It Takes Two

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It Takes Two Page 6

by Sheridon Smythe

  Knowing he shouldn't, Zack gave in to one small temptation. He leaned over and kissed her, catching her lips parted as she started to speak. It was a warm, yet explosive kiss, and her instant, eager response went a long way in soothing his bruised heart. Justine felt something for him. Just exactly what would be determined in time.

  Wrenching himself from her mouth, he grabbed his coat and curled his ungloved fingers around the door knob. It was icy cold against his palm.

  "Call me when you get home safely,” Justine said, her voice satisfyingly husky. She spoiled the effect by adding, “I'd worry about anyone in this weather."

  With a wry smile, Zack opened the door. A sharp wind hurled snow and ice into his face as if it had been lying in wait. He could hardly see the stairs. “I'll call,” he shouted as he dashed onto the landing.

  Mini's loud, uncontrollable laughter woke the entire animal kingdom inside the pet shop. The parrot began to recite his monotonous litany; kittens meowed and puppies barked in response; the bird population chirped, sang, and whistled in an offbeat symphony that sent Mini into fresh peals of laughter. Lizards, snakes, and iguanas stirred restlessly in their aquariums. Even the fish seemed to swim faster.

  She sat up from where she'd collapsed on the cage floor, wiping her streaming eyes and chuckling. “Oh, oh! That was priceless!"

  "What, pray tell, is the cause of this fit you're having?” Reuben grumbled in a sleepy voice.

  "You—you should have seen Zack with that overgrown iguana!” Mini rocked backward, her feathers shaking with mirth. “Then—then the cat jumped on his back just as he was about to make love to Justine—"

  "They made love?” His attention caught, Reuben sat up on the pillows. “Does this mean we've succeeded in getting those two irritating mortals together?” he asked hopefully.

  Mini sobered, using her feathers to dry her face. It was just like the arrogant warlock to take credit for something he had not done! “We? The only thing you've done, my darling husband, is grumble, complain, and get drunk!"

  Reuben drew himself up to his full height of five inches. He thrust his feathered chest out. “I did not get drunk,” he denied with an indignant sniff. “As for my helping you with those mortal fools, you have only to ask."

  "Ask you when?” Mini wanted to know. She strutted over to him and poked him in the chest with her wingtip. “When you're lying in a drunken stupor?"

  "I was not—"

  "I nearly had a crisis on my hands, but where was my darling husband?"

  "You could have—"

  "I did try to wake you!” Mini cried hotly. Oh, he could get her feathers in an uproar without even trying! “You woke up long enough to question the time, then went right back to sleep."

  "Need I remind you that I didn't agree to this absurd assignment in the first place?"

  "So you wish to remain lovebirds for the remainder of our sentence?” Mini countered in a silky soft voice. She was angry. Very angry. Angry enough to threaten. “Or would you prefer to return without me? I could explain to the Peacemaker how I tricked you into coming here. I'm sure she'd understand."

  Reuben's tiny bird eyes narrowed. “You wouldn't."

  "I would.” Mini thrust her beak up, hoping he'd mistaken the brightness of her eyes for something other than tears. She nearly had to choke the words out. “Maybe we need a separation.” In the two hundred years they'd been married, they had never spent a single night apart. Just thinking about it made her heart twist painfully. She held her breath as she waited for his reaction.

  "I don't want to leave you,” Reuben said.

  Mini slowly let out a sigh of relief. She'd been so afraid he'd jump at the opportunity. Maybe there was hope for them yet. “Then will you help me with the mortals so that we can get back to our normal lives?"

  "I will if I must, although I think we're wasting our time. Mortals are a hard-headed lot."

  "Justine and Zachary are special. They truly are soul mates.” Mini paused, her eyes growing soft as she gazed at her handsome husband. “Like you and me."

  Reuben drew her gently into his embrace. “That we are, my love. I'll never forget how you made me see the wickedness of my ways as a warlock. If not for you I'd still be causing havoc and mischief the world over."

  She lifted her head from his breast to gaze at him. “No regrets?"

  He shook his head, touching his beak to hers in a tender caress. “None. Now, can you replay the scene that made you crow with laughter? If I'm going to do my part, I guess I need to become familiar with these silly mortals."

  Feeling more hopeful than she had in years, Mini withdrew her crystal ball and prepared a spell that would temporarily turn back the clock. Within moments, Reuben was howling with laughter at the sight of the iguana's determination to feast on Zack's toes.

  Mini smiled.

  "He's just taking his time because he knows I'm worried. I wouldn't be surprised if he were sitting by the phone right now, tapping his fingers and debating on how long he's going to make me suffer."

  Justine's audience remained frustratingly silent as she paced the living room and waited for Zack to call. “I mean, surely he's had some experience driving on icy roads? And if he hasn't, that should make him more cautious, right?"

  Rogue blinked at her from his cozy position on the back of the couch; Thor, who had laboriously climbed onto the couch after he'd lost interest in Zack's toes, stared at her with deadpan eyes. Squeeze, a beautiful rainbow boa, had slithered from under the bed and now lay coiled in the corner, her head raised and pointed in Justine's direction as if she listened to every word.

  "And even if he did get into trouble, he'd know what to do, wouldn't he?” Justine looked from one silent creature to the other, then shook her head at her silliness. “He's perfectly all right. Anyone with half a brain would know better than to walk in this type of dangerous weather. Just because he's from Florida doesn't make him stupid."

  She pivoted, then began pacing again. “Maybe I should have insisted he stay, at least until the storm eased."

  The phone rang. Tripping in her haste to reach it, Justine snatched the receiver from the base. “Zack?” she squeaked breathlessly, rubbing her bruised knee.

  "Who in the hell is Zack?” a familiar—and unwelcome—voice demanded.

  Justine slumped against the wall, her heart pounding. Barry Fowler. Not Zack, reassuring her that he'd reached his apartment safely, but her ex-boyfriend. The reason she'd gone on that fateful cruise to begin with.

  "Barry.” Justine didn't bother hiding her annoyance. “What do you want?” As if she needed to ask. It was Friday, and like clockwork, Barry always called on Fridays to ask her out on Saturday. In all of the excitement, she'd forgotten.

  "Who's Zack?” Barry persisted.

  Justine tapped her fingers on the bar, considering her options. She could continue to ignore him, or use Zack's presence in Cannon Bay to get rid of Barry once and for—She sucked in a sharp breath as she remembered she had told Zack she was involved with someone. It had been a desperate lie, of course, but if Zack pressed her to tell him who she was involved with, then she would have to come up with someone fast.

  Barry was convenient, and not overly bright. She could go out with him a couple of times—just long enough to show Zack that she meant what she said—and then tell Barry she changed her mind again. It wouldn't be anything less than Barry deserved after what he'd put her through.

  "Oh, just a friend of my brother's,” Justine lied with crossed fingers. “Now, what were you going to ask me?” The sudden, shocked silence made her smile. Barry was more accustomed to her sharp tongue and instant refusal.

  "Well, I thought we might go out tomorrow night,” he suggested cautiously. “Try that new steak house that opened up last week over on Independence Street."

  "Eight o'clock?” Another dead silence followed. Justine prompted, “Barry? Is eight o'clock all right?” If she could be seen with Barry a few times, maybe Zack would realize he was wastin
g his time. Maybe then he'd leave Cannon Bay when Coach Abernathy returned. She desperately needed him to leave...because tonight had proven she wasn't as armored against his charms as she'd believed herself to be.

  But then, she hadn't planned on running into him again.

  "Eight is fine,” Barry said, interrupting her thoughts. He sounded disgustingly smug. “I'll pick you up at your place."

  The moment Justine returned the phone to its hook, it rang again. She picked it up and automatically said hello. Zack's deep, sexy voice jump-started her pulse.

  "Are you still naked?"

  Justine's fingers tightened around the receiver. She willed her foolish heart to stop its clamoring. “I wasn't naked before,” she said coolly. “I see you made it home safe and sound."

  He chuckled, telling her without words that he noticed her quick subject change and knew the reason for it. “It was a little hairy, but yes, I made it. By the way, I had fun tonight."

  "Fun?” Justine couldn't believe she'd heard him right. “You were chased by a giant lizard and attacked by a fifteen-pound cat! That's not most people's idea of fun."

  "Seeing you again...being with you made it all worth while,” he assured her huskily. “How about dinner tomorrow night?"

  Justine slid slowly down the wall and closed her eyes against the incredible urge to do something stupid, like, say yes, yes, yes, she'd love to. Why hadn't he just stayed out of her life? she wailed silently. She took a deep breath, knowing there was no turning back once she said the words. “I've got a date tomorrow night.” With someone I hate. I'd much rather be with you, but that would be totally irresponsible of me and I know—

  "Cancel it."

  It wasn't a suggestion, it was an order. A growled, possessive-sounding order. The strength went out of her knees, but she managed to keep her voice strong. “I can't. I told you, Zack, I'm already involved with someone. He's—he's very special to me."

  Long after she'd hung up the phone, Justine sat on the floor with her back to the wall, aching for the one man who could fill her soul with light and incredible joy.

  Or plunge her world into darkness.

  [Back to Table of Contents]

  Chapter Six

  "He's very special to me."

  Zack slowly replaced the receiver. He ground his teeth at the thought of Justine responding to another man as she had responded to him tonight. Could he be so totally blind to the truth? Was he imagining her response because he wanted it so badly?

  Agitated, he ran a hand through his hair, forcing himself to consider that coming to Cannon Bay might have been a little extreme on his part. But then, hadn't he wanted to know the truth no matter what that truth turned out to be? And he still didn't know. Every time he thought about broaching the subject, of asking her what had happened to them, something distracted him. Hell, when he was around Justine he was lucky to remember his own name!

  The phone rang. With a frown, Zack glanced at the caller ID. His brows climbed when he saw the name of Justine's pet store scroll across the digital screen. Surely she hadn't gone back out in this weather?

  He lifted the receiver up on the third ring. “Hello?"

  "Zack, I've changed my mind. I'd love to have dinner with you."

  It was Justine, but she sounded...different. Still stung by her rejection moments ago, Zack asked, “What about your date?"

  "I said I've changed my mind. Meet me at the new steak house on Independence at eight-thirty."

  Zack winced as the phone on the opposite end crashed in his ear. The dial tone that followed confirmed that she'd hung up without saying goodbye. Pondering the strange call, Zack finally shrugged and went to take a shower. Maybe he'd get lucky and grab the hot water before his neighbor across the hall beat him to it.

  It was hot, he discovered, but the pressure left a lot to be desired. He was just rinsing the shampoo from his hair when someone pounded on his front door. With a muffled curse Zack grabbed his robe and shrugged into it.

  His neighbor stood in the hall outside his door, dressed in a burgundy satin robe that made Zack's plain terry cloth robe look like something from a thrift shop. Despite Zack's instant dislike of the man, he attempted to break the ice by introducing himself. “Zachary Wayne. I'm your new neighbor."

  "Are you aware that we get our hot water from the same source?” he demanded, rudely ignoring Zack's proffered hand.

  Zack didn't care for his attitude, and when he thought of the dozen or so cold showers he'd taken since moving in, he had to bite his tongue to still a sarcastic retort. He was, however, a civilized adult. Or tried to be, which was more than he could say for this man. “I came to that conclusion the day after I moved in and I had to take a lukewarm shower.” The first of many.

  "Well, I was in the shower just this moment when suddenly the water turned freezing."

  "That might be because I was also taking a shower,” Zack drawled in a sarcastic tone that made the other man bristle.

  "The landlord will hear about this!"

  Zack was amazed he was having such a ridiculous conversation with his neighbor. He was wet and cold and didn't give a damn who the fool told. Immature jerk.

  "I've got an idea,” Zack said as inspiration struck. “You wait right here while I turn the shower off and we'll go together. Maybe we can convince the landlord to install a bigger water heater."

  The other man looked slightly mollified. “Shouldn't we dress first?"

  "Yes, by all means. Let's get dressed first. I'll meet you back here in ten minutes.” Zack gave him a pleasant smile and closed the door.

  He whistled the victory charge as he made his way back to the bathroom to finish his hot shower. He grinned, imagining the look on his neighbor's face when he realized how cleverly he'd been had.

  Watching Zack in the crystal ball, Reuben whistled his admiration when he realized what the mortal had done. Maybe this mortal wasn't so bad after all, he mused. His wife, however, wasn't impressed.

  "I can't believe he did that! Leaving the poor man standing outside in the hall...freezing to death while he enjoyed a leisurely hot shower.” Mini tsk-tsked. “Perhaps he isn't the right man for Justine."

  "I'm sure he had his reasons, muffin,” Reuben said, his voice soothing. “That mortal neighbor of his is a pompous ass."

  Despite herself, Mini giggled. “He did look funny, didn't he? Dressed in a king's robe and acting like royalty. I wonder who he is?"

  Reuben shrugged. “Don't we have enough on our hands with Zack and Justine without getting involved with another mortal? A useless one at that."

  "I suppose you're right,” Mini murmured. “Reuben, do you think we did the right thing by calling Zack and pretending to be Justine? What if our plan backfires?"

  "I don't think it will.” Reuben sounded supremely confident. “When Zack sees Justine with that Barry mortal, he'll realize it was all a hoax. Didn't you see for yourself what a strain it was for her to be nice to Barry over the phone?"

  "Yes, I did.” Mini frowned. “But won't Zack be furious when he sees her with someone else after Jus—we—called and told him she'd changed her mind?"

  "Fighting's good for them. They need to clear the air.” Reuben closed his wing over Mini and pulled her close, lowering his voice to a husky whisper. “You haven't forgotten what happens after our fights, have you?"

  Mini melted against him. “No, I haven't, husband. Is that why we fight so much? So we can make up afterward?” The possibility had never occurred to her before...

  Reuben chuckled, nuzzling her beak with his. “You've got a wild imagination, darling. Whoever heard of someone fighting just to add passion and excitement to their lives?"

  "Silly, isn't it?” But Mini couldn't get the notion out of her head. It would explain so much about their volatile relationship. Could it be that her tamed warlock subconsciously yearned for that wild part of his personality he had willingly forsaken for love?

  A memory, long buried, surfaced in her mind. Long ago her mo
ther had warned her of the consequences in wedding a warlock, but Mini had been so in love she had scoffed at what she believed were the paranoid rumblings of an overprotective mother.

  Warlocks could be tamed; she had proven that. Other than his grumbling disposition and occasional—all right, frequent—bursts of bad temper, Reuben was a gentle, loyal husband.

  But at what price?

  "What in the heck happened here?” Chris Nolen asked the moment Justine entered the shop the next morning. Chris was a college student, and worked for her part-time on weekends and a few afternoons through the week when he didn't have classes.

  "The sprinklers went haywire,” Justine explained. After a sleepless night, she felt edgy and tired this morning. The perfect red rose she'd found nestled in a snow drift outside her door hadn't improved her mood, either. The card attached to the long stem said, “I'm glad you changed your mind."

  Justine frowned as she readied the coffee machine in her office. The only time she'd gotten roses from Barry had been the day after she'd caught him with his hand up that bimbo's skirt. It wasn't that he couldn't be romantic when he put his mind to it, but she knew Barry considered flowers a frivolous waste of money. Candy was his choice of gifts. It hadn't taken Justine long to figure out why; Barry had a sweet tooth.

  Back then she'd considered his self-absorbed acts a charming part of his personality. Justine winced to think how gullible she'd been. And then Zack...

  Her back stiffened. She firmly reminded herself that she wasn't the same silly fool any longer. She was tougher and smarter. Now she looked for flaws in men instead of overlooking them. No surprises, and no feeling foolish. She jumped as Chris stuck his head around the office door.

  "You might want to take a look at your lovebirds. I think Reuben's feeling a little under the weather."

  Justine turned to look at him in surprise. “Reuben? I've been calling them Luke and Laura."

  Chris shrugged. “I'm just going by the name plates on the front of the cage. I figured those are their names."


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