The Alexanders 3 : He's the Man

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The Alexanders 3 : He's the Man Page 21

by M. Malone

  “Who said it would be an easy job?” Eli demanded.

  Matt edged closer, using the guy’s distraction to put himself between the line of fire and the bathroom where the girls were hidden. The guy whipped his head toward Matt and fear flashed across his face when he saw how close he was.

  “I know what you’re trying to do. You tricked me!” He raised his gun and a sudden pain stabbed into Matt’s side.

  There was an explosion of gunfire as Matt, Eli, and Tank all discharged their weapons at the same time. When he lowered his weapon, the suspect lay on the ground, blood already pooling beneath him.

  A throbbing pain in his side brought Matt’s attention back to himself. He looked down at the hole in his shirt. “The bastard shot me.”

  That was going to hurt in a minute, he thought dimly.

  * * * * *

  PENNY HADN’T THOUGHT there was anything worse than being on the outskirts of Matt’s friends and family as they’d prayed. But being included in their circle, hearing the stories of how loyal he was and what a great friend and brother he was just reminded her of all the experiences they hadn’t had yet.

  It also made her think about him actively. The purpose of a prayer session was to remember him and focus their energy on him, but Penny couldn’t do that. She couldn’t think about him without wondering where he was right then. Was he in danger? In pain?


  There were so many questions and too few answers. The only thing that gave her comfort was closing her eyes and pretending she was somewhere else. It hurt too much to consider the possible scenarios.

  “They’re okay. Oh, thank god.” Julia held her cell phone aloft. “Eli just sent me a message. They’re all right. The standoff is over. Matt is fine. They’re all fine. They’ll be home soon.”

  There was a collective sigh of relief. Mara let out a squeal and hugged Trent. Jackson and Ridley got pulled into the hug somehow. Penny didn’t know them well enough to get in the middle of the love-fest, but Julia came over and hugged her anyway.

  Now that they knew everyone was okay, the tension in the room lifted. Someone found a deck of cards and Mark dealt a game. Penny was so tired her eyes kept closing against her will and then popping open whenever someone spoke to her. She wasn’t sure how much time had passed before Mara squealed again.

  “Matt! Oh my god!”

  Penny’s head shot up from where she’d been resting on the couch. Matt and Elliott stood in the doorway, looking at them. Elliott had a bandage on his arm and Matt’s right cheek sported a bruise that was already swelling.

  Mara got up from where she was sitting on the floor and flew across the room. She stopped right before she ran into Matt and then hugged him gingerly.

  “Hey, there. It’s okay.” Matt patted his sister’s shoulder awkwardly. His eyes searched the room until they met Penny’s. Everything she’d been holding inside the past few hours twisted around inside her in a jumble. Matt and Elliott made the rounds, getting hugs from everyone in the room. Julia fussed over them, then excused herself to the kitchen to get them something to drink. As she passed, Penny saw her wipe tears from her eyes.

  Matt sat next to her on the couch. Penny leaned against his side and he sucked in a sharp breath.

  “Oh no, you’re hurt.” She reached for his shirt. He covered her hands with his.

  “Bruised ribs. They’re not broken. I’m okay.”

  He put his arm around her and she leaned over, careful not to put any pressure on his side.

  “I’m so not okay. I was really worried about you,” Penny admitted.

  “I’m so sorry, baby. That was a tough situation, and I’m grateful to be back here with you. Thoughts of you were all that kept me sane.” Matt stood and Penny followed. “I think it’s time to go home and get some rest.”

  Mara gave him another careful hug. Then promptly dissolved into tears again. Trent led her out with a gentle hand at her elbow.

  After another round of hugs, Matt turned back to Penny. “You ready to go, baby?”

  She nodded. “Yeah. Let’s go home.”

  * * * * *

  PENNY HELD THE door open for Matt, aching for him when she saw how slowly he was moving. He had to be in serious pain, but he didn’t utter a word of complaint. She was trying to hold it together for him. Getting hysterical wouldn’t help him, so she just followed him to the bedroom quietly.

  When he took off his shirt, she couldn’t hold in her cry. There was a fist-sized bruise on his ribs that was almost black.

  “That’s where he shot me. If I hadn’t been wearing Kevlar, I’d be dead right now.”

  “It didn’t stop it completely though. I always thought those vests made you invincible or something.”

  He shook his head. “No, unfortunately not. As you can see, all that force still leaves its mark. It feels like being punched by a superhero.”

  He climbed into bed and settled himself on his back with a loud groan. Penny crawled in on the other side of the bed. “I’m so glad you’re all right. I love you so much. All I could think all day was that I might not get the chance to tell you.”

  There was no reply, so Penny looked over at his side of the bed. He was fast asleep, breathing through his mouth. He normally didn’t snore, but he was making sounds like a freight train.

  The most overwhelming sense of love came over her. The sight of him, sleeping safe and sound in his own bed, was the best thing she’d ever seen. She propped herself up on her arm and just watched him. There was nothing in particular she was looking at, she was just grateful for the chance to look at him.

  She would never take it for granted again.

  Ten minutes later, Matt woke with a jolt. When he saw that she was awake, he grimaced and tried to sit up. He paled and sagged back against the pillow. “Penny? What are you doing still awake? You have to drive back home tomorrow, don’t you?” He tried to push her back down to the pillow. “Go to sleep, woman!”

  Penny giggled. “I am home, you crazy man. I’m exactly where I’m supposed to be.”

  He watched her curiously. “I got shot tonight so I’m not firing on all cylinders, but I don’t get it.”

  “I had this idea that military life represented danger and civilian life was safe. But the truth is they both have their challenges. There’s no easy route guaranteed to end in happiness. Any day could be your last, no matter how safe you think you are. I was so worried about doing things the right way. Now I’m just grateful we get to do them at all. I love you, Matt. I’ll love you all my life.”

  He raised a hand and brushed it against the back of her cheek. “I love you, too. So much. I really wish I could hug you right now, but I’m not sure I can move.”

  Penny laughed softly and leaned over to kiss him. “Well, I’ll come to you then.” His lips opened under hers and she breathed in his scent. “Oh yeah, and I quit my job.” At his surprised look, she laughed out loud and kissed him again.

  It turned out that home was knowing Matt was coming back to her, wherever she was. Home was having the right to brush his dark hair off his brow and to kiss the stress line that always formed on his forehead.

  He wasn’t a fairy-tale prince, but he was the only man she’d ever wanted to come home to. The only man who had ever mattered.

  He’s the man I’m meant for.


  A few weeks later.

  MATT HELD OPEN the door to Jackson’s patio and waited as a stream of children raced by. There were Jackson’s two boys, their cousins Annabelle and Isabelle, and then a few more he wasn’t sure he’d seen before. Jackson came out of the kitchen, holding a tray of cookies.

  “Is it my imagination or did some of these kids come out of thin air?”

  Jackson shrugged. “You know how Mom is, she invites the whole church. It’s my house and I have no idea who’s here either.” He offered the tray to Matt.

  “Did Ridley make these?” Matt snagged one off the tray and took a bite. They were still w

  “Raina made them. She’s due in two weeks, so she claims she’s not worrying about nutrition for the baby anymore. Apparently the baby is technically done at thirty-seven weeks, so she’s decided she’s just going to eat whatever she craves from here on out.”

  Matt took another bite of his cookie. It was a masterpiece of chocolate and sugar. “Makes sense to me.”

  Jackson took the platter outside and Matt followed. Eli already had the music pumping. Mara waved at him from where she stood at the buffet table. Trent had his arms around her and was whispering something in her ear.

  “Hey, Matt. When did you get here?”

  Matt turned and accepted a handshake from Jackson’s oldest brother, Bennett. “I just got here. How’s it going?”

  “I’m great. Actually, I have a message for you. Kaylee asked me to keep a lookout for you and tell you that she and Penny are upstairs and they’ll be down in a minute.”

  “Oh, okay. Thanks.” Matt wasn’t surprised the two women were huddled somewhere. Over the past few weeks, they’d gotten to know each other really well since he’d been guarding Kaylee. Penny accompanied him most of the time, and they spent time talking and playing with Kaylee’s baby girl, Hope.

  “I’ll just go say hello to your parents while I wait,” Matt said.

  Bennett nodded and walked toward the buffet table. Matt walked across the yard to where Julia and Mark sat in picnic chairs under the shade of an old elm tree. They sat with hands entwined, watching their children and grandchildren.

  He stopped next to them. “Do you mind if I sit?”

  Julia beamed up at him. “Of course not, honey. Pull up a chair and join us.” They were both tanned a deeper brown than usual and looked like they’d just been on vacation.

  Matt dragged over a metal folding chair and sat down.

  “We would be out there mingling, but you know, it’s not as easy for us to do that now. The heat wears on me. Getting old is hell,” Mark grumbled.

  Matt laughed along with them. He turned and looked at the party, trying to see it from their eyes. What was it like knowing you’d built a family forged with love so strong it could support this many generations? A love so strong it could carry the weight of children who weren’t even your own?

  He looked over to find Julia watching him with knowing eyes. “Penny mentioned you were going to that counselor she recommended. I’m proud of you.”

  “I am, too.” Matt held a hand over his heart. He’d been talking about Cyrus more lately. Not just about how he’d died but about how he’d lived. It helped to think of the things his friend had accomplished in his life and the joy he’d brought to his family. It helped to realize that his friend’s death didn’t define him. He could remember the good times now.

  “Are you all right, Matt? Truly?” Julia put a hand on his arm.

  He glanced at her. She had those eyes that could see straight through him when he lied, just like Penny. So he didn’t even bother trying.

  “I will be. I have a job I love and friends who believe in me. I just wish I could be as brave as they all think I am. The truth is I’m terrified.”

  “If you weren’t scared, you’d be either foolish or ignorant. You think bravery means never being scared? It’s easy to do things that don’t scare you. To be afraid of something but willing to do it anyway… Well, that’s true bravery.”

  She ruffled his hair. Matt’s heart warmed at the easy affection. He looked up to see Penny standing across the yard. When their eyes met, everything inside him came alive.

  “I want to say something to the two of you. But I’m not exactly sure how I want to say this. I’m not good with words.”

  “Take your time, son. The words will come out as they’re meant to,” Mark drawled.

  “Well, that’s a good place to start, I guess. You just called me son.” He stopped, the meaning of the word settling around him. “You’ve always called me that. More importantly, you’ve always treated me like one.”

  Mark watched him, his brown eyes wise. “That’s how we’ve always thought of you. You and your sister. Trent, too. You were great friends to our sons and you’ve grown into fine people we’re proud to know.”

  Julia cupped his face gently. “I used to help you with your dirty laundry just like my own boys, didn’t I?”

  “Yeah, you did. Both of you were always happy to see us. I just wanted to tell you how much I’ve appreciated that over the years. My parents love us, but they don’t enjoy us. Not the way you and Mr. Alexander enjoy being with your kids. I’m honored to be a part of your family.”

  Julia’s eyes glittered and she sniffled. “See, now you’ve gone and made me cry.” She reached out and he fell into the hug she offered, soaking up all the love.

  “Now, go on and dance with your lady. It makes me smile to see all you young people out there dancing. Even if I can’t understand anything these songs are about.”

  Matt walked toward Penny, leaving the Alexanders arguing about the merits of modern music versus “real” music. He still had a smile on his face when he reached Penny’s side.

  “Hello, Sergeant.”

  He grinned the way he always did when she called him that.

  “Hello, my love.” He pulled her against him. They moved to their own beat, dancing much slower than everyone else around them. Matt held her against his heart, secure in their love, secure in the knowledge that they were meant to be together.

  The diamond ring he’d bought last week felt like a stone in his shorts pocket. Not yet. He wanted to wait for the perfect moment. Penny deserved a perfect proposal. They were going to live happily ever after. He glanced back at Mark and Julia, who were watching them from the shade.

  Thanks to them, he knew exactly what happily ever after should look like.

  * * * * *

  PENNY SWAYED IN Matt’s arms, watching everyone dance around them. It didn’t matter that they were slow dancing to a pop song or that it was so hot it felt like a layer of the Underworld. All that mattered was that she was in Matt’s arms. It was like floating in a dream.

  Not that the past month had been all smooth sailing. Charles had called several times with pleas for her to come back. Penny had been touched until Georgia told her several of the athletes had threatened to go elsewhere if she wasn’t treating them. Charles had freaked out at the potential loss of some of their most lucrative clients.

  It made her feel good to know her work had enough of an impact to cause people to threaten to leave the center. But after a lot of discussion with Matt, she’d decided not to go back. She’d spent the last few years of her life working herself into the ground. If the events of the past month had taught her anything, it was not to take her life for granted. She only had one chance to do this right.

  Matt looked down into her eyes and her heart skipped a beat. She only had one chance to be with him, and she was not going to let anything interfere with that.

  At Julia’s suggestion, she’d applied for jobs at several hospitals in surrounding cities as well as New Haven General. Penny knew her résumé was strong and she’d get an offer soon. Until then, she’d been enjoying the chance to get to know Matt’s family and friends.

  Mara was a regular visitor to their house, and they’d become as close as sisters. Since Matt was guarding Kaylee, she’d also spent a lot of time with her. It was the first time since her teenage years that she’d allowed herself to open up completely and let people in. It was a novel experience.

  She’d also been in close contact with Georgia, who was planning a summer trip with her family to New Haven’s beach so they could spend some time together. Her heart was a little rusty, but with regular use, she expected to be a great friend again.

  “Oh my god.”

  The shocked cry came from Raina. Penny lifted her head. Matt glanced at her and then they both trotted over to where Raina stood with Nick and Ridley. She was holding her arms out to the side and looking down at her feet in terror.

; “What happened?” Penny asked breathlessly, but as soon as the words left her mouth she saw the answer. There was a large wet stain on Raina’s leggings running all the way down her leg.

  Matt followed her gaze and his hand tightened around Penny’s waist. “Whoa.”

  Nick looked down too. “Raina?”

  “My water just broke,” Raina commented needlessly.

  By this time, everyone was clustered around them, and Eli had cut the music.

  “Okay, it’s all going to be okay. We’re having a baby. We’re ready for this.” Nick pulled out his car keys and started running across the lawn. Everyone watched him in confusion.

  “Nick!” Matt shouted. His friend skidded to a halt and glanced back. “I think you forgot something.” He pointed at Raina.

  Nick’s skin took on an ashen hue. “Aw, hell. Sorry, baby.” He doubled back and took Raina’s arm gently.

  A tall, light-skinned man stepped out of the crowd. “Raina, take deep breaths. Are you having contractions?”

  Raina shook her head. “Well, I’ve been having those weird things where my stomach gets all tight for the last hour. But those aren’t real contractions. They’re just the fake ones, right?”

  “Braxton Hicks. Yes, those are very common leading up to the birth. But in some cases, what feels like Braxton Hicks can be real contractions. Which is definitely the case since your water broke. We need to get you to the hospital. Who’s your doctor?”

  “Dr. Waters,” Nick answered.

  “I’ll call her and let her know you’re on your way in.” He pulled out a cell phone and started dialing.

  “Who is that?” Penny whispered to Matt.

  “That’s one of their cousins. Grant, I think.”

  “I can’t believe we’re having our baby.” Raina grabbed Nick’s hand. She looked up at him with pure, naked love on her face. “Our baby girl is anxious to get here.”

  “She wants to join the party, that’s all,” Julia added. “Now let’s get you to the car.” Julia took charge in her efficient way, taking Raina’s other arm and helping her forward. “I’ll swing by the house and pick up your overnight bag so that Ridley doesn’t have to do it. I’m sure you want your sister with you.”


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