The Butterfly House

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The Butterfly House Page 10

by Meckley, Lori

  “I called your lovely lady who works for me and canceled our meeting. Am I correct in assuming this meeting is more important?”

  “You are correct, let's wait for Ellis. He's on his way up.” I tossed the deli menu at Sam so we could get an order ready for Cameron.

  My phone rang. Ellis was here.

  Ellis Rathbone was an ex-navy SEAL. After our initial meeting the other day regarding the bulletproof glass windows he ordered we talked at length. Ellis had lost his wife a few months ago. They had a daughter he was raising on his own. His daughter was his reason for going into private investigation. I felt good about having him help with Ava's situation. He was a father. I felt he would be compassionate about Ava's situation.

  “Hey Nolan!” he said as I rose to shake his hand then introduced him to Sam.”

  We all gave Cameron our lunch order then we got down to business. I explained the situation and all the details I knew to both men. Then I gave them both copies of the legal paperwork Ava had given me.

  “Nolan if possible I'd really like to talk to Ava. I have a few questions,” Ellis stated.

  “She works tonight and doesn't get off until until close to midnight.” I said.

  “Ellis you are welcome to come to the house. You could talk with her before she goes on stage if you'd like. She's always a little early for work.” Sam offered.

  “What exactly is the house?” Ellis asked.

  “The Butterfly House is a private club Sam owns. Ava works for him.” I explained.

  “She works as in exotic or stripper? Is there really a difference between the two? Ellis asked confused.

  Sam interrupted laughing. “Ellis the house isn't exactly your typical strip club, it's very classy and upscale. I don't own anything that isn't classy.”

  “Ava works there in order to help cover all the bills for the baby and Angela Mercy.” I clarified. I didn't want Ellis getting the wrong impression of Ava or Sam's business.

  “Let's all meet there say around seven o'clock, that way you can get an impression of the house and then talk to Ava as soon as she arrives.” Sam offered.

  “I'll get started on finding out who Angela Mercy is in the meantime.” Ellis said.

  “Ellis please send me the bill I will be covering the expenses,” I said.

  “Nolan if you can get my bulletproof windows ready sooner I'll do this for free.”

  “I'll do my best Ellis but in the meantime you let me know if you need any funds to get started.”

  We all agreed to meet at the house. I still had time before my only other appointment for today. After Sam and Ellis left I sent Ava a text message to let her know Ellis would be there early to talk to her.

  “Hey beautiful how's class?”

  She replied right away.

  “Hey sexy man! It's kind of boring. How is the meeting going?”

  I replied.

  “We just finished. Ellis has a few questions for you. We are all going to meet at the house before you go on stage.”

  A few minutes later.

  “I'll be there early. I just need to drop off my books and backpack then grab my clothes for tonight.”

  I quickly texted. My three o'clock appointment was coming up the elevator.

  “How about I meet you at your apartment with some dinner say about five?”

  She replied.

  “You are spoiling me but yes that would be heaven!”

  I typed furiously, Cameron was getting my three o'clock coffee ready.

  “Deli sandwich and drinks okay? Any special requests?”

  “I trust you! Just please extra pickles :)”

  Laughing I replied.

  “For you – anything, see you soon darlin.”

  She replied.

  “I can't wait! And Nolan...I miss you.”

  I stood up smiling, typing fast.

  “I miss you too.”

  Cameron rang my phone, I was still on time for my three o'clock they had just arrived and their coffee was ready.

  Becoming Lotus

  Nolan brought me food. We arrived at the house with plenty of time for me to get ready and revamp my routine for tonight. Ellis was running late but he had some information to share. He would be here at some point. We'd talk after I was finished on stage.

  This was the first time I'd been nervous since my first night here. I was feeling anxious waiting to hear what Ellis had found out. I hoped it was good news. I went through my routine a few times without the music.

  Nolan went to talk with Sam while I started getting ready. For tonight I had selected a song by Firehouse. I chose a pair of blue jean shorts that were very short and torn a few places. I put on a purple dress shirt and motorcycle boots. Cowboy boots would have been a better choice but I was not a fan of cowboy boots so these would be a good substitute. I had noticed Nolan was from Texas – he didn't wear them either.

  I lined my eyes with gray, added two different shades of purple shadow. I lined my lips in a dusky rose. I was in the middle of taking the hot rollers out of my hair when there was a knock at my door. It was Orchid. Her real name was Jenny and she was very pretty, long dark hair with gypsy features. She also had a lot of piercings that very few people could pull off wearing. She was all out of breath and all flushed from just coming off stage. In a few minutes it would be my turn.

  “Oh damn Ava there is this fine-looking man out there tonight. He's seated with Mr. Rayburn and your man.”

  “Really?” She had to be talking about Ellis. “What's he look like?”

  “He's tall but built and I mean built! He's dressed in a suit but damn you can tell he's got some guns under it and I mean both kinds. He's carrying a huge firearm on his hip, it looks like a Kimber 1911.”

  Jenny and her guns! I had to laugh as I finished my hair and grabbed my cowboy hat. Then I strapped on my play gun belt complete with a plastic Glock knock-off. Jenny knew everything about guns otherwise it would have been just a plastic gun to me.

  “Well girl I plan on being the fastest gun tonight,” I said winking at her.

  “You know I could of loaned you a real gun to use instead of that fake toy one and it's a copycat Glock. Yuck! Good thing it's just a prop.” We both laughed.

  “Hey wanna come out and watch from the stage while I work?” I asked her. I liked Jenny, it would be nice to have a friend here.

  “You don't have to ask twice! Anything to get another look at that man candy.” she said winking as we walked out the door.

  Nolan ~ Nineteen

  When the music started I was sitting with Ellis and Sam. My jaw dropped as I saw Ava come out. She had on very short shorts and was dressed like a cowgirl complete with a holstered gun belt and boots. The boots only came to mid-calf. Her shirt was tied under her breasts – she had the sexiest belly. Her long firm legs in those boots drove me insane. She started out walking up and down the stage with the beat to the music. Tossing her cowboy hat across the room, her long hair fell down her back and shoulders. They had put extra stripper poles in place. Ava was swinging around a pole. She hung upside down and then she slid down very slow.

  I felt like I was panting in need. I wanted her so much. I looked around wondering if every man in the place felt like I did. The men and women were all cheering her on as she danced from pole to pole. I was definitely having a bad moment watching as she rode each pole like it was a lover.

  Sam touched me on the shoulder. “Nolan she's just dancing. Relax man.” I felt the green-eyed fog moment pass as I realized I was being an ass in front of my friend and Ava's boss. I was also disrespecting Ava.

  Ellis broke the ice when he said. “Nolan I think I like her already, she's carrying!” We all laughed.

  I looked at Sam. “I'm good now, Thanks man.”

  I watched as she danced around one more time. This time she had her hands on her gun belt and winked at me as she pretended to pull it out, making a fake gun with her fingers she pointed them at me. Then she turned and danced twirling as her s
hirt came undone. She was bare chested but her long hair was shielding most of her as she stopped to let the shirt fall to the floor. She lifted her arms in the air. She looked back over her shoulder as the lights went out. The music ended. The crowd roared at her performance.

  Ellis was the first one to speak when the crowd calmed down. “I have to admit this place has class, it doesn't feel like a trashy strip club by any means.”

  Sam spoke up. “Is that why you couldn't take your eyes off Orchid?”

  “Which one was Orchid?” Ellis said downplaying it. I had noticed too that he watched Orchid more than any woman that had worked tonight – thank God!

  “Better watch it Ellis. Sam likes matchingmaking. He never shut up about Ava. I pacified him and came to the house to see her.”

  “Walker just admit it. She's the reason you're not at your office slaving right now.” Sam said.

  “I'll go see if Ava has changed and bring her to your office Sam.”

  “Ellis you notice how ungratefully he is ignoring my good deed?” Sam said laughing as I walked away.

  Ava was talking to Orchid when I walked into her dressing room. Orchid didn't say much she just smiled as she left the dressing room.

  “Nolan I think she likes Ellis.”

  “Ava he's a widower, I'm staying out of that one.” I said as I pulled her to her feet. She was wearing a silk tank top and matching slacks with sandals.

  “What happened out there when I was dancing, you seemed upset?”

  “Darlin it's not anything you did. I had a moment of jackass syndrome. I guess I was jealous. You are so beautiful and the crowd loves you.”

  Looking up at me she said. “Nolan that crowd doesn't even know who I am. They come to see Lotus. It's a part I play each night. I am not a real person to them. You have nothing to worry about. You can trust me.”

  Then she looked down as she spoke.

  “You know at first I used to die inside when I went out there. When Sin Lee was in charge it felt like a dirty place but now that Sam has taken over it's not like that anymore.

  “Ava it's okay, I realize that. You affect me physically when you perform, it's very intense. I wonder if it happens to every person in the room too.” I said feeling like a total ass. I knew I was upsetting her.

  “It might affect everyone but I'm not leaving with anyone out there – only you.” “I love you Nolan Walker,” she whispered as she kissed my lips.

  “I love you Ava Wild even more.” I pulled her closer deepening the kiss.

  She whispered to me. “Am I still meeting with Ellis?”

  “We are, the meeting is in Sam's office. We should probably get moving.” She grabbed her bag. I locked the door for her. We headed to Sam's office.


  After Sam introduced me to Ellis, we all sat down around his desk to talk. Ellis was the first one to speak. He pulled out a small notebook out of his suit jacket.

  “Ava do you have any idea where Angela might have lived?”

  “Ellis I wish I did but I don't.” “We always talked at the cafe I worked at. She came in for the same thing each time. A triple shot smoothie. She said the baby made her crave them.” “I assumed she lived nearby, with her being pregnant she walked instead of taking a cab. She said it was her only means of exercise.”

  “Did she always come in alone?” he asked.


  “Nolan explained to me that she was a surrogate mother but these legal papers were drawn up for you to be the baby's guardian.”

  “Ellis she seemed very confused when she came to my apartment that day in labor. She was running from some men or at least it sounded like men from the shouting I heard outside. I saw what looked like two men. It was pouring that day so I couldn't make out anyone clearly though.”

  “Ava is there anything you can remember that seemed odd or questionable at all?” he asked.

  “She always wore long sleeves, I noticed bruises.”

  “Did you or the paramedics that responded to your call that day talk to anyone that came pounding on your door that day?”

  I thought for a minute.

  “You know what, my neighbor John did. I heard him telling them I was in class that they needed to stop pounding on my door because I wasn't home. That happened before I called 911 for help.”

  “Now that's what I need to know, is there anything else at all?”

  “Not that I can think of,” I said. I was getting tired after only a few hours of sleep and being on the go all day then working tonight.

  “I think that's enough for tonight Ellis.” Nolan had noticed my tiredness and spoke up.

  Ellis handed me a business card with his cell number. He told me if I remembered anything or needed anything to please call him. I assured him I would do that as I took the card putting it in my purse.

  “Ellis have you found out anything at all yourself yet?” I asked.

  “What we know so far is that we think Angela was married to Juan Mercy. Juan Mercy is a person of interest regarding human trafficking of newborns. I know you don't want to get the police involved but at some point we will have to. I can only do so much on my end.” “We are walking a very thin line right now. The one good thing about all this is so far no one seems to be looking for Angela or the baby.”

  “What happens next?” Nolan asked.

  “I will talk to Ava's neighbor John. I have someone tailing Juan Mercy right now. I find it interesting that he has not contacted the police to report his pregnant wife missing. He may be afraid of being noticed if he does. The strangest thing about this entire pregnancy is that they used a sperm donor for Angela to conceive for her role as surrogate mother.”

  Sam suddenly stood looking very pale. “If we are finished here I think we all need to get some rest and touch base tomorrow. Ava looks dead on her feet.”

  We all agreed. This was a lot to take in. I was starting to feel very overwhelmed and frightened for baby Miles and Angela.

  “Ava one more thing,” Ellis said. “What is that?” I asked.

  “I will have someone watching you. I don't want to alarm you but I don't think it's a good idea for you to be walking anywhere alone right now.”

  “She can stay with me and I'll make sure she's not alone when she goes out.” Nolan said.

  I agreed to meet with Sam in the morning regarding the previous meeting that we had to cancel. I was going to the hospital for a visit also. I had no classes and I didn't work tomorrow night. Nolan took me to my apartment for my books and some clothes then we took the cab back to his condo.

  Nolan ~ Twenty

  It was almost dawn. Ava was asleep in my arms but sleep was the furthest thing from my mind. I was worried for her safety – for everyone concerned really. In a matter of days I had fallen in love with this very special woman. My life was a bit chaotic right now but as she sighed in her sleep moving closer to me – I wouldn't change a thing.

  She was ready to take on the world for a friend she barely knew and the woman's newborn child. I admired the hell out of it for being that strong; however I couldn't let her do it alone any longer.

  I felt her stir beside me.

  “What time is it?” she said with a huge yawn. Her red hair fell over us both as she sat up to rub her eyes.

  “It's a few minutes after six.”

  “Did you get any sleep?” she asked lying back down and putting her head on my chest. I felt her hand moving over and begin toying with my nipple rings.”

  “A little.” I felt myself getting hard as her hand moved a little lower.

  “Hey this isn't playtime. You should be resting.”

  I knew she wasn't going to stop, she had wrapped her hand around my cock and was stroking it. She was breathless. I watched as she moved the sheet and comforter aside.

  “Looks like someone else doesn't feel like resting anymore”

  I groaned with pleasure as her lips and mouth closed over my cock. She made eye contact with me once I caught my breat
h, then her mouth went back to work. The room suddenly felt very warm as I grabbed for her. I almost came in her mouth.

  “Hey I want in on this playtime.”

  I carried her to the window and sat her bare bottom on the ledge. The skyline was just starting to come to life. Every room had a view of the skyline and I was about to take advantage of this ones.

  Getting down on my knees, my eyes fell on her legs as they fell open. She was glistening, her pussy was so wet. I wanted her so badly my cock was about to burst but I wanted to taste her first. I gently parted her pink softness, my tongue went to work on the tiny folds and then her clit. She panted hard grabbing my hair and holding on tight. God the sounds she made were almost my undoing as I pulled harder on her clit. I sucked even harder as she fought to hold on. The moment I felt her start to come. I stopped, standing up and quickly slid my cock into her all at once. I could feel her gasp loudly when I stopped but the power of the orgasm she had the second I slid into her was so strong it was all I could do to hold back my own pleasure. She wrapped her legs around me tight.

  “Damn you Nolan that was sneaky and low down! You better fuck me hard!”

  I was more than ready to meet any demands she had I couldn't wait any longer.

  “I plan on it darlin.” I growled then I kissed her hard.

  I grabbed onto the ledge for leverage as I slammed into her pussy as deep as I could go, then I pulled back out. I set that pace until we both like animals in heat. Ava screamed and I felt her shudder as she came. I pounded into her furiously a few times, then I came.

  Ava's body began to shake as I felt my sanity return. I helped her off the window ledge.

  “Let's shower and then I'll make us some breakfast.”

  She fell back on the bed and started to pull the covers over. I grabbed them off her and smacked her bare ass lightly.

  “Oh no you don't woman, rest time is over. I need some food.”

  “That's okay I'll wait for you here,” she said as she burrowed under the pillows.

  “It smells like a sex factory in here, time to shower.” I said as I grabbed one of her legs and started pulling.


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