Sundown Series | Book 5 | Vengeance

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Sundown Series | Book 5 | Vengeance Page 17

by Konstantin, Courtney

  “That’s weird. I hadn’t thought about that. Maybe he can’t really smell it until someone dies?” Rafe said, then looked at Alex and grimaced. “Sorry, Alex.”

  Alex just shrugged the comment off. She focused on Charlie. “How is he?”

  “His fever is extremely high. I wish we were home, so we could have ice. I’ve put some ice packs from the first aid kit under his arms, hoping to control it some. I’ve given him ibuprofen, but he’s refusing to take more pain meds. He’s such a good kid,” Charlie stopped talking as her words seemed to choke her and she cleared her throat. Max could tell she was physically trying to keep it together.

  “He doesn’t want to waste supplies on himself,” Charlie finished.

  “Stubborn ass kid,” Max mumbled.

  “What about the willow bark tea?” Alex asked.

  Over the years, Rafe had refined and collected natural remedies to common ailments. It was just another lesson from Mitch Duncan, knowing at some point pharmaceuticals would probably not be available. They had used the willow bark tea to treat headaches and body aches since they had all met at the compound. It was strong and effective.

  “I’ll try that if he’s still in pain. It seems he’s holding it together,” Charlie said.

  “I won’t let him suffer,” Alex said defiantly.

  “Alex, of course not. None of us want that,” Charlie said in her soft way, laying her hand on Alex’s arm, squeezing for a moment before stepping back.

  “He was asking for you,” Rafe said.

  Alex and Max lead the kids into the room where Griffin and Easton were. Griffin’s bed had been moved closer to Easton’s, his doing Max could guess. Jack went first her to father and he hugged her tightly. She had a quiet conversation with him before turning in his arms and looking sadly at Easton.

  Easton looked pale and as if he was sleeping. Liam stood by his head and Candace held his hand. When Alex walked up, Candace squeezed his hand and said his name. His eyes opened slowly and focused on Alex. His sandy blonde hair was sticking up all over in different directions, as if he had been pulling at it.

  Max joined Jack and Griffin to wait for the signal of what she was supposed to do. She could tell this was going to be an emotional roller coaster. She took strength from the hand Griffin placed on her back. Max could be whatever her sister needed. Alex had been through more than any of them at that point. Killing her husband as an infected, being kidnapped and almost peddled as a prostitute, seeing her friend murdered and now this.

  “Can you give us some time, Dad? Candace, take him to get coffee or something. You know Margaret’s probably making some,” he said with a small smile.

  “No, I think I should stay with you,” Liam argued.

  Max could see Alex’s glare cutting into him.

  “If looks could really kill,” Griffin murmured from behind her. Max nodded.

  “Dad, just go. Please,” Easton said.

  Liam looked around the room, torn, but when his eyes fell on the kids his expression seemed to change. He looked from Jack to Billie and then to Henry. It was there his face seemed to soften and he nodded and followed Candace out of the room.

  “Maybe there’s a heart in there after all,” Max whispered.

  Alex pulled over a chair and sat next to Easton’s head. She straightened his hair and smiled when he turned to look at her.

  “We brought the kids. They wanted to see you. Are you up for it?” Alex asked.

  “Yeah. Can you help me sit up?” Easton asked.

  Alex stood and helped prop Easton up. Max saw her face pale as her hands touched Easton’s skin. Though his face was pale, Max knew fever was ravaging his body. Alex sat behind him, supporting Easton with her body while Billie and Henry came to the side of the bed.

  “Hi,” Billie said quietly.

  “Hey, guys,” Easton said.

  He tried to smile, then covered his face as he coughed. Alex hid her face behind his back before her kids saw her expression.

  “Does it hurt?” Henry asked.

  “Nah, I feel fine, buddy. Just a little sick. Can you two do me a big favor?”

  The little heads nodded wordlessly.

  “Be good to Candace, ok? Make her play tag with you. Billie, paint her nails all the time. Henry, ask her to read books to you. Ok?” Easton said.

  Max couldn’t stop the tear that slid down her cheek. She quickly batted at it, only to find more coming. She couldn’t control it. Griffin’s hand rubbed small circles on her back, lending the comfort he could in the impossible situation.

  Alex’s kids both agreed to keep their promises to Easton. Billie leaned up on her toes to hug Easton before running out the door. Henry tried to reach, but he was too small. Max came to his side and lifted him to Easton’s lap. Easton wrapped his good arm around the little boy as Henry cried.

  “Can’t you stay? Can’t you get better?” Henry asked.

  “Wish I could, buddy,” Easton’s voice cracked.

  When Henry didn’t let go, Max looked at Alex, not sure what to do. Alex’s face was streaked with tears and she couldn’t speak. She just shook her head before hiding her face again. Easton looked up at Max, his face a mask of emotion and his eyes begging for help. Max nodded and reached in to pull Henry from Easton’s lap.

  Henry turned into Max and latched on. She patted his back and kissed his cheek. She could feel the warmth of his tears on her neck. Holding him tightly, Max murmured wordlessly to him, trying to calm him. But there would be no calming, not for a long time. She took the little boy to Griffin, who held out his arms, and they transferred the child.

  With Henry settled, curled into Griffin’s body, Max turned to Jack. Her daughter was crying and looking panicked. Her heart was breaking and Max didn’t know how to make it better. Max took Jack’s hand and walked with her to Easton. When Max tried to let go, Jack held tightly.

  “I’m sorry this happened to you, East,” Jack said.

  “Me too,” Easton replied.

  “Thanks for always being so nice to me. It was fun to have an older cousin.”

  “It was pretty great being a cousin with you,” Easton said, smiling.

  Jack looked up at Max and then back to Easton. “I don’t know how to say goodbye to someone forever.”

  “No one really knows how,” Max said quietly.

  “Will you watch over us?” Jack asked.

  “If I can, I’ll definitely do that,” Easton replied.

  “Ok. Bye, Easton,” Jack said.

  She wrapped her arms around Easton’s middle and Easton's face crumbled as he hugged her back. Max wasn’t sure how much more of this she could handle. When Jack finished her hug, she hugged Max before running after Billie.

  Alex eased out from behind Easton and carefully helped him lay back down. It was clear on his face that the illness was making him weak and sick. He coughed again and shifted restlessly. Alex stood next to him, holding his hand and fixing his blanket.

  “Alex, I don’t want to die,” Easton’s voice came out small and broken.

  “I would fix this if I could, you know I’d do anything,” Alex cried.

  She bent and hugged the boy and cried with him. Max stepped back to Griffin and Henry. It seemed Henry had exhausted himself and he slept in Griffin’s arms. His breathing was hitched and his nose was running. Max used her shirt to clean his nose, in case it helped him breathe.

  “Thanks for being a mom to me, Alex. You didn’t have to. But you did,” Easton said.

  “You’re kinda a hard kid not to love, East,” Alex replied.

  “You’ll take care of Candace? I know you don’t trust my dad. I’m not sure what’s up with him. But Candace is really going to need all of you.”

  “You have my word. I will never abandon her,” Alex said.

  “I know you won’t, at least I know she won’t be alone.”

  Silence fell between them and Max watched as Alex laid her head on Easton’s arm and waited. She knew her sister wouldn’t le
ave until the process was over. Max couldn’t imagine watching the boy turn into a dead, wandering beast.

  “Max?” Easton’s voice startled her.

  “Yeah, kid. I’m here,” Max said, walking back to his bed.

  “I need a favor from you too,” Easton said.

  “Oh good. I was feeling left out,” she joked, earning a small smile from Easton.

  “You need to do it. Don’t let Alex or my dad,” Easton said, his words uneasy.

  “Do what?” Max started, but when she saw Alex raise her head and her eyes lock onto Easton, she realized what he was asking. “You want me to take care of you after you pass?”

  “Yes. Please. Alex can’t do it. She still suffers from what happened with her husband. Don’t make her go through that again. And I’m not sure my dad can do it. I know you can. You’re one of the strongest. You know how to set aside feelings and handle business. Please, Max.” Easton begged.

  Max was silent. Inside her emotions were an ocean of turmoil, twisting around and threatening to drown her. She could hear the confidence Easton had in her, but it wasn’t something Max was sure of. In her mind she tried to imagine sliding a blade into the blonde head that she knew, had learned to care for, had broken bread with, had survived with. She couldn’t see it.

  However, when she looked at Alex’s face, the pain creasing lines into her skin, she knew she had to help. She had to be the one to protect Alex this time. Alex didn’t say anything, just laid her cheek against Easton’s arm.

  “Ok, kid. I’ll take care of you. Don’t worry,” she finally answered.

  “Thank you,” he said as he allowed his eyes to close.

  Liam came back in, ending the moment for Max. She eyed the man warily as he took in the scene of Easton and Alex, who still had her head down on the boy’s arm. Max was willing to take the guy out if he disrupted the time Alex had left with Easton. From the experiences they had all had, this wasn’t going to take long, even with the medical attention Charlie was giving.

  To his credit, Liam didn’t say anything. He pulled up a chair and sat on the other side of Easton. He stared at his son, and Max had to wonder what was going through his mind. She wondered how she would feel to find Griffin, only to have him bitten and taken from her. In the myriad of emotions, devastation was the only emotion she could name. And for it to be your child, that feeling had to be even more heartbreaking.

  Max decided she had been hovering long enough. She took Henry from Griffin’s arms, the movement waking the boy. When he saw who was holding him, a small smile crossed his face before he cuddled into her embrace. Max walked with him toward the lobby, wondering what she had done to deserve so much love from the little people around her.

  In the lobby, Margaret sat with the girls. Billie stared out the front window, while Jack seemed to be trying to read a book. Candace sat closest to Margaret and the woman had her arm around her, comforting. The girl stood up when Max came in, looking panicked.

  “There’s no news, it’s ok. You should go back and spend as much time with him as you can,” Max said.

  Candace nodded and ran off. Max watched her go, feeling for the siblings. After hearing Easton talking to Alex, his focus was solely on making sure those left behind were taken care of. And the Duncans would do as he requested.

  Suddenly exhausted, Max collapsed on the couch with Henry on her lap. He adjusted himself until he was comfortable and sighed, which indicated to Max he planned on sleeping a bit longer. Max couldn’t blame him and laid her head on the back of the couch and let her own eyes drift shut.

  She hadn’t realized she had really fallen asleep until she heard talking in the lobby. It cut off sharply and the silence was what had her peaking an eye open. She found Alex and Rafe standing at the entrance of the lobby, staring at Max. She didn’t know what they were looking at. But when she lifted her head, she saw not only was Henry sleeping on her chest, but Jack and Billie had each curled up against her sides.

  Max’s eyes widened. She guessed they were all so tired with the emotional turmoil they were going through. Alex came and lifted Billie into her arms, taking her back toward the tents, and Rafe did the same with Jack. Max stood stiffly, following with Henry. When they passed the medical area, she saw Charlie holding a sad Aiden. The little boy Rafe and Charlie had rescued had already lost his parents, and now he must have just said goodbye to his friend Easton.

  “Any change?” Max asked.

  “None. His fever is still high but, without more instruments, I can’t tell if anything else is in the process of shutting down,” Charlie replied.

  Max nodded to her, feeling grim, and continued to the tents. Once Alex had settled both of her kids in their tent, Max checked on Jack. Rafe was tucking her in as well. When the three siblings stood together again, Alex nodded toward the lobby and Max followed along.

  “Hopefully their naps help a little,” Rafe said as they entered the natural light of the lobby area.

  “Mine didn’t. Henry isn’t as light as he used to be,” Max said, stretching her back.

  Alex actually smirked at that. They took seats around the tables they had put together for meals. Alex cleared her throat, determination now set in her gaze.

  “We need to plan for Callahan,” she said.

  Max looked at her, surprised. “What? Now?”

  “We have two days. We need to be prepared for how this is going to go down. Maybe Liam will have more information we can use, but we can’t just go running in there half cocked,” Alex said.

  “Alex, I promised Easton. We can’t leave,” Max said quietly.

  Max was taken aback by her sister’s behavior. Without thinking about it, Max realized she had resigned herself to not getting Callahan this time. Easton and the time they had left with him were more important. And now that Easton had asked her to end him when he died, Max had no intentions of not holding to her promise. She was not going to allow the boy to turn into a monster.

  “We know how this goes. It won’t be long,” Alex said, choking slightly on the last word. She cleared her throat and continued, “It’s better that we know what we are going to do after.”

  Max looked to Rafe, hoping he could read her thoughts. His eyes were tight and sadness cloaked him. They were all in pain. And if this was the way Alex was coping with it, Rafe wasn’t going to stop her.

  “Ok, I guess. My first suggestion would be to question Liam. We have a general idea of location of this San Francisco bunker. But unless we wait until he’s almost there, we won’t know the route,” Max said.

  “Do you think he’ll talk to us now?” Rafe asked Alex.

  Alex shook her head slowly. “No, I think he’s still stuck in believing we’re the enemy, though it might be softening. But if we treat him as an enemy, maybe we could get something from him.”

  “As the enemy? Alex, we don’t torture people. That’s Callahan’s deal,” Max said.

  Alex’s eyes were hard, but Max knew she wouldn’t go that far.

  “Maybe we just ask him first. Maybe the situation with Easton will have changed his mind some,” Rafe said.

  “Ask him what?” Liam’s voice came from the hallway.

  Alex didn’t look surprised, since she was the one facing that direction. Max had to wonder if she made the enemy comments so he heard. It explained the look in her eyes. She wasn’t the mourning mother at the moment. She was the leader of their survival. She was the one making sure they were safe. And she looked at Liam as a tool in that plan.

  “Feel free to have a seat,” Alex gestured around the table.

  To Liam’s credit, he didn’t hesitate. He sat down, leaving empty seats between himself and each Duncan. He sat up straight, meeting the eye of each person at the table. He didn’t cower, despite the heat Max could even feel coming off of Alex.

  “Is Easton still resting?” Alex asked.

  “Your doctor is looking him over again. He’s sleeping.”

  “Do you plan on staying?” Alex asked.
  “Are you giving me a choice?” Liam asked.

  “You can do whatever you want. But when it comes to Candace, she’s not leaving,” Alex said.

  Max saw the red creep up Liam’s neck, and she knew the comment was a shot across his bow. Whatever Alex’s play was, Max would back it. She no longer cared that Liam was their father. He was responsible for Easton’s bite. Even all the tools Alex had given him couldn’t prepare him for his own father tossing him out of the fight. Even though he clearly wanted to argue, he gripped his hands until his knuckles were white, and kept his mouth shut.

  “Rafe, could you get Smith?” Alex asked.

  Rafe nodded and left the room. Max and Alex just stared at Liam while they waited. The silence was heavy, with the kids sleeping and everyone else steering clear of the lobby. Max was starting to fidget when Rafe finally came back in with Smith, who was cleaning his hands of what looked like grease.

  “He and Issac were checking fluids on the vehicles, in case we needed to go soon,” Rafe said.

  He pointed to a chair and Smith dropped into it. It was then that he seemed to notice the man at the end of the table. He froze for a moment, with his eyes flying back to stare at Alex. Liam’s head cocked to one side as he stared at Smith. Recognition lit his eyes suddenly.

  “I know you. Weren’t you working close to Callahan? I thought I saw something about your death,” Liam said.

  “The story of his death were clearly an exaggeration,” Max said, rolling her eyes.

  “What are you doing here? Why are you with these people?” Liam asked.

  Smith looked to Alex. Max knew he was silently asking if he was supposed to tell the truth, or if there was a lie he was supposed to be playing.

  “Go ahead, tell him the truth,” Alex said.

  Smith took a deep breath and shifted uncomfortably. Max guessed he never thought he’d have to explain his behavior to his fellow soldiers. In her mind, he did nothing wrong but survive as he could. She reminded him whenever possible that he was only alive because she willed it. She could have let Griffin and Rafe rip him apart, but she knew it wouldn’t help any of them.


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