Black Smoke

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Black Smoke Page 26

by Robin Leigh Miller

  Sam decided this had gone on long enough. Using her good leg, she gave him a shot to his shin. When he loosened his hold, she wiggled out from between him and the tree. Kong reached out and grabbed for her. His fingers slid into the waist of her pants, he pulled hard, jerking her down to the ground.

  She wasn’t going to make this easy, so he fell to his knees and wrapped his large arms around her body, pinning her arms to her torso. “I didn’t grow up like you did, having parents that loved me. Mine constantly told me I was mistake. My father loved telling me how they tried to kill me when my mother was pregnant. That the only reason they kept me was that it meant more money from the state every month.”

  Sam stiffened as he talked. She didn’t want to know this, didn’t want to hear his life story. It would cause her heart to break again.

  “When they died I never grieved. I just felt relief. No more beatings, no more watching them snort drugs up their noses and no more women walking around the trailer high, drunk and naked.

  “I was sent to one foster home after another, not once feeling anything for the people that took care of me—probably because most of them felt nothing for me. It was just extra money they received each month for taking care of some poor orphan.”

  “See Sam, I never knew what love was. I’d never felt it in my entire life. You were loved, you know how to love. I don’t.” He nestled his face in her hair, breathing in her scent, feeling her soft hair brush against his skin. He felt her body start to relax and sink into his.

  “When you came along, well, let’s say I wasn’t sure about you at first. How someone could be so caring and so tough at the same time blew me away. Then, the more I got to know you, the more I liked you. I started feeling things that I had never felt before in my life and it scared me.”

  The rain began to fall more heavily, soaking their hair and their clothes. But Sam felt warm and protected wrapped in his arms. His story saddened her, yet sent chills up her spine. She listened, waiting to hear the rest. He was holding her heart in his hands. The rest of what he told her could fill it, or crush it.

  “I ran Sam. I’m ashamed to admit it, but I ran scared. Every morning I thought of you, every night my arms ached to hold you. My dreams were filled with the sound of your voice and pictures of your face. I didn’t understand it, because it had never happened before.” He started gently rocking them back and forth. His need for her to understand was overwhelming—he couldn’t lose her again.

  “When Cannon called and said you were missing, the Earth dropped out from under me. I got physically sick. I can’t even begin to tell you the feelings that swamped me. Boomer laid into me. He sees himself as your big brother.”

  Sam smiled, she felt the same way about him and Ricochet. The family she never got the chance to have. Them feeling the same way about her filled empty spaces in her soul.

  “God Sam, Boomer had to tell me it was love. I just had no idea. Can you understand that? As pathetic as it sounds, I didn’t know what love was.” His voice broke with his last words.

  Sam leaned deeper into his body when his arms relaxed their hold on her. She wasn’t going anywhere now. “I had no idea,” she said softly. “Mark, if you had just told me.”

  “Your uncle didn’t want me coming along to find you. He only wanted Boomer and Ricochet. I understood that, knew he hated me, but I couldn’t stay behind. I threw my chance away once, I wasn’t throwing it away again.” His arms tightened around her again. “When I saw you chained to that damn cot, beaten and bruised, I nearly died right there.”

  Sam turned in his arms, placed herself between his legs and held his face. “You almost did Mark. You almost died on me. Do you have any idea how scared I was?” The water running through his short dark hair and over his eyes made her want him in a way she never wanted anything before.

  “I didn’t care if I lived. I just had to make sure you were safe. That’s all that was important.”

  A smile lit in his eyes. “Besides, we were only two rooms away from each other for the last two weeks and you never came to check on me.”

  She dropped her hand away from his face and turned her head in shame. All the hateful feelings she felt toward him were for nothing. He’d loved her the whole time, but didn’t know it. Would he ever be able to forgive her?

  His hand gripped her chin with a gentleness that stirred her body. Turning her back toward him he continued, “It’s all right though. Late at night, I would sneak down to your room and watch you sleep. The nurses kept me filled in on your progress and Boomer and Ricochet would tell me about the card games and things you talked about. I figured it was all I deserved.”

  Sam’s body began to heat. She swore she could hear her skin sizzle as the rain poured down over her. She didn’t think it possible, but she loved him more now than she did a month ago. Her eyes slid to his mouth, those lips that could send her flying to heaven. She leaned forward and softly brushed hers over his.

  His large hands cupped her face and pulled her away. He looked into her gray eyes and saw desire burning deep within. “There’s one more thing I have to tell you.” Acceptance spread across his face. “I resigned from the army.”

  Sam physically reacted, her head jerking back like she’d been slapped. “You did? Why?”

  “There was nothing left for me there. Everything I wanted is here.” His thumbs wiped rain away from her cheeks as he continued to gaze into her eyes. “Your uncle offered us jobs at W&S. I accepted.”

  Sam’s eyes darted around his face, searching for some kind of sign that said he was joking. All she saw was hope. Hope that she would accept him. “Us?”

  “Yeah, Boomer and Ricochet resigned too. We’re all working for W&S now.”

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  A slow smile spread across Sam’s face. Her heart filled to overflowing, squeezing her chest. Pushing her lips against his, she forced him back onto the ground. Her body spread across his. This was it, her happiness had finally come.

  Thank you, she repeated over and over inside her head as she rained kisses over his face.

  I didn’t understand before, but it all makes sense now. A laugh escaped her throat.

  “What’s so funny?” Kong asked trying to capture her busy mouth with his.

  “It all makes sense now,” she laughed.

  “What does?” His hands were busy pulling her tank top from her pants, trying to get his hands on her soft, tempting flesh.

  “Why it kept urging me to talk to you. Tell you about myself. Why it let you see it. Don’t you see?” Her breath was heavy as she spoke, her own hands eager to find bare flesh.

  “No,” he muttered as his mouth closed over her shoulder.

  “We were meant to be together. God!” she yelled when his teeth bit into her skin. Fire flared where his mouth worked, her body hummed. “That first day, the day I laid you out on your back I knew something was different about you. I just couldn’t put my finger on it.” Her words came in pants as his mouth moved from her shoulder, around her neck.

  “I knew it too. When you straddled me during our round in the tent.” He panted, his hands sliding down inside the back of her pants and cupping her buttocks. “I was so hard with you sitting on me like that. That’s never happened before. Not with a woman I don’t know.” He pulled her closer to him, pressing her against the shaft that was growing inside his pants.

  Sam gasped when he pulled her up his body then yanked her tank top down, exposing her breasts. When his mouth closed around her nipple, she lost all the air in her body. “Aahh. When I thought you were off fucking that woman in Afghanistan, I was sure I would lose my mind.”

  Her words sliced through his heart causing more pain then the knife that was thrust into his gut. He rolled her onto her back and looked down into her face. “I won’t lie,” he said. “I thought if I did, it would somehow, I don’t know, show me that what I was feeling for you wasn’t real.” He watched her chest heave with every breath she took. “I couldn’t. I coul
dn’t even stand to be near her and the thought of touching her made me sick. I knew I was in trouble, but I didn’t know how much.”

  Wrapping her arm around the back of his neck, she pulled his face down to hers. When their mouths were only a breath apart, she stopped him. “I wanted to twist her blonde head off her shoulders when she walked into that room. Every time I looked at her, I saw you touching her. One warning Lowe,” she panted. “Touch another woman again and it will be your neck I twist off.”

  She crushed his mouth against hers. Her hands hastily worked at pulling his t-shirt up, then moved to the zipper of his pants. She wanted him, needed him deep inside her. Touching her in places only he could reach.

  Pulling his mouth away from hers, he said, “I swear to you Sam, to you, to your family, to your guide above, that I will never need or love anyone the way I need and love you.” That said he took her breast in his mouth again. The moan she sighed sent heat into his groin. The rain that poured over them was forgotten, only the two of them existed.

  When her fingers finally maneuvered the button loose on his pants, she reached inside and cupped him. A smile bloomed on her lips, she would never get tired of feeling the weight of his erection in her hands. It was for her and always would be. That she knew.

  He felt himself grow as her hand touched him. It amazed him that she could affect him so quickly. As her hand moved up and down the front of his boxers, he ached with need. Pulling his mouth away from her breast, he hastily unbuttoned and unzipped her trademark black pants.

  Looking down at her boots, he groaned. Sam laughed out loud as he unlaced them with speed and jerked them from her feet. “We shouldn’t do this out here in the pouring rain,” he grumbled yanking her pants off.

  “Oh yes we should. The last time I stood in the pouring rain, it was to watch you leave me.”

  She pulled his pants and boxers down over his hips and felt fire burn in the pit of her stomach as his erection sprang out. “I never thought I would be able to enjoy a rainy day again.” She felt him quiver as she ran her tongue up his thigh. “But this will make up for it.”

  Kong kicked the cumbersome clothing away, glad to be free of it. He looked down at her, half naked, wet with rain, fire burning in her eyes. How could he have ever walked away from her? She was a gift, something to make up for the nonexistent love in his early life.

  With wonder and awe in his eyes, he knelt down beside her. “I love you Samantha Cannon Wells. I promise I will love you until my last breath.” His hand cupped her cheek as he spoke the word he had never once said to another living soul in his entire life.

  The importance of this moment wasn’t lost on Sam. She knew now that he’d never used the word idly. He had never professed it in the heat of the moment with any other woman, or said it to appease a woman that stepped into the part of mother for him. She was his first, his only and his last love.

  Turning her face into his large hand, she kissed his palm. “I love you Mark and always will, even after my last breath.” When she looked back into his face, she watched as a tear slid from his eye and tumbled down his cheek. “Let me show you how much I love you.”

  Knee to knee they stared into each other’s souls. Sam placed his hand between her breasts and pressed it tightly against her skin. “Feel it? For so many years it was empty, now it’s full. You did that.”

  When he looked away, unable to accept the compliment it was meant to be, she decided it was time to lighten things up. “Now it’s time to fill me somewhere else.”

  Her comment caused his head to snap back around. The devilish smile on her face fanned the flames that were burning deep inside him. He felt his own smile spread across his face, then moved his hand from between her breasts. The palm of his hand rested over her nipple and he felt it harden and push against his skin. The time for words was over, now it was time for flesh. Sam hoped he had one last square pouch in his wallet.

  Again he leaned forward and kissed her shoulder, his teeth scraping against her skin. When she turned her head to give him better access, he took it. His mouth slid up her neck to her ear. Hot breath caused goose bumps to appear where the moisture of his mouth had trailed. While his mouth was busy teasing her neck, his hands claimed her round plush breasts, kneading them, rolling her nipples into tight little peaks.

  Sam reached out and held him in the palms of her hands. Two could play this game. Placing her palms on either side of his erection, she rolled him between her hands. Up and down she rolled his growing flesh. When his hands tightened on her breasts and his teeth nipped harder into her neck, she gasped and chuckled with satisfaction.

  Lying her down in the wet leaves that covered the ground, he pushed her legs apart, then slid his hand between her legs. He groaned when he felt how hot and wet she was, ready to take him in. He lowered his head to that sweet warm spot and softly blew. Her hands grasped at the ground as she cried out. She throbbed with desire as his breath danced across her small nub. When his lips touched her, her back arched as the world shattered around her. She floated and drifted as her body shook with spasms. Sure she couldn’t possibly react again so soon, she reached for him. But he wasn’t done. Rising to his knees, he pulled her up and positioned her on his thighs. His erection ached as it stretched to an unbearable length. Quickly tolling on a condom from out of his pocket, he lifted her by the hips, placed her over him and lowered her. When his head touched her outer lips, he moaned aloud. Sam helped guide him until he pushed and stretched her tight canal. She let him set the pace enjoying the fullness he gave her. Once he was deep inside and her body accustomed to his size, she wrapped her legs around his waist and held onto his shoulders. Strong arms lifted and lowered her, slowly at first, then gradually with speed. Sam felt herself climbing again, surprised at her own quick response. They panted with thick heavy breath, staring into each other’s eyes as they rose ever higher to the point of pure ecstasy.

  His dark eyes seemed to turn almost black as his climax neared. She’d often wondered what they would look like filled with desire, now she knew. And she’d see it for the rest of her life.

  Sam couldn’t hold back any longer. She threw her head back and screamed his name as her body burst with sensations beyond anything she’d ever felt before. Her vision dimmed then bright light exploded in her eyes. Her breath caught in her lungs, as he continued his frantic pace.

  Kong’s blood pounded as he felt her muscles clench around him, trying desperately to pull him in deeper. The more he thrust into her, the harder they clenched until he could no longer hold back. He felt the release in his heart first, an explosion inside his chest. All he could do was surrender to it and let it flow from his lungs with a deep, long growl. That was followed by most powerful explosion inside her. He could feel himself pump his essence uncontrollably into her satiny walls.

  He held her down tightly over him, afraid that she would somehow drift away and buried his face into her neck and let his body continue its never-ending release. When the throbbing slowed, he felt a chill run down his spine and lightness in his chest. This was how it was supposed to be, this glorious need. Not something to fear, but something to cherish.

  Running her hands through his hair, Sam smiled, her face turned up toward the falling rain.

  “I think every time it rains, we should come out here and do this.”

  “It’s a date.” His voice was muffled with his face pressed into her neck. “For the rest of our lives.”

  About the Author

  Robin Leigh Miller lives in Central Pennsylvania with her wonderful husband, three children, and two German Shepherd Dogs.

  A retired dirt track driver, Robin now gets her adrenaline fix by putting her characters through their paces.

  Robin welcomes comments from readers. You can find her website and email address on her author bio page at

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