Possessed by a Vampire

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Possessed by a Vampire Page 11

by Susan Griscom

  “So, what’ll it be, my love?” The smile on Dorian’s pretty face brought back so many memories. “There’s no charge for you or your friend. Who would you like to start your evening with?”

  A charge? Start my evening? He was nothing more than a glorified pimp. “Dorian . . . I—” I was going to say I didn’t understand, but I understood all too well.

  “Come on, Preston. I didn’t make you a whole man just so you could become celibate. Surely there is someone here who strikes your fancy.”

  My mind was having trouble wrapping around the situation. Dorian. Here. After all these years. Lily, his wife? My head was spinning with questions.

  “You left me.” The accusation, the resentment I hadn’t known existed, an emotion that had built up in me over the years just popped out without thought. Dorian’s eyes snapped to mine, and I ran a frustrated hand over my mouth.

  “I left a note.”

  I laughed. “A note! You left me without any warning!” I shouted. He’d given me a home, showed me affection, friendship. Created a bond so strong it would never leave me. His abandonment created an ache in my chest that I woke up with every fucking evening, not really understanding why it was there. Until now. He’d been the father I never had. Twisted as it was, but a father nonetheless. I blinked at him, desperately trying to clear the fucked-up emotions in my head. No, not a father—a sire. He’d sired me. I wasn’t born of his seed, but his blood. He’d made me a vampire.

  “You were ready to be on your own. You didn’t need me anymore, Preston.” He reached up to touch my cheek, but I shoved his hand away.

  “You could have talked to me. Let me know your plans. You could have given me time to prepare.” Plan for the emptiness that his absence had caused. The ache of the unprepared loneliness that had suddenly overtaken my soul. He’d given me eternal life then left me in a world I didn’t fully understand. A world where I knew no one like me, until years later when I met Gage. A friend. A brother.

  “I’m sorry. It was wrong of me to leave that way.” My eyes shot up and caught his gaze. “You’re right. I should have trusted our friendship enough to realize that my leaving that way would hurt you. You needed something that I couldn’t give you. You know that. I couldn’t stay and watch that side of you any longer. Leaving a note was cowardly of me, I admit, but it was the only way I knew how to handle things because I wasn’t man enough to admit it face-to-face.”

  My heart clenched at his confession. He’d loved me in a way I couldn’t return. He’d been hurting. I hadn’t considered his feelings. I shook my head, dragging my gaze from his. That Dorian wasn’t this Dorian. The Dorian I knew was kind and would never hurt or exploit anyone.

  What the fuck was I saying? Of course, he would. He’d taken advantage of my gratitude for years. I glanced around the room. Vampires and humans kissing, some publicly fucking. A luxurious orgy. What he was here was no different than a dirty street pimp.

  My gaze traveled to Lily’s. The light she’d ignited in me stirred in my groin, and I wanted to vomit at the thought of Dorian being with her. But she’d been a virgin. At least there was that. I should have guessed that Dorian would never take a woman that way.

  I wanted to whisk her away. Was this why she’d been so hesitant to tell me about herself? She was married to Dorian Spark, my maker, now going by the name Dorian Sweet. Now that she and I had shared blood, I sensed the fear in her.

  “What happened to you, Dorian?” I asked.

  “I’m the same,” Dorian scoffed. “Just wealthier, which happens to most of us as we age and learn the ins and outs after living on this planet for so long. I own Sweet Enterprises. I’m sure you’ve heard of it. The largest building development and property management firm in the city. I’m sure you’ve grown in many ways, as well.”

  “I thought the name was Sweet’s Delicacies?” I scratched my head in confusion.

  “That is one side of my business. The . . . let’s just say . . . the secret side, if you will.”

  “The illegal side?” I countered.

  “Tsk, let’s not be a party spoiler and talk of too many business details, Preston. Come now, tell me, son, what’s your choice? Blonde, brunette, or redhead?”

  I didn’t want anyone here except Lily. This Dorian standing before me tonight was not the same Dorian who’d sired me, and he wanted me to choose a sex partner?

  I glanced at Lily. Fear evident in her eyes. No, maybe a warning. I was sure she wanted me to pretend I didn’t know her; otherwise, she would have greeted me differently. She was not just his wife, she was his whore. No, not his whore. She’d been a virgin. He wanted me to choose a female for the evening? How would he handle me asking for his so-called wife?

  “Brunette,” I said, staring at Lily.

  Dorian followed my gaze. “My wife? You fancy my wife? No, no, no, no, no.” He tapped his finger on his bottom lip. “Someone else, Preston. Pick someone else. You can’t have my wife. He grabbed a drink from a nearby waiter’s tray and downed the green liquid before tossing the glass toward the fireplace. Lily flinched, and several of the guests glanced up at the sound of the glass shattering but then quickly returned to their sexual activities.

  Dorian studied me as I gazed at Lily. I couldn’t take my eyes off her. She was beautiful. So sexy in that gown. There was a time when Dorian could persuade me to do just about anything. But no longer, and I knew that frustrated the hell out of him. His arm went possessively around her shoulder, and he tugged her closer, but I could see there was no real affection there. Just pride of ownership.

  Years ago, there had been times when Dorian would join in with me while I was with a female, claiming that it was always good to share. Though, he never touched them, just me. I wondered how he felt about sharing now. Except I didn’t want him anywhere near Lily and me, but there had to be a way to push his buttons so he’d give her to me. He’d always had a difficult time saying no to me.

  “You used to enjoy sharing with me, Dorian,” I urged, hoping to spark some fond memory of our past so he’d allow me to have her.

  His eyes slowly closed and then re-opened. A sign he was giving in. He sighed and released his possessive hold on Lily and then stepped toward me.

  “Well, on second thought, this could be interesting.” He leaned close to my ear and whispered. “She’s a virgin. This is her very first time. You know a virgin’s blood is pure and powerful to us. Even vampire blood. And a virgin vampire is very rare, as you know.” He winked. I wanted to throw up at the memory. I’d been a virgin when he’d turned me. “And as time passes, the longer a virgin remains pure, the pleasure is said to be insurmountable. I was saving her to turn a huge profit later tonight, but seeing as you’re my firstborn, how can I deny you?”

  He gently shoved Lily forward, and she stumbled a bit, but I took her hand, steadying her. She glanced back at Dorian, the look shrouded in shock.

  Dorian splayed out his arm and waved it toward an open door. “There are private rooms if you prefer. And, Preston . . .” He paused, placing his finger under my chin, commanding my attention. “Take this gift I give you as my apology. I’ve killed others to keep her pure, as I said, hoping to turn a nice profit. However, I must admit, I cannot deny you.” Then he pressed his lips to mine again. I kept my lips hard, my mouth closed, and he pulled away, frustration and anger building in his eyes. But he maintained his composure and backed away.

  I led Lily away, my hand at the small of her back as we headed into to a smaller, unoccupied room. There were several rooms with open doors that I figured Dorian had available for couples who required privacy rather than wanting to join in the orgy taking place out in the main room. Not everyone was an exhibitionist.

  “Preston. What are you doing here?” she asked, keeping her voice to a whisper when I shut the door and we were finally alone.

  “Me? What the fuck are you doing here? His wife? Why didn’t you tell me?”

  “Please, keep your voice down. I’m sorry I didn’t te
ll you. He parades me around at all his social functions, telling people I’m his wife so they don’t find out he’s gay.”

  “What? Why? There’s no need to hide that anymore.”

  “I know, but he’s made it clear in the past about who he is. He’s afraid to come out now and have everyone call him a liar. He is a highly respected city official and has a reputation to uphold. He uses me and keeps me by his side whenever he attends formal social events. He tells his customers at these stupid private parties that I’m his wife so they won’t claim me, but I’m not. I’m his slave.”

  “Well, I have another word for it. He’s a procurer and that, darling, makes you his whore.”

  She slapped me across the face. “How dare you!” she cried, then ran her fingers over the wetness on her face.

  I fingered the sting on my cheek. I should have expected the slap. She didn’t deserve that accusation. I knew she’d been a virgin before me. A whore was the last thing Lily was. Plus, I had no right, after all, hadn’t I been exactly where she was?

  I sighed with regret and reached for her, but she shoved my arm away. “Lily, I’m sorry. You didn’t deserve that.”

  I was still pissed that she hadn’t told me, and I didn’t understand why she allowed herself to be paraded around at these parties as if she were nothing more than a piece of meat. Why didn’t she leave him? No vampire, female or not, should allow themselves to be treated in such a way. But her last words to me as she left my car the last time I saw her reverberated in my head, and I felt like a heel.

  Chapter Sixteen


  Preston didn’t know the half of it. I kept my gaze toward the floor, unable to look at the man I’d fallen for. The sorrow and shame on his face were too much to bear. I supposed in some sense, I was a whore.

  Though not for money.

  I was a whore to the man who kept my brother captive. I did everything and anything he demanded in order to keep my brother alive. My brother’s life was my payment.

  “I’m sorry,” he said again. I couldn’t look at him, but my senses broke loose. The shame he suffered for what he’d called me flowed from him and exploded in my mind. Then he placed his finger under my chin, lifting my face so that my eyes had no choice but to meet his. “I am extremely sorry I called you a whore. You are the furthest thing from a whore that anyone could ever be. And when you left me sitting in my car I was so overwrought with grief and fear that you were in danger. I felt it here . . . inside.” He splayed his hand over his chest.

  I swallowed the sob in my throat and silently accepted the apology.

  “Oh, Preston, What are we going to do?”

  “First, we are going to do this.” He pressed his lips against mine and kissed me slowly, carefully, with such tenderness that I surrendered to him completely. I was his, and he was mine, and not even Dorian—

  I tugged away, ending the kiss and he looked at me, his dark eyes glowing with that amber color I loved so much on him.

  “Dorian . . .” The name was like tar on my tongue, sticky, black, and disgusting, and I hated that I’d even thought of it at that moment, tainting the kiss that had made me feel cherished and loved. “Dorian has always kept me close, never allowing anyone else to have me. And then, when he’s ready to join in the fun, I’m always whisked away to my room by Malik or one of the other vampires he trusts before anyone can claim me.”

  Preston swiped his hand through his dark hair and bit his bottom lip.

  “Lily, why are you here?” His gaze dragged down the length of me. “Wearing this extremely risqué outfit? Why do you allow Dorian to do this to you? You’re a vampire. Use your abilities and teleport the hell away from here.”

  “I can’t.”

  “That’s ridiculous. You leave all the time. You meet me at The I.V. You come to my club. What do you mean you can’t?”

  “You wouldn’t understand.”

  “Oh, believe me, I would. I know the man, remember? He’s my maker, or did you miss that part of the conversation out there?”

  “No. I caught it.”

  “So, try me, love. Tell me why you won’t leave him?”

  I sighed. “He is also my maker.”


  “Preston. I would leave . . . but I can’t.”

  He stood up and walked a few feet away, rubbing his eyes as if they burned, and then turned back to me. “I knew when I saw your eyes. The color when you were with me. I’d seen it before, but I shrugged off the idea. It’s the same as Dorian’s. The same as mine.” He pulled me against him then gently shoved me away, holding me at arms’ length. “Okay, that explains why it might be difficult to leave, loyalty to one’s maker is a hard thing to deny, but it’s not impossible.” He placed his hands on my shoulders. “Come away with me. Now. You don’t need to be here.”

  “I told you, I can’t leave.”

  “And the reason you gave me isn’t good enough. It doesn’t make sense. He’s my maker, too. You don’t see me parading around in my underwear.”

  I almost slapped him again for that. But I understood his frustration. I was reticent about the information I was giving him, and he knew it. He had every right to be annoyed with me.

  “You know that young male vampire who stood close to Dorian on his other side earlier?”

  He nodded. “The vampire with features almost too pretty for a male? The one who seemed compelled . . . which is ridiculous.” He waved that last thought away as if it were impossible, which until recently, it was.

  “It is impossible, unless the vampire is drugged.”

  His eyebrows furrowed. “What sort of drug would do that to a vampire?”

  “More on that in a minute. First, you must know . . . that vampire is my brother.”

  “Your brother? Lily, how the hell did the two of you get mixed up in this?”

  “Let me explain. Dorian and my brother were, at one time, lovers. But when Julian decided he wanted out of the relationship and wanted to explore other options, Dorian didn’t like it. So he’s been keeping Julian locked up and makes me go out to sell drugs, heroin. He warns me that if I don’t return, he’ll hurt my brother. Maybe even kill him. If I don’t return, he might hurt Julian. Or worse – kill him. I can’t take the chance.”

  “Fucking Dorian. Fucking heroin! You know I hate that shit.”

  “I know. Believe me, it’s not something I enjoy doing. I know that stuff is dangerous.”

  “That’s why you’re always hanging out in the Tenderloin? Selling drugs? But I know Dorian. He’s not a killer. But he can be rather convincing. No doubt those were all empty threats.”

  I shook my head. “No. I know how Dorian’s hand feels against my face.”

  “He’s struck you?”

  I nodded.

  Preston’s eyes narrowed and I could see anger build from within as his hands fisted by his side. “Fuck! Now, I want to kill him.” Then he brought his gaze back to mine and he gently stroked his knuckles down my cheek. “I’m so sorry, Lily. Why didn’t you say something?”

  “I couldn’t. I was afraid. Dorian has been controlling Julian with some sort of drug that keeps him compliant. He’s threatened me numerous times and told me that he will kill him if I ever try to escape. He’s had us both under his control since he turned us a century ago.”

  “That’s a fucking long time. But I find it hard to believe that he’s been drugging someone for that long, especially when I’ve never heard of a drug with that kind of power. News of a drug with that capability would certainly be known on the vampire circuit after that many years.”

  “From what I recently learned from Dorian, it’s a relatively new drug.” I took Preston’s hand and led him over to the bed, then sat on the edge and gestured for him to sit beside me.

  “I’ll explain as much as I can. Dorian only discovered the drug several months ago and has been giving it to Julian. I don’t know where he gets it. I’ve asked around, but no one knows. Until recently, he didn’t need it.
My brother and Dorian have been lovers since we were turned. I stayed because I love my brother. At first, I believed the situation was similar to how you described yours, except Julian returned the affection. They fell deeply in love until . . . I suppose maybe the past few decades or so when Julian’s eyes began to wander. He was having sex with females as well as other males. He told me that he was all messed up inside and didn’t know what he wanted, just that he wanted to be free to explore. But Dorian found out about Julian’s infidelity and killed the vampire Julian had been sleeping with and then locked Julian up, shackled with silver. Dorian kept me because I’d become invaluable to him as someone he could pass off as his wife, and he kept me docile by threatening me with Julian’s death if I didn’t obey.”

  Preston sighed. “I’m sorry, Lily. Now I know you need to leave with me.”

  “No. I can’t. It’s too risky.” I began unbuttoning his shirt.

  “What are you doing?”

  “Taking off your clothes.”

  “Seriously? We’re in the middle of an important conversation.”

  “Please, I’m afraid he might come in and check on us. We are supposed to be having sex. At least take off your shirt.” He did as I requested, and I pulled my gown up, exposing my legs so that Preston could easily slip his hand between my thighs. I grabbed his hand and placed it at my core, and Preston’s eyebrows rose at the wetness he found there. I gasped as his finger glided inside me. I hadn’t expected him to do that, especially since he’d balked at the idea of getting naked at all. I pressed my hand down on his to stop his movement.

  “I thought this was what you wanted?”

  “I do . . . but there are things I need to tell you first,” I huffed out.

  “So, talk.” He continued with what he was doing to me, and I had a difficult time concentrating on anything else. There were so many things I needed to tell him, but as his fingers moved inside me, it became impossible to think of anything other than the pleasure building inside of me and the anticipation of having him inside of me again.


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