Undercover: Secrets & Lies

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Undercover: Secrets & Lies Page 18

by Jennifer Loren

  The moment I feel like I am getting somewhere with her, breaking through the many walls she’s put up, I look into her eyes and watch her step away again. My fault this time, and I am not sure how to fix it. Even though she’s right next to me, she might as well be a million miles away. I have no idea who she is, and she is clearly too scared for me to find out. Why? I have no idea. I am not sure we can get anywhere until I know, and it’s obvious she’s not going to tell me on her own.

  After another night providing a safe place for Laila’s nightmares, I wake her gently to get her off to work on time. She never mentions her screams in the night, and I don’t either because I don’t want her to go. Once we finish pretending everything is normal, I drop her off at Titus’s for his weekly run around town to meet with investors. I have plans with an old friend who has information for me. Jalen always wants to meet at the same place in the mornings—Aunt Ida’s. She has the best breakfast anywhere according to him. I’m pretty sure my arteries would look like the 405 on a Monday morning after eating there, so I eat before I go. He has a table full of food already when I walk in. “You are going to die if you keep eating this way.”

  “Hey, I would rather go down with a smile and waffles, than a Ben Ryder set of abs and a bowl of shitty ass healthy goop.” I shake my head, asking the waitress for water and some fresh fruit. “You really should try the biscuits at least. They have homemade preserves. That’s fruit.”

  “Jalen, do you have the information I asked for, or are you going to continue to try and kill me via grease?” He sighs, cleaning his hands and reaching down into his case for a file. He hesitates before handing it to me with a curious expression. “This one is going to cost you extra.”

  “Extra? It took you forever to get it.”

  “You wouldn’t say that if you knew what I had to do to get it. It’s an interesting case. I have no idea why there was never an arrest though. Cop killers usually don’t get far.”

  He points to the file, motioning for me to open it. The reports are minimal, a little too minimal considering the case. The images are heartbreaking. Laila’s parents were found at the bottom of the waterway. Their car was found in the same place, dented on all sides, none of which would be caused by the descent into the water. Her mother has major damage to her head on the side, the wrong side for a passenger. I look up at Jalen. “The mother’s head was crushed?”

  “Yeah, like someone kicked her in the head while she was on the ground, with some pretty hefty boots I would say. If I was investigating, without knowing anything else, that would have been enough for me to suspect foul-play.’”

  “It says the father drowned.”

  “Yeah, with hand print bruises on the back of his neck. Someone held him underwater after he pulled his wife out of the water. Not sure if it was before or after he watched her get kicked to death.”

  “No one else was found at the scene? Their little girl or—anything?”

  “No one else was found, but there was a burn mark on both the man and the woman.” I look away from him to review the images and see the Labyrinth mark clearly burned into their skin. No one should have missed that symbol, and I suspect they didn’t. A clear sign to stay away from this killing. It’s been used many times over the years. The elaborate structure was the perfect symbol of protection and a never-ending road to nowhere if anyone tried to look. “You’re going to get into trouble looking into this if you’re not careful, Ben. You know who did it, don’t you?”

  “I do, but I was more concerned as to whether she knows.” He shrugs and continues eating as I review every detail until I come to images of the interior of their car. When they dragged the car out of the water, they found a stuffed dog stuck under the passenger seat. I close my eyes and sigh back into my seat with the conformation I was fearing. “She was there.”

  “How do you know?”

  I show him the image. “She told me she carried this dog wherever she went. She wouldn’t have left it unless she had to. She saw the whole thing. I don’t know from where or how she got out, but she witnessed her parents’ murder, and Titus killed them.”

  Jalen stops eating and sits back with a deep sigh himself. “I doubt Titus was there.”

  “No, but I am damn sure Nathan was.”

  “Ben, why would anyone work for a man that killed their own parents? She has to be after him. She wants revenge.”

  “She’s going to get herself killed.” That’s why she’s so scared.

  “And she’s going to get you killed right along with her.”

  “You know Titus would never dare.”

  “Are you sure? You haven’t really given him a reason to, up until the woman you’re fucking tries to kill him.”

  “He doesn’t know anything yet. No one knows she was there. And we don’t know what she’s planning. Maybe she doesn’t know. She could have escaped before it happened and not seen anything.”

  “You are not that lucky. Are you sure she’s not playing you?” Jalen asks, taking back the folder. I nod. “That’s not exactly reassuring. Either way, I’m destroying this file and everything in it. No sense taking any unnecessary risks now. How serious is it? Can you get out?”

  I look up at him. “It’s too late.”

  “You have really stepped in it this time. You should warn Luca.”

  “Luca’s got his own problems. He wants to quit and start a life with a woman he met in college. He’s been keeping her a secret, but now wants to marry her and settle down and do all those dreamy Luca things he believes in.”

  “He still doesn’t know? You’re telling me he has no idea what working for Titus means?”

  “He thinks I can help get him out without issue. I’ve tried, but Titus isn’t hearing it. Anyone close to him is clearly out to get him if they separate from him. Or, they’re a target. He’s right about that one. Luca would become a target.”

  “For the police for sure.”

  “For everyone, anyone that wants to get at Titus. Honestly Jalen, right now, I don’t know who to worry about more—my brother or the woman I’m falling in love with?”

  “Worry about yourself, and maybe one of you will be spared.”



  Laila made me promise to let her go home after work today, not that a hotel is much of a home. Nonetheless, I follow her walk from Titus’s to the hotel, only she takes that side road she always takes to play with the dog. One of the few times she looks free of worry is when she is playing with that dog. The moment, watching her play, gives me an idea. I only have a week to organize, but I can do it. I need to talk to someone first. I allow Laila a few hours alone before I jump her balcony and make sure I’m there when her nightmare returns. She isn’t surprised to see me, and maybe it’s a bad thing that she expects me to be there now. How could I ever let her down? Despite everyone’s warnings, I’m not going to stop watching over her or protecting her. She’s scared, and seemingly getting more so by the day. I have to find a way to change that and there is only one person that can help me do it.

  I trade work schedules with Gus so I can spend the day making sure I accomplish one thing. I show up first thing in the morning, walking in the building like a criminal. Everyone stops to stare. Clearly, my reputation precedes me, although I have a feeling it has more to do with Titus. It’s uncomfortable trying to find an office with no help. I don’t want to ask security. It was bad enough going through the metal detector five times to satisfy their projected judgment. By the time I walk into his office, guards are standing by to greet me.

  “Are you lost, sir?” one of the guards asks.

  “No, I’m here to see Henry Musk. This is his office, correct?”

  “Why do you want to see him?”

  “It’s personal.”

  Both guards laugh. “What kind of personal?”

  “I want to talk about his daughter.”

  “What about her?”

  “I said, it’s personal.”

“That again? I really think it would be best if you left.”

  “Not until I talk to him.” They don’t budge. “I’m not moving until I talk to him.”

  “Oh, yes you are. You are going to turn around and leave.”

  “Not until I talk to Henry Musk.” They start to push me out the door. “This is an office of the people, right? I have every right to be here as anyone else.”

  “Think again, Mercier scumbag.” They force me to the ground, handcuffing me and leading me out the door until Henry steps out of his office.

  “Let him go.”


  “I said let him go. He did nothing wrong. Now let him go. And you, get in here and quickly tell me what you need,” he says, fuming at the sight of me.

  Once released, I make my way beyond the curious secretary and into Henry’s office where I shut the door, to the guards’ clear displeasure. I take a quick look over the man sitting in his big, leather chair at an oversized desk and begin to wonder if I am crazy for being here. Sitting down, I gather my thoughts and regain my courage. “Sir, I guess you know that I am seeing Laila.”

  “I’ve heard a little something about that. What does that have to do with me?”

  “Well, I would like to let you know that I have only good intentions dating Laila. I care about her very much.” His expression stays focused and unmoved. “I’m sure you don’t believe me, or care what I would like, but I very much would like to continue getting to know her more.”

  “More? You? You’re a criminal. If you think coming here and bullshitting me is going to gain anything, you’re out of your damn mind. Laila ran away from every foster home they put her in only to show up on my doorstep. Every time she would return, she would beg me to let her stay. Me, a man whose wife left him because his job was his life. I had no business raising a young girl, but she’s the daughter of my best friend, so I couldn’t turn her away. I let her stay, thinking I was doing her a favor, and as it turned out, she did me one. I love that girl. Laila is the only daughter I have ever known. She’s stubborn as hell, and she drives me crazy, but I would die for her, and I would kill anyone who hurt her. Do you understand?”

  “Yes sir. I assure you I feel the same.”

  “You love her?”

  “I would die for her,” I say, causing him to sit back in shock. “I’m sure you realize she’s not like most women, or any woman I’ve ever met for that matter. She’s strong, intelligent, beautiful, and if you listen to her, you realize she’s still the scared little girl that lost her parents.” His eyes freeze hard on me. “I’m there for her when she screams at night for her father. I’d like to find a way to ease the pain she feels, and I think you can help me.”


  “By having dinner with us, helping me celebrate her birthday.”

  “Laila hates her birthday. She never celebrates. You would be wise to let it go.”

  “I would like to remind her of everything she has this birthday, so maybe she doesn’t continue to focus on everything she’s lost. I’m here to ask for your help. If you love her as much as you say you do, then you should realize she will never move past her pain without help.”

  “She’s not for you. What will you do when she moves on, Ryder?”

  “If that happens, I will still want the best for her. Until then, I intend on doing all I can to protect her, to make her happy. I hoped you would be willing to help me?” I stand up and hand him an envelope. “I won’t force you or guilt you. I only wanted to ask for your help—for her, not me.”

  “What’s this?” He holds up the envelope.

  “It’s an invitation. Consider it and let me know. Oh, and if you could keep it a secret for a few days at least, I would like to surprise her.” I give him a respectful nod since a handshake is clearly out of the question. I walk out the door and pass the guards, feeling good about my plans.

  The moment I spot her at work, she looks away like a school girl. It drives me crazy, and I love it. I take every opportunity to work near her, just to force her to try harder to pretend. I know it’s her birthday today, and she is trying to act as if nothing is different. When I call her into the security office alone, she immediately takes a defensive stance.

  “Ben. I have a lot to do today, and I can’t …”

  Wrapping my arm around her waist, I pull her into my arms and breathe her in, kissing her neck and up to her lips. “You can’t what?”

  “I can’t—oh, um.” She mumbles as I let my hands wander to her key places. “Um, I can’t—Ben, stop. Not here.”

  “Fine, what time do you want to get together tonight?”

  “Unfortunately, I have something I need to do tonight, so I can’t have dinner with you. I actually have dinner plans with Henry. I don’t want to disappoint him. We don’t see each other much.”

  I study her expression as she tries to hide it from me. The woman can play poker like a champ with people she doesn’t care about, but when she’s forced to lie to someone she does care about, she can’t even look them in the eyes. She plays with her fingers, counting the four with her thumb, her biggest tell when she’s lying to me. I would say something, but I’m good with it this time. She doesn’t want to celebrate her birthday, and I’m not going to force her to celebrate with me. “Okay, no problem. We can get together another night.” She looks surprised. I give her a quick kiss. “Have fun and be safe. Maybe we can do something our next day off. A day trip to the beach or something?”

  “Um, yeah. Sure.”

  “Okay,” I reply, continuing to hold her close. “You sure you’ll be out all night? Maybe you could come over after?”

  “No, a long night with him, and I’m tired already from a late night last night. I need to go straight home and go to bed.”

  “You sure? You’re not going to show up at my door at the last minute, are you?”

  “Yes, I’m sure. Sorry—you will have to spend the whole night alone.”

  “Okay then. See you later.” I leave her with a quick kiss. I made sure to get off early, getting Luca to fill in for me. Luca being Luca was sure to tell Laila I took off early to prepare for a surprise date. He assumed it was with her, until she said it wasn’t. He tried to convince her he must have heard me wrong, doing me a favor. He made sure to speak to her several times throughout the day, assuring her that he checked and I was most definitely not planning anything for the night. He also made sure she was still going to go on about her night as planned and get some much needed sleep.

  Luca called me right after she left to go home. “Okay, are you happy now? She’s pissed off, and I am afraid for my life,” Luca complains.

  “Don’t worry. She’ll get over it. Besides, it’s her own doing. She lied first. And don’t forget to pick up my date tonight. I’m counting on you to handle this one thing.”

  “I’ve got it handled, but I still don’t understand what you’re doing with Laila. She’s going to hurt you—bad.”

  “I’ve got this situation handled, no problem. She’s busy all night, she said so herself.”



  How dare he leave early for someone else. He’s cooking her dinner. That’s his move—to cook so you think he’s a sweet, innocent man you can trust. He’s not trustworthy and certainly not innocent. He’s not even that great of a cook, except when it comes to pasta and zucchini bread. Oh! And that chocolate quinoa he makes with banana. Damn it. I love his cooking, but it’s his move. Of course it’s great. I bet he cleaned, put out fresh flowers, and made his bed look inviting with the open view over the city. I really can’t believe he would do this. He pretends I mean something, but he probably is tired of me just like Jolie said he would be. He gets what he wants and then moves on once he gets it. Oh, I am so done with him. I hope he has a miserable time. I hope she’s boring and frigid. Maybe his place will get flooded and ruin all of his food. I continue to imagine horrible things happening to him and his date. The closer it gets to that eveni
ng, the angrier I become. I should go over there. For what reason? I could bring him a doggie bag from my dinner—which ended—I look at my watch—at six o’clock. Doubtful. Maybe I could take him that magazine article I told him about in bed the other night. That’s good. Take him an article about sex and fitness routines for him and his date. Yeah, Laila, that’s real smart.

  Well, I can’t wait too long if I want to actually throw a wrench in his plans. I need to go now, and I need to show up looking like a million bucks in the dress he loves most—the one he bought me to wear the other day. I will casually stop by to give him something and walk away, leaving him wondering who I’m going out with. And I will give him—well, it doesn’t matter. I’ll pick up something on the way.

  He surprisingly allowed me up to his place. Maybe he thought I was her. The doorman just said female guest. I’m steaming. I may not be able to speak without punching him first. I walk up to the door and wait for him to open it, and when he does, I look him over in shock. He’s clearly dressed for a fancy night out. Before I can punch him, he smiles.

  “There you are. You’re late. Where’ve you been?”

  “What? How can I be late? You didn’t even know I was coming!”

  “I knew you were coming. Oh, good! You wore the dress. I was hoping you would. You look amazing in it. Come in and let me get a better look.”


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