Possessed by a Vampire

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Possessed by a Vampire Page 13

by Susan Griscom

  “The drug was rumored to perform exactly how you described, but also gives a vampire a sense of nothingness.”

  “That’s the feeling I had when I was unconscious due to the sun exposure. After a while, I felt nothing, no more pain, just blankness.”

  “That makes sense.” Grayson nodded. “I’d like to get my hands on this drug. Run some tests. I don’t suppose you could . . .” He trailed off. “No. I’m sure you have enough on your mind right now.”

  “Yes, Lily,” I added. “Although she’s permitted to leave to deal fucking heroin on the street for Dorian, she is required to return each morning; otherwise, Dorian has threatened to kill her brother.”

  “She’s a drug dealer?” Lane asked.

  “Not by choice. He makes her, using her brother against her.”

  I went on to give them other important information and details about a plan I had for freeing Lily and her brother.

  “We’ll be there for you. No problem,” Cian assured me.

  With the plan for rescue approved, tweaked, and everyone’s opinion taken into consideration, they all started to get up and leave.

  I glanced at Gage. His hard stare penetrated straight through to my bones. I cleared my throat. “There’s one more thing I need to tell you all before you go.”

  They sat back down, eyes on me.


  “There’s more I feel you should know. I’d rather you all hear it from me than find out any other way.” I swallowed. I didn’t know why I thought this was such a big deal. Cian and Lane had had plenty of ménages before they settled down with their current love interests. After all, we were vampires, known for our sometimes-eccentric sexual prowess. “Dorian . . . is my maker.”

  “Ah . . . that puts a new light on the situation,” Lane said.

  “There’s more.” I paused to gather my thoughts because this was difficult, not because I’d had a male lover at one time, but because I’d been too weak to stand up for myself. I inhaled deeply and then let it out slowly. No one rushed me. No one acted impatient. They just waited. This was why I loved this family and was so goddamn thankful I was part of it.

  “I had a rough childhood, full of hardship and disease. Dorian turned me, made me a whole man when my body was broken and sick. I could barely walk on my own without the aid of a crutch. Could barely breathe most of the time, and had frequent asthma attacks. He promised me a new life . . . on one condition. Dorian took me in not only to give me quality of life, but . . . to be his lover.” I glanced around the room. There were no shocked faces. No gasps heard. “He left me years later when it became obvious to him that my sexual preference was females, and he realized I couldn’t return the love he had for me . . . at least not the way he wanted. I’m not bi-sexual. I was just . . .”

  “We know, El—I mean Preston. We get it. You felt obligated, beholden to your maker. As we all were at one time,” Cian stated. “The love we’ve all had for our sires isn’t something we can deny. Not one of us. No one’s judging you.”

  “Does that mean we can’t kill him?” Lane asked, and the sound of chuckles burst around the room, giving light to a heavy conversation.

  “No. Yes.” I hesitated, confusing myself. I knew Dorian would have to die, and I knew I would need to be the one to do it. “I mean, I think I should be the one to kill him.”

  “That works for me,” Lane said with a smile. Then he added with a grave, humorless voice so unlike him, “But, if you find yourself unable to do the deed and want me to intervene, don’t hesitate to ask.”

  I nodded as Gage came to stand next to me. “That goes for me, too.” He patted me on the back. “I’m sorry I was such a dick earlier. I get why you lied to me, though I don’t understand why you felt it was necessary.”

  “No. I think I’m the one who should apologize. I shouldn’t have lied to you. I never liked keeping that secret. I should have trusted you. It was just something I didn’t like to talk about, and as long as the topic never came up, I didn’t see the need.”

  “You know I’d walk to the ends of the earth and back again for you, right?”

  I nodded again, unable to respond because of the boulder lodged in my throat.

  “We’re brothers until the end,” he added.

  “Ah, fuck. Enough with the smoochy, pansy-ass stuff.” Lane stood up and walked over to stand between us, draping his arms over both of our shoulders. “Ladies? This is going down tonight, right?” I nodded. I didn’t want Lily there any longer than she had to be. “Good. In light of this new intel, my beautiful mate has another idea.”

  Chapter Eighteen


  “Hey, love.” Dorian’s all too cheery voice accosted me as my eyes blinked open. I’d voluntarily gone to my room after Preston left. It had taken a lot of convincing to persuade the man that I’d be okay if he left me. Dorian was busy with Julian and everyone else at the party, was too involved in his or her pleasurable excitement to worry about where I was. I’d cringed at all the moans and grunts I heard coming from the main room. I hated those parties. I’d always been lucky before, never having to stick around long enough to witness most of what went on at them. “So, how does it feel to not be a virgin anymore?”

  I ignored his question and threw back the covers. I was fully dressed in sweatpants and a sweatshirt, having changed out of that hideous gown the moment I returned to my room. I stood, not wanting to be in a prone position while in Dorian’s presence.

  “You’re not happy,” He pouted, a childlike expression with his bottom lip sticking out gracing his face. Oh, what I would have given to have the courage to slap it away. “I thought you would be happy. I know for a fact that Preston is a great lover. I assure you, you couldn’t have had a better first experience than with him.”

  I still didn’t respond, just walked to the window and stared out at the lights of the city. He didn’t deserve to know how wonderful my time with Preston was last night or any other night. He wasn’t worthy.

  Instead, I answered with, “How is my brother?”

  “Oh, he’s fine. Lucid even. Would you like to see him?”

  I spun around toward him. “Yes! More than anything!” I wanted a chance to talk to Julian when he was capable. It had been so long.

  He chuckled. “Fine. I’ll take you to him after you tell me how you liked my firstborn.”

  “He was fine,” I said with as little emotion as I could muster. Then added for good measure, “I guess . . . having no one else to compare him to, you know.” I knew the minute the words left my mouth that it was a giant mistake.

  “I thought you would say that.” He rubbed his hands together like he was about to jump into a pool of decadence.

  I held my breath.

  “Now that you’re not a virgin anymore, I plan to use you more often. I’ll need to make up the loss of revenue. Letting Preston have you for free was probably a mistake. I could have gotten twenty thousand dollars for you as a virgin. Now you’ll need to fuck three times as many to make that up. So many of the vampires have had their eyes set on you. They are all excited to get a chance to experience your beauty firsthand.”

  I closed my eyes. Oh, no. Preston, please help me.

  Dorian led me to the room where he’d been keeping Julian. I was surprised that he’d let me see which room and where it was. It wasn’t very far from mine. All this time, Julian was just a couple doors down from me? I’d had visions of him being in some sort of dungeon, shackled to metal rings embedded into a wall, rats running rampant around him, looking for crumbs. But this room was even nicer than mine. The bed was larger, as big as Preston’s. The colors in the room were similar to mine, as Dorian liked red, and I had no doubt that he spent a lot of time in here with Julian. Maybe this was Dorian’s room, and Julian just happened to be in it. Oh, no. Maybe he did keep Julian shackled up somewhere.

  Julian sat by the window, staring out at the lights of the city. I ran to his side, and he glanced at me with a smile. I hugged him. />
  “Are you okay?” he asked, his concern for me once again igniting a love that would forever burn inside me.

  “Me? Yes. What about you?”

  “I’ll live.” He glanced at Dorian then back out at the night sky.

  There was so much I wanted to say to Julian. I wanted to tell him that Preston was working on a rescue scheme, but Dorian stood too close, hanging on our every word.

  Julian rubbed his hand on his loose-fitting, black silk lounge pants, so similar to the ones Dorian always wore. His T-shirt was clean, and his face smooth from a fresh shave. He’d never really acquired the heavy beard since he was turned so young, so he didn’t really need to shave that much. In this moment, he actually looked fairly normal. His coloring was good, too. Dorian must have been happy with his performance last night and stopped drugging him, allowed him the blood he needed to keep his strength up.

  “Julian and I have come to an understanding. He’s recommitted himself to me once again, and I no longer have to pump that horrible drug into him.”

  My gaze snapped to Dorian’s then back to my brother. Julian nodded as if agreeing, then stood and stepped toward Dorian. I found the shock difficult to hide as Julian voluntarily embraced Dorian, kissing him with what looked like unabashed affection.

  What did this mean? Was my brother no longer Dorian’s prisoner? What would become of me? When they stopped their public display of affection, I swallowed and found my voice.

  “You’ve forgiven him?”

  Dorian smiled, showing his sharp fangs. “When you love someone, forgiveness is easy.”

  I almost laughed at the absurdity of that statement since it had taken Langdon’s life and several decades for Dorian to forgive Julian for that affair.

  “What about you, Julian? Have you forgiven Dorian for killing Langdon and keeping you a prisoner for so long?”

  My brother glanced at Dorian. “Give us a minute.”

  My eyes widened as Dorian agreed and walked toward the door. He didn’t leave the room, but did give us some space.

  Julian took my hands in his and looked at me. My gaze flicked up to his. “I have forgiven him, Lily. And you will, too.”

  His directness startled me, but I found myself nodding in agreement. “Okay.”

  This new bond they all of a sudden seemed to share threw me for a loop, but I had to listen to Julian—and trust him. I could never go against his wishes. If he wanted me to forgive Dorian, then I already had.

  Just then, Malik poked his head in the door. “Boss.”

  Dorian walked over, and the two whispered among themselves.

  Was this a good thing?

  I leaned against my brother, wrapping my arms around him in an embrace. Julian’s hand came up to caress mine.

  Julian placed his finger under my chin and lifted my face up so that my eyes met his. “You must obey if you want to survive. This is the only way.” His voice was low, almost a whisper. “Do you understand?”

  “Yes.” I’d always done whatever Julian told me to. He was always right. I hugged him close to me. “Julian, I’m working on a rescue. Your plan is brilliant, so stay coherent as much as you can,” I whispered into his ear. Julian smiled and gently pushed me away and then stood staring out the window as if I hadn’t said anything. His expression blank. His eyes not flinching or making any movement. I walked up close to him again, wrapping my arm around his waist. He didn’t move or acknowledge me, but I knew he understood as his hand squeezed mine. If Julian remained lucid, his rescue would be easier.

  “Come, love.” Dorian’s endearing term was a mockery to his actions. He grabbed my arm and tugged me away as I stumbled to keep up. “You have to get dressed. I need you by my side this evening.”

  “I thought I would be distributing some of the new shipment tonight.” I’d promised Preston I would meet him at the bar. I’d been certain that I would be able to get out when I witnessed the arrival of the gang of drug thugs in their black sedans delivering the goods yesterday.

  “Nope. There’s a charity ball for Alzheimer’s, and I’m being recognized as one of the top contributors in the city. Such a nasty disease these humans have to contend with as they age. I do feel sorry for them,” he boasted, as if he actually had some semblance of concern for the elderly humans. I knew the truth. The prisoners and slaves he traded in were a testament to his real opinion of mortals.

  I glanced back at Julian, who kept staring outside as if he couldn’t care less that I was being carted away so abruptly. But I knew better. We had a win today—albeit a small one—and soon, we’d crush Dorian.

  Chapter Nineteen


  “Something doesn’t feel right,” I said to Sting. “Lily should be here by now.”

  Sting pulled his phone out of his pocket and glanced at it. “Give her another thirty minutes,” he said reassuringly before sticking the instrument back into his front jeans pocket.

  Two guys strolled in. The same two that I’d seen selling drugs in here before. They sat at the same two stools and ordered the same drinks. A few minutes later, their buyer came in and sat with them. It was like déjà vu as I watched Sting fill first two shot glasses full of whiskey, then a third for the guy with the black hooded sweatshirt.

  The exchange of drugs and money happened in the exact manner as it had before. But this time, the one who held the cash pulled out a twenty from the wad and threw it on the table as they all got up and left at the same time. Were they Dorian’s dealers? Most likely. He monopolized the drug trade in the city, didn’t he?

  “You boys stay safe, now,” Sting said as he cleared their glasses and swiped up the twenty.

  I glanced at my phone. It was getting late. I needed to get to the club. Lily was supposed to meet me here before nine so I could go over the plan with her. If she had a phone, I’d be calling her right now. Last night, she’d been certain she would be given part of the latest drug shipment to sell tonight. Now, I was sick with worry. All sorts of horrible visions flowed through my brain. I wished she’d just left with me last night, though I understood why she didn’t. Leaving her brother was not an option.

  “Sting, got a pen?”

  “Yeah.” He snatched a pen from beside the register and handed it to me. I read the inscription on the side. The I.V. Where blood runs as thick as alcohol.

  I smirked. “Kinda catchy.”

  He shrugged. “My ill attempt at advertising.”

  “I like it.” I picked up a napkin and quickly jotted down a note to Lily. “Could you give this to Lily if she comes in?”

  “Sure.” I handed Sting the napkin with my scribbling and stood.

  I slipped out the back door and de-materialized backstage at the club.

  “You see her?” Gage asked, taking a swig of whiskey.

  “No. She must not have been able to get out like she thought.”

  “Maybe we should postpone,” Cian said, placing his hand on my shoulder as he walked by me, his guitar hanging across his back. My guitar, as well as everyone else’s, was on stage already.

  “Yeah.” I knew we should, but I worried about what might happen to Lily and Julian between now and then.

  “It’s time to go on. El—Preston, do you want to take the lead like we planned, or do you want to wait until the second set?”

  “I’ll wait. I need to get my head clear if you don’t mind.”

  “Nope. Not at all.”

  “Love is a tricky bastard, isn’t it?” Lane said as he walked by, toting Vanessa by the hand. “We’ll take the first number, then.”

  V stopped in front of me and touched her free hand to my arm. “It will be okay. I have a good feeling.”

  I nodded and tagged along like a lovesick puppy. Sick to death with worry.

  Chapter Twenty


  I’d taken my time getting ready, trying desperately to figure out a way to leave if only for a few minutes just to let Preston know I wouldn’t be able to get to The I.V. tonight. At l
east not until after the ball, and even then, I really had no idea if I’d be able to sneak out.

  As I stepped into the dark red evening gown and struggled with the zipper in the back, Dorian entered my room. He walked to me and turned me around, then zipped up the dress the rest of the way. “It’s time to go.”

  He looked handsome, all decked out in his black tux. A small, red silk scarf the same color as my dress stuck out of his jacket’s breast pocket. His hair was slicked back the way he liked it whenever he was in the public eye. His eyes gleamed with a sparkle I hadn’t seen in years, and I couldn’t help but think that my brother had something to do with that.

  “Just one second.” I slipped on the silver heels that had been in the box with the dress that Malik had delivered to my room an hour ago. I stood in front of the dresser, wishing I could see myself. Even if I had a mirror, I’d only see an empty room.

  All I could do was look down the front of me. The gown was gorgeous. So different than the one I’d been forced to wear last night. This one was elegant, made of red silk, with tendrils of red ribbon curling down the sides to the floor, and not an inch of it was see-through.

  Dorian walked up behind me and placed his hands on my shoulders. “I have something for you,” he said as he slipped a gold chain around my neck. From it dangled a beautiful red stone. “There. Now you are complete. Here.” He held up his cell phone in front of me, tapped the little camera icon and there I was, gazing at myself in the tiny screen.

  I looked beautiful.

  At Dorian’s request, my dark, thick hair had been done up in a weaved chignon with a few stray curls flowing down my neck. No doubt to show off the gorgeous necklace. I fingered the stone, the chain resting so close to the small wounds on my neck that Preston had left so Dorian would know he’d enjoyed me. Then Dorian’s tongue ran over the two tiny punctures, closing Preston’s mark and making them disappear.


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