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Fetch Page 9

by A. J. Alexander

  “This is the last time you will hear from me. Nothing happened, it was a mistake from my past that I should have taken care of a long time ago and because of that I feel like I have lost you forever. I believe in us, Addy. What we could be if you would give us a chance, but you have to believe in us as well. You know where I’ll be when you’re ready. Goodbye Addison.”

  What the hell was that! I’m the one that should be sending messages like this not Cole. I did nothing wrong! I’ve just been protecting myself from getting my heart broken by a man-whore like him. I have no idea how long I’ve been there staring at my phone when I feel someone tap me on the shoulder. I scream at the top of my lung, drop my phone, and turn around ready for a fight.

  “Calm down, princess! I was just coming to see if you were ready to get out of here. The Uber will be here in ten.”

  I grab my phone and hand it to Heather, maybe she can decipher Cole’s message. “You were right, Cole has been blowing up my phone. However, this last message was different. It’s like he is saying goodbye. “I reach up to rub a spot on my chest, I suddenly have sharp pains.

  “See what I mean? Well, at least he is giving you some space to think. Maybe you should give him the chance to hear him out?” Heather responds as she tries to hand me back my phone.

  Blinding rage takes over my senses as I snatch it away from her. “Are you fucking kidding me right now? Chicks before dicks remember. Why the fuck are you on his side all of a sudden?” I know damn well I am being irrational, but that doesn’t stop me from taking my anger at the entire situation out on her.

  “Look, I know you are hurting right now, so I am going to ignore the fact that you are being a flaming bitch right now. Go pack your shit and think of someplace to go and grab your passport just in case. I figure we can just head to the airport and see what flight is leaving next.” With that, she turns on her heels and heads back out the door, and I go to start to pack.

  I start flinging drawers open as I grab clothes and throw them into a bag. I can’t help but think about the cluster fuck that was tonight. Maybe there is something more going on than what Heather and I saw, but I can’t focus on that right now. Heather is right, we need to get the heck out of here, so we can think. I know Cole said he would leave me be, but that’s what he said last time and look what happened. We ended up right back where we started, me running away from him.

  I lean my head back in the seat as the plane lands in New York City. I would have preferred to go anywhere else, but it was the only flight going just about anywhere at almost midnight. Heather bribed me with shopping and massages, so I gave in and here we are.

  “Come on, we are in the city! There is no way your dad will know we are here. We will shop, eat our weight in awesome food, and then go home ready for battle.”

  “Whatever you say, but first coffee,” I mumble as I make a beeline for the first Starbuck’s I see. Between the lack of sleep on the plane and the time difference, the fact that Heather is even still standing surprises me.

  Heather continues to prattle on about shopping trips and massages as we head toward baggage claim. I honestly keep looking around waiting for my father to jump out and say ‘Boo’ as I order us both some coffee.

  “How are you so chipper?” I grumble as I take a sip of my liquid goodness. “You are even less of a morning person than I am.”

  “I slept like a baby on the plane,” Heather says with a smile, reaching into her bag she grabs a bottle of ZzzQuil. “Sleeping pills, never leave home without them.”

  I try not to choke her as we make our way toward the baggage claim, she didn’t even think to share with the class? Once we grab our bags, my cell phone rings. I decided to ignore it but as soon as the phone stops ringing it begins again.

  “He said he was going to leave me alone, why is he crazy dialing me?” Without checking the caller ID, I answer. “What the hell do you want? I’m tired and need some serious caffeine before I am even capable of dealing with you and your bullshit this morning.”

  “Is that any way to speak to your Father, Addison?”

  Shit, that is not who I thought it was.

  “Sorry, Father, I was expecting someone else.”

  “Naturally. There is a car waiting for you at the curb, it will bring you directly to the house. Your mother has missed you.”

  I can’t stop the look of shock that crosses my face, Heather notices the change and mouths, ‘What’s wrong?’ while pointing at the phone. I shake my head and continue my conversation.

  “How did you even know I was in the city?”

  “Your credit card showed a purchase in New York. I am in the city for business, I sent my car to come and take you home. I will call someone else to come get me when I am finished.”

  “I was only planning to be here for the weekend to do some shopping and relax. I didn’t plan on staying for very long.”

  “I see. Slipping into the city and not even planning to pay your loving parents a visit?”

  I scoff at his assumption; my parents have been anything but loving. I don’t think parents track their children’s credit cards like some stalker.

  “Fine, Father, we will stay at the house for a night. However, we will head back to the city in the morning to continue our trip as planned.”

  “You brought your heathen cousin with you? I was hoping you had come to your senses and decided to come home for good.”

  I am in no mood for my Father and his attitude toward my chosen profession, not today. “It is time for you to learn to respect my choices in life, do you want me to come home for the evening or not?”

  “Do as you like. The car is waiting.” He hangs up immediately, leaving no room for discussion. It’s obvious that my Father and I are never going to see eye to eye on my choices in life. I have a feeling that after this evening I will be fending for myself. Great one more thing for me to worry about on top of everything else.

  “So, we are staying the night with Auntie and Uncle Stuck up?” Heather says as we exit the airport.

  “It looks that way. I could blow him off if I wanted to, but I still am not ready to be cut off from my trust fund. I just need one night, we can have dinner with them stay the night and then be done with it. School doesn’t start for another few weeks, I just need to tough it out a little bit longer.” I spot a driver holding a small sign with my name scrolled a crossed it parked at the curb. God forbid my Father let his driver pay for parking and come inside. Shaking my head, I head in that direction.

  “I wish you would just tell him to fuck off. You can keep staying with mom and I for as long as you need, you know that.”

  “I know, but I need to do this on my own. I want to show him that I don’t need him, his money, or a husband to be successful.”

  “No matter what, I believe in you.”

  “I don’t need anything else.” I smile at the driver, and we hand him our bags. This was supposed to be a break from reality for a little while, but I just traded one problem for another. Hopefully, I can deal with my parents a lot easier than I did with Cole last night.

  Chapter 21


  After our cluster fuck of a date on Friday night, I’ve been trying to do everything but think of Addison. I even contemplated sending my new assistant to pick up Delilah for her walk every morning, but if there is even a slight chance that I could get a glimpse of her I have to take it.

  I stop on the way at Starbucks to grab the girls some coffee and scones, maybe if I come bearing gifts, I won’t get shot when I ring the doorbell. Once I arrive, I take a deep breath before exiting the car. “It’s now or never. No big deal, just your future is all.” After my very depressing pep talk, I head toward the front door and ring the bell.

  I don’t even wait to see who is standing at the door before I thrust the coffee and treats forward.

  “I’m sorry, please forgive me! I come bearing peace offerings. I know I said I would leave you alone, but I just can’t get you out of my mind. We
belong together Addy, please give me a chance to explain.”

  “What a heartfelt apology, Cole. I’m sure if they were here to hear it they would certainly have taken the time to hear you out.”

  Lifting my head, I see Ms. Middleton standing at the door with a sympathetic smile. She notices the look of confusion on my face. “They aren’t here. After your unannounced arrival last night, Heather and Addy decided to go away for a little while.”

  “Away, what do you mean away? Are they coming back? Do you know where they went?” It suddenly becomes hard to breathe as the panic sets in that Addison may be gone forever. I want to run after her and force her to listen to me. To let me explain the entire situation with Vickie and what she saw.

  “Cole, you need to calm down. They will both be back, I promise. They just needed time to think away from you and your friend.” Ms. Middleton takes the coffee from my hands. “Why don’t you come inside and have a seat while I grab Delilah.

  I aimlessly follow her inside toward the kitchen. I can’t believe that it was just last night we were all in here throwing back shots and laughing as if we didn’t have a care in the world. How easily everything can come to an end.

  “Get it together and stop being such a damn drama queen,” I mumble under my breath.

  “That’s some good advice. They will be back, hun, they just need some time. Give them the space they asked for.” Ms. Middleton gives me a soft pat on the cheek and hands me Delilah’s leash.

  “I’m not known for my patience, but I’ll try.” I give her a smile and head toward the door.

  I feel better after my talk with Ms. Middleton. The girls are gone, but not forever. They needed time to think, thinking is good. Maybe they will come back ready to hear us out. I feel a tug on my arm, looking down I see Delilah not so patiently waiting for her walk.

  “Sorry, girl, let me get my head out of the clouds and back to reality. Let’s get to your walk.” With a little extra pep in my step, I head out the front door with Delilah.

  I’ve just returned everyone back to their respective houses when I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket. I don’t even bother to look at the caller ID before answering.


  “You fucking lying son of a bitch!” Addy shouts from the other line.

  “Addy? Where are you?”

  “It doesn’t matter where I am. I don’t even know why I thought about forgiving you. My Father may be psycho for having me followed, but at least he helped me figure out your true colors,” Addy continues to shout into the phone. I can hear nothing but pain in her voice as if she is fighting back tears.

  “What the fuck are you talking about? Having you followed? Your father? Are you okay?” I have no idea what is going on right now or what she is even talking about. I need her to calm down, so I can get to the bottom of what is happening right now.

  “How I am is none of your concern. I now have all the proof I need; a leopard never changes his spots. Forget my number, better yet, forget I even exist.”

  With that, the line goes dead. I stand and stare at my phone for a few moments trying to process what just happened in that conversation. I have more questions than answers at the moment, and that is never a good thing in this type of situation.

  I run toward my car and connect the Bluetooth before I dial back her number, of course, it goes directly to voicemail. I continuously dial for the next fifteen minutes until I get back to my place with the same result. Just like a woman, call and be all psycho but refuse to explain anything.

  I take the chance and dial Heather, hoping that she will be slightly more level headed in this situation. No such luck, her phone goes directly to voicemail as well. I don’t know what game these two are playing, but I’m done.

  I hop out of the car and head up to my place, slamming the door as I enter. As I throw my keys down on the table, my phone rings. Quickly hitting accept, I growl into the phone, “You have some fucking explaining to do, so get started.”

  “Chill out man. I was just calling to see if you have heard anything from the girls today. I’ve been calling and texting but radio silence,” Wyatt responds from the other end.

  “You have got to be kidding me. Addy just called me talking some nonsense about being a lying bastard and to never contact her again. I have no idea what she is even talking about.” I grip my hair as I begin to pace back and forth across the room. “To make matters worse, when I went to pick up Delilah this morning the girls weren’t there. Heather’s mom said they went away to clear their heads or some other bullshit.”

  “Damn it! When are they coming back? Did she tell you where they went?” Wyatt begins to panic.

  “Chill man, don’t you think if I knew where they were I would have called you already. These games have gone on long enough, time to get our girls and make them listen.”

  “Do you have any idea where they might have gone?”

  “Addy was spewing some bull about her dad having her followed when she called me. Maybe they are in New York?” It’s as good of a guess as any, besides it is the only clue we have at this point.

  “It sounds like a solid lead, I’m game if you are,” Wyatt responds.

  “Alright, let me check for tickets and see when we can get out of here. This ends now.” I hang up and open my browser to begin searching for tickets. I find a flight that has two seats left leaving in a couple of hours. Without thinking of the price, I book our seats and forward Wyatt the information. He immediately messages me back a thumbs up and says he will be at my place in a few.

  Now that is taken care of, time to let the girls know we are coming for them. I decide that it’s a safer bet to text Heather.

  Me: We are done playing these childish games with you two. We are coming to New York to bring you home.

  Heather: Oh, you are?

  Me: Addy called me freaking out and spewing nonsense. You two will listen and let us explain what happened the other night.

  Heather: Keep your asses in San Diego, there is no need to come here.

  Heather: Trust me, Cole.

  Me: Last time I trusted you, I got slapped in the face

  Heather: You deserved it.

  Me: Seriously?

  Heather: Calm your tits, Princess.

  I drop my phone on the couch and lean back, do I listen to her or do I just head to New York? As I sit back and contemplate our next move I hear a knock on my door, I hoist myself up off the couch to answer it.

  “Let’s go get our girls. Where is your shit?” Wyatt barrels through the door.

  Without a word, I unlock and hand him my phone, so he can read the text message conversation between Heather and me. After a few moments, he plops down on the couch with a sigh. “I hope you bought refundable tickets.”

  “You don’t think we should still go after them?”

  “I don’t know about you, but if Heather says stay, I’m staying. I am not taking the chance of having to deal with her anger again.” Wyatt shudders, no doubt remembering the rifles pointed at us the night before.

  “It’s settled then, I’ll call the airlines and cancel the tickets.” I walk over and grab my phone back from him. After calling the airlines, I order some take out and head to the kitchen for a beer. We might as well drown our sorrows together.

  “How long do you think they will make us wait?” Wyatt asks as I hand him a beer.

  “I have no idea, but it better not be too long, we both know I am not known for my patience.” I don’t know what Heather is plotting, but it better end with Addy in my arms and soon.

  Chapter 22


  We finally arrive at my parent’s house after the long drive from the city. I refuse to call this place a home, it holds no loving memories for me. The driver opens the door for us and gets our bags out of the trunk.

  “Will that be all, Ms.?”

  “Yes, thank you very much,” I respond. He immediately climbs back into the car and leaves. No doubt in a hurry to report to my
Father he has delivered me to the house safe and sound.

  “Cold and sterile as ever,” Heather says as she grabs my hand and we head inside. Nothing has changed since I left for college, the most expensive paintings and sculptures are placed perfectly around the sitting area and hanging on the walls. The entire house looks like it came out of a design magazine, probably because it did. I don’t even think my parents spend any time here other than to sleep, in separate rooms, of course.

  “Come on, let’s head upstairs.” I can’t stand being here anymore. My one haven is my room. Full of color and everything that I hold dear. As we begin to ascend the stairs the doorbell rings. “You go ahead upstairs, I’ll get the door and be right behind you.”

  I watch her go up the stairs before I move toward the door, waving off whatever maid is headed there. “Don’t worry I’ll get it.” She gives me a slight bow of the head and returns to her duties.

  “Hello, can I help you?” I ask the delivery boy at the door.

  “Courier delivery for Mr. Montgomery.”

  “I’m his daughter, I’ll take it.”

  The boy holds out a signature pad for me to sign and hands over a large padded envelope. “Thank you and have a nice day,” he says with a smile before leaving.

  “You’re welcome and to you as well.” I take a look at the envelope, the return address is from San Diego, I wonder what business my Father has with someone on the West coast. Knowing him, he is probably trying to buy out my contract at the school. I should give them a call after I get unpacked to make sure everything is still ready for me to start in a few weeks. I close the door and head toward my father’s office to drop off the envelope, trying desperately not to open it.

  My Father’s office is just as cold and lifeless as the rest of the house. A large mahogany desk sits in the center of the room directly in front of a large picture window. The walls are lined full of books shelves, covered in books that I am sure he has never read.


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