Celestial Love

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Celestial Love Page 20

by Juli Blood

  “Yes, Edward, so perhaps lunch or dinner would be a better choice. If you wish I could contact Mother and see what she would prefer?” Kalea offered.

  “No, Your Highness, that isn’t necessary. I need to speak with her about a few other things. I will contact you when she lets me know her preference.”

  “Very well.” Kalea answered and Edward bowed and left. Looking at her empty plate Kalea smiled as she stood. “I guess I should get ready for the day.

  Bryan hadn’t really noticed that she was very casually dressed.

  “Kalea?” Bryan called softly just before she reached her door.

  Turning back to him she said, “Yes?”

  “Do you anticipate our having separate bedrooms indefinitely?” Bryan asked.

  Walking around the table Kalea stopped beside his chair and leaned in just a little. Looking directly in his eyes she said softly but firmly. “Absolutely not.” Without another word she turned and entered her room. With a smile Bryan finished his breakfast. Then he needed to get to his shuttle and send the suggestion about the supply transports and see if there were any new developments regarding the fuel.


  The luncheon was going well, but Kalea was distracted. Prior to joining everyone, Kalea had done some more research on Saxionias and concerns over the cultural barriers were filling her mind. With a quick prayer for wisdom she tried to set her concerns aside again and join the conversation.

  Thankfully, the discussion mostly involved the upcoming banquet. Alexis was a bit disappointed that her good-bye party was going to be usurped for something more formal but she dove into the planning with her usual enthusiasm.

  After a few minutes of careful pondering Kalea said to her father, sitting on her left, “I think it would be a good idea to take my personal shuttle.”

  The conversation between Bryan and Randolph ceased as both men tuned in to her. Neither said a word but it was obvious they both wanted to offer their opinions.

  “Why do you think it will be helpful?” King Douglas asked calmly as he tried to reason out her request.

  “It’s small and very maneuverable. It will be much easier to visit the many teams all over Saxionias than the larger shuttle and I won’t need to rely on any additional staff.” Kalea answered very matter-of-factly as she took another bite of her dinner.

  “How many does this shuttle carry?” Bryan asked, suddenly realizing that they weren’t talking about the one she had taken to SC-17.

  “Four,” Randolph answered with obvious displeasure.

  “Actually it’s supposed to hold six,” Kalea countered. “But I had it modified to accommodate my personal flying habits so it holds four or five if they are average size people.”

  “That doesn’t provide enough space for your security detail.” King Douglas pointed out in a rather neutral tone.

  “True,” Kalea conceded. “But they could easily take one of the standard patrol ships and try to keep up.”

  Randolph actually smiled at that comment and now Bryan’s curiosity piqued. “Patrol ships have trouble keeping up with your shuttle?” he asked.

  “Technically, no,” King Douglas answered with a bit of a frown. “Kalea just has a nasty habit of evading them that usually leaves them well and completely confused.”

  Kalea tried to hide her smile but didn’t quite succeed. “That wasn’t a compliment,” King Douglas pointed out but to no avail.

  “It doesn’t matter,” Randolph said simply as if to dismiss the matter entirely.

  “Why not?” Bryan asked before anyone else had an opportunity to respond.

  “It is too small for you both to travel in all the way to Saxionias and therefore the shuttle will stay here,” Randolph answered.

  “Franklin or Pierce can oversee the transporting of the shuttle. We will simply have Roberts fly it into orbit on its usual maintenance check then attach a tow cable to the first transport ship and tow it to Saxionias,” Kalea explained.

  “What transport ship?” King Douglas asked before Randolph could respond.

  “Oh, sorry. Bryan and I were discussing things earlier and he suggested that we provide our own food and water on Saxionias in an effort to ease the strain on their resources and alleviate some of Dr. Wingate’s concerns here,” Kalea answered as the plates were cleared to make room for dessert.

  Silence held until it was served and King Douglas finally replied. “Yes. I think that is a very good solution to several of Dr. Wingate’s concerns and if Bryan is sure that this won’t offend the people of Saxionias,” he paused for Bryan to nod that he was sure, “I will set about making the arrangements.”

  “Thank you, Father,” Kalea answered. “You needn't worry about it though. With your approval I can see to it.”

  “No, I’ll handle it,” King Douglas said and the matter was closed.

  “What about her shuttle?” Randolph asked, bringing them back to the original issue.

  ‘“What do you think Bryan?” King Douglas asked as he took a bite of the decadent cake before him.

  “Honestly, I’m not sure,” Bryan answered. “I haven’t seen the shuttle, nor how Kalea pilots it. As for the reaction on Saxionias…well let’s just say that piloting shuttles isn’t a common activity among our women.”

  “Would they be offended?” Queen Nadia asked concerned about the Saxionias’s reaction to Kalea.

  “I’m just not sure,” Bryan answered. “Could you perhaps have a male pilot fly the shuttle? Then I’m sure it wouldn’t be a problem.”

  “Actually, no,” Kalea replied as Randolph shook his head. “No one can fly the shuttle but me. Roberts can do maintenance flights periodically. However, those have a set flight path that can’t be changed so it wouldn’t prove helpful.”

  Surprised, Bryan wasn’t sure what to say so he remained silent. Finally after his last bite of cake King Douglas said, “I think you have more in mind than getting from team to team. You will have your shuttle.” With that he rose from the table and bid them all good day. Queen Nadia joined him and soon they were strolling alone in the garden. “You want her to still have her freedom,” she said as they took the long way back to their wing of the palace.

  “Yes,” King Douglas replied. “And if anything goes wrong, she can simply come home. I will also have Roberts make a few upgrades before the shuttle leaves.” Queen Nadia squeezed his arm and they continued on.

  Back in the dining room, Randolph waited until the door closed and then said, “I think this is unnecessary.”

  “Perhaps,” Kalea replied. “But until we know what really happened at SC-17 I’m keeping all my options open.”

  Finally seeing the real reason behind her request Randolph had to admit that she was taking all this more seriously than he had realized. “Sorry, Kalea, I thought you just wanted your toy.”

  “I know, and I admit it will be nice to have my shuttle but that wasn’t my main reason,” Kalea answered.

  “You may just be queen material yet,” Randolph joked as he stood and offered his arm to Alexis. “Have a good afternoon; I have to get back to work.”

  “All right, we’ll see you later,” Kalea replied.

  Having also finished their dessert and with everyone else gone Bryan rose and helped Kalea with her chair. “Are you that worried about the attack being meant for you?” Bryan asked, having not seen this as a reason for her wanting her personal shuttle.

  “I’m not really worried,” Kalea replied as they left the dining room. “I’m just trying to think of every precaution. I don’t want to assume that it wasn’t, and make myself an easy target. I don’t want to dwell on it, but you must understand that I can’t deny the fact that the Nitroplast 7 is a Saxionias explosive and that it was used on my world. Someone wanted to either hurt me or make me doubt you and Saxionias. I don’t want either possibility to become a reality so I must do what I can to protect us against both.”

  Bryan’s conscience pricked again but he wanted to be able to tell her more than w
hat he currently knew when he told her about the fuel. Pushing that aside he asked, “What are your plans for this afternoon?”

  Kalea smiled and said, “Well, all this talk about my shuttle has me thinking it would be fun to go for a ride. Do you think you would be free to come with me if I decided to go in a few hours?”

  “Sure, a leisurely flight sounds very relaxing,” Bryan replied.

  “I didn’t say anything about leisurely,” Kalea warned. Then with a quick smile she asked, “So, did you get everything wrapped up with Nathan and Gilbert on preparation day? I forgot to ask yesterday.”

  Just as Bryan began to answer, his AVID beeped. Scowling at his wrist, he seriously considered ignoring it.

  “I know how you feel, but it could be worse,” Kalea whispered. “At least we got some time together.”

  Bryan wasn’t convinced but he answered his AVID anyway.

  “Please forgive the interruption, Your Highness, but D’Angelo just informed me that you have received a secure message,” Leo explained, forgetting to identify himself. An annoyance that Bryan was starting to notice was becoming a trend with his staff.

  “Very well,” Bryan answered and then turned to Kalea. “It could be more information regarding the investigation. I should go.”

  “Of course,” Kalea answered. What else could she say? As she watched Bryan leave she remembered about the gifts for his mother and began making arrangements with her AVID.


  Sitting the in the small communication “closet,” Bryan waited for the computer to decode the message. Suddenly his father’s voice filled his ears. “Bryan, we have some news regarding the fuel. It seems that one of the research assistants went on vacation two weeks ago and hasn’t returned. He also seems to have been the last one with access to what we now have verified as the missing fuel. I have attached his information; I’m hoping the DNA and picture along with the rest will aid you in determining if he was involved. We have been unable to find him and he has no family. His co-workers weren’t sure if he had any friends either thus making it difficult to find him. His vacation request was for 10 days and he told coworkers that he would be visiting space station Delta but he never arrived. We are unable to confirm his role in recent events but he is our primary suspect.

  “We’re still investigating the Nitroplast 7, but we have yet to uncover any new information.” Bryan clearly heard his father’s frustration at this lack of progress. “Now, about the other aspects of this arrangement, your sister will be leaving this evening. Your mother is upset but that was to be expected. I don’t see the point of her going to Estar Beta but if you are convinced it will help, I trust your judgment.

  “Now, in your last report you didn’t mention when the Environmental Restoration teams would be arriving. I thought I made it clear that they should arrive as soon as possible. I hope they aren’t delaying simply because of Princess Kalea’s trip with you. If there is a concern about the availability of resources to sustain them I will admit that your suggestion that they provide their own food and water will definitely help the situation here as it continues to deteriorate. However, we have sufficient supplies to accommodate the teams until you and their supply transports arrive. I can’t go into detail but it would be best if the teams arrived as originally planned.

  “You need to make this happen, Bryan.”

  Bryan stared at the screen but the message had ended and all that remained was the information on the suspect. With a push of a few buttons the information downloaded to his AVID. His father’s voice convinced him of the urgency of the message.

  Rising he left the shuttle and headed toward the lift. ‘Kalea?’ he called using the link.

  ‘Yes,’ she answered noticing his tension.

  ‘I need to speak to King Douglas, Randolph and you. I am just coming up from the shuttle bay. Could you contact them and meet me in the hall outside the king’s office?’

  ‘Yes,' Kalea answered and then asked. ‘Are you all right? You seem tense.’

  ‘I have news but I want to share it with all of you at once,’ Bryan answered. ‘And Kalea, I need you to listen not only with your ears but with the link. I want to know that you feel my sincerity.’

  “I’m here,” Kalea said aloud as she walked out of a side corridor and met him in the hall. “And I’m listening.”

  Bryan nodded and together they made their way to King Douglas’ office. Kalea had simply signaled them with her AVID and it had only taken Randolph a few minutes to arrive. Gilbert, who had been discussing the space port surveys with Randolph at the time, came also.

  King Douglas waited until everyone had entered before turning to Kalea. “You wanted to see us?” he asked.

  “Actually sir, I needed to see you,” Bryan answered as he moved closer to the king’s desk. Kalea followed him and then reached around him to press a nearly invisible button on the king’s desk.

  Everyone looked at Kalea questioningly but it was King Douglas who asked. “How long have you known about that?”

  “I’ve known since I was seven but it’s not important now,” Kalea responded and backed up a step before taking a seat. Randolph and Gilbert also took their seats trying not to smile at this revelation.

  Bryan waited a moment and then stepped over to the window so that he could see everyone easily. “As you are aware, I was raised to be the next king of Saxionias. Because of this I have been actively involved in all areas of government since I was eighteen years old. The primary difference between our governments is that our Noble Assembly is not equal. Each member has a vote but the king of Saxionias makes the final decision. Usually the king agrees with the Assembly and so it isn’t seen as a problem but every now and then a decision is made independently of the Assembly.

  “I shared this with you because as Crown Prince, I am privy to information no one else on my team, and many within my government, are not aware of. When Gregory came to me with the information about the Nitroplast 7, I knew that I could relay that information. Although it would look bad, I knew it wouldn’t be too difficult to prove that the explosive could have come from an illegal source and thereby clear my government of liability.”

  Pausing for a moment Bryan silently prayed for wisdom, their understanding and peace, then continued. “Unfortunately, Gregory also identified a different chemical, one I seriously doubted could have been used here on Estar Beta. Therefore, I withheld the discovery until I could verify the information. I just received that verification.”

  Tensions had clearly risen but Bryan purposely made eye contact with each of them hoping they would understand his reasons and his sincerity. “The trace chemical was from a new experimental fuel that our researchers are working on to increase both the speed and distance of our shuttlecraft. To date this fuel has been deemed a failure as it has proved highly unstable. It has been known to explode when being transferred from one container to another.”

  “When Gregory first brought this to my attention, our records showed that none of the fuel had been reported missing. Due to the sensitive nature of the project, very few people actually know of its existence and even less can access it.”

  Holding up his hands in a staying motion he continued. “I realize that this information, along with the fact that I did not immediately disclose Gregory’s results, may cause you to question my honesty and that of my government. However, I ask that you try to understand the significance of this information and the need to balance my loyalties.”

  Bryan stopped and waited to see if anyone had any questions. Surprisingly, the question was not directed at him but at Kalea. “Is he being honest?” King Douglas asked.

  “Yes,” Kalea replied without taking her eyes off Bryan. “I sense his concern and I think he has more to share but I don’t believe he is trying to deceive us.”

  King Douglas looked to Randolph and Gilbert but they didn’t comment. Finally, turning back to Bryan, King Douglas said, “I see your position and I knew to a certain extent that a situ
ation like this could potentially arise. I only hoped that if it did, we would be better acquainted first.” Shifting to a more comfortable position in his chair the king continued, “I also see why you wanted more information. So, my question is: do you know who in your government had knowledge of this fuel and a desire to either prevent your wedding or foster a spirit of distrust between our worlds?

  Bryan saw this as the opportunity that it was, and grabbed it. “I have confirmation that a research assistant stole the fuel and then went on vacation. The way I see it, there are two primary reasons this fuel was used. Either this research assistant was opposed to the treaty and decided to take matters into his own hands; or he was coerced or bribed by radical members of my government to arrange for the use of this fuel with the intent to start a war between our worlds.”

  “What type of radical members of your government?” Gilbert asked.

  “When our scouts first reported your world's existence to our leaders, a small group of three suggested we simply invade your world, use your resources to supplement our own, and force your scientists to do whatever they could to save Saxionias. Obviously, they were overruled by the majority of the council and also by my father and myself. These three men are young, inexperienced, and in my opinion, poorly trained. They are all either second or third sons that are only in power because of death or illness in their families, all of which are secretly under investigation.”

  “How many leaders form your Noble Assembly?” Kalea asked.

  “Fifteen,” Bryan answered. “Remember, it isn’t the same as your Royal Council. Although each leader has a vote - the king has the ultimate authority.”

  Kalea nodded but didn’t comment. She was learning a lot and only a small percentage of it was about the SC-17 disaster.

  “I assume the investigation into the disappearance of this research assistant and the fuel is continuing?” Randolph asked.

  “Yes,” Bryan answered. “As is the investigation into the Nitroplast 7, although there hasn’t been any progress made as of this last communication from Saxionias.


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