Celestial Love

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Celestial Love Page 11

by Juli Blood

  After she had relaxed a bit more, Bryan decided to ask a question. “So where is Point Delta?”

  With a sigh she said, “I have no idea but we should be there any moment.” Just then they felt the shuttle slow. A smile touched her face even though her eyes were still closed.

  “Well it seems we are about to find out,” Bryan replied as he stood and extended his hand to help her up.

  Slowly opening her eyes, Kalea took a slow breath and let Bryan help her. Together they moved through the door to the crew quarters and waited for the main door to open so they could exit. Behind them each member of the crew stood silently behind the royal couple.

  Kalea knew from their silence they were nervous. Her behavior had been so abnormal they were more than likely in shock. Knowing that she needed to apologize, Kalea took a deep breath but just as she was about to turn and face them the door before her began to open.

  Everyone watched as the opening door revealed a long passageway glowing with blue lights and a large monitor on the left side facing them. With the door open and the automatic exit ramp fully extended an image appeared on the monitor and said, “Welcome to Security Point Delta. Would the royal family members please exit first and proceed down the corridor single file. The blue beams will perform a simple series of scans to evaluate each person’s condition. It is completely painless and very quick. Should there be one or more of your party that needs assistance, do not attempt to help them. Automated assistance drones will be deployed in three minutes. If no one starts down the corridor they will be deployed immediately. Thank you for your attention. You may now proceed.”

  As the monitor went blank, blue beams began to sweep the corridor from top to bottom and side to side. Prince Bryan gave a slight shrug of his shoulders and turned to Princess Kalea before asking, “Would you like to go first or should I?”

  Remembering about the drones and that Prince Bryan hadn’t understood the message, Kalea answered, “I’ll go first. This is a new facility, it may not have your bio info yet.” At his nod she walked down the ramp and slowly down the corridor. When she reached the end she turned and watched as Prince Bryan and then each member of the crew followed.

  “Interesting. What’s next?” Bryan asked as they all stood at the end of the corridor. Princess Kalea was studying the walls and gave a little shrug of her own, in answer.

  “I’ve never been here before, that I know of.” Kalea explained. “I think one of these walls is actually a door or something but I’m not sure how to open it.”

  A moment later the wall directly behind them opened and revealed another corridor - this one with normal lighting. A room was clearly visible at the end and they all started in that direction. As they crossed the threshold they were greeted again by another monitor off to their left displaying the same image and voice as before.

  “Congratulations Princess Kalea, Crown Prince Bryan, Franklin, Danielson, Pierce and Johnson you are all completely healthy and uncontaminated. This information is being sent through secure means to the Royal Palace. Because there are no injuries a recovery team will be arriving in approximately 4 hours and 37 minutes.”

  “Please feel free to relax and enjoy your time here. You will find food, beverages, clothing and various entertainment materials throughout the room. Everything is clearly labeled. Should you need anything else simply activate this monitor’s touchscreen.” With a computer generated bow the monitor went blank.

  Not sure of her reaction to this latest information, Franklin and the others simply waited to see what Princess Kalea would do. Sensing their hesitancy she turned to them and said, “I apologize for my behavior earlier. You all did an excellent job and I appreciate it. Please feel free to explore and relax.”

  Nodding, they each gave her a slight smile and dispersed around the room. Turning back to Prince Bryan, Kalea explained about both messages and then asked if he was hungry.

  “Perhaps a drink? I just realized I haven’t eaten yet today. Or is it tonight?” Bryan answered.

  “Local time it is night but I’m hungry too. Let’s see what’s available.” Kalea answered.

  In the area that contained counters and a sink Kalea saw a bowl of fruit and was surprised that it was actually fresh. She offered some to Bryan and soon they had a few items on plates and turned back to the room at large.

  “It looks like we get the opportunity to talk after all. Where would you like to sit?” Bryan asked.

  “Anywhere should be fine. Our conversation will be private if we speak Saxionese.” She answered as she glanced around the room and noticed that each of her security detail members now had a drink and some food also. They were gathering around an entertainment monitor displaying a collegiate sporting event.

  Nodding, Bryan led her over to the far side of the room, where he had noted a comfortable looking sofa, in a soft light brown fabric that he didn't recognize. A small table was in front of the sofa and they set their drinks there and held their plates. Gesturing for her to have a seat, he waited until she was comfortable, sat down and focused his thoughts before he began the conversation. “So, what do you like to drink other than the water you chose now?”

  The question brought a slight smile to Kalea's face as she tried to relax and focus her attention on Bryan, instead of on all the things she was being prevented from doing.

  What followed was four hours of easy conversation. They nibbled on their food and once got up to get more drinks and snacks. Kalea relaxed as they shared personal preferences and simple stories about their lives.

  “This food is very good.” Bryan said as he selected another wedge of dried mango. “I’m surprised that the emergency rations are so wonderful.”

  “I do enjoy a good mango, dried or fresh.” Kalea answered with a smile. “What types of emergency rations do you have at your secure locations?”

  “In my training, there were only nutritional supplement bars and water rations.” Bryan answered and gave a mock shiver. “This is definitely better.”

  “I know your world has been struggling with adequate food for some time now. What do you think the percentage of non-processed foods available to the general public would be?” Kalea asked.

  “I used to think it was still around 10% but now I have a feeling that all foods are grown and then processed to provide the most nutrients to the most people. I don't know if any of the foods I have eaten before coming here were in their original state.”

  Troubled by his answer Kalea wasn’t sure how to respond. She wondered how long it would take Randy and his team to help improve the food resources available for those on Saxionias and her space stations. Thinking of Randy, led to thoughts of SC-17 and all the things she could be doing to aid in the clean-up and investigation of what happened and why. And why she had been dragged into whatever they had tried to accomplish.

  “I can tell you are concerned. Would you mind sharing?” Bryan asked after a few minutes.

  Startled that he knew how she was feeling she gave him a sheepish smile and then explained. “I can't help thinking of all the things that we should be doing right now. We need to determine the extent of the damage to the city and the surrounding environment so we can start planning restoration efforts. Decisions need to be made about whether or not to rebuild on the same site or choose another. Not to mention we need to determine who did this, how they did it and why?

  “And that’s just the things I need to be working on. You have many meetings and trips to schedule and the delegation to Saxionias needs to be finalized. We just don't have time to be sitting around doing nothing, there's just too much to do!”

  Her frustration mounted as she thought of more and more things that needed to be done. Feeling it, Bryan decided to refocus her attention with a question. “What about us? Isn't our marriage important enough to be worthy of some time?” With each word he tried to convey calm reassurance but wasn't sure if it was working the way he hoped.

  Hearing his thoughts and feeling his peace, Kalea
took a deep breath and leaned back against the back of the sofa. Closing her eyes she answered, “Yes, our getting to know each other is important. I'm sorry if I made it seem otherwise. This has been nice but you see, I had a plan. I wanted to show you my world as we got to know each other. To really understand me, you need to see some of my favorite places. I’m frustrated that this happened and now all those plans seem to be going up in smoke. Or maybe sea spray would be a better description.” She smiled but still didn't open her eyes or lift her head. Bryan could feel her frustration ebbing away while he appreciated the opportunity to study her beautiful face and speculate about the taste of her soft smiling lips.

  Trying to keep his mind on the conversation Bryan began, “I know having your plans changed can be frustrating.” Sensing her sudden tension he quickly continued to get them back on track. “I understand you have an interesting post-wedding tradition,”

  Lifting her head Kalea smiled at him and relaxed again, “Yes, it is similar to your honeymoon tradition only longer. Normally a couple will travel for about six months and visit many different areas around the planet. Some even go off world to the space ports and experience something totally new for both of them. Family and friends help to cover the costs and everyone enjoys the stories when they get back. I had anticipated that by the time we could take our trip you would have seen almost everything so I was just going to take you to some of my special places and then let you decide what to do from there.” Her lips lifted in a smile as she thought of her plans but then slid downward when thoughts of how long they would have to wait for that trip sank in.

  Fascinated, not only by the tradition but also the awareness of her every emotion Bryan again tried to distract her. “What’s your favorite color?”

  Laughing, Princess Kalea sat up and noticed her security detail turning to check on her. But they quickly went back to watching their game.

  Facing Bryan she answered, “Sky blue. My favorite foods are watermelon and raspberries. I like spending time in the gardens enjoying the wonders of the Creator. I don't like kale or anything bitter. My favorite flower is Bleeding Heart because it reminds me of The Way. And I like most outdoor activities and playing mind games with my brothers. Any other questions we didn’t cover already?”

  Chuckling at her response, Bryan smiled and nodded ‘yes’ as he tried to figure how to word the question without seeming rude. Deciding to start slow and lead up to it he asked, “Why did you want only a hand written letter from me? Why not a holographic interview, or to meet me in person?”

  The seriousness of the question had her sinking back into the softness of the sofa as she tried to decide how to answer. Finally she said, “I set up very specific guidelines for each candidate. As a potential groom I allowed the Security Council to give you whatever information about me that you would need. A few things were kept private but no one asked for them anyway. I decided since I would need to choose relatively quickly and without the benefit of actually knowing any of the candidates I would use an old science that studied a person’s handwriting. I specifically did not want any pictures - only the letter. Of course the Security Council did a complete background check. That's how we found out about Wilhelm VonCloust.”

  “What about Wilhelm?” Bryan interrupted, confused as to why he would be mentioned.

  “He is only 12,” Kalea answered.

  “Yes, I know but why would you even know of him?” Bryan asked.

  “His name was submitted as a candidate even though the agreement stipulated that all candidates had to be at least 25,” she answered.

  “I can't believe they thought they could get away with that!” Bryan's outrage was clearly felt over the link and Kalea decided to get the conversation back on track.

  “Well, they didn't and they were highly embarrassed when we confronted them about it. Anyway, security gave me a fact sheet on each of you and it listed things like age, education, health and status. Additional reports were also provided to my Father but I didn't want to read them. They were more specific and included current relationships, likes and dislikes as well as a holographic image, etcetera.”

  “Using the handwritten letters I first looked at the content. Who actually answered my questions and who simply talked about themselves. Then, after I felt that I had given each a fair evaluation I used the methods of handwriting graphology to see what they would tell me. I was surprised that my first impressions were supported by those of the researchers. Then I simply prayed. I prayed for guidance and wisdom and narrowed my choices down to two.

  “Then I took them to my Father and told him who I was considering. I could tell he was relieved with my choices and so I knew that whichever one I chose would get approved. I then got in my personal shuttle and went to one of my favorite places and waited for the answer. The Holy One waited until I was fully resting in Him. Trusting that this was indeed His plan for my life and then he gave me peace about you. I didn't receive any peace at all about the other one, and so I chose you.”

  Awed by all that she had done and by what she hadn't, Bryan just sat there and stared at her for several moments. When he started to feel her discomfort he quickly pulled himself together and said, “You’re amazing. Somehow I just know that even if your Father had picked your husband, you would have gone through with it.”

  “Of course,” Kalea answered. “In a sense he did. You see it was the Royal Council who decided that I would be the bride.”

  “Yes, of course, I knew that, but you still had some say in the groom. I'm still surprised. I know that my sister would never have submitted to anyone on the matter of her marriage. Though as you know women do not have the same type of, uh...I guess autonomy on my world. Marriage is really the only area in their lives where they truly have control.”

  “I noticed that when I studied your language,” Kalea replied. “I don't fully understand how that works exactly, but I'm sure I will in time.”

  Bryan wondered if she could fully understand after seeing how different their two worlds were on this issue. He didn't even understand why things were the way they were on his world other than that was just the way it had always been.

  “How did you choose?” Kalea asked.

  “I didn't.” Bryan answered honestly.

  “What!” Kalea exclaimed surprising herself as well as Franklin and the others. All of whom were now on their feet facing her. Clearing her throat Kalea addressed them. “Sorry, I was just startled. I'm fine, you can relax.” Nodding, they sat back down but still glanced over occasionally to check on her. They weren’t sure what word she had said since they didn’t understand Saxionese, but they hadn’t like the tone.

  “It's simple,” Bryan answered softly as soon as she looked back at him. “When the agreement was signed each Royal Family decided that whichever son was chosen would go for the betterment of the entire system. We, the sons, didn't find out about it until after everything was signed and sealed. My father had mentioned it to me in a roundabout sort of way but it wasn't until we received your instructions for writing the letters that we truly understood what was at stake. You see, I think my Father and the others thought that they would be the ones choosing the groom - not the bride. In our culture the women have so little authority that no one seemed to pay attention to that detail during the negotiations.

  “Then, when they found out your age my father realized that my brother and I were the only ones from our family that qualified. He was really upset because he had planned to submit only my brother’s information but Mark had just left on an extended mission and wouldn’t be back in time to participate. That just left me.

  “Obviously planning to substitute the younger son is what happened with Wilhelm. He has an older brother who was just admitted for rehab for use of illegal substances. Knowing they needed to participate, they must have thought they could substitute Wilhelm until Gerard finished his treatment.

  “When I learned the full extent of what was happening I must admit; I was furious at my
father, your government and…you. I didn't want anyone else running my life. It took a lot of prayer for me to accept that if I believe what I say I believe, then I already had Someone else running my life.” With that he smiled and felt her relaxing again. Her tension had skyrocketed.

  “Then after I calmed down I chose to trust the Lord with my future. I admitted to myself that I actually would do whatever I could to help my people. So, I guess in that sense I did choose. I chose to trust that God had a plan for my life and it was a good one.

  “Then, I received your instructions and I must say I was curious. I requested holographic images of you doing anything that was normal. I listened as you gave a presentation for your final exam in Oceanic Biology, and also to your speech before the Royal Council on improving bio hazardous waste disposal methods.”

  “You were so sure of yourself. You are the first woman I’ve ever had any contact with that expressed such confidence in a non-overbearing way.” They both smiled at that comment and then he continued.

  “I also watched you walking through what I thought at the time was a holographic imaging room but I now know was the Palace gardens. You were so calm and peaceful yet confident even in that amazing setting. Our women are pleasing and quiet but they rarely display confidence because it is considered unbecoming, although I'm not sure why.

  “The more I saw, the more I was intrigued, but I still wished I could get to know you before we married. That actually was a sore spot until the wedding. Finally, I just surrendered it. Now I'm very thankful that I did. You are amazing and I am more at peace about our relationship.” Bryan reached for her hand.


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