Come What May (Forever and Always #9)

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Come What May (Forever and Always #9) Page 5

by E. L. Todd

  Scarlet was wearing a black dress that clung tightly to her body. It had a plunging neckline and put her breasts on display.


  Her baby bump was slightly showing, and I liked the sight. Her hair was styled around her face, and her legs looked long and beautiful under the dress. Now I had a hard-on.

  Cortland stepped away. “You look nice.”

  ‘Thanks,” she said. “I may as well enjoy dressing up. Pretty soon I won’t be able to fit into anything.”

  “But you’ll still look damn fine,” I blurted.

  She rolled her eyes and turned back to Cortland. “Are you sure you don’t want to come?”

  “Yes,” he said firmly. “You two have fun.”

  “We’ll only be gone for a few hours,” she said.

  He gave her a fake smile. “Scar, I’m fine. Have a good time with your husband. You guys need a break from me.”

  She gave him a sympathetic look. “Monnique will come back. I know how much she loves you.”

  Cortland sighed. “I hope so.” He headed up the stairs and into his bedroom.

  “Ready to go, baby?” I asked. I hooked my arm around her waist and pulled her close to me. When her breasts pushed against me, I thought about all the naughty shit we did earlier. Now I wanted to do it again.

  “We should leave before you get any ideas.”

  “Too late.” I pulled her toward the staircase.

  “No.” She moved to the door. “It can wait. I’m hungry.”

  “Did you know that toward the end of the pregnancy, a lot of women get surges of hormones so they are more…sexually charged?”

  She smirked at me. “What’s your point?”

  “I’m excited for that.”

  “We have sex all the time.”

  “But I always initiate it. I want you to beg me to fuck you. That’s my fantasy.”

  “Well, maybe your fantasy will come true when we get home.” She winked at me.

  “Oooh. I hope so.”

  We drove back into the city and found a parking spot near the Italian restaurant. Scarlet would eat anything, but she had a soft spot for pasta and pizza. And my wife got what she wanted.

  I opened the door for her and helped her out. I treated her like she was a fragile piece of glass that could break any moment. Scarlet was annoyed by it but I couldn’t help it. It was ingrained in my every movement.

  I made reservations so we were led to a table immediately. I pulled out her chair for her then sat across from her. Scarlet immediately picked up the menu and searched for her next meal. Her eyes scanned each line with interest. I didn’t pick up my menu. Instead, I stared at her.

  “Sean, what are you getting?”

  “Chicken Masala.”

  “You always get that.”

  “And I know what you’re getting,” I countered.

  “What?” she challenged me.

  “Tortellini Alfredo.”

  A tint moved into her cheeks. “Damn it.”

  I chuckled.

  She put down the menu, her voluptuous breasts right in my line of sight. I stared at them, not giving a shit if she knew. “I have eyes, you know?”

  “They are blue. I remember.”

  She rolled her eyes.

  “You like it. Don’t act like you don’t.”

  She didn’t counter me.

  The waiter arrived at our table and took our drinks. I ordered a water and she ordered the same.

  “You can drink,” she said. “You don’t have to stop just because I can’t.”

  “I’m fine.” I did want a glass of wine but I didn’t want to make Scarlet feel bad. There were a lot of things she couldn’t have anymore, and I didn’t want to remind her of that. But nine months without alcohol wasn’t so bad. I knew Scarlet loved coffee, and not having it was killing her. I tried not to drink it around her.

  She took a deep breath and sighed.

  I knew what she was thinking. “He’ll be fine.”

  “Maybe I should check on him…”

  “He’s fine.” I felt like we adopted Cortland. “I’m sure Ryan will come over and take him out.”

  “Yeah, I hope so.”

  The waiter returned with the waters and the basket of bread. Scarlet’s eyes lit up and she devoured a single piece in a few seconds.

  “God, this is so good,” she said after she chewed her last bite.

  “Can I have some?” I teased. “Before you eat it all.”

  “I’m pregnant. I’m hungry, okay?”

  “We’ll order as much bread as you want.” I looked down at her breasts again.

  “Geez, they are just boobs, Sean.”

  I laughed. “But they are nice, and big.”

  “They are the same size.”

  I shook my head. “I stare at them all the time. Believe me. There are bigger. And they feel hard in my hand.”

  “What happened to the days when a guy only looked at your face on a date?”

  “Nothing. They never existed,” I teased. “Guys are just lazy and have become less discreet about it.”

  “Apparently,” she said sarcastically.

  After the waiter brought our food, we ate quietly. Scarlet ate every single bite on her plate then ate all the bread in the second basket the waiter brought. She ate more than she usually did, but I didn’t care. I was glad she was eating. I wanted my baby to be full and healthy.

  “Have you spoken to your mom?” she asked.

  I noted the irritation in her voice. “No.”

  “That’s surprising…”

  “She’ll come around and apologize.”

  “I’ll believe it when I see it.”

  “Scarlet, I’m sorry you have to put up with my mom. But when it comes down to it, I’ll always pick you. She’s being unfair and immature. I won’t put up with it.”

  That made her eyes soften. “I don’t want to ostracize you from your family.”

  “You aren’t,” I said firmly. “I still see my dad.”

  “I just don’t want her to treat me like that in front of our kids, you know?”

  “That won’t happen, baby. I promise.”

  “I’m just sorry you’re in this situation to begin with.”

  “Don’t apologize,” I said immediately. “You aren’t at fault. My mom will pull her head out of her ass eventually. She’s used to being rich and snotty. Since she thinks she superior to everyone else, she thinks she can say whatever she wants and get away with it. That shit isn’t going to fly with me.”

  “God, we better not end up like her.”

  “I’m not worried about it.”

  The waiter placed the tab on the table.

  “Baby, you want dessert? Or is that a stupid question?” I gave her a smile.

  “Can we get ice cream in Central Park?” Her eyes lit up with joy.

  “Anything you want.”

  “I’m going to get a sundae—the big one.” She sounded like a kid. She was so adorable.

  “Sounds good.”

  “Let me pee first.”

  “Always so classy,” I said sarcastically.

  “You’re the one who jerked off to me touching myself.”

  “Don’t act like you didn’t like it,” I reminded her.

  Her cheeks reddened. “I’ll be back.”

  She moved through the restaurant and headed to the bathroom. I stared at her ass the entire time, watching it sway back and forth. God, my wife was hot.


  I recognized that voice. I tore my gaze away from Scarlet’s behind and looked into the face I despised. It was someone I thought I loved, but in the end, they used me and ripped me apart. “Penelope?”

  She stood next to me, smiling down. “I can’t believe I ran into you.”

  “Neither can I…” The rare occasion when I bring Scarlet—my pregnant wife—into the city I run into this stupid bitch.

  “How are you?” She extended her arms to hug me.

  I held up my
hand. “Don’t touch me.”

  She flinched at the anger in my voice.

  I rose from my chair and pushed it in. “What made you assume we were friends? I don’t want to talk to you or ever see you again. Now go.”

  Her eyes darkened with offense. “I just wanted to say hi… You really hate me that much?”

  “Is that a surprise?” I snapped.

  “I was just here with a friend and I spotted you. I thought I would say hi.”

  I kept thinking about Scarlet. She threatened to beat the shit out of Penelope if she bothered me again. And since Scarlet was pregnant and more emotional than normal, I knew I had to get rid of Penelope. “Well, you said hi. We’re done here.”

  She didn’t move. I noticed she didn’t wear a wedding ring, and her kid was nowhere in sight. She looked down at my left hand. “You’re married?”

  “Yes. To Scarlet.”

  “Oh.” She didn’t seem happy at all. “Well, congratulations.”

  “Thanks.” I put my hands in my pockets and waited for her to walk away.

  “I’m really sorry about what—”

  “I forgive you.”


  “We’re good. Just go.” God, why wouldn’t she leave?

  Scarlet came out of the bathroom on the other side of the room and started to head our way. Fuck.

  “I’ve been thinking about everything and I realized I made a huge mistake.” The remorse was in her eyes. “You were so wonderful and I—”

  “I don’t care, Penelope. I don’t give a shit. I’m glad it happened. Now I ended up with Scarlet, the love of my life. Our conversation is over. Now get the fuck out of here.”

  Her eyes widened in fright. She was speechless.

  Scarlet was almost here. She couldn’t only see the back of Penelope’s head, but I knew she suspected it was she. The flames danced in her eyes, about to explode like Hiroshima.


  Penelope stared at the frustration on my face. “I don’t understand why you’re acting this way. I’m just trying to—”

  “You’ve got to be fucking kidding me.” Scarlet reached me then glared at Penelope, giving her a look more frightening than the reaper. “I told you to stay away from my husband. What part didn’t you understand?”

  Penelope automatically stepped back, caught off guard by Scarlet’s presence.

  “Why do you keep popping up everywhere?” Scarlet yelled. Other guests in the restaurant looked at us, eyeing the confrontation. “Just get out of our lives and stay there. You missed your chance with Sean and now he’s mine. Mine.”

  I smiled while I listened to Scarlet. I liked the feisty side of her. She was normally so calm and tame but now she was a blown gasket. She got into Penelope’s face, not backing down. “Now get away from us, tramp.”

  That pissed off Penelope. “Excuse me? You’re just his sloppy seconds, his rebound when he lost me. We both know Sean loved me in a way he’ll never love you. There’s no argument about that.”

  “That’s where you’re wrong,” Scarlet yelled. She held up her hang, showing her wedding ring. “He married me, not you.”

  “Out of loneliness.”

  This was getting bad. They were going to pull each other’s hair in a second.

  I grabbed Scarlet’s arm and pulled her back gently. “Just let it go. She isn’t worth our time.”

  Penelope eyed her. “Did your gym membership expire?”

  Scarlet glared at her. “I’m pregnant, you idiot.”

  Penelope’s eyes widened.

  “That’s right. We have a beautiful mansion in Connecticut where we’ll raise our kids. You’ll be stuck here, a single mom that has no one who gives shit about her.”

  “You fucking bitch.” Penelope stepped toward Scarlet and raised her arm, ready to slap her across the face.

  I snatched her by the wrist then shoved her back. “Don’t even think about touching my wife.” I couldn’t see my face but I knew it was red and marked with lines of hate. Penelope just crossed a line that could never be uncrossed. Words were just words, but trying to hurt Scarlet was unacceptable. “Touch her again and I’ll fucking kill you.”

  Penelope massaged her wrist, looking at me like a hurt puppy. Her eyes watered like I really hurt her. But I knew my ferocity scared her. Anytime I raised my voice in the past, she ran away in tears.

  “Stay away from my husband,” Scarlet snapped. “I mean it.”

  I grabbed her arm and pulled her away from the table. Everyone stared at us as we left, sad the confrontation was over. Scarlet’s arm was shaking in my hand. I knew how pissed she was. I didn’t blame her.

  When we got outside, we walked down the sidewalk toward Central Park. My arm hooked around her waist, holding her close to me. Scarlet was quiet, the fury escaping her body silently.

  I didn’t know what she was thinking, but I decided to leave her in peace.

  “I hope we never see her again,” Scarlet said.

  “We won’t,” I said firmly.

  Scarlet leaned into me, her face moving to my shoulder.

  “Please don’t believe all the garbage she said.”

  “What?” Scarlet asked.

  “About you being a rebound.”

  “I don’t,” she said simply. “How could I?”

  That was music to my ears. The moment finally arrived. I really was vindicated for all my previous crimes. She finally knew she was the real love of my life, the woman who had my heart in a way no one else ever did. Penelope was just a mistake. Scarlet was the real deal, my everything. I knew Scarlet always felt inferior to Penelope, like I didn’t love her as much. I’m glad those days were over. I worked my ass of to get here, and I was glad all the work paid off. “I love you.”

  “I love you too,” she whispered. She suddenly chuckled. “I liked the way you pushed her. The look on her face was priceless.”

  “I don’t touch women like that, but it’s a different ballgame when they are trying to hurt you, my pregnant wife.”

  “I know.” She squeezed me tightly. “I’m so glad Penelope cheated on you.”

  I smiled. “I am too.”

  “You make me so happy.”

  My heart melted at her words. “And I’ll make you happy for the rest of my life.” For the first time, Penelope didn’t pull us apart. Somehow, she pushed us closer together. Scarlet and I were an unbreakable team.

  When we arrived at the ice cream shop, Scarlet ordered an entire sundae by herself. It was definitely a two-person dessert but I didn’t comment on it. She ordered extra nuts and whipped cream. When they handed it to her, her eyes lit up like Christmas morning. In that moment, I fell more in love with her than I ever had. The simple things in life always made her happy, like an ice cream cone at the park. She didn’t care about money, mansions, the car I bought her, the maid. She just loved being with me, doing something so ordinary.

  We sat on the park bench and ate our ice cream in silence. I got a single scoop in a cone because I had a strict diet. Scarlet loved my body and I didn’t want that to change. I finished before her and watched her eat the rest of her waffle cone sundae. It was the most expensive ice cream she’s ever ordered but she ate the whole damn thing.

  “God, that was so damn good.”

  I laughed. “It looked like you enjoyed it.”

  She moaned again.

  The sound made my arousal come forth. “I wish you got excited for me like that.”

  “You should cover yourself in whip cream then.”

  “Okay. I will. Eat me like a sundae.”

  She chuckled then stood up to throw her trash away.

  “I got it.” I took it from her than tossed it in the garbage.

  When I came back to her, she had a grateful look in her eyes. “You’re always so sweet to me.”

  I placed my hand on her stomach. “Well, you’ve giving me the greatest gift in the world. I should do something in return.”

  “You always do something in re
turn.” She rubbed her nose against mine. “You’re the best husband in the world, and I want you to know how much I appreciate you.”

  My heart melted into a puddle at her feet. She’s said a lot of sweet things to me, but that hit me the hardest. I always tried to make her happy, and I was glad I succeeded. “Thank you. And you’re the best wife in the world.”

  “You’re only saying that because you love my tits so much.”

  I smirked. “That might have something to do with it…”

  “It has everything to do with it.”

  There was a lot more to my obsession with her, but she knew that. Words were unnecessary.

  We stared at each other while we sat under the oak tree we used to sit under every day when we were just friends. Even though it was dark, I could see the light in her eyes. A slight smirk was on her lips, and the happiness glowed on her face. Somehow, inexplicably, I fell in love with her all over again.



  I leaned against the white Infiniti while I waited for Monnique to get off work. The underground parking garage was deserted, but that made me more nervous. There wasn’t security or anyone around.

  She finally walked out the doors, wearing her scrubs and her purse. Her hair was pulled back and two diamond earrings were in the earlobes. She searched for her keys in her purse while she walked to Cortland’s car. She wasn’t paying attention to anything around her. She didn’t even notice me.

  When she reached the car, she looked up and spotted me. She took a deep breath. “God, you scared me.”

  I didn’t say anything.

  “What are you doing here?”

  “Making sure you get to your car safely.”

  “Why?” she asked suspiciously.

  “You know why.”

  She looked uncomfortable at my words. She adjusted her purse for no particular reason.

  “Cortland wanted to make sure you got to your car safely.” I looked straight into her face. “Because that’s the kind of guy he is.” I let the words linger in the air a long time, reverberating off the concrete walls.

  Monnique kept her silence.

  “You’re not going to find another guy like him. And he’s head-over-heels in love with you. Just work it out with him.”


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