The Butterfly House

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The Butterfly House Page 4

by Meckley, Lori

  As soon as my toe polish dried I got dressed in jean shorts and tank top, grabbed my work bag, outfit and purse. I was going to stop at billing before going to see baby Miles. I threw in my chemistry book so I could go over my reading homework again later if I had any free time. I had an early class tomorrow.

  It was a beautiful but a very warm afternoon as I left my apartment heading for the hospital. Once I walked into the hospital I headed for the billing office first. The lady at the desk accepted my payment, and as I was leaving I turned around and asked her if she knew where I might be able to hire a nurse or infant care giver to watch baby Miles while I worked and was in class. She gave me the name of a day care center that took care of infants and smaller children. She also mentioned that she'd leave a message for the hospital coordinator, they had a small day care center on site that they used for families who had a need for their own children to be watched while visiting a sick family member or friend in the hospital. She said if it was only for a few hours at a time they might be able to help me out. This might work for class but I wasn't so sure about my late work hours. Still I left my cell phone number on the chance it might help.

  I took the elevator upstairs to the intensive care wing for infants. I walked in and baby Miles was awake. I could hear the little noises coming from his incubator. I smiled as I pulled on a gown and pulled over a chair to sit with him. His eyes were still covered but his little hands and feet were moving a little. I slowly reached in to touch his little fingers, which then gripped mine. I felt tears sting my eyes as I talked gently to him. Letting him know he was getting better and that he wouldn't be alone here for much longer. He seemed to like the sound of my voice as he kicked a little harder. He was still so little, it made me nervous just thinking about taking care of him alone but I could do this. I would pick up more hours if I had to. Next semester I would try to take any course I could online, that would save on having to hire someone to watch baby Miles.

  Maybe I was crazy but at that very moment Nolan Walker popped into my head. I could really use something to eat right now and a friend, even if that friend was a very handsome man I barely knew a thing about, had offered to buy me a meal. I felt that weird flutter feeling you get in your belly when you meet someone new. I thought about his business card still in my purse. Maybe I would call him before I left the hospital for work and see if his offer was still open for dinner and just friendship. It would only be friendship, I didn't have room in my life for more than that right now.

  Nolan ~ Eight

  I was at my desk with a new client Ellis Rathbone. Ellis was looking to order some bulletproof items. We were just finishing up when Cameron buzzed my desk letting me know Ava Wild was on the line. Cameron never interrupted me unless he felt it was important and I had mentioned if she called to please let me know. I was smiling like an idiot when I asked Cameron to see if she could hold for a few minutes. I was not letting her get away that easily, I wanted to see her.

  After asking Cameron to set up another meeting with Ellis, I left them both outside my office and walked inside to take Ava's call.

  She sounded a little nervous but I was just as nervous when I took the call. I met with business men and women all day long, it never even fazed me but talking to this beautiful woman had the power to make my palms sweat.

  I said “Hello.”

  “Nolan, hello it's Ava Wild, Ava from The Butterfly House.” she said.

  As if I would ever forget who she was that quickly. I smiled as I relaxed a bit more into my chair.

  “Ava, it's a pleasure to hear from you, how are you?” I asked her as I wiped my palms on my slacks, Thank God it was the end of the day and I had no more meetings or I'd have to change my slacks.

  “I'm well, I was wondering if you might be free later tonight? Well I mean I'm working so it would be after work. I know that might be a bit late and I totally understand if you can't but could I take you up on your offer for dinner as friends?” She asked.

  My heart began to pound as I realized she wanted to meet for dinner, it was just friends but that was fine with me. It had been years since I was on any kind of date let alone having dinner with someone besides a client or Sam.

  “I'd love to take you to dinner. I'm okay with the late hour, I was planning on coming to the house tonight to meet with Sam Rayburn, the house's new owner anyway so dinner afterwards would be nice.” I said, smiling insanely to myself.

  “Oh then that works out for both of us,” she laughed. Her laugh was deep throaty but sensual.

  “Then I guess I will see you soon?”

  “Definitely,” she said sounding happy.

  I said goodbye, then I stopped myself, and said “Ava?”

  “Yes Nolan?” She asked.

  “I'm glad you called, I'm looking forward dinner.” I said.

  “Me too!” She said quietly as she hung up.

  I buzzed Cameron asking him to make reservations for two at a nice quiet restaurant within walking distance of The Butterfly House. I wanted to keep things within her comfort zone. Walking instead of taking a cab or having my driver pick us up felt a bit more casual. I liked the old school feel of walking together too.

  As I was leaving, Cameron called me to let me know I had reservations for two at Les Halles for eleven-thirty pm. That would work out fine, I remembered Ava being off the stage by eleven pm both times I'd seen her dance. We didn’t have too far to walk either.

  I needed to head home first to shower and change before meeting Sam at The Butterfly House. I was actually looking forward to this business venture of his and it also meant I'd get more time to get to know Ava, I hoped. I had her key chain wrapped up in a gift box in my pocket. I really meant it when I told her I was looking forward to dinner. For once in a very long time I felt happy about something other than work and it involved a woman. I know I had sworn off having a woman in my life but this was just friendship I reminded myself, just friendship.

  Becoming Lotus

  I guess there was no going back, after work tonight I'd be having dinner with Nolan Walker. Earlier I met with my new boss, Mr. Rayburn. The meeting went very well.

  “Miss Wild, please have a seat.” Mr. Rayburn motioned at the chair in front of his desk. I had never been in this office when it was Sin Lee's but one time, the day I was interviewed. Mr. Rayburn had definitely changed it. As I recalled it, it was a very basic office when Sin Lee had it. She was a very private person. I didn't recall anything about her office other than it was in a deep red and turquoise. It wasn't a bad color combination, just a bit dramatic. Mr. Rayburn had toned it down a bit, now the office was in deep green, soft gray and black. Very masculine and bold. It seemed to suit him from the little I had seen of him since he first took over The Butterfly House.

  “Thank you, Sir.” I said, taking a seat.

  “Please call me Sam, I'd like to maintain more relaxed relationship with my employees, Sir seems a bit too formal and Mr. Rayburn is what most people call my father.

  “Then please call me Ava.” I said smiling. It was a relief, he wasn't going to be a tyrant. Sin Lee wasn't really a tyrant but she was very set in her ways. I always felt uncomfortable around her. Sin Lee's main rule was do your job and do it well.

  “So Ava tell me a little about yourself if you wouldn't mind. I like to know a little about who is working for me not just their name and social security number.”

  “Well I'm from Colorado, I came here a year after high school to study medicine at NYU. I'd like to work at St. Luke’s Hospital in the Crime Victim's Treatment Center.”

  “Sam, I'm sure you are wondering why I am working here, it's simply for the money. I'm not looking for a husband or to be someone's mistress.”

  I let out a breath as I stopped myself from mentioning baby Miles. He didn't need to know anything that personal, unless it became necessary at some point.

  “Wow a young woman who knows what she wants and has a plan.” “I'm impressed,” he stated.

��Can I ask you something Sam?” I said.

  “Sure you can,” he said smiling again.

  “I'm curious as to what made you buy The Butterfly House,” I asked.

  “Honestly I fell in love with the place. I thought that the front doors were simply amazing when I first walked through them. Once I was inside, well it felt like everything a private club should feel like.” “After you're inside, you feel yourself relaxing and there are beautiful women to look at. The women can actually dance, there is not one but two well-stocked bars. A person doesn't feel obligated to tip a dancer unless he wants to at the end of the night, which is done privately. After a long day at the office, the club is a place with a leisurely atmosphere.”

  I had not thought of the house like that in the beginning myself, since I was the entertainment; however seeing it through Sam's eyes made me feel less conflicted about what I was doing. I was still not happy that I had to make a living by being naked each night but I wouldn't be doing it forever, it was just temporary while I was in college and taking care of baby Miles.

  “That's nice to hear Sam, when I first came here the place made me feel cheap but I'm starting to feel differently. I'm relieved that Ruby and Sherry are no longer here, I can't thank you enough, I hate to see anyone lose their job but it already feels less stressful without them both here,” I said.

  “Yes, well, I don't tolerate employees bullying other employees, it's best they both seek employment elsewhere. I'm sorry you had to deal with that. If ever that would happen again, my office is always open, please come see me.”

  “I will do that, Thank you.”

  “I won't keep you any longer I see it's getting close time to open the doors. Are there any questions or concerns you have?”

  “Would it be possible to have real dressing rooms, with a bit of privacy. Also a place to store our things? I know it's a lot to ask but it would be nice to have some privacy and not have to worry about our personal things being left out in the open.”

  “Ava I noticed that when I walked into that huge room. That's certainly not too much to ask for. I will see what I can do about upgrading that room to separate dressing rooms and some private storage. Is there anything else?”

  “Not that I can think of, a bit of privacy and some space of our own is more than I had hoped for, Thank you kindly Sam.”

  “You're welcome Ava,” he smiled. We shook hands. I left to get ready for my turn on stage. I had a few questions about Nolan Walker but they could wait until I knew my new boss a bit more. He was still a little intimidating, not in a bad way, more in a way you admired someone. He took action and made things happen. I liked that about him already. I was very curious about his friendship with Nolan Walker.

  I was still deep in thought about Nolan and tonight as I started putting on my makeup and wondering if this deep turquoise gown I was going to wear tonight would blend in with my red hair. I kept my makeup a bit on the lighter side, relying on a deep charcoal black and some gray eye shadow, light mascara and no eye liner. I lined my lips with a pale pink. I turned on hot rollers, as I was going to pile big curls on my head with antique hair pins to slide out later. I had lacy gloves and panties that matched my gown. I chose a black pair of strappy heels. My gown was floor length but it had slits up the sides to mid thigh and a very dramatic halter style neckline. My legs were going to be bare with a purpose.

  I began wrapping my hair up in the hot rollers. Once I had them all in, I put on my dress. I carefully took out each roller, ran my fingers lightly through the curls, then piled them on my head, shoving the hair pins in to hold it in place. I gave it all a light dose of hair spray, then dotted some vanilla citrus lotion on my wrists and neck. I liked to smell nice but I preferred it to be a light scent. Nothing was worse than everyone choking on a cloying scent when a person entered a room.

  I was going to sing tonight, an oldie but goodie that I had improvised a little one. I had the song jazzed up with a bit of a pop beat to start out with, then I would sing it old school but a bit more upbeat. I loved this song by Looking Glass. I liked to keep my routine a little different each time. Every now and then a bit of nostalgia was nice.

  I hoped Nolan liked the show tonight, I wanted to him to like it. God where did that thought come from? I was not falling for this man, it was just my need to have a friend, someone to talk to. I could tell myself that but deep down I felt real butterflies when I stood up to leave for the stage. And it was not stage fright butterflies. It was more like the fluttery feeling you get when you are nervous about someone but still excited to see them. I would have to get rid of any notions I had about him, wouldn't I?

  Nolan ~ Nine

  Once again I had sweaty palms as she walked onto the stage. I had seen her perform twice now but this time it was much more intense. I felt my body stirring in places that I had turned off a long time ago. My cock was straining to get as much a look at her as I was. I fought it as I felt sweat beading on my forehead, the room suddenly felt like a sauna.

  She wore this stunning dress in turquoise that showcased her long tan legs, God they went on forever. All I could think about was running my hands down them. I imagined her legs soft and silky, just like her hair. It was piled high on her head, every stunning red curl. My mouth felt dry, but not for water. What my mouth wanted was to taste her, every inch of her as I watched her walk with an intense purpose to the end of the stage. The music playing was an old hit, but I couldn't quite place it because it had a heavy pop beat to it, then suddenly she began to sing. Suddenly I knew the song. It was a classic, Brandy. I remembered the song now, my father used to listen to it all the time but the version Ava sang was very different. She sang deep and with an erotic edge that gave me chills. How was this sexy woman taking her clothes off for money when she could belt out songs like a rock star?

  I watched as she pulled the pins out of her hair as she sang, her hair cascading slowly down hitting her bare shoulders. I imagined each lock landing on my bare chest, fuck where did that come from? I was going to scare her away if she even suspected I was getting turned on by her. It felt dirty and wrong but I didn't care I had to watch as Ava grabbed the mic and belted out the end of the song. She then turned flashing those luscious legs once again, peeled each lacy turquoise glove off as she walked back to the other end of the stage. She turned around slowly, we made eye contact as she opened the neck of her dress and let it slide to the floor slowly. My body screamed with desire as I saw her full breasts, each nipple hard and dark cherry pink winking at me. She was blowing me a kiss, then turned her back and the stage lights put her in silhouette as she wiggled out of the little scrap of panties she wore. She stood wearing only her heels. Then she disappeared when the lights went out.

  I thought I was going to come in my jeans, did she do that on purpose? I know damn well she was looking at me directly. I felt that kiss she blew all over. I had to get some control over this situation before we had dinner. I wiped my forehead, grabbing my drink of Captain and Coke as I tried my best to refocus when I saw Sam watching me. He was walking towards me smiling. That bastard, somehow this was his fault. I would not let things get out of hand, she was very attractive on all levels but I could keep this platonic, even if it meant silently suffering below the belt.

  “Mr. Walker are you enjoying your night?” He said all smug.

  “Damn it you know I am! Fuck man she's killing me.” I said gritting my teeth.

  “Nolan you're not a monk for fuck sakes, she's a fine looking woman. Why beat yourself up about feeling something for her?” he stated.

  “I don't want to feel anything for any woman, man you just don't get that do you?” I said loudly.

  “I do get that! What I don't get is why you won't just go with it? Enjoy the feelings and if she brings them on, then enjoy it with her! What the hell is wrong with you?” he asked lighting up a cheroot.

  “She isn't looking for more than friendship and that's fine with me.” I said.

  “Ok let's see h
ow long that works for you both but if those sparks that passed between you two earlier mean anything, friendship is the last thing going on here”

  “Fuck!” I stood, I had to go meet her for our just friends dinner date. This conversation was going nowhere. I could handle this. I just needed to not see her naked anymore. I told Sam I'd see him tomorrow for our afternoon meeting. He just sat shaking his head as I walked back to the dressing room hallway.

  Ava was cleaning up her area when I walked in. I knocked first. Once she had yelled “The coast is clear come on in,” she was the only one there; everyone else had left. She had changed into a sunflower-covered summer dress with sandals and it was already killing me – her legs bare. Her hair was in a twist and she was smiling but I could feel the tension, she was nervous. Hell so was I!

  “Hi.” I said like a dumb ass. She smiled. Then said “Hi back.”

  I asked her if she was ready to leave. She said she just needed a minute yet. It looked like Sam had gotten them lockers to use temporarily, I watched as she struggled to figure out the combination lock on the door. I walked over to see if I could help, and the scent she wore was like sunshine and cookies I swear. I leaned down a little closer when suddenly the lock sprang open and she flew back into me. We both laughed. She felt so good in my arms but I made myself pull away. I didn't want her to think I was pawing at her.

  “We better get going if we are going to make our reservation.”

  “You made reservations?” “That's sweet, I would have been okay with pizza or even just coffee.” she said.

  “I thought maybe you might like a real meal, I'm guessing with your schedule you don't get much time for eating.”


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