Rockstar's Temptation (Decoy #4)

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Rockstar's Temptation (Decoy #4) Page 2

by K. T Fisher

  He sighs and looks over his shoulder. “Believe me, this wasn’t my idea.”

  The next thing I know, a shrieking girl runs up to me and wraps her arms tightly around my body. “Oh Maisy, I’ve missed you!”

  I laugh as I try to untangle myself from Max’s younger sister. “Hey, Siena.” I see Max grinning over Siena’s shoulder and scowl at him.

  When I’m finally free, I take her in and just like Max, she’s gorgeous. Except where Max is all dark, Siena is light with her bright blonde locks.

  “What are you doing here?” I ask with a huge smile. Siena is a lot of work, but I like her. She shifts uncomfortably and looks back to Max.

  “Er…..She’s visiting,” Max informs me, and I ignore the weirdness that has suddenly arrived.

  “Cool, we should hang out some time,” I suggest.

  “Great! How about tonight?” she asks.

  “No can do, got an exciting family meal tonight.”

  “Oh, right! It’s your birthday this weekend!” She jumps up and down excitedly. People start to look and smile awkwardly.

  “I didn’t think you would remember that.” It’s weird that she would.

  “No, silly!” she laughs. “Max told me, he keeps going on about it.” She leans in close and whispers, “Wants me to help him get a special gift for you.”

  The way she whispers it makes me blush and I have no idea why. Max steps closer and grips Siena by the arm. “That’s enough, go find some food.” He says

  Siena huffs at him but takes his order seriously. She flashes me a smile before disappearing around the corner. I look back to Max to see he’s staring at me, at least I think he is because he’s wearing blacked out sunglasses.

  “So you’re getting me a gift?” I tease.

  Max gives me that huge smile of his that’s my favourite, and it spreads across his face, causing those delicious dimples that I could never resist. “Of course.” He takes a strand of my hair and tucks it behind my ear and then leaves his hand over my cheek. “I gotta get my girl a great present, Maisy Moo, you know that.”

  He removes his glasses so I can see his hazel eyes and he looks into mine. It feels like something passes between us, but for the life of me, I have no idea what. My breath catches as he leans in so close to me and places a soft kiss on the corner of my mouth. I feel his rough stubble scratch me, and it causes goosebumps.

  “Happy birthday.” And then he breaks away, leaving me stunned as he walks away to find his sister. What the fuck was that?

  Chapter Three


  I smile sweetly over at Tilly as she chews her food with a scowl. I have to hold back my laugh, and I see the faint smile tug at the corner of her mouth. This meal has been so flipping boring, but having Tilly here and watching her annoyance has been my only entertainment. I’m really thankful.

  “I thought you might have had a plus one this year, Maisy.” My mother looks at me from the corner of her eye, not even bothering to look me in the face as she insults me in front of everyone. That’s the kind of woman she is, though. She’s such a snob and loves reminding me about the factors in my life that don’t exist. Rather than congratulating me on the good things I have going on, like the business or the fact that I own my own house at the age of twenty-six, she likes to put me down. Actually, I think she would get along great with Mrs Harold.

  I spot the sympathetic look from Tilly and her mother, Pamela. I’ve always like Aunt Pam. When I was younger, I used to wish that she was actually my mother rather than the one I have. But like they say, you can’t pick your family!

  “Not this year, Mother,” I answer.

  I hate having to call her mother. Everyone else I knew growing up called their parents ‘Mom’ or ‘Dad’ apart from Tilly. Even now she gets upset with me if I don’t call her ‘Mother.’ I think it’s some sort of class thing with her which is ridiculous!

  “Well, let’s hope for next year, then.” She grins at me and I hold back my string of curses. Damn, that woman can get right under my skin!

  “That’s enough, Suzette,” my father growls.

  I’m a lot closer to my dad than I am with my mom, for obvious reasons. However, my mother being the woman she is, carries on while my Uncle Stu, Aunt Pamela and Tilly continue to eat in awkward silence.

  “You’re never going to meet a suitable man with the friends you have.”

  My body tenses. “What?”

  “Suzette,” my dad warns again.

  “I said, you will never meet a husband if you keep hanging around those rock stars and their women, Maisy. I mean, come on, haven’t you got enough respect? You’re not going to be a rockers wife like Tanya. You need to have more self-respect than that, or do you just like living a groupie lifestyle?”

  I gasp out loud. How dare she talk to me like that! And then insult my best friends! I stand and gather my things because I don’t want to hear another word come out of her mouth.

  “Maisy, where are you going?” my dad asks, even though he already knows.

  “I’m leaving.”

  “Maisy,” my mom sighs. “Don’t get all emotional about it. I’m just telling it how I see it. You need to think about your future, like your sister.”

  I scoff, laughing in my mother’s face before leaving. If only she knew just how perfect her youngest daughter is. Lauren can never and will never do anything wrong in my mother’s eyes.

  Lauren moved to the United States of America to live out her dream job of being a fashion blogger in the fashion capital. The only thing is, she’s not living that perfect little dream, and mother dearest has no idea. I could tell my mom that right here, but I’m not like that.

  Instead I turn and walk away, hearing Tilly’s footsteps behind me. God I need a drink!


  The next morning, I wake with a headache. Last night was a spectacular disaster, but that’s what families are for, right?

  Tilly came home with me, and we shared a bottle of wine. We agreed on how much of a bitch my mom is, and Tilly forgave me for inviting her along. Not only did she get a front row seat to some top class drama, but she was glad to be there for me, and I was also thankful for that.

  She told me to take a much-needed Friday off, not only to make up for the dinner, but because it’s my birthday tomorrow. As much as I hate to take a day off, the idea of having a day to relax and unwind after a stressful week is so appealing.

  “Take today to relax.” She looks me right in the eye and points her manicured finger at me.

  I give her a mock salute. “Yes, ma’am!”

  With a quick cuddle, she leaves in her taxi and I’m left alone.

  I take a long and hot soak in the bath and slowly get dressed. Once I’m done, I realize I don’t want to be alone. I take a risk and send Tanya a text.

  ME: Hey, I miss you.

  It’s not long until I get a reply. I’m quite surprised after not hearing anything from her all week.

  TANYA: Hey, babe! Miss you, too! What have you been up to?

  ME: God, where do I begin?

  TANYA: That bad, huh?

  ME: Had my annual family birthday dinner last night……

  TANYA: Ouch!

  ME: Tell me about it. My mom pissed me off and, apparently, I need a husband and need to be more like Lauren.

  TANYA: Be there in 10

  I sit back and relax, releasing a huge sigh of relief. I’m so glad she’s coming because I really need her right now.


  Just a little over ten minutes later, there’s a knock on my door. Tanya takes one look at me in my sweats and plain tee and grabs me in a hug.

  “You should have called me sooner,” she says, as she squeezes me.

  “I’ve been trying to get a hold on you all week,” I accuse, shutting the door behind her and leading her into the living room.

  She gives me a helpless look. “I know, and I’m sorry. It’s hard to get away from Leo. After having me to himself for a month, he can’
t let me go.” She laughs and I join in. It feels good to laugh after last night.

  “Anyway,” she continues. “This is an emergency, so you should have sent out an SOS message.”

  True. In our group, the girls are close. All of them feel like sisters to me, and we have a rule that’s been with us for a while. Whenever we’re in trouble, or just need one of the girls by our side, we send out an SOS text message, and they reply if they can make it. The first time it was used, was the day Kendal told us what she planned to do when she was pregnant with Finley. Tanya’s right, I should have used my SOS text alert.

  “How did you know it was an emergency?”

  “Mase.” She shakes her head. “For one thing, you were with your mum and secondly, you’re in your sweats.”

  “And?” I laugh.

  “You only wear those when you feel like shit.”

  I look down at them and remove an imaginary piece of fluff. Dammit.

  “What did that stuck up cow say to you, anyway?”

  I smile over at her. She has been my friend for so long! She knows what kind of woman my mom is and what she can be like. I unload all of my stress from the week onto her, including the Harold’s, and then the fabulous family meal. She listens to everything, giving me advice and telling me not to listen to anything my mom says.

  “She is right about one thing, though,” she says, quirking up an eyebrow.

  “What?” I ask cautiously.

  “You can’t be a rock star’s wife like me.”

  I burst out into laughter and just like that, my mood has instantly changed. This is why I need her.

  She stays all afternoon, giving me the juicy gossip on her honeymoon. The only thing they got up to was sex. They didn’t go sightseeing or anything! They spent a whole month naked and fucking. Tanya even shows me her totally tanned body as evidence that she wore nothing but her birthday suit. It’s a good thing they were at a private resort, because the things she told me they got up to on the beach has me choking on my drink.

  Chapter Four


  The next day I wake up feeling a little better. A relaxing day drinking and laughing with your best friend can do that to a girl.

  I stretch and regrettably remove my quilt cover and literally crawl out of bed. As well-rested as I am, I hate getting out of bed. I look back at my comfy purple-covered bed and sigh longingly. Nope! I can’t go back to bed, I have to quickly shower and get ready for the day. Kendal is coming over with Sophie and Jessica, along with the five children. It will be a full house, with a lot of noise, but I wouldn’t have it any other way. Besides, I wouldn’t want to be alone, because today is my birthday!

  Literally, as soon as I finish trying my hair and applying my make-up, there’s a loud knocking on my front door. I glance down at my phone to check the time and see that I’m not expecting Kendal and the gang for another hour!

  I turn down my music and make my way to my front door. When I open the door, I’m surprised when I’m suddenly lifted into the air and spun around inside my hallway. I don’t panic, because I would know the scent of Max’s aftershave anywhere. I melt into his large form and giggle as he continues to spin me, holding onto me as tightly as he can. When he sets me down, he keeps his hands on my waist as I sway from dizziness. When the room focuses again, I see his big handsome face smiling down at me.

  “Happy birthday, Maisy Moo.” He surprises me by leaning down and kissing me on the cheek. For a second he lingers there, cheek to cheek. His rough stubble is against my smoothness and then he’s quickly gone, and an awkward grin appears on his face.

  “What are you doing here?” I ask him, trying to ignore the foreign feelings in my stomach.

  “You don’t want me here?” He fakes a pout and makes me laugh.

  “Of course I want you, Max.” I’m very aware of what I just said to him and fight against the embarrassment. Max’s eyes wander over my body,and it sends shivers through me. I don’t know what’s happening between us lately, but there’s something changing. We’re best friendsand I love him. Sure, our friends joke about us, and we have kissed a couple of times when we were drunk, but that’s it. I would never want to ruin what we have. I’ve hooked him up with girls before, for crying out loud! I hated them because they were trashy, obviously, but I didn’t hate them because they were with Max. I wasn’t jealous that they were the ones to see Max naked, or to see what was beyond that six-pack that I saw every now and then. They were getting to rip down those black jeans of his and see exactly where that deep V led down to.

  He clears his throat, and it breaks me from my daydream. This time, I can’t help the blush from creeping up on my cheeks. Christ! Was I just fantasising about Max?

  “I just thought Kendal mentioned you were out with the guys today,” I manage to stutter out. What the fuck!

  He gives me another smile and pokes my nose. “I am, but I had to see you before. It’s your birthday, after all.”

  “Aw, you big softie. What would your fans say if they really knew you had a soft side?” I tease.

  His face falls flat. “They will never know.”


  “I’d have to kill you.” He deadpans.

  I laugh. “Sure, I’d like to see you try.”

  His eyebrow quirks, and my heart rate picks up as I realize what he’s about to do. I squeal when he lunges at me and run into my living room as I hear Max slam my front door closed. He charges in after me, chasing me around my coffee table. We dance around for a couple of seconds but then he tricks me, making me think he’s going to go right but only stamping his foot down, coming at me from the left. His trickery makes me stumble and trip over the leg of the table, but it’s enough time for Max to reach me and throw me down on the floor. I’m laughing, but as he turns me around, all playfulness gone, and I see how he’s looking down at me. His eyes are intense and serious, and the feel of his large, hard frame on top of me makes me feel soft inside. Max clenches his jaw and strokes my hair out of my eyes. “Got ya, babe.”

  He quickly gets up and holds out his hand for me to take. When I’m back on my feet, he hands me a red package. “Happy birthday.” He says.

  I smile at him. “Thanks, Max.”

  “Don’t mention it.” He begins to walk out of my living room. I knew he would as he has been doing the same during the year and a half we have known each other, whenever he gives me a gift, he doesn’t stay to see me open it. I don’t understand why, because his presents are always sweet and have a meaning behind them. Maybe that’s why he gets embarrassed by showing me his softer side. Before he walks out of the living room, he turns around and quickly makes his way back to me, kissing me on the cheek again before leaving me standing alone in my living room.

  I stand in the empty room, staring off into space just thinking. What the fuck is happening here?

  I look down at my red wrapped gift and smile. I begin to open it, but there’s another knock on the door followed by children laughing and screaming. I quickly put my present away, because April and Grace will want to open it themselves. Maybe if it wasn’t from Max, I would let them, but it is, and I want to open it myself.

  When I run back into the living room, it’s full of my friends and their children. Well, my friends minus the men. Kendal, Tanya, Jessica and Sophie all rush up to me and give me their hugs and birthday wishes. I was feeling angry with them for not giving me their time lately, but that feeling disappears as they smile at me and kiss me. I sit down on the sofa as Sophie makes everyone a cup of tea. I did offer, but she told me I’m not allowed as it’s my birthday.

  “Here you go, Maisy.” Finley hands me a gift and then runs off to watch the cartoons I just put on the TV for him. Grace crawls after him and sits beside her big brother, yanking on his shirt as she does, which annoys Finley, but he doesn’t say a word.

  The girls hand me gifts that make me laugh and blush, because I have to hide them away from innocent eyes. Tanya claps and giggles as she sees my react
ion to her present. “You’re the only single one left, Mase, you need a great bed-friend.”

  I try and get as good a look as I can without revealing it to Rory, who is trying to rip away the gift wrap as he sits on Kendal’s lap. My eyes widen as I see the size of the thing. “Jesus, Tanya!”

  The girls all laugh along with her, and I shake my head. “At least you didn’t get a stripper pole.” Sophie laughs as she hands me my drink and sits down. April crawls over to me, and I gladly pick her up, bouncing her on my knee. I spend the rest of the morning with them, laughing and catching up while the children play. I share my time equally with the kids, which is tricky, seeing as Kendal has Finley and then the triplets, Rory, Noah and Grace and then Sophie has April. As noisy as my house is right now, I truly love it. Being from a small family, I already know I want a big one for myself. I just need to find the right man who will help me with that and also fit in with my friends which is really important to me.

  Chapter Five


  “Jesus, Tan!” Jessica laughs.

  “What?” She shrugs and tries to look innocent. She’s not fooling anyone. “I can’t help it if my man likes to taste me every chance he can get. Even on the beach.”

  “Children!” Sophie squeals as she attempts to cover April’s tiny ears.

  “Please.” Tanya laughs, leaning closer to baby April. “You need to hear these things from your Auntie Tanya, baby girl. Trust me on that.”

  Sophie shakes her head. “We don’t need to be thinking about that just yet.”

  “Jax already is,” Kendal grumbles. “He’s already working himself up over protecting Grace from boys. I swear, he’s already got Finley and the boys training for it.”


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