decipher his feelings for Rose, he didn’t feel comfortable telling the truth to anyone.

  Joshua called cut and the pace on set changed. He looked around and finally saw Rose sitting at the back of the huge room they were in. Without hesitating, he went to her and pulled her into a hug, kissing her before stepping away. Her eyes filled with moisture and he had no idea what that was about, but he didn’t have a lot of time. They would begin filming in a few minutes, and he needed to introduce her to some of the cast and crew.

  “Come on. Mia’s over here.”

  Rose followed behind him and slowed as they approached Mia. He turned and saw a little fear pass over Rose’s face, and he wrapped one arm around her shoulders, bringing her to his side.

  “Mia, this is Rose.”

  Mia stood and pulled Rose into a hug. “Hey, it’s great to actually meet you. He talks enough about you that I feel I know you.”

  Rose’s cheeks were red, and he could tell she was having a fan moment. It was strange working on a big film. Mia was a huge actress, but he was used to her now. Rose squared her shoulders and he could see the moment when Janice’s training kicked in.

  “It’s nice to meet you. Cam told me you were nice.”

  Mia laughed and slapped Cam’s arm before rolling her eyes. “So he told me about some pancakes you made, I want to know your secret. My husband says my pancakes are awful. He won’t allow me to cook them, and I want to surprise him for our anniversary.”

  “I can shoot you the recipe. I say it’s my grandmother’s secret, but really, it’s not much of a secret where I’m from.”

  “Thank you.” Mia hugged her again. “You’re a lifesaver.”


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