A Right Old Fiasco in Borrington

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A Right Old Fiasco in Borrington Page 22

by M W Foolster

  He looks across at Jazz who's now refilling her coffee mug.

  “Don’t you go giving me that look, Jason Sinclair. Ain’t got noooo sympathy whatsoever. You deserve to suffer. And you’re working until 8pm tonight an’ all so it is gonna to be a longggggggggg day for you. Ohh, an’ you best remember, I am off tomorrow so you will be making your own sodding coffee.”

  She smiles wickedly and winks. He shrugs his shoulders and grins at her,

  "Guess I deserve that."

  She passes him a refill anyway.

  They have worked together for six years now. She'd started at the library as a Saturday assistant aged just sixteen, eventually going full-time at eighteen having successfully completed her 'A' Levels. Her grades would easily have guaranteed her entry into one of the better Universities, as he'd gone to great lengths to explain to her back in 2009. He'd been in full flow about the advantages of a University education, something he had been deprived of because of his personal circumstances, when her eyes had suddenly clouded over. She'd then burst into tears, clinging to him as she'd sobbed her heart out. He’d taken her out for a drink in the local pub straight after work, and the pair of them had sat in the beer garden blubbering all evening, him listening as she’d poured her heart out to him. Her parents had met in Hong Kong, both working for a large International bank, her father across there on a six month contract. After a whirlwind romance, her father's contract came to an end, and it wasn’t renewed. Heartbroken and despondent, he was left with no alternative other than to return to the UK, and then came the news that her mother was pregnant with Jazz. They'd gone through absolute hell with the Immigration Department to be re-united, Jazz a year old before she’d finally got to feel the embrace of her father arms’ on UK soil. Jazz had become very emotional at that point, as did he on seeing her struggle to tell her story. And then she’d shown him the photo. The photo she forever kept in her purse. It had been taken at the airport by a kind stranger, a photo of her mum, Dad and her being re-united. Now tatty and faded, it would forever be her most prized possession. Tragically, her father was dead within a few months. A brain tumour, all very sudden. Her mother had really struggled to bring Jazz up by herself. With her English barely passable, and still adjusting to life in a foreign country, it had been incredibly difficult. Jazz's father's family had shown no interest, practically disowning them, and she'd never had any contact with them since. There was little that her mother's family could do to help, not with them living in Hong Kong. With no means to make the mortgage repayments, the house was eventually repossessed. The local authority offered them a council flat, on a notoriously rough council estate in Caulston. But they’d survived, her mother scraping out a meagre living working as a cleaner in a London hotel. She was still living with her mother in the two bed-roomed flat, but was now supporting her financially. And so no, University was not an option, but that wouldn't prevent her from getting a degree. Jason thinks back to how Jazz had worked evenings behind a bar in Thorston, and that was on top of her full-time job at the library. How it had meant her sacrificing any sort of a social life, let alone the prospect of a relationship, in order to pursue her dream. Finances in place, she’d eventually enrolled on an Open University Degree course. An amazing woman. He returns his attention to Tammy and Jazz, listens in as they discuss last night’s TV, and the latest storyline from one of the soap operas. An Australian man arrived in London in search of his long lost family, and a chance meeting with an older woman had led to a one night stand at his hotel. Or, so he'd thought. She'd returned the following night, confessed that she's married, but he's undeterred. A four month affair. And now she's pregnant. But her husband, gasp, cannot have children, and she’s yet to tell him. Shock, horror, she then discovers that she is, in fact, a distant relative of her Australian lover. She is his niece from the marriage of her bigamist father, who’d also been illegitimately married to the Australian man’s aunt, who had emigrated to Australia and also committed bigamy, because she was still legally married to the bigamist back in England. Her bigamist father was unable to trace his bigamist aunt to file for divorce. Her Australian lover is left distraught by the discovery, and is about to leap from London Bridge, she just reaches him in time, waving documentation proving that he had, in fact, been adopted by the bigamist aunt who had been unable to have children of her own. But she is then hit by a car. They save the baby but she is now on a life support machine. The husband threatening to have the life support machine turned off. And revealing to the Australian man that he'd had his vasectomy reversed without informing his wife The Australian man now battling her husband over the paternity of the child. And on it goes. Jason’s so totally confused at this point that his mind switches off. He is just drifting off when hears Tammy mention something about preparations for a party. First he'd heard of it. Most likely a Halloween party.

  His peace is suddenly interrupted by the staff room door being flung open, a flustered Robbie having finally arrived, mumbling his apologies as he pours himself a coffee. Jason glances across at Jazz, who is now sat opposite. She gives him a warm smile and nods towards the door, he returns the smile, seemingly in a daze. Now she glares at him, nodding more forcibly towards the door and despite it taking him several minutes, he does eventually realise that she wants to speak to him in private.

  Jason sits on the edge of the wooden desk in the small, white room they amusingly refer to as the office, barely big enough to house the desk and a couple of chairs, he often thinks the sweat box would be a more accurate description. Jazz appears, closing the door behind her. Her almond eyes boring into him, “So?”


  Jason, desperately trying to figure out what she’s talking about, looks at her inquisitively.

  “Last night, Jay? You calling me in a panic? Remember?


  “For pity sake, Jay, the cemetery? You called me from a grave? Wanted to discuss something really important. You know, as in what you said about finally feeling that you are ready to move on with your life. About your birthday. When we had danced. Asking why I had never mentioned it?"

  Her eyes questioning him, and Jason desperately trying to remember this conversation they’d shared. Why can’t he remember the call? And Jazz had never previously mentioned that night to him. Never. In Mama Vesuvius’s, they’d been the only two left in the restaurant. The music, the slow dance and then the kiss.

  “That was a very special night, Jazz, and yes, it meant a lot to me.”

  Wracking his brains as to what else he might of said.

  "As for last night, look, I had way too much to drink and, well, I was totally wasted. But yes, I do mean it. I know that I can't carry on like this, and it is time I got my act together. If I offended you in any way, I am so, so sorry.”

  “No, you did not. So?”


  Jason thinking what now.

  “The cemetery? The twats from the pub? What was you thinking? You could have been killed, you bloody idiot. And if I hadn't rescued you. On the bike. Remember?”

  "You rescued me?"

  Her eyes blaze in anger.

  "YES. Will you stop with all the stupidity? You phoned me from a grave, spouting off all this weird crap, and near on scared the hell out of me. Don't think I've ever been so stressed in my entire life, Jay. And dragging that stupid ghost around with you, what was that about?"

  Well that confirms it, but he still can't remember a sodding thing about a call, let alone her rescuing him. Suppose it explains how he got home but to have no memories of it… He really does need to cut out the drinking.

  "I'm so grateful Jazz. I just don't know what to say love. Was a crazy night. Am so, so sorry to of involved you in my... Fuck I am such a mess and don't deserve friends like..."


  She moves closer, cups his face in her hands, and stares into his eyes. Her gaze is mesmerising, captivating, so much warmth and compassion.

  "What am I going to d
o with you, Jason Sinclair? Had me so scared and I might never forgive you for that stupid stunt."

  Her arms are then around him, pulling him close, his ribs still hurting from last night exploits but he says nothing. His mind now in a turmoil, confused, but he doesn't want her to let go of him. A warmth spreading through him, reassuring, comforting him to his inner core.

  "You dare do anything that fucked up again and I swear I will kill you myself, Jay. You hearing me?"

  They’ve hugged on many, many occasions in the past, but it has always been very innocent. This feels different. And now there's a raw emotion stirring deep within him. She pushes her body into him, gently easing her leg between his, holding on to him so, so tightly. His face flushes as he detects the tingling sensation in his groin. Knows that he shouldn't be feeling like this, not with Jazz, and he tries to fight it. Her head is now buried deep into his chest, facing downwards. He feels himself growing uncontrollably hard. Her hands grabbing at his lower back as she hugs him. Her perfume, now mingled with her perspiration, is intoxicating. He starts to feel light headed. His heart thumping loudly in his chest. An intense heat radiating from her body, from her groin which is now pushed firmly against his leg. His hands caressing her lower back, drop to her waist moving slowly down her skirt, to her shapely buttocks, pulls her hard against his leg. Hears her gulp. Now consumed with guilt as he thinks to himself.

  ‘Should I of done that…? What now…? Crap…’

  But the nerve endings in his body are on fire. She is breathing heavily. Feels her hot breath against his chest. The air now heavily charged with sexual tension, desire overpowering any rational thought. He wants to lift her head, to loose himself in those heavenly eyes, to feel her lips against his. Can’t control himself, doesn’t want to, the urge is overpowering. A sudden heavy banging on the door,

  Jason startled, mumbling “Fuck.”

  Robbie yelling at him that there has been an email, and that Scrawl is en route to the library, got about ten minutes. Jazz looking up at him, her pupils dilated, the longing in her eyes, the disappointment. Perhaps even confusion. He can no longer tell, finding it a struggle to drag his eyes from hers. He briefly glimpses that her nipples have hardened beneath her blouse, suddenly feeling flustered, angry at himself, ashamed. Jazz now appears to have become very self-conscious. Crosses her arms in front of her, and looks down. Him thinking.

  ’Fuck. She saw me looking.’

  He shivers, his body now feeling extremely cold, missing her touch.

  “Thanks Robbie. Best make sure everything is ready for the bloody woman.”

  An uncomfortable silence, Jazz still looking down at the floor, seemingly hesitant to meet his gaze. He assumes that he must have offended her, what other explanation, now feeling deeply ashamed of himself.

  “Jazz… I…”

  “No, it’s fine. Really. Better go find my name badge.”

  And she’s gone without even looking back at him.

  He leans back on the desk, totally confused as to what had just happened. Yes, they'd once kissed but that was so very different. A romantic setting, the music, the wine, just a kiss. This had been pure animal lust. He had lost control. What was he thinking? It was Jazz who’d helped him cope with everything back in the spring following the split from Cathy. Had helped him hold it together. He was a mess for weeks but she’d had his back, had been such a good friend to him. And she'd even saved his arse last night from the sound of it. Owes her so much. And if Robbie hadn't disturbed them, just how far would he of gone? He hakes his head in disgust, angry at himself, talking aloud. "What the hell is wrong with me?"

  He needs to apologise to her. Thumping the desk in anger, he storms across the room and kicks the office door open

  15 Ms Scrawl’s Visit

  Jason makes his way back through the reference library, his heels clicking on the worn parquet flooring, and runs his finger along the large leather bound volumes neatly arranged on the dark oak shelves. He loves this room. Robbie, ready and waiting for Scrawl, gives him a reassuring wink. Into the reading room, where he's met by the smell of polish even if the oak tables are looking the worst for wear. Up the grand stairwell, relieved to find the royal blue carpet looking immaculate, and stops briefly to admire the view offered by the huge, gothic style window, at the top of the first flight of stairs. The medieval church, in all its splendour, backing on to Borrington common, the railway line just beyond. Checks his watch, no sign of the train, must still be problems on the line. No time to linger, up the second flight of stairs, beneath the stained glass skylights, through the heavy oak doors and into the main lending library. The large oak reception counter looking neat and tidy, now bathed in the soft light offered up by glass dome above. He nods approvingly as Jessica and Tammy approach him, checks the clock, still got a couple of minutes. Jessica looking concerned,

  "She is out there waiting, hon. And we have got a serious problem already, because so is Geoffrey. "

  Jason's hand goes to his head, runs his fingers through his hair, now wondering why he'd even got out of bed this morning.

  "Brilliant. That's all we need. Just got to hope that he behaves himself. Reminds me, where are the boys Tam?"

  "In the Children's library, but swear it’s cool, Jay, Jazz is watching over them. As for Geoffrey, maybe he is on a stronger medication today. If not, could be a real prob, you know."

  "With the week I am having, Tam, expect the worst."

  Jason swings open the big oak doors, the usual hoard lined up outside, sprinting past him in their desperation to be the first to the newspapers, Theresa Scrawl close on their heels. The lifeless grey eyeball staring directly at him, the good eye darting around the library, her small pointed nose sniffing the air, the thin and narrow mouth serving to highlight her long sharp chin. And judging by her expression, the sword like tongue will soon be busy trying to decapitate him. And sure enough…

  "Mr Sinclair, are you aware that the both the front steps and the ramp have not been swept?"

  She brushes past him in her tweed suit.

  "First impressions are so important, Mr Sinclair, most disappointing."

  She turns, looking him up and down as if making a quick assessment of his attire, followed up by another sharp remark.

  "As is one's appearance."

  A nodded acknowledgement to both Jessica and Tammy, her eye scrutinising them both carefully. Jason suspects that she's checking that the dress code is being adhered to. And then she's off, walking briskly towards the Children's library, running her fingers along the wooden dado rail on route, tutting at the thin layer of dust now deposited on her fingertips.

  "Cleanliness is of the upmost importance, Mr Sinclair, and standards must be maintained,"

  "Well, you did reduce the cleaner’s hours as a cost cutting exercise, Ms Scrawl."

  "Excuses, excuses, Mr Sinclair. Speak to the cleaner, issue her a verbal warning and in future, do make daily inspections."

  She then storms into the fairy-tale themed Children's library, where Jazz is hovering by Rapunzel's tower, Ms Scrawl spots her immediately.

  "Good morning, Miss Cheung."

  "Good morning, Miss Scrawl,"

  Jazz now looking apprehensive.

  "Pray tell, Miss Cheung, are you in possession of a tape measure?"

  "I'm sorry, I don't understand."

  "Your skirt, Miss Cheung. Might I suggest that you once again read through the dress code. Page two, acceptable standards, paragraph three, female skirts. Notably, the permitted minimum length. Should you require a tape measure, do tell and I will make the necessary arrangements."


  A dismissive wave of her hand as she heads towards the twins, Jason still in tow.

  "Good morning, young men, I didn't see you enter the building. No school today?"

  Jason cringes, desperately hoping that the bemused look on their faces doesn't lead to a sarcastic response.

  Lewis the first to answer, "No school today, Miss
. An inset day so we are like, doing our revision for the exams in January."

  Jason sighs with relief, and shoots another quick glance across at Jazz, who still seems reluctant to make eye contact with him.

  "Excellent, boys. Now please tell, are the services available in the library satisfactory to your requirements?"


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