Undercover: Secrets & Lies

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Undercover: Secrets & Lies Page 15

by Jennifer Loren

  Nathan stares at his feet, his breathing ragged, before throwing papers onto Titus’s desk. “He’s been working with a ghost. Running a small drug ring, a few whores, and—a lot of money from somewhere. I am not exactly sure where. The man we questioned doesn’t know a lot of details.”

  “Where’s he at then?” Titus asks.

  “His house is clean. Too clean. Not sure he has lived there in a long time. Most think he’s taken off, but I would bet he’s still here,” Nathan tells us.

  “Why? He can’t possibly have built up enough to feel protected. Not without me knowing about it.”

  “He wants her. Kian is driven by revenge. I know him. He’s determined to get to Ben, not to kill, but to torture him in any way he can.”

  “Luca. He will want to get to Luca too,” I remind Titus.

  Nodding, he holds up his hand. “He will be protected.”

  Nathan scoffs. “He won’t attempt to go after Luca, too difficult and no reward. Laila offers him so much more than just revenge. If she really is part of us, then she will be willing to be bait.”

  “Hell no. He tried, he failed, and he isn’t going to show up to try again,” I say, determined not to let Nathan get his way. Titus looks me over with a sigh.

  “Titus, you know as well as I do. Kian isn’t the brightest, but he is the most bloodthirsty. He wants hers, so he will get a chance at Ben and then you. He’s smart enough to know how the chain will work from one to the other. I don’t care how much we try to keep secrets around here, it’s clear who the favorites are. Use her and bait him.”

  “Thank you, Nathan. I will handle it from here. Go home.” I stand up to leave too. “Not you. Sit down, Benjamin.” Titus waits until Nathan shuts the door behind him. “Do not argue with me. Find a way to get him or else I will, and you know I don’t care whether she lives or dies. Clearly, you do, so figure it out. You have two days to find him,” I nod, starting my way out when he sighs. “I don’t trust her.”

  “Why? Because you killed her father? Killed her mother? Killed everyone she knew and loved? Yeah, I am sure you don’t.”

  “Benjamin, you need to forget what you think you know. I have done you a favor so far, but you will need to eventually make a decision. The announcement for my successor would be a great opportunity. It would provide protection for your whole family. Including a future wife? Not to mention, that would release me from mine.”

  “Release you? How is that possible? What does Jolie have on you anyway?” I ask, knowing the moment he sits back and smiles at me. “How could she? I never said a word.”

  “The woman has a way to find out things. As much as she tries my patience, she is devious and smart as hell. A dangerous combination. I am trying to help you, Ben.”

  “You have never done anything for anyone but yourself.”

  “Watch it, Ben. There are rules here, remember?”

  “If anyone knows your rules, Titus, it’s me.”

  “Then follow them. I can’t keep letting you go your own ways without punishment. People are already talking, suspicious of my control here.”

  “It’s not something I want. It’s not something I have ever wanted.”

  “I don’t think you have a choice if you want to survive, if you want your brother to survive.” I close my eyes, wishing for a different life. “I made sure you were trained by the best for a reason. And that wasn’t to be a foot soldier for the rest of your life. You’re more than capable.”

  “I need to go. I have work to do.”

  Titus nods to allow me to leave. “Ben, when I said two days, I meant forty-eight hours, which you have less than now.” I hold my tongue and yank the door open on my way out.

  “Ben?” I hear Jolie call out. “Ben!” I try to ignore her, but she corners me before I can get away. “Can you not hear me calling you?”

  “I heard you. What do you want?”

  “Aren’t we in a mood today? I only wanted to see if you wanted to spend some time together when we are on the island?” I don’t bother to answer her. I simply walk away. Talk about delusional.

  The entire team is waiting for me in the team room. Luca gives me a look of concern. He worries way too much. “Alright, we are going to move out. Gus, take Kenny and find out what you can from the corners. Mateo, come with me to check out some ideas I have. Luca, Laila—stay here, and search through Kian’s records. The rest of you, stay on regular duty with Titus.”

  Luca steps in front of me with a huff. “What are you doing?” I shake my head, ignoring his glare. “Ben, you’re grounding me for some reason, but I’m not sure why?”

  “I’m not in the mood to argue with you today, Luca. Stay here, please.”


  “I’m not staying here either. Luca and I can go out fact finding too,” Laila jumps in to make me even crazier.

  “You both are to stay here. Don’t question me again.”

  “Yes Sir,” Luca emphasizes with anger. I motion for Mateo to come with me, making sure to tell security to keep Luca and Laila from leaving. Both of them are eager to defy my order. Together, they will only encourage each other to do so quicker. I’m not taking any chances that Nathan might be right. If Kian really does want to bait me, they would be the best way to do it. Mateo and I drive out to meet an old friend. He’s an ex-cop and a long time informant for Titus—well, really for me.

  I leave Mateo to stand guard while I go talk to my old friend. Jalen sits kicked back on his front porch without a care in the world. It must be nice to feel that way. He gets paid well to be an out of work cop. “You look relaxed.”

  “I am, but I guess you’re not, considering what’s been going on. Kian got you spinning these day, huh?” Jalen hands me a folder before I can even ask.

  “Did you actually find him?” I ask, sitting down next to him.

  “How long have we known each other?”

  “Since I caught you stealing my animal crackers in grade school.”

  “They were mine to begin with. You stole them and wrote your name on them so the teacher would yell at me for trying to take them back. You’re always a step ahead.” I shrug. “I always liked that about you. Smart enough to stay clear of trouble. Speaking of trouble, Kian information is business I understand. This other old case file you asked me for is not.”

  “Are you asking me a question?”

  “Who is she, Ben? Drudging up closed cases will only get you the wrong attention. No one does something as stupid as you’re doing for anything other than a woman.”

  I sit back, shaking my head and knowing he’s right, but I can’t stay away no matter how right he might be. “She’s someone different than anyone I’ve ever known before. I can’t explain it, Jalen, but she’s special. She’s someone I want to prove is better than I deserve.”

  “Titus giving you a hard time about her?” I don’t bother to answer. “Alright, give me a week. This particular case involves a lot of key people. It’s not going to be easy to sneak the file out. I’m afraid to ask how she’s involved in this one.”

  “Probably best you don’t. Thanks for the Kian information. Your money is already in your account.” Jalen is more than helpful. The cops have been trailing a drug dealer by the name of Horan, Kian’s ghost. He was small time until the last few months, and he has started hiring his own people. There are pictures of him meeting with Kian on multiple occasions. Lucky for us, the cops are now following Kian. What an idiot. I make note of all the places Kian is seen and send people to each one to scope them out. I drop Mateo off at Titus’s estate while releasing my brother and the ever angry Laila from the prison, they both inform me, I left them in. I have Luca followed and watched by Josiah, while I give Laila a ride back to my place. My brother has become good at spotting people following him and sends me some messages that are not appreciative. At least he’s paying attention. From the dirty looks I get during dinner, I guess someone else is paying attention too.

  “How was your day?”

  “Don’t bullshit me. Why are you babying me? I can take care of myself. You know that, Ben.”

  “Have I told you how cute you are when you’re angry?”

  “You really are not as charming as you think you are.” I seriously consider her opinion, but then I realize she’s not serious and smile. “Ergh! You are infuriating!”

  Our night comes to an abrupt end. She doesn’t want to talk to me, and she accused me of making her talk even when she doesn’t want to. It doesn’t bother me. It only means she’s warming up to me. I don’t see her again until I hear her crying in her sleep. I hesitate helping her, but her cries for help are heartbreaking. I spend the rest of my night holding her in my arms and wondering how much she knows about her parents’ deaths. If she knows anything, it’s too much and could be trouble. My loyalty will be tested because of her.

  I fall asleep next to her. I wake briefly to find her sound asleep on my chest, and I don’t wake up again until her bright eyes are open and watching me sleep. “Laila, I didn’t mean to stay, but you wouldn’t let go, and I didn’t want to wake you.”

  “It’s okay, but I’m still mad at you for the other stuff.”

  “That’s fair. I think. What other stuff?” She leans in and kisses me, catching me off guard. Laila rubs her hand over my chest, drawing me into her as she moves on top of me. Her body is tight and warm. I hold her head with mine as I move my hand down her back and grasp her ass. Laila moves against my morning cock and gasps. “Mmm, you’re frisky this morning. Have a good dream, did you?”

  “Do you want to find out?” she teases, taking hold of her shirt, ready to pull it off.

  I stop her. “Tempting, but we have work to do today. We can spend all day in bed another time, Tiger.” I roll her on her back and hover over her with a groan and one last kiss that I make sure is deep and wet. I can’t help stroking her body one long minute as I look her over. “Yeah, you’re tempting, very tempting.” I consider my options. “No. No, it’s too soon.”

  “What?” Laila sits up shocked when I walk away from her. “Ben?!” I feel good about my decision when I hear her cursing my name.

  “Get dressed, Laila. We have somewhere to be.”

  “I don’t have anywhere to be. I don’t work today, remember?”

  “Well, I have to, and you’re going with me.”

  “But Nathan called me last night and wants me to pick up something for him. I was going to wait, but now I guess I have time.”

  “You’re coming with me this morning. Now, get dressed. If you hurry, I’ll buy you breakfast.” She does as asked, but she is not happy at all. Her arms seem permanently crossed as she slides into my car, huffing. I just want to get her to a safe place where people can watch her while I find Kian.

  Our drive to Titus’s is interrupted by an accident, an accident where people aren’t arguing or upset. They are simply waiting. I take a brief second to look over everyone involved, scanning my memory for any recognition. Details. I always remember details, and among the parties involved, there are many familiar faces. None of which I’m happy to see. I downshift and check the rearview mirror.

  “Laila, do me a favor and do exactly as I say. I realize that’s not your strong suit, but I need you to trust me.” She looks ahead and nods. “I’m going to pull over and park in that lot, then we have seven seconds to get to that back fence, jump over, run back to my building, and get inside. Do you understand?”


  “Okay, then.” I text a number and hit send before slowly pulling to the side and forcing my way into the parking lot. I slam the car into neutral and pull the emergency brake before jumping out of the car and gently pushing Laila in front of me. She is up the fence and on her way over when I feel someone coming up on my back. I turn to find two men rushing fast and angry. I take a deep breath and steady myself for a fight. One pulls a gun while the other comes full force. They don’t know me very well. I grab the one coming at me and force him backwards into the shot intended for me. The shocked second man doesn’t see me coming over the dead man until it’s too late. Fuck! Laila! If only two came for me, they had to be distracting me to get to her. I take flight over the fence and find her in the middle of an all-out war. Kian is salivating in the distance.

  “He’s over! Grab her and go!” Kian yells at his men. I have two choices—go after him or to go help her. Titus would have me do the former, but fuck him. I race into the middle of it all and help fight her out of trouble.

  She’s not afraid to fight, and I wouldn’t dare make her angry enough to kill me, but I am going to make her angry enough to curse me. There is too many for us to try to handle on our own. My quick distress call is getting answered, but I need to buy them a small amount of time to get into position and take care of Kian at the same time. I grab hold of Laila and bring her to the ground with me, surrendering. “We give.” Kian is so ecstatic that he doesn’t even notice he’s being surrounded. I keep an eye on Nathan and the crew as Kian moves towards us and takes aim with his foot to my jaw. I give him a half inch before I grab his foot and break his ankle. I don’t have to tell Laila even once to jump up and take care of any business around her. I handle Kian personally while Nathan and the boys clear the path and cause Kian’s backup to retreat like cowards. I’ve got Kian near death, holding him by his neck, when Nathan walks up with a wide smile that makes me want to kick his ass too. “You showed up quick.”

  “I got your distress call and just happened to be around the corner. How lucky is that?” Nathan boasts.

  “Yeah, real lucky,” I breathe, feeling Laila walk up to my side.

  “Glad to see you both made it alright. I’ll take it from here. Feel free to take the rest of the day off and prepare for the getaway. Hey Laila, rough morning?”

  “Fuck you.”

  “Aw, glad to see you too. Your plan worked perfectly, Ben. Great job. See you tomorrow.”

  Laila shakes her head. “Trust you? How could I ever trust you?” She storms away while Nathan laughs, leaving me staring a hole through his head.

  “Don’t blame me, youngster. Titus’s idea.”

  I push Kian off on Nathan and the others. Nathan loves to torture. What he is willing to do is way worse than what I would do, and Kian deserves it. I have to run to catch up to her. “Laila, don’t make me chase you. Let’s go back to my place and get cleaned up.” She doesn’t stop until I grab her arm, which she instantly takes offense to. “Sorry, but please stop. I don’t feel like chasing you to who knows where.”

  “Tough. I don’t feel like being around you.”

  “This wasn’t my idea, Laila. I swear.”

  “You’re really smart, Ben, so smart that Titus put you in charge of handling this. We all know that. You made me the target so you could lure in the traitor. That’s really smart. It’s what I would have done. I just wouldn’t have pretended to care.”

  “Laila!” I yell.

  “If you would, have my bags sent to my hotel.”

  “We have to be at the airport tomorrow.”

  “Fine, then I guess I will see you tomorrow. Until then, I am going to enjoy my day off. Great job, Ben. Your plan worked flawlessly, except I lived, and I’m not fooled by you anymore. Now I know why you were so anxious to get me out into the open.” She walks off with a warning look to stay away.



  I leave him standing behind me, looking as if he actually cares what I think of him. He’s just shocked that I survived. I sit my ass down outside my hotel and wait until a car pulls up.

  I look up as the window rolls down. “You have the same expression on your face now as you did the last time you ran away from your foster home. Have you had enough?”

  I get up and get into the car. “I’m so stupid, Henry.”

  “Ah, sounds like it’s a taco kind of night. That’s good. I was kind of in the mood anyway.” I sit quietly, not knowing what to say. “I would ask how’s it going, but from the look on your fac
e and the bruise on your cheek, I think I can guess.”

  “He set me up. He set me up to be the target, and I fell for it.”

  “Who’s he?”

  “I thought—I thought he was someone I …” I look over at Henry who sighs deeply. “He seemed different.”

  “I am not going to remind you what your goal is here. I am also not going to remind you that getting involved with anyone at this time would be a very bad idea. Whoever he is, I would suggest getting over your issues with him and quick. Otherwise, this mission you’re on will end badly for all involved.” Henry pulls into the parking lot of our favorite Mexican place, a place he would take me to whenever I was too upset to talk. Henry knows enough about me to grab my hand and hold it while I stare silently out the window. I have to regain control over the insanity running through my head.

  `Ben had my bags sent to my hotel before I made it back from dinner with Henry. I packed one to take with me to the airport, and I was the last one to show up. “Good morning, Laila,” Nathan says, happier than usual. I assume it’s only because I appear so miserable. I meet Ben’s eyes and quickly divert in another direction. I get on the plane last so I can choose a seat by myself, not that it does any good. Ben changes seats mid-air and sits beside me. He’s silent while I stare out the window, ignoring him.

  “Laila, I’m sorry about yesterday. I did my best to stay with you and protect you.”

  “I don’t need your protection, Ben. I don’t need your jokes, your charm, your smile, or anything else you want to use on me. I don’t need you, period.” He stays for a few seconds, looking at me as if he wants to say something to make it better somehow. It’s no use. I hold my anger on him until he finally gets up and moves back to his original seat. I watch him closely until he sits down, making sure he understands. I fall back in my seat to look across the aisle at Luca who, for once, doesn’t smile back. “What’s your problem?”


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