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Healing Him (The Den Boys Book 2)

Page 8

by A. T Brennan

  Isaac stepped closer to me and bent his head to brush his lips over mine in a soft kiss. I sighed and followed his mouth as he drew back, needing more from him.

  His lips pressed against mine in a firmer kiss, and when the tip of his tongue darted out to tease the seam of my lips I opened to him. His tongue slipped into my mouth, sliding sensually against mine as his free hand gripped my hip.

  I gasped when I felt another hand on the small of my back, not pushing me at all, but holding me firmly.

  I unconsciously pressed back against Jonah’s hand, and reached behind me. My hand found Jonah’s stomach and I gripped his shirt to pull him closer to us.

  With Isaac in front of me and Jonah pressed up against my back, I should have felt crowded and overwhelmed, but the only thing I felt was excitement as Isaac continued to kiss me and Jonah’s lips traced over the back of my neck.

  A moment later Isaac broke our kiss, his eyes hooded and his lips glistening as he stared at me. His gaze shifted to Jonah and when I saw him bite his lip, I turned so I was facing Jonah.

  Jonah’s look was so hungry it was almost primal, but his virility didn’t scare me. It was fucking amazing, and my cock rubbed painfully against the waistband of my boxer briefs where it was nestled.

  Jonah’s mouth found mine in a hot but still light kiss. He didn’t press for more until I parted my lips for him, and when his tongue teased and licked the recesses of my mouth, I couldn’t help moaning.

  Isaac’s hand ran up and down my side, gripping my hip and then ghosting over my ribs, and when Jonah pulled away I looked between them.

  I needed to see them kiss, to watch as they enjoyed each other’s mouths. I tugged Isaac closer and stepped out of the way so he and Jonah were in front of each other.

  I watched as they stared at each other, their lips parted and their eyes dark with lust. Then Jonah bent his head and Isaac tilted his face up to meet him.

  The kiss was beautiful. I didn’t know how else to describe it.

  Their lips pressed against each other as their tongues danced and played, and when I saw Jonah grip Isaac’s lower lip between his teeth and tug before soothing it with his tongue, I started to feel a bit dizzy.

  Not wanting to interrupt them I squeezed Isaac’s hand before letting go and patted Jonah’s side, hoping they would understand that I wanted them to continue while I moved to the chair.

  As soon as I stepped back the two men enfolded each other in their arms. Jonah held Isaac with one hand behind his neck and the other at the small of his back, while Isaac held Jonah by the hips so their bodies were flush.

  I carefully made my way over to the chair and moved the laundry to the floor before sitting down.

  Watching them kiss and hold each other was amazing, and I had to reach into my pants to shift my cock so it wasn’t being compressed by my elastic waistband.

  I wanted to touch myself, to pull my dick out and stroke it while I watched them, but I didn’t know if I was ready for that. Instead I palmed myself a few times and concentrated on watching the two men in front of me.

  Chapter Eight


  A part of me was worried when Cody stepped away from us, but a quick glance over at him assured me that he was enjoying himself.

  Jonah felt incredible, even better than I remembered. His hard body pressed against mine as his hands held me close. He was definitely in control of the kiss and I melted against him.

  All of my experience had been with passive bottoms. I’d never been a dominant person to begin with and it didn’t come naturally to me, but I’d fallen into the role because one of us had to.

  Jonah was definitely dominant, and every touch, every tug and kiss lit my body up and sent sparks zinging through my nerve endings. I was so hard and ready for him, but it was like the last time, and I suddenly felt a little too ready.

  “Shit,” I pulled back, desperately trying to get my body to calm the fuck down so I didn’t ruin things and blow my load like some inexperienced kid, again.

  Jonah held me close, pressing our foreheads together as he gave me a moment. His hot breath fanned over my face and even that non-touch was enough to push me closer to the edge.

  “I’m sorry—”

  “Shhhh.” Jonah shook his head and pressed a chaste kiss against my lips. “Nothing to be sorry about.”

  I was about to say something self-deprecating and sarcastic when he rubbed his hand over my cock.


  “I’ve got you, babe.” He pushed me back and steered me toward the bed. I expected him to shove me down, but he gently guided me so I was sitting on the edge of the mattress with my legs spread.

  “You’re so fucking perfect, Isaac.” He knelt between my legs, his hands finding my fly.

  “Oh god, Jonah.”

  My body was shaking as he ripped open my pants and pulled my cock out. It felt like my skin was on fire and I was vibrating with need.

  “Fuck!” I shouted, my hand finding the back of Jonah’s head as his mouth engulfed my cock and he swallowed me down to the base, sucking me into the back of his throat. “Oh fuck, fuck!”

  He swallowed around me a few times, his tongue rubbing against my shaft. Then he looked up at me, and the moment his dark eyes locked on mine, I was done.


  I didn’t have time to warn him before I came, coating the back of his throat with my release. He didn’t even blink as he swallowed me down, and when he finally lifted his head there was a grin playing on his beautiful lips.

  “God you taste good.” He leaned up to kiss me, and I could taste the salty musk of my own essence on his tongue.

  My head still felt like it was filled with cotton and my body wasn’t quite under my control yet as I reached for his fly, but he just blocked my hands and shook his head against my kiss.

  “I’m too close. When I come I want to be inside you.”

  I moaned at his words and allowed him to help me back up on my feet. Our kisses were now slow and languid, and even though I could feel the evidence of his arousal against my abdomen he was still being gentle with me.

  We stripped off each other’s clothes, dropping the articles on the floor as they came off. When we were naked Jonah pulled away and glanced at the other side of the room. I followed his gaze, afraid of what I might see.

  Cody was sitting on the chair with a hungry look in his eyes. He was squeezing his erection through his pants with one hand and gripping the arm of the chair with the other.

  He was enjoying what he was witnessing.

  Jonah smiled and turned to me, his dark eyes staring right into mine as he searched my face.

  “Jonah?” I asked softly, tracing my fingertips over his cheek.

  “Nothing, baby.” He smiled softly and caught my lips in another searing kiss.

  I forgot about everything as all of my attention zeroed in on Jonah and what we were sharing.

  After a moment of kissing he led me back to the bed, but this time he guided me so I was laying down. Using one arm he hauled me up so I was in the middle of the mattress, and the sheer strength he used sent a tingle shooting up my spine.

  Jonah lay beside me, one leg trapping mine as his arm slid beneath my back to pull my upper body closer to him. As his lips teased and tasted mine, his free hand traced soft and random circles over my skin, slowly waking my body up. He gave my spent dick a few loose tugs then resumed teasing my stomach and chest.

  In no time at all I was hard, my cock standing straight up as my skin tingled and my nerves lit up.

  “I’m ready, please,” I murmured against his mouth.

  Jonah nodded and rolled off me to reach into his night table. He pulled out a condom and a bottle of lube, and I couldn’t help swallowing as a slice of fear moved through me.

  I didn’t have much experience with ass play. I’d had a few partners tease my hole, but never had more than a single finger breach me. I’d tried to finger myself a few times, but the angle was strange
and I’d never been able to do more than tease, and I’d never found my prostate.

  Jonah’s cock was incredible, and a hell of a lot bigger than any finger I’d ever seen, and I was a bit worried about taking all of him.

  As Jonah tossed the condom on the bed I started to flip over, but a hand on my hip stopped me.

  “I want you on your back,” he said softly as he gave me a tender smile.

  “Yeah, okay.” I nodded as a flush of pleasure went through me. I’d wanted to face him, so I could really share the intimacy of the moment, but had assumed he’d want me on my hands and knees.

  The fact that he wanted to watch me, to see me and let me see him touched something deep inside me, and some of my earlier fear melted away.

  Jonah lubed up his fingers and moved his hand between my legs. I was unsure of what he’d do next, but was pleasantly surprised when he leaned over me to catch my lips in a deep kiss.

  I felt a slippery finger tracing over my entrance, just teasing the sensitive area, then he pressed it against me.

  “Relax, baby. Let me in,” he whispered against my lips.

  I tried to do just that, and while it didn’t hurt, it definitely felt different.

  “There you go. God you’re so tight, Isaac.” The low timbre of his voice was driving me almost as crazy as his finger, and before I knew it he was all the way inside me.

  “Oh fuck!” My hands tightened and desperately clawed at the comforter as he began finger fucking me. It was incredible, but at the same time it wasn’t enough.

  “More, please,” I begged shamelessly.

  “That’s it.” Jonah grinned against my lips as he slipped a second finger inside me.

  God it felt good, and then he brushed against that special spot inside me and it was as though I’d been hit with lightning.

  Every nerve ending in my body lit up and crackled with arousal. I felt the pleasure from the bottom of my feet to the roots of my hair, and when he began massaging that incredible spot I almost screamed.

  I’d never experienced anything like it before and my body was reacting on pure instinct. My cock was dripping with pre-cum and my eyes rolled back in my head. I was about to beg him to ether stop or finish me when he pulled his fingers free of my body.

  “Holy fuck. God!” I shook my head as he settled above me.

  I’d been so lost in my own little haze of pleasure I hadn’t even noticed he’d put on and lubed up the condom.

  “Wrap your legs around me,” Jonah instructed as he reached between us to grab his cock. “Tilt your hips and relax as much as you can. When you feel me push in, bear down. It’ll hurt, but once I’m in it’ll get better.”

  I nodded and bit my lip as the broad head of his cock pressed against my hole. He hadn’t been kidding, it hurt like a motherfucker. I tried not to gasp, but then remembered what he’d said about relaxing.

  Breathing out I tried to let go of some of the tension in my body. When he was past my outer muscles some sort of natural instinct took over, and my body pushed against him so I was almost sucking him into me instead of him pushing in.

  “Fuck,” I hissed as he paused about halfway inside me.

  There was pain and a strange burning sensation, but there was also a feeling of being empty, like I needed more.

  “Please,” I managed to beg in a shaking voice, my hands gripping his strong arms as he held his body over mine.

  “God you’re so tight, Isaac. You feel so fucking good,” he groaned as he began rolling his hips in a slow and steady rhythm.

  Each thrust pushed him deeper inside me, and I cried out in satisfaction when he was finally fully seated in me.

  “Yes, fuck me,” I gasped, trying to use my legs to force him to move faster, harder. “Fuck me, baby. Please!”

  Jonah grunted above me, his lips crashing down on mine in a possessive and hard kiss. His hips snapped forward as he began sliding into me, each pass creating a mini shockwave of pleasure that shot through my entire body.

  “Fuck, oh god. Yes. Jonah!” I cried out against his lips, unable to form the words to beg him to go even faster, but he seemed to understand.

  His body pounded into me, his cock sliding so deep inside me I felt like he was touching my soul. It was incredible, and I could barely think through the pleasure that engulfed me.

  I could feel my thighs cramping as my lower back tingled, I was getting close. I was just about to tell him when two things happened.

  Jonah shifted so he was rubbing against my prostate, and he grabbed my cock and began stroking me with long, hard drags.

  The dual sensation was too much, and three pumps later my body gave out and my orgasm exploded out of me. Ropes of cum splashed between our slick bodies as I shuddered and shook beneath him, screaming and crying out incoherently as my pleasure threatened to take me away.

  I was barely aware of Jonah crying out and jerking over me, then he was humping into me as he emptied into the condom.

  Time and space seemed to melt away, and all I was aware of was Jonah’s body on top of me and the mind-melting orgasm I was still experiencing. As I slowly became aware of my surroundings, I clung to Jonah, trying to keep him exactly where he was as I rode out the afterglow.

  Suddenly I felt soft skin pressing against the back of my hand and I looked up.

  Cody was leaning over the bed, his hand on mine as he stared down at us.

  “Cody,” I breathed as he leaned down to brush his lips over mine.

  Jonah lifted his head, my body still wrapped around his, and tilted his face so Cody could kiss him. When their kiss ended Jonah reached down to pull his softening cock out of me before slipping his arm under my body so he could hold me close.

  My eyes shifted to Cody’s groin and I could tell he was still hard. He hadn’t taken his pleasure yet.

  Cody’s eyes followed mine, and when I looked back up into his face he seemed to be trying to ask me something. It took a moment, but I understood what he wanted.

  “Come here.”

  He wanted permission to join us and share the moment as a trio.

  Cody lay down on the bed next to us, his arm and leg pressed up against our slick bodies as he pulled open his pants. He drew in a shaky breath, then reached into his briefs and fisted his cock.

  I wished I could see what he was doing, but I didn’t think he was ready for that. Instead of vocally encouraging him like I wanted to, I removed one hand from Jonah’s back and gently placed it over Cody’s free hand.

  Cody glanced over at us, his eyes still dark with lust, and when Jonah reached out and placed his hand on top of mine, connecting all three of us, Cody cried out and began tugging on his dick.

  Jonah and I continued to watch him as he looked between us. He was so fucking beautiful it almost hurt, and I loved how he was sharing this moment with us.

  The only sounds in the room were Cody’s soft cries and moans, and less than a minute later he cried out in pleasure as his body jerked and his eyes rolled back in his head.

  He was even beautiful when he came, and I squeezed his hand as I watched him enjoy his release.

  After a long moment Cody opened his eyes and smiled shyly at us. He pulled his hand free of his briefs and rolled over to kiss first Jonah, then me.

  “I’ll be right back.”

  I hoped he was going to the bathroom to clean up, but a part of me was worried he was going there to freak out.


  I looked up into Jonah’s concerned eyes and felt another flush move over my skin.

  “I worry about him,” I confessed.

  “I do too.” He leaned down to give me a quick kiss. “But you have to trust when he says he’s okay.”

  “You’re right, I know you’re right.” I sighed. “But it’s not easy.”

  “No, but it’s going to get easier.”

  I smiled as he bent his head to give me another searing kiss. I knew we needed to get up so we could attend to some sanitary matters, but I didn’t want h
im to move just yet.

  “That was amazing,” I said when he’d pulled back from the kiss.

  Jonah smiled and gently peppered my face with kisses, making me giggle and squeal at the same time. When he was done he looked down at me, his eyes open and honest.

  “It was incredible. You’re incredible.”

  I flushed at his words and leaned up to give him one last kiss before I dropped my hands from his back.

  He understood the move and rolled off me. Our chests were slick with my cum and he was still wearing the condom, but somehow the moment seemed perfect. I rolled out of bed and headed into the bathroom. I needed to clean up, and hopefully check on Cody and see how he was doing.

  Chapter Nine


  As I closed my front door after saying goodbye to Isaac and Cody, I almost had to pinch myself to prove that tonight actually happened.

  I’d given Cody and Isaac a moment alone in the bathroom before joining them so I could clean up. When I’d walked in I’d found the young men hugging and my first reaction had been panic, then I’d heard laughter.

  They’d pulled apart enough to watch me toss the condom and then wipe down. When I was clean I turned to them, unable to stop a wide smiling from stretching across my lips. They were stunning together, and there was something especially beautiful about seeing a fully clothed Cody against Isaac’s naked body.

  For a brief moment I felt like an interloper, like I’d interrupted a private moment meant only for them, then Cody opened one of his arms to me as Isaac did the same, radiant smiles on their faces.

  I’d folded both men into my embrace. Cody was quite a bit smaller than me, both in height and build. Isaac was sort of in between the two of us with his relative height and lithe body, and I couldn’t help noticing how perfect they fit in my arms and molded against me.

  We’d held each other until Cody had pulled away, and then Isaac and I had gotten dressed while Cody watched. When we were all decent we went downstairs and I offered them another drink.

  I’d been prepared to do an impromptu therapy session if Cody needed it to break down what had just happened, but he’d been fine. We’d talked about trivial things, just shooting the shit as we enjoyed our drinks, and then they’d left since I had to get up early for my shift at Open Arms.


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