Kisses for the Billionaire: Stolen Kiss (David and Carrie Book 2)

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Kisses for the Billionaire: Stolen Kiss (David and Carrie Book 2) Page 1

by M. G. Morgan

  Kisses for the Billionaire 2

  Stolen Kiss

  M.G. Morgan


  Also by M.G. Morgan


  Kisses For the Billionaire

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Also by M.G. Morgan

  Also by M.G. Morgan

  David and Carrie

  Kisses for the Billionaire - Promised Kiss Part One

  Kisses for the Billionaire - Stolen Kiss Part Two

  Billionaire Brothers

  At the Billionaire’s Pleasure Book One

  At the Billionaire’s Pleasure Christmas Stocking Novella 1.5

  At the Billionaire’s Promise Book Two

  Loving the Billionaire Book Three

  Loving the Billionaire Winter’s Wedding Novella 3.5

  At the Billionaire’s Paradise Book Four

  Loving the Billionaire Picture Perfect Book Five

  At the Billionaire’s Passion Book Six

  Loving the Billionaire Ever After Book Seven

  Sovereign Club Series

  Precious Book One

  Bound Book Two

  Coming Soon:

  Mirage Book Three

  Breaker’s Point Series

  Breaker’s Point Rogue

  Breaker’s Point Beau

  Breaker’s Point Sinner

  Coming Soon:

  Breaker’s Point Liar

  Breaker’s Point Billionaires




  Desired by the Billionaire

  Remember Me Book 0.5

  Desired Book 1

  Forget Me Not Book 1.5

  Adored Book 2

  Kisses For the Billionaire 2

  Stolen Kiss

  M.G. Morgan

  Copyright © 2015 M.G. Morgan

  All rights reserved.

  Created with Vellum

  Kisses For the Billionaire

  Stolen Kiss

  Part Two

  Chapter 1

  “Why are we still here? Why haven’t we left already?” I demanded throwing my hands up in the air as I paced the room.

  David was gone more than an hour already and I was still no closer to getting anyone to listen to me.

  Marcus shook his head and kept his gaze trained firmly on the floor.

  “You know why. David, said we were to wait here. That under no circumstances were you to go chasing off after him, getting hurt or worse…”

  With a strangled cry of frustration I marched across the carpet and paused in front of Marcus. His refusal to meet my gaze wasn’t exactly helping the situation.

  “And what exactly do you suppose is going to happen to David while we hang around here?”

  Marcus lifted his head, his gaze meeting mine for the first time since David had been taken.

  “I don’t like this anymore than you do but I’m going to respect him enough to follow his orders. He’s not a stupid man, he knows how to handle himself.”

  Tears stung at the back of my eyes and I felt my throat tighten as they threatened to overwhelm me.

  “I just hope your respect for him, doesn’t get him killed because I promise you this, Marcus, if anything happens to him I will kill you myself.”

  I was being irrational and dramatic but I couldn’t help it. David was the love of my life, the thought of losing him…

  I shuddered, remembering the empty look the man who had taken him had given me. It wasn’t an expression I would forget anytime soon. I knew he would hurt David without hesitation and he would enjoy doing it.

  Staring into his face had been too much like staring into the face of evil and that thought terrified me. How could you fight against someone who just didn’t feel things like everyone else?

  How could you win against someone who took pleasure in the pain they caused?

  Everyone has a weakness, he’s human after all…

  I knew it was true. Everyone did have a weakness but how I was supposed to figure it out and exploit it when I didn’t even have his name…

  “I can’t stay here and wait, I’m going to go out of my mind. If you’re not willing to do anything, then I’m going to go and find someone who will help me.”

  I started for the door to the office. Tugging it open I didn’t slow my pace as I reached the front door and stepped out into the early morning air.

  My steps never faltered and I made it as far as the front drive before Marcus caught up to me and grabbed my arm.

  “Get off me!” I cried out, twisting free of his grip. “What the hell are you doing?”

  “Taking you back inside,” he insisted stepping closer as he tried to once more take my arm.

  “If you touch me again, Marcus, I won’t be responsible for my actions,” I warned.

  He nodded and wrapped his arms around my waist. I felt the ground disappear beneath me but before he could toss me over his shoulder as though I was nothing more than a sack of potatoes, I lashed out.

  My hand connected with his face, the crack reverberating up through my wrist and into my shoulder.

  Marcus paused, his expression turning sour as he stared down at me and I couldn’t stop the satisfaction that welled within me as I noticed the print outline of my hand appearing on his cheek.

  “You can’t stop me from doing my job, Carrie.”

  “I’m not trying to stop you, but David is part of that too. He’s stubborn and pig headed and I know he meant well with his attempt at trying to protect me. But for God’s sake, Marcus, I’m a grown woman and I can look after myself.”

  “Then what do we do?” He asked, his grip on me loosening as he took a step back and let his hands fall to his sides.

  “We need to contact Aaron, he’ll know what to do and who to contact about all of this.”

  “Fine, get in the car,” he barked the order, his expression grim as he pulled a set of keys from his pocket and stalked past me.

  I didn’t question or protest his sudden change of heart. As far as I was concerned the only thing that mattered was that he’d changed his mind. I could work with that and as long as we weren’t too late then everything would be fine.

  Chapter 2

  We began the journey in silence and for that I was grateful because the thoughts inside my head were far from quiet. They fought and jostled for control of my mind.

  I replayed the scene over and over in my head, like a movie on repeat. The look on David’s face, the fear in his eyes. It wasn’t something I was used to seeing.

  He was normally so in control and capable. No other threat had ever really chipped away at his confidence enough for him to crack and show true fear before.

  The only time I could recall such intense fear in David’s eyes was the day I’d given birth to Jenson and started to haemorrhage.

  Whoever these people were they were terrible enough to honestly frighten him and that terrified me.

  I wasn’t about to let anything happen to my family. I would protect David and the children no matter what but I had no idea how I was supposed to go about it all.

  How could you fight an enemy you knew nothing about?

  They had the upper hand because they held all the cards. I had to find a way to level the playing field but I could only do that with information.

bsp; Tamara was the only one I knew who had the kind of information I needed and I’d blown it.

  I’d been short sighted and now David would pay the price unless I could find a way to convince Tamara I meant business.

  “It wasn’t my choice you know?” Marcus’ voice cut across my thoughts startling me.

  I’d been so lost in my own head I’d practically forgotten he was even sitting next to me. But then the panic over losing David was enough to reduce my mind to a blithering mess.

  How was I even supposed to keep it together when I could barely think straight? David was the strategist, he was the one who came up with the solutions to the threats we’d faced.

  How could I do this without him?

  “What wasn’t?” I answered, turning my head so I could watch him as he drove the car.

  He sat rigid in the driver’s seat, his back ramrod straight, both hands gripping the steering wheel as he stared at the road ahead.

  “When he told us what would happen, I didn’t agree with his plan but he insisted that this was the only way it could all go down and still keep everyone safe.”

  I felt the colour drain from my face, my blood running cold in my veins as his words sank in and I fought to make sense of them.

  David had known this was going to happen? He’d known they would come for him and he hadn’t bothered to tell me.

  It didn’t make any sense and I couldn’t wrap my head around it and yet I could see the truth of his words in every line of Marcus’ body.

  “I take it he didn’t tell you this was coming?” Marcus said, shooting a glance in my direction.

  “I knew about the blackmail, but he forgot to mention that they would be back to force him into the back of a car and drive away with him,” I said, the sarcasm and anger in my voice unmistakable.

  “He just wants to keep you safe…”

  “I’m tired of him always trying to keep me safe and in the process keeping important things from me. When is he going to understand that I want to keep him safe too?”

  “It’s not really my business but I can see how much he loves you, he’d do anything for you and Jenson. You can’t really blame him for wanting to protect you from this kind of thing?”

  I buried my face in my hands. He was right, how could I blame him for that? For loving me enough to protect me with his life if it came to it.

  But I knew how stubborn David was, I knew he would happily give up his life if he thought it meant I’d be safe and in theory it sounded like a romantic, fairy-tale gesture. But in the end, if something went wrong I would be the one left to pick up the pieces.

  I didn’t want to ever have to face a future without David. There would be no living without him and I needed him to understand that.

  “Carrie, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to upset you, I should have kept my mouth shut.”

  I shook my head and slowly let my hands drop away from my face as the car pulled into the driveway that led down to Aaron and Heather’s house.

  “No, I’d much rather know the truth, I deserve that at least. I can’t help unless I know the truth, no matter how uncomfortable it might be.”

  Marcus nodded and pulled the car to a halt. I stared up at the impressive frontage of the house and squared my shoulders.

  Aaron was going to be upset and rightfully so but what if he already knew what had happened? He’d received similar threats to David and I knew that neither brother kept secrets from each other. They were as close as two brothers could truly be.

  The front door swung open and Aaron stood framed in the morning light. His expression told me instantly that something had happened but if they’d come for him too then why was he here when David was gone?

  Pushing open the car door, my low heeled boots sank into the loose pebbles that covered the driveway.

  “Where’s David?” Aaron said, his gaze searching mine.

  “They took him, they came for him and he’s gone.” My stomach lurched as I admitted the truth out loud and my heart stuttered in my chest.

  “How did they get him?” Aaron’s voice was strained as he started down the steps towards me. “I told him to double his security, he assured me he was taking every precaution…”

  My heart ached and it was a struggle to suck in a deep breath past the lump in the back of my throat.

  “You knew this was coming?”

  “We both did, I told him to do whatever he needed to do to stay away from them.”

  “Well he didn’t, in fact he went with them willingly.”

  Aaron shook his head in disbelief, “that’s not possible, David wouldn’t do that. He knows how risky a move like that is, until we know who they are and what they want…”

  I cut him off with a wave of my hand, “you’re not listening to me, Aaron, he’s gone. They’ve taken him and he went willingly, he got out of the car and went with them. He’d even warned the guards not to interfere.”

  “Carrie, he wouldn’t do that, he…”

  “It’s true.” Marcus’ voice was low but his words had the same effect on Aaron as though he’d shouted them.

  His confident expression crumbled as the true realisation of the situation hit him square in the gut.

  “What the hell was he thinking? I don’t understand why he’d do that, we had an agreement…”

  “What agreement, Aaron, why wouldn’t he tell me what was coming?”

  “For the same reason I didn’t tell Heather, I can’t run the risk of something happening to her and he feels the same way about you.”

  With a groan I crossed the gravel to pause in front of him. “Neither of you understand it do you?”

  Aaron’s expression was cold and closed off but I knew it was simply a front to hide his true feelings.

  “Understand what?”

  “I love your brother, Heather loves you but the two of you behave as though the love you have for us is far more intense that we’re delicate little flowers that need protecting from the evils of this world. When the truth is, we would do anything to keep you safe. There would be no cost too high to keep you both where you belong…”

  Silence followed my words and I could see the war of emotions inside Aaron as he struggled to accept what I was trying to say to him.

  “I can’t speak for David but I do what I do because I love Heather. I want her safe and happy…”

  “And she wants the same for you, just like I want that for David. How would you feel if she was keeping secrets from you?”

  Aaron nodded and scrubbed his hand over his mouth, “point taken, but until I know more I’m going to keep this to myself. Heather has been through enough. There’s no point in unnecessarily worrying her.”

  I sighed but kept my thoughts to myself. How he could look at the situation and decide it would only be unnecessary worry for Heather was beyond me. But their relationship was none of my business.

  “Who are they and why have they taken David?”

  “Carrie, if I knew the answer to that I’d already have tracked them down but I’m at a loss.”

  “Then what are we supposed to do? What are they going to do to him?”

  I had so many unanswered questions, so much to panic about and I had no idea where to even begin to unravel the mystery. Aaron was really my only hope and if he didn’t know anything at all…

  “Well if David thinks he can change the plan without telling me then so can I.” Aaron said, turning and starting back up the steps towards the front door.

  I followed him, hurrying across the stones and up the steps into the front hall.

  Aaron lifted the phone from its cradle, his fingers punching in a short number.

  “Who are you calling?” My heart starting to hammer in my chest as Aaron remained silent.

  The seconds ticked by and I jumped as Aaron suddenly spoke.

  “Craig, it’s me, Aaron Ashcroft, I need you to come over.”

  There was a pause and then Aaron nodded as whoever this Craig was on the other end of the
line spoke.

  “Good, I’ll see you then.” Aaron hung up and started down the hall leaving me to either stand alone in the echoing hall or follow him as fast as my much shorter legs would allow.

  “Who was that on the phone?” I said, catching up to him as he stepped into the office. I wrapped my hand around his elbow forcing him to turn and face me. I knew that he could have continued on, he didn’t need to stop, he was powerful enough to simply drag me along behind him like some sort of pathetic broken kite.

  “A friend of mine, he works with the police and…”

  “Are you crazy? David said we weren’t to get any police involved, if these people are as dangerous as you say then haven’t you just signed his warrant for execution?”

  Aaron shook his head but my mind was already reeling with the possibilities of what would happen to David.

  They were going to kill him, I’d never get him back and if they even found his body…

  “Carrie, listen to me!” Aaron’s hands closed over my shoulders and he shook me gently. “They won’t kill him, they need us alive, why do you think they threatened you and Heather? Without David or me, the things they’re after… Well they don’t stand a chance of getting them.”

  “I hope you’re right but what if you’re not. What if they decide that they only need you? Aaron, I don’t think I could carry on without David…” My voice broke and I hated myself for the weakness it betrayed in me.

  I was weak, where David was concerned I was the weakest woman on earth and I had no idea how to change it.

  “And you won’t have to, trust me on this, Carrie, I know you want him back safe and sound but so do I. He’s my brother, I would do anything to keep him safe.”

  Aaron’s words sparked something inside me.

  He would do anything to keep David safe but so would I. Standing around, waiting to hear news about him wasn’t going to help bring him home. Especially as we had no idea where to even begin. If we had some sort of a starting point then maybe we wouldn’t be so far behind the men who had taken David.


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