Celestial Love

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Celestial Love Page 30

by Juli Blood

  ‘I see,’ Bryan answered. ‘I’m glad your father is such a practical man.’

  ‘It doesn’t bother you that I’m trained in weapons and self-defense?’ Kalea asked as they turned the last corner before arriving at their suite.

  “Bother me? No,” Bryan answered aloud, perplexed by why she thought it would.

  “Even though I’m…good?” She asked again.

  “No!” Remembering Evan’s comment about other men being intimidated by her confidence and skill he decided to explain. “Actually it is a bit of a comfort. I know our security details are the best, but the truth is, no one is perfect. I see this as just another level of security, not to mention practicing together, like today, is quite fun. It’s always good to be challenged.”

  Kalea nodded but didn’t comment. She had worked out her frustration and she knew Bryan was telling her the truth but she was still a bit surprised by his reaction.

  Later that evening Kalea rolled over and tried to get comfortable. Try as she might, sleep just wouldn’t come. Finally she got out her copy of the Ancient Writings and read the same passage again and again until her thoughts had stilled enough to comprehend what she was reading. She then focused on the Holy One.

  “Forgive me,” Kalea whispered as she opened her heart. “Forgive my pride in trying to do everything myself. Today could have been easier if I had listened to Your leading and not tried to solve all the problems alone. How many times will I have to learn this same lesson? I thought I was doing better, but I guess that was my pride again.”

  Peace and forgiveness replaced the anxiety in her mind and the tension in her shoulders. “Thank You, Holy One, for never leaving me, and for Your unending mercy.” For several moments Kalea just reveled in the peace and love that filled her heart. Then as she felt herself begin to doze she said, “I wonder how long until Bryan actually knows me and loves me…for me?”

  Certain her mind would begin to churn again at the thought; Kalea was pleasantly surprised to simply lay this secret burden down, allowing peace to claim her, she slept soundly all night.


  Bryan was just finishing breakfast with Kalea the next morning when Benjamin sought entry. Allowing him in, Bryan was surprised by his intense expression.

  “What is it?” Bryan asked.

  “I just received word from King Alexandros. He was outraged when your shuttle arrived with Leo in it and not you. He’s even more furious that you haven’t answered his message. He contacted King Douglas and was informed of the situation, then he insisted that his message be hand delivered to you immediately…and that you respond.”

  Benjamin didn’t add the “or else”, but it was implied anyway. “Do you have the message?”

  “Yes, Sir.” Benjamin handed over the data pad that he was holding and then said with an apology, “I have to encrypt your response and send it as soon as possible.”

  “Wait outside and I will let you know when it’s ready,” Bryan said as he began reading the message, ignoring Benjamin’s quick bow and departure.

  Bryan didn’t say a word but Kalea could feel his frustration level rising as he read. “Do you want to share?” Kalea asked.

  “He demands my immediate return to Saxionias. There was an attempt made to damage an air purification system for the Capital Complex. The suspect claims that he was forced to do it by an Estar Beta spy. He was later found to be lying. Unfortunately he didn’t know the true identity of the individual who paid him.”

  Running his hand through his hair he continued, “Father is furious and says he needs my help to solve this latest conspiracy attempt to harm our alliance.” Bryan rubbed his hand down his face and then around the back of his neck as he tried to figure out the best way to answer his father.

  “Was the air system damaged?” Kalea asked.

  “He didn’t say exactly. I get the impression that they were able to prevent serious damage but maybe not all. I hate it when he only gives me partial information.”

  “I’ll talk with Gilbert and see if anything can be done to speed up our departure, but to be honest, I don’t see how the ship can be ready sooner than next Third Day.

  “And I don’t see him being satisfied with that,” Bryan admitted.

  “Would you want to go ahead in a different ship?” Kalea asked.

  Bryan considered it for a moment and then shook his head no. He felt led to stay and travel with Kalea. The Lord had made it clear that she needed to be his priority right now. “No, I’ll let him know our expected departure date and that we are working hard to expedite the situation, but that there is little hope. He will just have to make do without me until we get there. It’s not like there is much I could really do anyway. He just wants a sounding board he can trust.”

  “What consequences do you anticipate?” Kalea asked.

  “He’ll be angry but will understand. It might make him a bit more stubborn when we arrive but I’ve dealt with that before. He needs to understand that my place is with you now. He still doesn’t want to accept that fact, but he will.”

  “What about you? How do you feel about it?” Kalea asked, wondering if she could handle the answer.

  “I’ll admit at first I was angry. This was what the Lord asked me to do, but I couldn’t see what meaning my life would have after our cooperative effort was completed. It won’t take more than six months to analyze and update Estar Beta’s defenses. I kept asking myself, then what?”

  Looking down at his food, he took another bite and swallowed before he continued, “You and your father mentioned the Advisory Board and that gave me some ideas, but nothing really seemed that useful. Then, when we arrived here, your Uncle Evan helped me see that I was looking at this all wrong. I’d always known what my life would be. I was never given the chance to decide what I wanted to do nor did I ever ask God what He wanted me to do with my life, at least not until our worlds began negotiations.”

  Setting his utensil down, he looked her straight in the eye and said, “Evan helped me to see what an opportunity this is for me to find God’s will for my life and to explore other interests that I have been ignoring all these years. He also helped me to see what a wonderful opportunity this delay is for us to get to know one another better. That is one opportunity I plan to take full advantage of – no matter what anyone else wants.”

  Amazed not only by what he said but the passion with which he said it, Kalea said, “But I’m so busy.”

  “That’s true but I’ve been thinking, if we really try to have meals together then I can be your sounding board and help you relax or vent. It might not help much but you never know. Oh, and I did find one surprise that I think you will really like.” Reaching into his pocket Bryan brought out a small brightly colored box and placed it by her hand.

  “What’s this?” Kalea asked both surprised and a touch wary for some reason.

  “Open it and see.” Seeing her glance toward the door he said via the link, ‘It's all right Franklin knows what it is.’

  Kalea blushed and said ‘Sorry’ as she began opening the box. “Oh!! Milk caramels! How did you know?”

  “Uncle Evan,” Bryan answered as he watched her unwrap one of the candies and savor it. Amazed at being able to feel her enjoyment via the link, Bryan’s mouth began to water.

  Swallowing the last of the milk caramel, Kalea looked again at the four others in the box and slipped them into her jacket pocket. “Thank you, these are delicious.”

  “You’re welcome, but I must say this link is more amazing to me every day. I felt your enjoyment so completely it was almost as if I tasted the caramel with you. I don’t know how to describe it really, but I’m amazed.”

  Kalea simply smiled and stood. “Thank you again. I’ll have to remember to thank Uncle Evan too if I see him. I’m sorry, but I need to be going. I’ll try to meet you for lunch.”

  “Yes, lunch,” Bryan answered as he stood and watched her leave. Part of him wanted to kiss her good bye and another part wanted to go w
ith her. Then he remembered his father’s message and sat back down to work on a reply that would incur the least amount of wrath possible but still defied his father’s demands.

  A quarter hour later he called for Benjamin and handed him the message without comment. Benjamin knew from the look on Bryan’s face that the king was not going to like the message but he quickly left to send it anyway. He needed to get back to work on the security systems or the ship would never be ready.

  Bryan spent most of the morning in prayer for his father and the entire situation and all those working to find answers. Just before noon he decided to get out and stretch his legs. His long legged stride ate up the space port corridors, as large as this space port was he quickly realized that what he really needed was a good run. ‘I’ll get a run in after lunch,’ he decided as he made his way back to the suite to eat with Kalea.

  ‘Bryan?’ Kalea asked via the link.


  ‘Would you mind coming to the ship for lunch? I really can’t get away, but I can have the food served in our on-board quarters if you don’t mind.’

  ‘That’s fine with me. I’ll be right over.’ Bryan felt her tension and grabbed another small box of milk caramels as well as his workout clothes before heading to the ship.

  Franklin met him just outside the ship. “Please follow me, Your Highness.” At Bryan’s nod Franklin turned and led the way in and around the ship. From his previous visit Bryan realized that they were taking a long circuitous route but he didn’t mind. He knew that many more personnel and supplies had arrived in the last 48 hours and he knew Gilbert was more than vigilant when it came to Kalea’s safety. So he wasn’t surprised when he didn’t see anyone. He just hoped that eventually Gilbert would realize that he wasn’t a threat to Kalea or anyone on Estar Beta.

  When they arrived in their quarters Bryan simply said, “Thank you. Oh, do you think I could use the physical fitness room after lunch?”

  Franklin answered, “I’ll let you know.” Then he gave a slight bow and left. Bryan tried not to laugh.

  ‘What’s so funny?’ Kalea asked as she stood and stretched her back. She had been working at this station on the bridge all morning and although she almost had the weapons system and ship's maneuverability specs memorized, she was sick of sitting still.

  ‘Franklin and Gilbert, I would guess,' Bryan answered as he walked around their quarters and really looked at the space.


  ‘Franklin met me outside the ship and led me around everything he could to get me to our quarters. I think it must have been Gilbert’s idea but it just struck me funny,’ Bryan said as he settled on the extra-long couch along one wall of their main room. He smiled again as he felt her slightly annoyed sigh.

  ‘When will he realize that you are not a threat? And if you were, I’d know it,’ Kalea said as she moved down the short corridor between the ship's bridge and the captains quarters which they would share.

  ‘Probably when all this is over and we are back on Estar Beta,’ Bryan admitted with a touch of disappointment.

  “Well,” Kalea said as she walked through the door. “At least you know that I trust you.”

  “Yes, and for that I am very grateful. So, how was your morning?” Bryan asked.

  “Productive, but not very active - it was all brain work. I think if I had stayed in that chair much longer my legs wouldn’t have worked,” Kalea said as she joined him on the couch.

  “So, when will lunch arrive?” Bryan asked, since he knew she wouldn’t elaborate more on her morning.

  Glancing at the time display on her AVID she answered, “In about ten minutes?”

  Bryan nodded and asked, “Is the physical fitness room nearby?”

  “No, it’s down on the lower deck near the garden and storage bays. Did you not like the space port facilities?” she asked.

  “Actually, I didn’t try them I just thought I would use what’s on the ship. But if it makes Gilbert nervous I’ll find the other.”

  “Well it shouldn’t make him nervous but I think the space port has more equipment and variety anyway. So, what did you do this morning?” Kalea asked.

  “I spent some time with the Lord and took a walk, after I answered my father. Benjamin hasn’t arrived with another message, so I assume all is well for now.” His slow grin was heart-stopping, Kalea realized.

  “After we eat, I have another group of personnel to meet with and then a meeting with Gilbert. He’ll update me on the ship's status and I’ll have a better idea of our departure time. I got a message from my Father this morning and he said that the Environmental Restoration teams arrived safely last Preparation Day and Samuel was preparing his first report which I should receive within the next day or two.”

  “Good, maybe the report will help calm my father and discourage any further attempts at sabotage.”

  “That would be nice, but I doubt it will be true. I just don’t understand all this. I mean why destroy SC-17 or mess with my ship's ASRS or try to kill Nathan? None of it makes sense. Both worlds are gaining from our agreement. If anyone should be opposed to it, I would think it would be you or me.” Kalea was exasperated with the entire ordeal.

  “How do you know I didn’t set all this up before I came to Estar Beta?” Bryan asked surprised that she was so sure of his innocence.

  “The link,” she answered simply.

  “But you can’t read my thoughts, only what I share.”

  “True, but I can read your emotions. Each time something has happened you have been truly surprised and dismayed. You have also been angry. You’ve controlled your outward displays of emotion but I can still feel what you’re feeling. If you had set this up in advance you wouldn’t have been surprised or angry. I would have known. Besides you didn’t know anything about the link before you arrived and even if you did, you didn’t know it would work. You can’t be false with me.”

  “Good,” Bryan said as he stood and walked to the only door that didn’t lead into the corridor. “I wanted to make sure that you really had thought that through. I take comfort in the fact that you know you can trust me.” Peeking through the door he noticed it was the bedroom. Only one bed and the door to the right was most likely the bathroom. Interesting. “So, will we be sharing these quarters or will I be sleeping somewhere else?”

  The door beeped before she could answer, and Kalea jumped up to answer it instead of calling out. She allowed Beth to deliver their food and then leave before she turned back to Bryan.

  “What would you prefer?” Kalea asked.

  Bryan decided to let the question drop and answered, “I think I’ll have that sandwich.”

  Kalea smiled and took her seat. “That wasn’t what I meant.”

  “I know, but I still want the sandwich.” Taking the plate and sitting down with it across from her at the table he said, “You are a beautiful woman and my wife, but I don’t want obligation or cramped quarters to force you into anything. I want a willing wife who loves me and who knows that I love her. I can wait, even if I have to sleep on the couch.”

  Without replying, Kalea smiled at his humor, and felt deeply touched by his words; she also knew he wouldn’t be sleeping on the couch.

  Uncovering the second plate she found another sandwich for herself. They blessed the food and ate in comfortable silence until it was almost gone.

  “What are you planning to do after your exercise time?” Kalea asked.

  “I thought I would contact your Uncle Evan and see if he has any more wonderful insights about you that he would like to share. The milk caramels seemed to be a big hit.”

  Kalea laughed and almost choked. “I really need to spend some time with him, too. If you see him, ask him if he will join us for the evening meal. I need to thank him for telling you about my favorite candy.”

  Bryan nodded as his mouth was full of his last bit of sandwich.


  “Prince Gilbert, what do you think of this?” Benjamin asked from hi
s console to the left of where the Prince worked.

  Turning, Gilbert stood and stretched the kinks out of his back before bending forward to see Benjamin’s screen. Before him was streaming lines of code that was as they had discussed. However, as he read the last few lines it suddenly wasn’t what they had discussed. Gilbert read it carefully, twice before commenting.

  “I think it’s brilliant,” Gilbert finally said. “I can honestly say that those two changes have a much higher level of security than I thought we could accomplish.”

  “I’m not even sure where the idea came from,” Benjamin admitted. “It just came to me as I was writing the code. The third redundant system hidden in the waste management code didn’t really surprise me as much as this second change. I really have no idea what made me think of it.”

  “The Holy One needs only a willing heart. I think this is just another answer to prayer,” Gilbert said as he patted Benjamin on the shoulder and then returned to his console. Sitting down, he mumbled under his breath, “Bio identification sensors on the hardware and a third, completely independent communication system for both the entire security system and the hardware bio identification sensors. Why didn’t I think of that?”

  Benjamin grinned but didn’t say anything as he continued to praise God, not only for these new ideas, but also for allowing him to help Bryan in this way.

  “Oh my!” Gilbert said as he noticed the time. “We are so late. Holy Day started hours ago. Come on Benjamin, let’s shut all this down. We can rest and worship and then get back at it tomorrow night after sunset.”

  “Okay but how do you tell when sunset is on a space port?” Benjamin asked.

  Laughing as he secured his station Gilbert turned to him and said, well we technically can’t so with each station we choose a “sister site” on Estar Beta. Then we use the same sunset schedule as that site. Only one port has a “sister site” on the equator and their times are always the same. Every other site has more variety and on the space ports that makes it feel more authentic.” Gilbert explained as they verified that the ship and shuttle bay were empty and set the security at the door. Gilbert even bent to add the small ball that he pulled from his pocket.


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