A Western Romance: Love Storm - Western Historical Romance: (Western Fiction, Western Books, Western Brides) (Leap of Love Series Book 4)

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A Western Romance: Love Storm - Western Historical Romance: (Western Fiction, Western Books, Western Brides) (Leap of Love Series Book 4) Page 1

by Paige Powers

  Love Storm

  (Leap of Love Series, Book 4)

  Paige Powers

  Global Village Publications

  Love Storm

  (Leap of Love Series, Book 4)

  Copyright 2015 Paige Powers, Global Village Publications

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any information storage and retrieval system without written permission from the author.

  This eBook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This eBook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Thank You

  Book list

  Chapter 1

  The train pulled into the station. Beau was almost out of his seat before the train came to a complete stop.

  "Hold on. We have not even stopped yet."

  Beau looked back at his brother Boyd.

  "I know. There is just so much out there that I'm ready for. New life. New everything. Aren't you ready for all of that?"

  Boyd watched his brother, who was full of anticipation.

  "You are always so anxious, brother. Life still awaits us, even if you let the train come to a complete stop."

  A whistle blew, the conductor announced the stop, and the sound of the gears grinding signaled the fact that they were now in the station.

  "Arizona. This should be interesting," Beau replied.

  "I'm ready to get sworn in already."

  Beau came over to his brother, who finally stood up and got ready to get off of the train.

  "Boyd, my brother. All work and no play. I hope that you find a reason to relax a bit more here in Arizona."

  Boyd shook his head. Although he and his brother were twins, they were complete opposites.

  Both had sparkling green eyes and blonde hair. Boyd wore his hair in more of a cropped cut, and Beau wore his hair slicked back in a ponytail. Beau was the adventurous free spirit, and Boyd was the thinker. They grew up in a house of ten boys, and their parents did their best to corral all of their behaviors and raise men who would be great contributors to society.

  Boyd patted Beau on the back. "Thanks for that, brother. I know that your heart was in the right place when you called me boring."

  "It certainly was," Beau joked.

  They both hoisted their bags up onto their shoulders, and exited the train. Steam filled the platform as they stepped out of the car.

  The heat immediately met them as they stepped outside.

  "I feel like I'm going to melt into a puddle right here," Beau commented, as he took his handkerchief and wiped the sweat from his brow.

  "Yes, this heat is brutal." Boyd squinted as he tried to see clearly. The sun was not only blazing hot, but brightly beaming.

  Neither of the men looked forward to walking into town in the heat, but they had no choice.

  As they began their walk on the dusty road ahead of them, a coach pulled up alongside them.


  A burly man sat at the helm of the coach.

  "Who's asking?" Beau replied.

  "I am Don Brinker."

  "Oh yes. You are the one that will be swearing us in as U.S. Marshals."

  Brinker brought the coach to a stop. "I am." He tipped his hat to the both of them.

  "Well, I'm Beau, and this is my brother Boyd. Pleasure to meet you, Mr. Brinker."

  "Now I knew that the two of you were kin, but I had no clue that you were twins. That's going to be the talk of the town. I don't believe we have any twins around these parts."

  Beau nodded and shrugged. "For some reason, twins seem to intrigue people. I really don't know why."

  "Are those the only bags that the two of you have?" Brinker asked.

  "Yes. We packed lightly. Not too much." Boyd pulled his bag higher on his shoulder.

  Brinker did his best to slide down off of the coach bench. His body was too large and round to be nimble enough to get down quickly. He finally gave up, and just stayed put on the bench, waiting for the men to hop into the coach wagon. Once they did, the men were off on their way.

  "I understand we have lodging in town," Beau said.

  "Yes. From what I know, you will be lodging at the inn until the two of you get a wage to where you can afford to live somewhere else." Brinker had a drawl that was a bit unusual, making it hard to place his origin.

  Brinker did his best to serve as a tour guide as they rode through. He yelled out the names of some of the town locales as they passed by. It was already midday, and the sun was relentless. Beau watched as people went to and fro, taking care of their everyday activities despite the heat. He pulled a handkerchief from his pocket, and tried to wipe the sweat away. It was of no purpose, however, because the beads just returned.

  Brinker showed them the most important locations; the saloon, the hospital, the sheriff's office, and the bank. The town of Eagle Valley was growing and expanding rapidly, and it showed by the number of wagons riding up and down the main street in town, even so early in the day.

  "Pretty nice sized town here."

  "I agree," Boyd said in response to his brother.

  Brinker nodded. "Yes. Population has exploded in the past year or so. More and more people moving west here. Got dreams of finding gold, or just plain starting a new life."

  "Good to know that we are among many others."

  "You certainly are. Eagle Valley has seen so much growth. It's a rightful good town. Nice place to raise a family. Stays relatively quiet. We get an occasional band of thieves or bandits riding through, but the law keeps it under control. Nothing has really happened to speak of in our history. We're proud of our town."

  "Were you born and raised here, Brinker?"

  "No. Born in Council Bluffs territory. Moved this way some years ago with the railroad, and then worked up to my position with the U.S. Marshals. Enjoy what I do. The two of you will as well. I take it that neither of you have a young family coming behind you?"

  Boyd and Beau shook their heads.

  "This may sound strange, but that is a good thing. Takes a lot to be a Marshal and concentrate on the job at hand. Once you move up the ranks, there will be more settling assignments, but right now, it's good to be wild and unhitched. If you know what I mean."

  Boyd shook his head. It made perfect sense. There was no way that you could look to raise a family until you had time to commit to doing so. He watched his parents work so hard to do their best to raise ten boys. It took time and commitment and dedication. Those were not things he wanted to focus on at this moment. The right thing to do was get himself together long before he would find a wife.

  "Here, we've made it to the inn. You will find decent lodging. Come to the sheriff's office around three. We Marshals receive all of our assignments from there."

  Brinker pulled the coach to a stop. He tipped his hat as Boyd and Beau jumped out of the coach and gathered their things.

drove off, leaving the brothers standing there in front of the inn. Beau opened the door first, and motioned to his brother that they should enter.

  A woman with wild red hair stood at the front behind a counter. "How can I help you?"

  Boyd stepped forward. "Checking in. Boyd and Beau Abbott."

  The woman seemed to give them both a second look after she glanced at her ledger.

  "Welcome to town. Looks like you both are the new Marshals."

  They both nodded. The woman's words filled Boyd with a sense of pride. The way she suddenly regarded him now was different than when they first walked in. She passed both of them keys and, with a smile, welcomed them to Eagle Valley.


  The entire trip was unbelievable. A whirlwind was happening in Boyd's life. So much change so quickly. He was not sure how to take it all in.

  Arizona. One of the last places that he expected to be. But when the opportunity presented itself to make a move, Boyd was the first to jump on it.

  Living in South Carolina, the Abbott clan had been at the forefront of the Great War. Being one of ten brothers, Boyd knew that enlisting would make his parents proud. They were getting older when the talk of the war starting began and by the beginning of the war, the patriarch of the Abbott clan had passed away.

  While dealing with the loss of her husband, the matriarch of the Abbotts endured one of her sons going off to war, and ultimately becoming a prisoner of war. When the family did not know his whereabouts, and he was all but assumed dead, Boyd's brother Bryan returned home after several years being missing in action. It was like seeing a ghost materialize out of thin air. They were all happy to see him come walking down the path toward the home they had all grown up in.

  After seeing the perils of war, Boyd had no interest in enlisting, so he opted for going into being a lawman, at the advice of his brother Brent, who was now a Texas Ranger.

  Bryan had since moved to Texas and started his own family. Another brother, Brent had also moved west and settled in Texas. One of the oldest Abbott brothers, Ben, lived with his wife Amelia in San Francisco. None of them had thought too long and hard about moving away from the place where they were reared, especially after their mother passed away. The more and more that Boyd thought about it, he felt like their poor mother had died from a broken heart more than anything.

  Boyd would have stayed in South Carolina had his mother still been alive. The two had been relatively close and when she passed away, he felt a solemn melancholy mixed with relief. She would have wanted him to move away and find himself.

  That chance came when Brent sent word from Texas that there were openings in the government for U.S. Marshals. Boyd looked into the lead and found that if he did take the opportunity, it would mean that he needed to move to Arizona to be sworn in and take his first assignment.

  He was not aware when he sent the application that he would get a response so quickly. The only catch was that he did not have much time to make a decision. The other thing he had not known was that his twin brother Beau had also applied and gotten word that he too should report to Arizona.

  The subject had come up over dinner, and it was a relief to Boyd to know that he would not be traveling across the big open country alone. It would be the very adventure that he needed to make a difference in his life. As much as he was a thinker and a philosopher, there was also a streak in him that desired adventure and change. A part of him that wanted to find out what else life had to offer and what else life had in store outside of all that he had come to know.

  So there were no second thoughts when the response came back that there was a spot available for him on the new team of Marshals building out of Arizona. Boyd did not know much about what life was like out west. He only knew what his brothers told him. They spoke of wild, open lands, Native Americans, and a lawlessness that was both helpful and hurtful. It was part of the reason that Boyd wanted to get into the business of being a lawman.

  It was respectable. It was the kind of work that would help him live out his need for exploration and a completely new journey in life while he worked and made a living.

  He was happy for the free room and board at the inn, although the accommodations were simple. A room with a bed, a table, a chair, and a small wardrobe with enough room to hang a few things. The washroom was down the hall, and would be shared by the four rooms on the hall.

  It would be enough space for Boyd to make due. He figured that at some point he and his brother could rent a house if they decided to make Eagle Valley, Arizona their home. There would be time to decide whether or not this would be a place of permanence. Once he washed up and unpacked to make the room feel a little more like home, it was time to be on the way to find out their assignment. He considered a nap, but did not want to take the chance on being too late.

  He and Beau made it down to the lobby at the same time.

  "Imagine that. Beau Abbott, surprisingly on time."

  Beau patted Boyd on the back. "First impressions make a heck of a difference, brother. Shall we get on with it?"

  They both put on hats and walked out into the arid summer air.

  "This is going to take some getting used to. The dry heat is like nothing I've ever felt before."

  "Yes," Beau started. "At least back in South Carolina, there is some humidity. Here in Arizona, it seems dry as a bone."

  Beau and Boyd walked in the direction of the sheriff's office. Each of the men was taking in the scenery of their new home.

  The sheriff's office was not far from the inn, and they were there within minutes. Before either of them could open the door, it swung open.

  "You two are right on time. Come on in here. We need to get down to business." Brinker's words were rushed when he spoke.

  Once Boyd and Beau entered, they were ushered to the sheriff's desk.

  "Looks like you two will be sworn in today. First assignment is here already."

  The twins glanced at each other, feeling shock and excitement.

  Brinker beckoned to where a tall, lean man stood. "This here is the sheriff. Sheriff Clayton, meet Boyd and Beau Abbott. They will be our newest Marshals."

  "Well then, let's get to it," Sheriff Clayton replied.

  Brinker pulled out some sheets of paper and began to recite the oath to Boyd and Beau. They both promised to uphold the law, to represent the law, and to protect the people of the United States at all times. The ceremony was over quickly, and they were both given badges to signify their official acceptance as U.S. Marshals.

  After signing employment papers, Beau and Boyd did not even have time to admire their badges or smile with pride.

  Sheriff Clayton rocked on the heels of his boots. "Gentlemen, meet your first assignment."

  Two men walked into the room, one self assured and owning the space he was in, the other calm and quiet.

  "This is Mr. Lou Simmons and Scout Blackbear. Gentlemen, these are our two new Marshals, Beau and Boyd Abbott."

  Simmons eyed the brothers suspiciously. He took a seat in a chair, slowly leaned back, and lit a cigar. He did not seem to have much of a sense of urgency.

  "Sheriff, I come to you about the disappearance of my daughter and you put two rookies on the team?" His voice had bass in it, tinged with authority.

  "Lou, trust me. A fresh pair of eyes on this will make so much of a difference. We have been on this case for a week now and nothing has happened yet. We trust these boys to work with us on this. I need you to trust them too."

  Billows of smoke rose from the cigar. Lou sat there contemplating for a moment. "I think you can be right about this. But we need to make some moves on this quick, Clayton."

  Sheriff Clayton stared at Lou for a moment, and then turned his attention back to Boyd and Beau.

  "This is Lou Simmons. He owns one of the biggest ranches here in Eagle Valley and in the surrounding parts. His daughter Bianca has gone missing. We have searched all surrounding areas for the past week to no avail. This is where you both come i
n. Having a fresh pair of eyes will be helpful."

  "Of course. Just let us know how we can be of help," Boyd spoke first.

  "We also believe that my sister has been kidnapped by Red Davies."

  Beau turned his attention to the man speaking. "Sister?"

  The man nodded. "This is our father." He pointed in the direction of Simmons. "But we have different mothers. My sister and I are extremely close and I feel it in my soul that she is still alive. We need to find her. Every day that she is out there with that animal Davies, my spirit is vexed."

  "I understand. My brother and I don't have any sisters, but we do know the bond between siblings is strong. Beau and I will do our best to help you find your sister. Is there any place you think she may be?"

  "Clayton, you've got to be kidding me here, letting these novices take over my daughter's case. Call me down here when you are competent enough to take care of this. As a matter of fact, I’m thinking about calling the federal law to handle this."

  "Father, with all due respect, these men have been sworn in as U.S. Marshals. They are part of federal law. And I like the fact that they understand the importance of family. I think they will do just fine. I would like to take them out this afternoon and not waste any more time getting started."

  Simmons regarded his son. "If you feel that way, fine." He turned to the sheriff. "If my daughter is not found safely, your head will spin for it, Clayton."

  With that, Simmons turned and walked out of the door, leaving Scout sitting there to pick up the pieces.

  "My father has been dealing with this in his own way. It has been tough. My sister disappeared about a week ago. Right from her home. My father has been kicking himself because he was not able to keep her safe. She was kidnapped right under his nose."

  "Scout, can you tell us why you suspect Red Davies of being her captor?"

  Boyd was curious as to why they had specifically mentioned that it could be Davies.

  "My father's wealth and his political standing makes him a target at all times. Let's just say that he and Davies have a sordid history that pits them against one another. Davies has been looking to get revenge for quite some time, and this may have been what he has chosen to do in response."


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