Celestial Love

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Celestial Love Page 3

by Juli Blood

  “Is Edward available? I wish to go to my quarters and prepare for the day.”

  “As you wish, Your Highness. Just one moment.” With that Nathan exited in search of Edward, and Bryan walked to the window to watch this new world greet the dawning of a new day.

  Within moments Edward and Nathan returned and they were soon on their way. Edward, having noticed that the prince liked being outside, took the slightly longer route to the palace through the gardens instead of the shorter route back through the shuttle bay.

  Bryan was fascinated by the sights and sounds of the gardens. He didn’t recognize any of the birds or small animals, although one furry little one, reminded him of a squirrel hologram that he had seen in school. Much too soon for him, they reached the palace.

  Again his thoughts focused on the reason that he was here. A multitude of questions about what the day would bring flew across his mind, like the birds he had just enjoyed outside. If he had known that he wouldn’t see the princess until the wedding, he would have relaxed some but instead he was rather nervous. Though his expression was relaxed, Nathan spotted the instant Prince Bryan slipped into his political facade. After all, Nathan had helped him develop it.

  Edward led the way up two grand flights of stairs from the main entrance and then down a long lightly decorated corridor to the right. As they neared the end of the corridor Edward stopped before a door on the right and turned to address the prince.

  “Your Highness, these are your chambers. There are two entrances, one through Leo’s room and one from your private sitting room here at the end of the corridor, which you will share with Princess Kalea after the wedding. Currently, that door is locked, so we must enter here,” he said gesturing to the door behind him. “If you would please follow me?”

  Edward opened the door and stepped aside as Bryan and his guard entered. Leo appeared from one of the adjacent doors and bowed.

  “I have given your schedule for the weekend to Leo. If you have any questions, please use this to contact me.” Edward explained as he held out an AVID wrist communicator specifically designed for the prince.

  Bryan turned and then motioned Leo to accept it as he continued to take in the room. It was much smaller than he would have anticipated. With simple furnishings in warm but masculine tones it was comfortable but didn’t seem quite right. There were no windows. Just a cushioned bench along the far wall, a desk to the right and a small table and chairs to the left. The dark colored rug under the table and the animal pictures on the walls were nice but simple. Just as he was about to ask which of the two doors in the room lead to the bedroom, Leo spoke.

  “Your rooms are through the door to your left, Your Highness.”

  Bryan started in that direction when he remembered about his schedule. Turning he addressed Leo. “What is on my schedule for today?” his voice was calm and smooth, too smooth.

  “A tour of the palace and grounds whenever you wish, Your Highness, and meals are available either in your chambers or in the garden. It is, of course, your preference.” Leo answered, thankful to whoever made the schedule that the wedding wasn’t until the next evening.

  “If you have anything else that you wish to do, please let me know and I will see if we can accommodate you.” Edward added quickly when the prince didn’t respond immediately.

  Looking at them Bryan noticed the AVID communicator that Leo was holding. Walking toward them he said, “No. The schedule seems fine for today. Leo and I will discuss the rest later and let you know. How does this work?” he asked.

  Edward raised his arm and displayed his own AVID as he explained. “Each AVID, which is an acronym for Audio Visual Information Device, is coded to each users DNA. Therefore it will not work unless it is on. Simply attach it like so.” Edward removed his and then replaced it. When the band around his wrist was secure a small blue light glowed from the center of the device.

  “You can reach either myself or Princess Kalea at this time. We are the only ones that speak your language and so we had your communicator programmed appropriately. Should you wish your staff to use our system we can have them available by tomorrow afternoon.

  “Admittedly these are severely limited in their function at the moment. However, since it was our understanding that you do not read our language we strove for simplicity.

  “To reach me simply…well here if you would be so kind as to put it on you will see it more clearly.” Adjusting the band on Bryan’s arm Edward watched as the small blue light showed it was active. “To activate the AVID simply use this gesture.” Edward said as he flicked his wrist to activate his as an example.

  “There, see the green light? Just press that and you will reach me anytime day or night.” Edward smiled as the prince’s eyes focused on the pink light. “Yes, as you must have guessed the pink light is for Princess Kalea. However she has asked that you not communicate with her until after the wedding tomorrow night. Please understand, she is very busy with wedding preparations and guests at the moment.” Lowering his voice a little he added. “And I do believe she is also a bit nervous.” Edward smiled and then continued in his normal tone.

  “Anyway, due to her request, should you accidentally press her button, it will also reach me, until tomorrow after the wedding.” Edward shrugged, conveying that he had no control of this and hoped that it wouldn’t be a problem.

  “Thank you Edward and yes I do believe these devices would be helpful for my staff as well. I am not sure how you will get enough lights on them but I am sure you have a solution.” Bryan’s voice showed that he was not offended by the simplicity of his AVID but that he expected an upgrade very soon.

  “Very good, Sir. We will get on it first thing this evening. The others, as well as your current one, can also be voice activated, but the system is not fully programmed for your language. My apologies. However, I was assured that it would be ready by tomorrow evening.”

  “Good, now, I don’t believe we will need your services for about an hour or so. Should something come up we will call you. Good day.” Bryan gave a slight nod and then turned back toward the door that Leo had indicated earlier.

  Edward bowed and then left as he flicked his wrist and activated his AVID communicator. Leo noticed the holographic image that appeared above Edwards hand as he began tapping rapidly on the bottom of the image as he exited. Realizing the communicators did far more than they had been told but deciding to worry about it later, Leo closed the door and smiled. Crown Prince Bryan was in fine form today. Turning, Leo followed after Prince Bryan hoping the prince liked his rooms better than he had his own.

  Bryan was pleased to find that his rooms were much more to his liking. His main bed chamber was at the end of a short hall-type closet that connected his room to Leo’s. With room for clothing on either side it was rather large for a closet but short for a hallway.

  The bed was large and looked comfortable. There was a cushioned bench at the foot of the bed which he suspected was also a storage unit. The bed rested against a wall with a door on the far side. Glancing around, he saw another door. Located beside the closet, it was clearly the bathroom with a deep tub and other normal bath fixtures. Two draped walls began where the wall to the bathroom ended and extended to the corner and then back toward the wall the bed and door were on.

  Walking around the bed he found the door locked. Thinking this door led to Princess Kalea’s room or sitting room, Bryan left it alone. Turning back toward the bed he noticed yet another door, this one at an angle between the closet and the wall that the bed was on. After testing it he discovered that it too was locked. Thinking that it must lead to the sitting room and the other directly to her bed chamber, Bryan took a deep breath and turned back toward Leo’s room.

  Leo was standing in the doorway, and seeing the look on Bryan’s face he simply waited. Bryan didn’t say or do anything right away he just stared at some imaginary point on the wall beside Leo.

  Shaking himself mentally back to the moment, Bryan looked arou
nd and noticed the draped walls again. Pointing he asked, “Why did they decorate the walls like that, I wonder?”

  “They are windows, Your Highness,” Leo explained as he walked toward the small table beside the bed. He bent slightly and pushed a button. The textured green floor to ceiling curtains began to open and the sight drew their attention like a magnet.

  Bryan stepped closer to the window at the foot of the bed as the curtains parted revealing a panoramic view that seemed to go forever to the horizon. There were no cross frames or bars to obstruct the view; it was just one giant sheet of clear glass. Reaching out his hand Bryan jumped back when he felt the bite of the energy field.

  “Sorry, Your Highness. I forgot to explain. The window is reinforced with an energy field so that it cannot be broken. It is a safety feature, please forgive me.” Leo apologized.

  “No need Leo, I should have known. My, what an amazing view!” Bryan replied still taking in the lush garden with flowers, trees and fountains. Looking farther out, the gentle rolling slope disappeared into dense forest for as far as the eye could see. Light danced on the blue surface of a distant pond. Slowly walking over to the other window he saw a deep ravine, and then a distant valley. Looking down, Bryan saw that the Palace was located only a few meters from the edge of a steep cliff. His room, on the third level, added to the distance but also increased the view. Suddenly a shuttle appeared below and like a flash it turned to the left and darted up and over the valley walls in the distance and was gone.

  “There must be an entrance to the shuttle bay in the cliff below.” Bryan murmured as he watched the shuttle disappear.

  “Yes Sir.” Leo answered softly. “But I was informed that access is restricted and defenses are in place to protect the palace.”

  “Of course.” Turning, he faced Leo and asked, “So, what exactly is on my schedule other than a tour of the palace and grounds?” He walked to the bench at the end of his bed and sat down.

  “Well Sir,” Leo replied. “As I mentioned, today’s schedule is very light. Tomorrow morning you meet Princess Kalea’s parents and brothers at breakfast. Edward will be there to translate. All other family members, the Royal Council members and other guests will be at a pre-wedding gathering on the grounds. Lunch will be served and the reception will continue until an hour before the wedding. Then the wedding is to be held in the Sanctuary at sundown. Apparently it is tradition for the bride and groom to leave right after the wedding while the guests go to a formal reception.”

  “So I have no contact with the princess before the wedding?” Bryan asked.

  “It would appear so, Sir.” Leo replied.

  “Very well.” Bryan stood and stared out the window for a moment. “I believe I will freshen up Leo. Have you had a chance to get us settled in?”

  “Yes Sir. Would you like to indulge in a bath sir?” Leo asked.

  “Yes I believe I will. Why not? It might help loosen up my aching muscles from the trip.” Bryan answered as he walked toward the bathroom and began shrugging out of his casual jacket.

  “I’ll get your things sir.” Leo said as he headed back into the closet.

  Within minutes Bryan was chin deep in soothing, almost unbearably, hot water. He loved the fact that he could completely stretch out his legs. It was a luxury just to be submerged in water, let alone do it in complete comfort.

  Water on his world was expensive. Purification processes along with a limited supply meant that most people could only afford enough water for basic survival. Sonic showers were used for personal cleanliness and other cleaners and fluids for buildings and clothing.

  Being a royal, Bryan could have enjoyed a bath more than once a year but he didn’t. Sonic showers were faster and he couldn’t justify the waste. He knew that some people had barely enough to drink.

  Yet here, on a world that had plenty of water, clean air and wildlife, it was too strong a temptation. He would also be willing to bet that most of his staff had also taken a bath, when they realized they could. This thought made him smile as his eyes closed in comfort.

  Later, after he finished bathing, shaving, dressing and eating, Bryan was ready. He called Edward, who met them at the head of the stairs. With a flick of his wrist and a few hand gestures, Edward displayed a 3-D holographic map of the palace. Using his left hand as a pointer and using different colors, he was able to show the areas of the palace that were public verses private, the private areas of each of the royal family members and so on. When he had completed his overview including the location of the princes’ staff members now and where they would be moved after the wedding, they began the physical tour.

  Bryan was surprised at how few people they came in contact with, both in the palace and while out on the grounds. Edward must have sensed it because he said, “This afternoon everyone is resting or pursuing other Holy Day activities. It was even rumored that Princess Kalea slipped away in her personal shuttle earlier for some peace and quiet. We were led to believe that you held similar beliefs?”

  Frowning slightly Bryan decided to address that question later. “Would she have used the shuttle bay below our suite?” Bryan asked.

  “Why yes.” Edward answered in surprise. “You must have seen her leave then. No other Royals have used that exit today.”

  “Then the rumor is true.” Bryan answered. “While she is away, do you think we could see the shuttle bay?” he asked.

  “I don’t see why not. Follow me.” Edward led them to what appeared to be a recessed area along one wall. After signaling them all to stand on what appeared to be a large metal disc in the recessed area in the wall, Edward touched a panel and an energy field surrounded them as they gently descended from the second level to the shuttle bay located about halfway down the cliff face and over 100 meters above the valley floor.

  “These security guards will accompany us on our tour.” Edward explained as two guards took up flanking positions when the group exited the lift.

  “This shuttle bay is rather small; it only houses six personal shuttles and one of the escape shuttles. You, of course, understand all of that as you are a royal as well.”

  Gesturing as he spoke, Edward continued, “The empty bay to your right is Princess Kalea’s. Her shuttle is one of the more um…fast? I forget the term but it means stylish and fast.”

  “Racy?” Leo offered.

  “Yes that’s it. As I was saying she enjoys a faster ship and she uses it frequently. The next shuttle here on our left is Prince Randolph’s; it is very similar to Princess Kalea’s, but a slightly older model.”

  As they continued forward Edward pointed out the other three family shuttles most of which were standard on the exterior with a few added comforts inside. They were nearing the launch bay when one of the guards interrupted Edward.

  “I’m sorry,” Edward explained. “I’m afraid that we must leave now.” Turning he led the group back to the lift.

  “Why?” Bryan asked.

  “It seems the princess will be returning shortly and she called ahead to make sure that no one would be here. She wishes to remain alone. I hope you’re not offended Your Highness?” Edward asked hesitantly as they boarded the lift.

  “No, I understand.” Bryan answered as he realized that he wasn’t ready to meet her yet either.

  “Very good, Sir. Now would you like to view the grounds?” Edward asked more cheerfully than necessary.

  “Yes, that would be fine.” Bryan answered a bit distracted as the blue landing lights in the shuttle bay started to flash.

  The lift took them to the first level of the palace and without paying much attention, Bryan followed Edward down the hallway and out a door. It wasn’t until the sunlight almost blinded him and the fresh breeze started playing with his hair that he was brought back to the present.

  Before him stood a tree, taller than any he had ever imagined. Its branches reached up as high as the palace and its shade looked cool and inviting. As they walked forward Bryan noticed a bench on the far side of
the tree completely hidden by the tree’s thick trunk.

  A path of small muted white stones led off into the distance but Bryan didn’t wish to follow. Moving over to the bench he sat down and looked to Edward.

  “Edward, how large is this garden?” he asked.

  “Well, Your Highness, let me show you.” He said as he flicked his wrist. With a few quick finger taps and hand gestures a three dimensional hologram of the palace and grounds appeared.

  Leaning forward so that the prince could see it clearly Edward explained. “You see we are standing or um…located here.” Edward cleared his throat and continued, “The gardens follow this hill all the way to this lake. The far side of the lake is the boundary to the forest preserve that you see here.” He indicated a thick line of trees at the edge of the hologram. “The preserve goes all the way to the top of the ridge and then on the far side of that there is more undeveloped forest that is protected.”

  “If you wish to see the complete extent of the gardens there is a very good view from this third floor balcony on your wing of the palace,” Edward said pointing to the hologram. Bryan realized the scale of the hologram was significant as he looked over Edwards shoulder at the large balcony which looked like a tiny half-moon shape on the hologram.

  Bryan sat back on the bench and stretched out his legs. Folding his arms behind his head he said, “Edward, why don’t you show Leo the grounds. I will remain here.”

  “Yes Sir.” Edward turned off the hologram with a snap of his wrist and lead Leo down the path.

  The guard, Harold, moved back out of view so that he could only see Bryan’s legs and stood his post. It wasn’t long however until he was fighting his own desire to explore the grounds and smell the flowers. He had never experienced nature. It had always been something taught in school but never seen outside of a museum or one of the few remaining botanical gardens. Silently he begged Crown Prince Bryan to begin wandering along the paths.

  Unfortunately for him, Crown Prince Bryan was again lost in thought even as his senses reveled in the sights and sounds around him. Everywhere his blue eyes looked he wondered what Princess Kalea was like. ‘Is she graceful like the swaying trees? Is she sweet like the scented flowers? Does she enjoy all this beauty or does she take it for granted?’ Disgusted with himself he whispered under his breath, “For a man getting married tomorrow, I sure don’t know much about my bride.”


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