Celestial Love

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Celestial Love Page 7

by Juli Blood

  "Oh Princess, I'm so sorry to bother you but an urgent message has come in from SC-17. It seems there has been some serious damage done to one of the water filtration systems. And unfortunately, it looks like sabotage."

  Princess Kalea sat up in bed and rubbed her face as she listened to Linda explain. "The security force has taken control and they refuse to allow anyone in or out of SC-17 until the case is solved. Unfortunately, what they don't seem to understand, is that with the water filtration system down there won't be enough water for everyone within a matter of days!" Linda explained as she rushed around gathering Princess Kalea’s things and packing them quickly into a small suitcase.

  Kalea was up and closing the bathroom door as Linda finished. "Don't forget my copy of the Ancient Writings and I'll need all the water filtration systems information downloaded into the shuttlecraft. Also, call down and have them pack the deep sea gear. I may need to inspect the site from outside SC-17."

  Stepping into the shower and feeling the warm and gentle water flow through her dark hair Princess Kalea closed her eyes and focused her thoughts. It was then that she became fully aware of the new sensation that she realized must be the link. With only a moment’s hesitation she mentally crossed the threshold and for the first time heard Prince Bryan’s voice in her mind as well as all the feelings he put behind it. A smile touched her lips as she listened to him say "I love your eyes."

  "Thank you Holy One, thank You that we were able to link. Thank You that we will be able to help save his world." Trying to suppress a giggle, she continued. "Thank You that he is handsome, strong and seems a bit daring and kind. I don't think he'll be hard to love at all. I can almost sense his eager anticipation of exploring this new reality for both of us. I hope his eagerness extends to more than just the link but to our relationship as well. Thank you for preparing his heart and mine."

  Realizing that time was getting away from her, she quickly finished washing up and got out of the shower. As she was drying off she continued her prayer. "Oh Holy One, I must be honest, even though You know anyway. I feel terrible having to leave this morning. Prince Bryan has meeting with the military today and he can't possibly come with me and I can't delay.

  “You know what happened with the water filtration system. Please give me wisdom as I determine not only how to repair the damage, but to also find out who or what is responsible. And please help me to sooth tensions and deal with everyone in a fair and open manner and not let my personal frustrations interfere with my work. Thank You Holy One for hearing and answering my prayer. In the name of The Way, may Your will be done. Amen.”

  Throwing on her robe, she rushed back into her room to get dressed. Linda was still there trying to fit everything into one small suitcase. As she dressed, Kalea paused for just a second and focused her thoughts to whisper good morning to Bryan. When he didn't answer she figured was he still sleeping.

  "Linda, did they specify exactly what had gone wrong with the water filtration system?" Kalea asked.

  "No, they just said that it stopped functioning completely and that everything they tried wasn’t fixing it. It was even suggested that we bring an entire new system down as a replacement," Linda answered.

  "That's nearly impossible! Do they think we just have extras lying around?" Kalea questioned as she threw up her arms in exasperation. "Each of those systems are specially designed and built for each specific Sea City. They're not interchangeable because of the varying depths and sizes of each site. Who made such a crazy suggestion anyway?"

  Linda shrugged her shoulders as she answered, "I think it must have been one of the security force officers. With all their training and military skills they seem to know nothing about the Sea Cities that they were sent to police."

  "Well, if the workers hadn't rioted, destroyed property and almost killed themselves, we wouldn't have needed to send down the security force,” Kalea replied.

  "I know,” Linda said as she exited the bathroom with toiletries to be packed. "I just hope they realize what terrible timing this is. If they had just waited another 12 hours you may have had a chance to take off on your wedding trip or something."

  "I would offer to take Prince Bryan with me except that he has so much to do in the next two weeks. We aren’t able to take a trip now anyway. Though it would be easier getting to know each other here at the palace together. Instead I’ll be halfway around the planet and I can't even remember how far under the water SC-17 is!" Kalea said with a touch of frustration as she zipped up her black top. Without giving it much thought she had dressed as if she was going to work out. The colorful undershirt covered by the black long sleeved jacket with the black capris pants.

  "I think I have everything,” Linda said. “I hope you don't have to be gone for more than a week.” Before closing the suitcase she placed Kalea’s copy of the Ancient Writings on top. “I know Edward was counting on your being able to help with translation this week. I know the AVIDs are starting to help but they leave much to be desired."

  "Yes, well, he will just have to make do. Oh, who else is on the SC-17 team?" Princess Kalea asked.

  "There is no team,” Linda answered. “The security force says you're the only one they can trust. They refuse to allow anyone else into the city, which seems very strange to me. They seem to believe that whoever sabotaged the water filtration system did it with help from the outside. So they won’t allow anyone in except you because anyone else could be working with the saboteurs. I, however, think you should insist on your own personal security. Something about all this just doesn't seem right. Who knows what could really be going on down there? This could all be a ruse or worse, some type of trap."

  Princess Kalea pondered these ideas as she double checked everything that Linda had packed, as was her custom. Trying to look at the situation from every possible angle, she tried to determine how viable the threat against her might be. If they wanted to get her somewhere where they could control her, the sea city would seem to be a good idea. The sea cities were very defendable and very isolated but few realized just how involved she had been in the actual design and construction of them. She knew them better than anyone, even those who built them.

  If it was to delay her marriage and ruin negotiations with Saxionias it was a little late. And no one could force the Royal Council to do anything. Not even with one of their own held hostage. History had proven that.

  Shaking off such dire thoughts, Kalea focused on the task ahead. First she must get to SC-17, inspect the damage, attempt repairs and find out whom or what was responsible. Considering that sabotage could truly be involved, a quick mental review of that particular filtration system provided her with a brief list of the most likely damaged areas. Flicking her wrist she quickly noted a list of the most likely supplies they might need and sent it and her instruction to Franklin as she walked out the door.

  "I have to speak to Father. Call me when the shuttle is ready." And with that she was gone. Linda left shortly after her heading to the shuttle bay with Kalea’s luggage.

  Princess Kalea found her father where she expected, in his office staring out across the ravine, hands behind his back as if he were standing at ease. He was wearing a cream colored shirt and dark slacks. The rich burgundy carpet and dark wood tones of the office gave it a masculine and formal feel.

  "Good morning Father. How did you enjoy the wedding? I'm sure Alexis did a beautiful job with the reception," Princess Kalea greeted as she walked across the room to her father.

  "The wedding was beautiful and you of course were the most beautiful part of it. I feel sorry for Prince Bryan having only the holographic images of you in that beautiful dress. He will be devastated that he wasn’t able to experience the real thing,” he answered as he reached out and gave her a quick one armed hug.

  "Well if he really wants to see me in my dress I'm sure I can put it back on." Princess Kalea answered with a smile.

  "Something tells me that just won't be the same," he said as he turned to h
er and grinned. But his smile slowly faded as the present situation again captured his attention. "I'm so sorry this situation with SC-17 has come at such an inopportune time. If there was anyone else I could send I would. But Captain Fletcher refuses to allow anyone into SC-17 except you."

  Princess Kalea was just about to respond when her father began to pace as he continued. "If this turns out to be anything except exactly what Captain Fletcher has led me to believe, I will have him patrolling the ancient cave dwellings in the most remote parts of Estar Beta until he reaches the age of retirement."

  "And what has he led you to believe the situation is exactly?" Princess Kalea asked calmly.

  "He believes that a small band of conspirators sabotaged the water filtration system in an effort to bring you down there and thus prevent your wedding," he replied.

  "Well if that's true why don't we just send them a holographic copy of the ceremony so they will see that the deed is done? Even if they were to hold me hostage or threaten me in any way it won't change the fact that I am married. Therefore the contract must be fulfilled whether I live or not," she suggested.

  "I thought of that. But they could simply say that we faked the ceremony. And that wouldn't solve the biggest problem which is the damaged filtration system. If indeed it was sabotage, they must have known the system well enough to know how to damage it in such a way that your presence is needed to determine how to repair it. As a matter of fact, the whole system could be completely destroyed. If it's not repairable we will have to build an entirely new system and that could take upwards of six months. SC-17 will have to be evacuated until the new system can be installed." The king's frustration was clearly evident in his voice and in his continued pacing.

  "Father, either way it doesn't change anything. I am still married. The contract has been fulfilled. Prince Bryan cannot come with me, as he must stay here for his meetings with our military and to lead his teams as they begin analyzing and planning the defense systems, not only for the planet, but also for the space ports and the early warning systems. It's not like this is postponing our wedding trip. Even without this delay, we knew we wouldn't have been able to leave until the end of next month." Princess Kalea pointed out as she tried to calm her father.

  "I have sent a list to Franklin of the most likely supplies necessary for repairs. If I guessed right and I don't need to send for additional replacement parts, I should have the water filtration system up and running within a day or two.

  “My greatest concern however, is determining not only how the system was damaged, but who, if anyone, purposely disabled it? That could be the most time-consuming aspect of this entire fiasco," she said.

  “Yes, that will indeed be the most difficult. Communication may also be a problem. Captain Fletcher reported that they had some difficulty getting through to us. You must be very careful. I want you to have the minimum three-man security detail with you at all times. Jackson, Pierce and Danielson have already been notified. They will meet you in the shuttle. I have instructed them to take a few new, technically experimental, weapons, surveillance and tracking devices with them. Thankfully, they are skillfully disguised as common everyday items that you need anyway.

  “You must take your official shuttlecraft as it has a water purification system and a water filtration system built in. I strongly recommend that you stay in the shuttlecraft when you're not working. I know it won’t be comfortable but your safety is my highest priority," King Douglas said as he sat in his desk chair.

  "Now, I hope you don’t mind,” he said as he sat in his desk chair, “but I had Edward check with Leo as to whether or not Prince Bryan had awakened yet. It seems he has not. They will notify me as soon as he does and I will make him aware of the situation.

  "Your mother informed me that you attempted to form the link last night. She seemed to think it was successful. What do you think?" he asked with a twinkle in his eye.

  "I believe it was successful. I'm not sure how strong the link is but we will be able to test it upon my return. However, if it is as strong as I suspect, should the prince awaken before I leave, I will probably know it before Leo does," the princess replied with a smile.

  "I'm happy for you. I must admit that I prayed long and hard about this. Knowing the pleasure and strength that comes from being truly one, I would have been very sad if you had never been able to experience it. I'm thrilled to know that my prayers on this matter were answered. Even though the report from Dr. Wingate didn’t reach me until this morning.” Standing again, the king walked around his desk to stand beside Kalea. She smiled and he continued.

  “Your mother and I still test the limits of our link. Occasionally we try to trick each other but it's all in fun, something special that only we share." Giving her quick hug, he was about to continue when her AVID beeped.

  With a sideways smile and a quick hug she flicked her wrist and answered, "Yes."

  "Princess Kalea, this is Franklin. The shuttle is loaded as requested. The rest of your detail has arrived and Linda has just informed me that your breakfast will be arriving any minute. We can depart as soon as you arrive."

  "Thank you Franklin. I’ll be right down," she answered as she turned off the AVID and turned back to her father. "I need to get to the shuttle. I will record a message for Prince Bryan on the shuttle and transmit it as soon as possible so he can view it once he awakens. However, it would also be nice, if you could give him a complete briefing not only on the situation at SC-17 but also on the reasons as to why I had to be the one to go."

  The King nodded and stepped forward for another hug. "I love you, Kalea; stay safe and come home very soon. If anything goes wrong and you need help please don't hesitate to hit your emergency responder. I can assure you, help will be closer than you think."

  After a kiss on his cheek, Princess Kalea started for the door. "Tell Gilbert and Randy to stay out of trouble while I’m gone. Thank Alexis and Rose Lynn for all their hard work. I thought the wedding was beautiful. Bye,” she said with a wave as the door began to close after her.


  Prince Bryan awoke slowly with a yawn and stretch. “Good morning Father. I haven’t slept that good in months. Thank you that I didn’t make a fool of myself at the wedding. Though I do wish I had been allowed to see Kalea in all her finery. The slight glimpse I did see was beautiful, just like her eyes.” Mention of her eyes reminded him of the link and he searched for the feeling that he had experienced last night.

  ‘There it is,’ he thought as he found it and began to explore. Concentrating, he heard her voice so clearly he opened his eyes to make sure she wasn’t in the room. Concentrating again he pictured himself walking into a room and again heard her say, ‘Thank you.’ Without even thinking he answered, ‘You’re Welcome.’

  ‘Good morning Prince Bryan. Did you sleep well?’ Princess Kalea asked.

  Startled Bryan again opened his eyes and looked around. Not seeing her he realized that her voice was in his mind. ‘Uh, good morning, yes I slept well. How about you?’ Bryan asked trying to get used to this new reality.

  ‘I slept well but I was roused early because of an emergency. Right now I am down in the shuttle bay preparing to launch. My father will give you all the details but the water filtration system for SC-17 has been damaged and I need to go repair it.’

  ‘What’s an SC-17? Fixing a water filtration system? Isn’t that more a job for a plumber, instead of a princess?’ Bryan replied wondering about the situation and yet amazed that they could hear each other even from so far away.

  ‘SC-17 stands for Sea City 17. For security reasons it was decided to simply number them so as not to indicate their exact locations with names from the regions. Anyway, the system might have been sabotaged and I need to lead an investigation. Father will give you all the details. We are leaving the shuttle bay now, and I’m not sure how long we will be able to hear each other. I will send you a recorded message with more details. But I wanted you to know this was not what I had pl
anned for today. You can ask Edward if you want, but the day was scheduled to be just you and me getting acquainted. I’m sorry we have to postpone,’ Kalea finished with all her regret clearly felt.

  ‘I don’t need to check with Edward. I can tell you’re telling the truth. I can also tell that you are concerned about this situation. I will wait for your message and then speak with King Douglas. You know this is really amazing. I’m not even sure how far away the shuttle bay is but I can hear you clearly,’ Bryan replied in astonishment.

  ‘Well, if you step to your window you should see my shuttle just about now,’ Princess Kalea said.

  Jumping from the bed he rushed to the window and saw a shiny silver shuttle larger than the one he’d seen before appear right below him and to his left. ‘Amazing,’ Bryan thought as he tried to gauge the distance.

  ‘What’s amazing is that I can still hear you. So, while I measure to see how long I can hear you, why don’t you tell me what you’re going to do today now that I won’t be around?’ Kalea asked and he could feel her disappointment matching his own.

  ‘Excellent idea! Let me know what the distance is when you send the recorded message.’ Glancing around he tried to organize his thoughts but didn’t want to waste time. ‘Well now that I have the day to myself, unfortunately, I’ll work with my staff to organize our efforts. Edward and you seem to be the only ones who speak Saxionese so I will try to have all their questions and data requirements summarized after our meeting. Then I’ll go over everything with Edward and see if he can take me on a tour of a nearby city.’

  ‘We don’t have cities above ground. We only have villages.’ Kalea injected.

  ‘Oh? Well then, a village. When you get back you can explain why that is. Anyway, I also need to prepare holographic recordings of the wedding to send to my family. My mother wants to come for a visit when she can get away, but that may not be soon.’


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