Beyond Valor

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Beyond Valor Page 21

by Lindsay McKenna

  “Oh, no,” Tahira said. “I decided to tell Jabbar about it. He is so worried over me. We sat here crying in each other’s arms a week ago over my condition. When I told him what Mina had said, he got the idea to ask you to come over the mountain from her village to ours.”

  There was such innocence in Tahira’s face and voice that Megan understood she really didn’t know about Jabbar’s kidnapping her. “Well, I’m glad to help.”

  “Mina was so excited that you had set up a medical clinic in her husband’s village. She praised your work. You have helped so many, Megan.” Reaching out, Tahira gripped her lower arm and looked deeply into her eyes. “Truly, you are an angel of mercy sent by Allah. I pray for you, Megan, because you are a strong, good woman.”

  “I’m a medic,” Megan said, her voice off-key. “My life, my heart, is devoted to saving lives.”

  “You speak as a Sufi,” Tahira said with a sigh, releasing her arm. She lay back, suddenly weary. “Rumi would say you live your life through your heart’s eyes.” She moved her head and looked at Megan. “Do you know of Rumi?”

  “Yes, I love his poetry. I was introduced to him in college. When I read his first book of translated poems, I fell in love with him.”

  Pointing to the corner where there was a small stack of books, Tahira said in an excited tone, “All my books are Rumi’s poetry! Perhaps you will read them to me? Afsana would often read to me when I was having trouble sleeping.” Her lips moved into a sad smile laced with grief. “Afsana would sit where you sit. She would choose a book and read Rumi’s words to me. I would immediately fall asleep!”

  “Then would you like me to read to you tonight?” Megan asked.

  Tahira sighed and smiled. “We are sisters of the heart, Megan. Truly, you are an angel.”

  “Why don’t you try and rest now?” Megan suggested. She got up and picked up the tray. “I’ll take this away.”

  Moving into the hall and quietly shutting the door behind her, Megan spotted the frowning soldier. She took the tray up to him and asked where to put it. The guard glowered at her and opened the door. As Megan moved into the room, she spotted a young farmer from Lar Sholtan by the name of Bahraam. The farmer’s eyes widened in surprise when he saw Megan. Jabbar was standing nearby, reading a piece of paper delivered by the farmer.

  “Take the tray,” Jabbar ordered his soldier. “You.” He pointed at Megan. “Stay where you are.”

  She met Bahraam’s dark eyes. He looked very tired. Why was he here? His face was not filled with hatred for her, but, rather, worry. Her gaze moved to Jabbar, who was reading the paper. What was going on?

  Jabbar turned to her. “This is from Timor Khan. He is telling me that you have Lokhay, that you are protected by him and his villages.”

  Stunned, Megan felt her mouth drop open. She saw Gholam’s face grow angry. “What?” She’d never heard of any Afghan village extending Lokhay to an American. It meant that if Jabbar harmed her in any way, Timor and his many villages would, quite literally, go to war against Jabbar.

  The Taliban leader shoved the letter back into Bahraam’s hands. “Tell Lord Khan I will think over his request. You tell him she is an infidel! I think it’s foolish he gives her Lokhay!”

  Megan tensed as the farmer gripped the note. The young man was taller than Gholam. She had cared for his wife and three children.

  “My Lord Gholam, Timor Khan will accept only one answer. That you understand she is under his protection. You must agree to that.”

  Snarling, Gholam hissed, “Watch your place, boy!” And he held up his fist, waving it in Bahraam’s sunburned face.

  The farmer drew up his shoulders, chin high. “If you threaten me, Lord Gholam, you threaten Lord Khan.”

  She was watching Lokhay at work. Stunned by what had happened, Megan remained motionless. Gholam moved around the room like a caged snow leopard. What would he do?

  “I need her help,” he snarled at Bahraam. “You will not take her from me. She is here to help my wife!”

  “We had no understanding of this,” Bahraam began. “You kidnapped her, and that goes against Lokhay.”

  “Don’t you think I know that?” Jabbar roared. He came and punched the farmer in the chest with his finger. “How did I know you extended Lokhay to this infidel?”

  “You know now. We are Pashtun and you know, even though you were born in Pakistan, that we have a fifteen-hundred-year-old set of laws that govern our people. Lokhay gives Dr. Megan protection and you need to return her to our village.”

  Megan was amazed at the farmer’s stubborn audacity and grit. Gholam looked as though he wanted to slit the farmer’s throat. Would he release her back to Bahraam? Her heart sped up as she waited for her fate.

  “You tell Lord Khan I’m keeping her here! I will not harm her. She’s here to tend to my wife, Tahira. When Tahira has birthed, I will bring her back to you.”

  Hesitating, Bahraam, asked, “Is this your word to Lord Khan?”

  “It is.”

  Megan wanted to speak up, but didn’t dare. She knew how much the Taliban hated women. Bahraam gave her a questioning look.

  “Is this so, Megan? Are you staying of your own free will? Mina Khan said you were taken without your consent.”

  “Do not speak to this infidel!” Gholam shrieked, coming at the farmer, his curved knife drawn. He held it up to the face of the farmer. “She has nothing to say!”

  “She does, my Lord Gholam,” Bahraam answered quietly, staring back at the Taliban leader. “Lokhay gives her the right to speak.”

  The Taliban soldier backed down. He sheathed the curved blade in his belt.


  Clearing her throat, she told Bahraam the situation. She made it simple so that the information could be carried back to the village. Knowing that Luke was there, she was sure he would be involved in finding her.

  The farmer looked at Gholam. “If your wife needs help such as this, why do you not allow it?”

  “Because,” Gholam snarled, impatient, “it could be a trick! The Americans just murdered four hundred men! They want me! They would stop at nothing to kill me!”

  Megan looked at Bahraam. “Is it possible Captain Khalid Shaheen could fly over here? He is Afghan. And he has a charity that flies sick men, women and children from any village along the border to Bagram Air Base for advanced medical help.” Anxiously, Megan glanced at Jabbar. Some of his anger abated. Pressing on, she added, “If Lord Gholam would allow Captain Shaheen to fly in here, I could go with Tahira.”

  “This could be a trap!” Jabbar yelled.

  “No, my Lord Gholam,” the farmer said, holding up his hand. “I have met Captain Shaheen. She speaks the truth.”

  Heart pounding, Megan said in a pleading tone, “Lord Gholam, your wife is in grave danger of dying any moment. I know you love her. And I know you love her sons. Please, you must believe me when I tell you I don’t have the equipment or skills needed to save her life if she starts bleeding heavily. It’s important to get her on a helicopter and to Bagram as soon as possible.” As she begged, Megan saw Gholam’s anger dissolve.

  “And what promise do I have that if you take my wife, you’ll return her and my child?”

  “Lokhay is invoked,” Bahraam intoned. “Her word is her honor. Our villages and Lord Khan will support her word. Your wife and baby will be returned to you.”

  Jabbar wavered. He stroked his thick black beard, glaring at Megan and then at Bahraam. “I’ve never met this Khalid Shaheen. I must look him in the eye. I must see for myself that he is a man of honor.”

  “I will leave now,” Bahraam said quietly. “And I will ride over the mountain and give your words to Lord Khan.”

  “Excuse me,” Megan said, holding up her hands. “Bahraam, we don’t have that kind of time. Tahira is in a medical
emergency. I need Captain Shaheen to fly here as soon as possible.” She glanced over at Gholam, who again had a murderous look in his eyes. Megan added in a stronger, demanding tone, “I need your radio, Lord Gholam. I know the frequency on which to contact Captain Shaheen. Your wife is dying. I know you want her to live and so do I. But we must hurry her to the hospital. This can’t wait a day or two. Please!”

  Hissing a curse, Jabbar strode around the room. He halted, thought and then prowled some more. Throwing a glance at the farmer, he glared at her. Finally, he stopped in front of Megan.

  “Very well.” He jerked the radio from his belt, a Russian model. “You stand here right now and call Captain Shaheen. He must come alone. If I see anyone else in that helicopter when it lands here, I will destroy it. Do you understand?”

  Megan took the radio. “Yes, I understand. He’ll come alone.”

  “Could Bahraam ride back with us?” Megan demanded.

  “Yes,” Jabbar growled. “I know who he is.”

  Relief flooded through Megan. She didn’t understand the Russian alphabet on the old, beat-up radio, but she fiddled with the dials until the right frequency showed up. Jabbar stood in front of her, arms across his chest. Glancing beyond him, she saw Bahraam’s dark face filled with hope. If only the radio would work. If only it would reach Khalid.

  Gulping, Megan gave it a try and made the call.

  Chapter 16

  Luke stood tensely within the HQ with the two Marine Corps officers and Timor Khan. The elder had ridden his horse into the compound to talk with Captain Hall about the situation regarding Megan’s kidnapping. The radio jumped to life.

  It was Megan’s voice!

  Startled, Hall picked up the radio, but his gaze shot to Luke, who stood near the entrance.

  Luke listened intently as Megan explained the situation regarding Gholam’s wife. Captain Hall seemed confused. He wasn’t a medic, so he didn’t understand the gravity of the situation. Luke was going to speak up, but Hall beat him to it.

  “Come and talk to her, Doc,” he ordered, thrusting the radio toward him. “I don’t know what it all means.”

  Gripping the radio, Luke said, “This is Collier. Captain Hall wants me to speak to you about the medical issue. Over.” He gulped, his heart beating in his chest to underscore his fear for Megan. She was alive! She seemed well, but he could hear the strain in her voice. After listening closely to her descriptions, he finally said, “One moment while I convey this to Captain Hall and Lord Khan.” Luke understood that Gholam was at her side, listening to every word. He wanted the Taliban leader to know Timor was present.

  “Sir,” Luke said, holding Hall’s worried gaze, “if we don’t get a medevac out there right now, Gholam’s wife can bleed to death and her baby will die.”

  “Okay, get Gholam on the radio. Ask him if we can send in a medevac that he won’t shoot out of the sky.”

  Suddenly, Gholam was on the radio.

  “You bring Captain Shaheen only with the medevac! That is all I am allowing! You infidel pigs could be lying to me!”

  Luke translated to the captain. “Sir, we are going to need two pilots and I will need to go with them. Megan can’t stabilize and care for his wife alone. Plus, I can bring other medical supplies we may need during transit.”

  “Tell him,” Hall ordered, grim.

  Luke replied.

  The Taliban leader screamed into the radio.

  Timor Khan, who stood near Luke, said, “May I talk to him, Dr. Luke?”

  Hall nodded and Luke handed the elder the radio.

  “Jabbar, this is Timor Khan,” he said, speaking slowly in Pashto. “I am here with the Marines and Dr. Luke. I can vouch for all of them that they are only concerned for the welfare and care of your wife. You must allow them to fly in with two pilots and Dr. Luke. He is bringing medical supplies that will help your wife live, not die.”

  There was a long, tense silence on the radio.

  Luke stared down at the table in emotional turmoil. He knew the life-and-death situation Megan was in with Tahira. Timor held the radio, his face unreadable. Hall appeared worried.

  “No!” Gholam screamed into the radio. “You do as I say! One pilot. No other men on that helicopter!”

  Luke saw Timor’s sunburned face go dark with anger. Seeing a flash of annoyance in Timor’s dark brown eyes, the leader held up his hand toward the captain.

  Timor pushed the button and said with firm authority, “Jabbar, we have extended Lokhay to the helicopter crew and to Dr. Luke. Your wife is going to die very shortly if something isn’t done. These men have only the care of your wife in their hearts. Now, you will allow them to take Tahira to Bagram. This is my final decision as leader of my tribe.”

  A bomb could have gone off in HQ as Luke saw Timor smile a little as he handed the radio back to him. Taking it, Luke waited. He had never heard of Lokhay being extended to Americans. He gave Timor a slight nod of thanks as they all waited.

  “Very well,” Gholam ground out. “Bring the medevac in here with two pilots and Dr. Luke.”

  “We will ask Captain Shaheen to pilot the medevac,” Luke told him. He knew if another Afghan was involved, Jabbar would be far less trigger-happy.

  “Get here as soon as you can. You call me on this radio when you come over the mountain.”

  “We’ll be in touch,” Luke promised. He signed off and handed the radio to Captain Hall. After relaying the conversation, the Marine officer looked relieved. Instantly, Lieutenant Speed called Bagram. They discovered Captain Shaheen was at Camp Bravo. That was a piece of luck. In minutes, they had a plan cobbled together.

  Shaheen would fly with the Turkish woman pilot, Captain Aylin Sahin. That way, it would be a Muslim crew. That should allay Gholam’s worries. They would pick Luke up outside the compound, flying in special medical equipment for Tahira.

  Luke excused himself and ran to the clinic. Within a half hour, the medevac would arrive. Grabbing a number of Ringer’s lactate IVs and drugs that might be needed, Luke felt his heart pound with anxiety. Even though Timor Khan had given them Lokhay, no one knew for sure if Gholam would really honor it or not.

  He ran for his house to pick up his medic bag. As he hurriedly packed the items and zipped it shut, he desperately wanted to tell Megan he loved her. She had to know that.

  Jerking the pack over to his shoulder, Luke hurried out the door and into the late-afternoon sunlight. He couldn’t steady his emotions. He needed her to know she had become his life, that she was the only person he ever wanted to wake up to every morning. He wanted to love her, care for her and have a family with her. He trotted across the dusty compound toward the opening gate. This day had to turn out right. They needed this chance.

  Luke saw Timor Khan standing outside HQ with his horse. He lifted his hand to the elder and silently thanked him for his help. He prayed Gholam would honor their agreement. Or else they were all dead.

  * * *

  Megan had Tahira on an IV of Ringer’s lactate to keep her hydrated. Some color had come back to the woman’s face as Jabbar and another soldier carefully placed her on a litter. They carried her gently out to the main room of the house. Megan held the IV in her hand and she saw Tahira looking at her husband, worry in her eyes.

  “Jabbar, do not fuss. My husband, I want to live. I want our baby to live.” She gripped his hand as they lowered the litter. “Thank you for doing this.”

  Megan watched Jabbar’s angry face turn soft beneath his wife’s cajoling voice. He picked up her hand, kissed it and pressed it against his chest.

  “I would gladly die and go to heaven for you, beloved,” he said, his voice gravelly and low with feeling. “Stop your worry.” He took his fingers and smoothed out the wrinkles on Tahira’s broad brow. “You are in good hands with this woman doctor. I don’t like t
hat she’s American, but she is all we have.”

  Tahira gave her husband a pleading smile. “Beloved, she is to be trusted. I know it here, in my heart. She cares for me...for our baby. I feel good being with Megan.”

  The radio in Jabbar’s belt went off. The leader got to his feet after releasing his wife’s hand to answer it. Megan heard Captain Khalid Shaheen’s voice. They were inbound and would reach the village in ten minutes. Relief tunneled through her as she listened to the exchange. She saw Tahira’s face turn hopeful with the good news.

  Jabbar ordered his two men out the door and he left with them. Megan remained at Tahira’s side. She continued to hold the IV up. Megan had also given her some prednisone earlier. Often with this condition, the baby’s lungs would begin to fill with water, and this drug would keep them clear. Tahira seemed at peace and closed her eyes, tucked beneath the colorfully woven blankets.

  Megan tried to steady her heart. Luke was coming! Another kind of relief went through her because she knew he’d bring other lifesaving supplies. Just getting to see Luke made her feel that she was going to survive this. But Gholam was unreliable and she never knew from one moment to the next what the dangerous man might do.

  Luke’s eyes widened with fear just as the medevac landed. It kicked up clouds of dust in Gholam’s village, which was hidden within a cave. Khalid Shaheen hissed a curse beneath his breath as Gholam and ten of his soldiers quickly surrounded the helo, rifles pointed at them.

  The blades on the helo were still turning, and Khalid powered down, shutting off the engines. They couldn’t afford to bring Tahira on board in the choking dust. The litter bearers would be unable to see where they were walking.

  “What do we do?” Luke demanded, speaking into his microphone as he twisted around. The Taliban soldiers were at the door, hatred in their eyes.

  “Stay put,” Shaheen growled. “This is Gholam’s way of establishing supremacy.”

  “Don’t be so sure,” Aylin muttered, sitting in the copilot’s seat. “There’s their leader.” She pointed a gloved finger out the cockpit window. Her hand automatically went to the pistol strapped across the Kevlar on her chest.


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