by Bobby Jindal
response to Hurricane Katrina and
Cameron Parish
Camp Reznikoff
Canadian doctor shortage
Carter, Jimmy
Center for Public Integrity
Centers for Disease Control
charter school system
Chavez, Cesar
Chavez, Hugo
Churchill, Winston
Cinderella Man
Clark, Russell G.
Clinton, Bill
College Democrats
business and
corruption of
“do-nothing” Congress
members of
passage of bills
Conrad, Kent
Continental Congress
Craig, Larry
Crowe, Russell
Cunningham, Duke
Dallas Cowboys
Dartmouth Center for the Evaluative Clinical Sciences (CECS)
Dartmouth College
Daulat, George
de Tocqueville, Alexis
Declaration of Independence
Deep South
Deepwater Horizon oil spill
Democracy in America
Department of Education
Department of Health and Hospitals
Department of Health and Human Services
Department of Transportation
Diablo Canyon plant
Dingell, John
Dorgan, Byron
Downer, Hunt
Duhon, Kellie
Duke, David
Dworkin, Ronald
Dynamic Fuels
Eastwood, Clint
Edwards, Edwin
Edwards, John
Ehrlich, Paul
Emanuel, Rahm
“Embedding of Economic Pressures and Gender Ideals in Postsocialist International Matchmaking, The,”
End of Affluence, The
English as national language
Ensign, John
Erath, Louisiana
European Union
Executive Order
Fair Employment Act
Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)
Federal Emergency Relief Act (FERA)
Ferguson, Michael
Foley, Mark
Folse, John
Ford Motor Company
Ford, Gerald
Foster, Mike
Founding Fathers
Fox News
Franklin, Benjamin
Friedman, Milton
Fugate, Craig
Galbraith, John Kenneth
Geismar, Louisiana
General Cornwallis
Good, the Bad, and the Ugly, The
Gorky, Maxim
Great Depression
Great Society
Grove, Andrew
Hayek, F. A.
Hazelwood, Blaise
Hinkie, Todd
Hitler, Adolf
Hopkins, Harry
House Ways and Means Committee
Hudson County Relief Agency
Hurricane Gustav
Hurricane Ike
Hurricane Katrina
Hurricane Rita
Huxley, Aldous
American culture and
border fence and
English language and
employers of illegal immigrants
illegal immigration
legal immigration
safety of Americans and
skilled immigrants
unskilled immigrants
welfare and
Immigration Reform and Control Act
In Search of Excellence
“Integrity Index,”
Jefferson Parish
Jefferson, Bill
Jefferson, Thomas
Jepp, Karen
Jindal, Amar
Jindal, Bobby
as assistant secretary of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
birth of
as “Bobby,”
at Brown University
car accident of
Catholic faith of
children of
as congressman
conversion to Christianity
dating Supriya
Deepwater Horizon oil spill disaster
education and
as executive director of the National Bipartisan Commission on the Future of Medicare
first campaign for governor
fundraising efforts of
as governor
as head of University of Louisiana system
Hindu background
Hurricane Katrina
immigrant parents
Indian heritage
as Louisianian
as LSU Tiger fan
at Oxford
as Piyush
pro-life views of
Republican response to President Obama’s first speech to Congress, February 2009,
as Rhodes Scholar
at Runnels
as Secretary if Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals
staff of
Jindal, Nikesh
Jindal, Raj
Jindal, Selia
Jindal, Shaan
Jindal, Supriya
Johns Hopkins
Kennedy School of Government
Kennedy, David
Kennedy, Robert
Kennedy, Rory
Khanpur, India
Khosla, Vinod
Kimenyi, Mwangi
King George III,
Ku Klux Klan
Lakefront Airport
Lee, Harry
Lincoln, Abraham
Lindgren, James
Long, Earl
Long, Huey (the “Kingfish”)
Louis Armstrong International Airport
Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals
Louisiana political corruption
Louisiana Progress
Louisiana Sheriff’s Association
Louisiana State University (LSU)
Massa, Eric
Mavinkurve, Sanjay
McCain, John
McDonnell, Bob
McGovern, George
McGreevey, Jim
McKean, Thomas
Meals Ready to Eat (MREs)
Minuteman Project
Miz Blanche
Mondale, Walter
Monroe, Louisiana
Morris, Gouvernour
Morris, Lewis
Nagin, Ray
National Bipartisan Commission on the Future of Medicare
National Guard
National Health Services (NHS)
National Weather Service
Nationality Act of 1906,
Nationality Act of 1940,
natural gas
Nelson, Thomas, Jr.
New Orleans
New Orleans Parish School Board
New York Times
Ney, Bob
Nobel Prize
Northwestern University School of Law
Nossiter, Adam
nuclear power
O’Neill, Tip
Obama, Barack,
big government and
campaign promises and
defense and
education and
energy policy and
internationalism and
Obamacare and
response to Deepwater Horizon oil spill disaster
offshore drilling
Oklahoma Christian Center
Orfield, Gary
Orwell, George
Oxford University
Part-time Congress
Pelosi, Nancy
Perry, Rick
Peters, Tom
Population Bomb, The
Powell, Colin
President Bush 2005 Inauguration Address
public service
Rangel, Charlie
Reagan, Ronald
Red Tape Reduction and Local Empowerment Act
Republican National Committee
Republican Party
role models
Roosevelt and Hopkins: An Intimate History
Rove, Karl
Sanford, Mark
Sellers, Melissa
Shays, Chris
Shepherd, Derrick
Sherwood, Robert E.
Shreveport, Louisiana
Silicon Valley
Social Security Tax
solar power
Spitzer, Eliot
St. Bernard Parish
Stanford University
Starr, Blaze
Staubach, Roger
Stellenbosch University
Stephens, Jack
Stevens, Ted
Summers, Larry
Teacher’s Bill of Rights
teacher unions
Teepell, Timmy
Texas National Guard
Thompson, Fred
Thompson, Tommy
Todd, Brad
Tollison, Robert D.
Truman, Harry
Turner, Hal
Twain, Mark
United Farm Workers of America
University of Louisiana system
Ventura, Jesse
Vermilion Parish
victim mentality
Vilsack, Tom
von Bechtolsheim, Andreas
Voting Rights Act of 1965,
Washington Post
Washington, George
Waterman, Robert
Webster, Daniel
Welch, Jack
Western Reserve Academy
Who Really Cares
Wildavsky, Aaron
Wilson, Don
wind power
Witte, Hugh Douglass
Works Progress Administration (WPA)
World War II,
Yang, Jerry
Copyright © 2010 by Bobby Jindal
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system now known or to be invented, without permission in writing from the publisher, except by a reviewer who wishes to quote brief passages in connection with a review written for inclusion in a magazine, newspaper, or broadcast.
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Jindal, Bobby, 1971-
Leadership and crisis / by Bobby Jindal.
p. cm.
eISBN : 978-1-596-98170-6
1. United States--Politics and government--2009- 2. ouisiana--Politics and
government--1951- 3. Jindal, Bobby, 1971- 4. Governors--Louisiana. I. Title.
JK275.J56 2010
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