A Right Old Fiasco in Borrington

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A Right Old Fiasco in Borrington Page 31

by M W Foolster

  "They can, and they are. You must have all been Saturday assistants back then. Were you close?"

  "No, not really. Do you still write songs and play guitar?"

  "I try to. Difficult finding the time though and haven't got the sound proof studio anymore. But yer, am still writing."

  "And is Jasmine still singing them? Remember you had some pretty good material back then and could have really gone places if you'd been…"

  Thinks he detects a hint of resentment in her voice but dismisses it immediately.


  "It's not important, a long time ago. Would really love to hear you play again. Got a good voice myself, at least, people have said I can sing."

  "Really? Don't remember you singing back then."

  "No. Don't suppose you do."

  The spite in her voice takes Jason aback, as does the venomous look in her eyes. Fidgeting uncomfortably, he looks down at the table, and on seeing her empty wine glass.

  "Do you want a refill?"

  Her mood seems to suddenly lighten, and the cheeky expression has returned as she replies.

  "Sure, why not. What would you suggest?"

  "Hmmm, another wine?"

  She picks up the drinks list,

  "Not a Screaming Orgasm then? Or Sex on the beach?"

  "If... Well... I... Whatever you want…"

  Another cheeky giggle,

  "Maybe later... A white wine is fine Jay."

  In attempting to get to his feet, Jason grimaces as the soft leather sucks noisily at his backside, relieved that the embarrassing sounds the chair makes before finally relinquishing its grip on his buttocks, seem to have gone unnoticed; Selena busy checking her mobile. A quick glance down at his crotch as he walks up the stairs, thinking it fortunate that he is wearing black trousers because the spilt juice hasn't left too visible a stain, even if his boxer shorts are still feeling clammy beneath them. Battles his way through to the bar, and starts waving a ten pound note around above the head of a small, balding businessman who refuses to budge. Finally, he manages to get the attention of the harassed looking bar tender. Drinks ordered, he becomes aware of a tingling sensation in his groin, his mobile phone is vibrating. A text message from Robbie,


  Jason reads it several times, but can make no sense of it. He attributes it to Robbie struggling with predictive text, has told him on numerous occasions to disable it. Either that, or he'd sent it to him by mistake, wouldn't be the first time. But why on earth is Robbie going on about forking in hospital and sexually transmitted diseases Considers calling him, but the bar tender appears with the white wine and a fruit juice. Obviously nothing urgent or Robbie would phone, not text him, attempts to weave his way back down to the waiting Selena.

  "Did you send it?"

  Tammy leans over Robbie, now just the pair of them in the reference library.

  "Yep, it’s gone, Tam. Don't think we are overreacting, do you?"

  "Just seems kinda weird is all. Lewis and Leroy go to the same school as her sister Pearl and you heard what they said. She’s now Selena Trott-Dyler. Pearl was a bridesmaid at Selena's wedding to Tyrone Dyler, and since it was only back in May, can't see them having split already. Reckon Jay has a right to know and besides, Tyrone is not somebody to cross, you know."

  "Yes. I agree. Jay definitely needed to be warned but am still hopeful that it might all be very innocent. Perhaps she just wants to catch up on old times. But if she is being a hussy and does want to play away, well, that's up to her. Who are we to judge? But would hate to see Jay get hurt. I am still confused as to why she told him she worked for the hospital. You sure she works in a bar, Tam?"

  "Yer positive, me and Ja... Well, I saw her working the bar in The Duke. And nothing about her would come as a surprise to me Robbie, am telling you, she is a right screw up. Sure, it’s true that she really did have a thing for Jay, she was like besotted with him. Drove me and Jazz mad. Jay this and Jay that, not like she cared that he was married and had kids. Was like she really believed he would leave Cathy and run off with her. Had photos of him on her phone and used to go to all his pub gigs. She never missed a single one. Would be there dancing and like, acting real stupid."

  "And Jay didn't say anything?"

  Tammy laughing as she shakes her head.

  "You know what Jay is like when it comes to women, is like totally naive. He was so into the music, I doubt he even noticed her. And when that woman vocalist left the group to join that other group. Can't remember her name now…"


  "Yer, that's her. Well, when she quit to go play with that Indie group in Manchester, Tony and Jay were like totally distraught, don't you remember?"

  "Yes, you’re right, they were Tam. Up until Jazz auditioned that is," Robbie smiles. "I can still remember Jay’s reaction on hearing her sing for the first time, really thought he was going to burst into tears."

  "Saw tears in your eyes too, Robbie. But yer, she like totally blew them away. Way better than Jan and well, Jay and Tony were like ecstatic. The three of them were inseparable after that. But what nobody knew, apart from me and Jazz, is that Selena really fancied herself as a singer. I mean, she was okay but not in the same class as Jazz. But she was always first to the karaoke machine in the pub, and was like always singing. And she was so totally pissed at Jay when she found out he had chosen Jazz. Was like trashing his name and seriously bitter, am telling you Robbie, it was real scary. Went from seriously doting over him to, well, to seriously hating him over night."

  "A woman scorned. I really had no idea but she seems to of forgiven him now though."

  "Guess. But look, we best not let Jazz know anything about Jay meeting up with her, they so totally hate each other. Will never forget that night she attacked Jazz outside the Dog and Bone pub, was after her first live gig with Jay and Tony. And it was really nasty."

  "She did WHAT?"

  "Look, nobody knows right and we best keep it that way. I came outta the pub with Jazz after the gig, and Selena was like, waiting. Started really slagging Jazz off, a real vicious tongue on her. Anyway, Jazz tried to ignore her. Could see that she had been drinking. Then the bitch like, well, attacked Jazz with a beer bottle."

  "You are bloody joking."

  "No joking matter, Robbie, it totally freaked me out. But Jazz was like, awesome. She had the bottle out of her hand, her arm up behind her back and the crazy bitch shoved her over a car bonnet in seconds. Was seriously impressive. Then Jazz warned her that if she ever saw her again, there would be some real serious consequences. Reck it scared the crap outta her, and I didn’t see her again. Well, up until I saw her working behind the bar in the Duke, that is.”

  Exhaling loudly, Robbie sits shaking his head. “I had no idea she was capable of something like that. She seemed to be such a well-mannered, and somewhat timid girl. Nondescript, is how I’d of described her.”

  “More like a wolf in sheep’s clothing. And don’t you remember, she left the library under a cloud. Went off sick for a month, and then Charlotte Hume got her resignation letter. Resigned for personal reasons. Never stepped foot in the library again, and even got her mum to collect her stuff from her locker. And now you know the reasons why."

  "I'll be damned, Tam. Am surprised Jay doesn't remember her leaving under those circumstances."

  "He wasn't here at the time, think he was on holiday in Germany, can't remember for def. But I know he wasn’t in work."

  "Well, we have sent the text Tammy, not much more we can do. Don’t worry, am sure it will be fine."

  A shrieked,


  Has them both scurrying towards the staff room. Both crash through the door simultaneously, and are left in stunned silence as they stand staring down at the wooden placards Leroy and Lewis have been working on.

  A panicked Susie looks up at them before whispering,

  "I didn't realise what the
y'd written until it was too late."

  Lewis looks surprised,

  "Whads the prob, guys? Only did whad you said to Sus."

  Susie looks to be on the verge of exploding,

  "I said to write, hands off my library Fuker."

  Both brother exchange a confused looks and shrug their shoulders, but are soon making a dash for the staffroom door when Susie lunges towards them screaming,


  Selena is having what sounds like a business conversation as Jason places the wine glass down in front of her. She smiles up at him and mouths him a silent ‘Thank you’. Having learned his lesson earlier, he sits down carefully on the front edge of the seat. That is until he feels a foot on his crotch, gently pushing down into his groin. Gasps in surprise as he slides backwards, allowing the chair to once again swallow him up, the foot going with him. He looks down at a long, shapely leg, and places a hand on her smooth and toned calf, her toes teasing him intimately. Mobile now on the table in front of her, Selena sips at her wine, seemingly oblivious to her surroundings. And her toes are unrelenting.

  Jason peers nervously around them, most of the other couples are far too absorbed in their own conversations to pay them any attention. Reaches for his fruit juice, his eyes locked on hers, gulping louder than he’d intended. And there’s a sensuous tone to her now whispered voice,

  “Not embarrassing you, am I, Jay?”

  “I.. No…“ His nervous expression telling her otherwise. She digs her toes in even harder, his gasp prompting a captivating smile.

  “Have waited a long, long time for today, Jay. To be alone with you.”

  She seems satisfied that her toes have performed the desired effect.

  “In fact, I have dreamt of this moment and don’t intend wasting a second of it,”

  She slowly pulls her leg away, and checks her watch.

  “Just that I have a meeting at 3pm.”

  “Really? Ohh, bugger,” he sighs. “I… look, are you hungry,? They serve food, we can order something.”

  “Hungry?” her eyes twinkling seductively. ”Yes, Jay, I’m very hungry, but not for food.”

  “Ohhh. Seem to of lost my appetite too.”


  She once again runs her finger around the inside of the glass before pushing it into her mouth and slowly sucking the wine from it, her eyes never once leaving his.

  “And so we are both ravenous, but not for food, is that about right babe?”

  She fidgets tantalisingly in her chair.

  “And you wouldn’t want to disappoint me, now would you?”

  Lost for words, he can but shake his head.

  “Would you please pop these into my handbag for me babe? I can’t reach.”

  Jason leans forward, albeit it somewhat awkwardly, and finds himself staring down her cleavage at a lacy white bra, Selena having thrust herself towards him. She passes him something beneath the table. He looks down, gasping in surprise at seeing the skimpy pair of white panties she's placed into his hand.

  “You don’t mind, do you? I meant to tuck them inside my bag earlier. It’s getting so very hot and steamy in here.”

  “It is now.”

  Still smiling flirtatiously, she runs her tongue around her lips, staring at him intensely,

  “Do you want to go somewhere a little more private?”

  “You have no idea how much.”

  She giggles, stands, smooth’s down her skirt, walks across to him and now leaning forward, whispers into his ear,

  “There is a staff area back there babe, the door is ajar and it’s empty.”

  “Isn’t it risky? Could meet later, after work... I… Well…”

  She runs her nails down the inside of his thigh. “I can’t wait that long Jay. I need you now,”

  And nibbles teasingly at his ear.

  “It is safe babe, I checked earlier. Haven’t seen anybody go near it, they are all too busy upstairs. And there’s no bigger turn on than taking a few risks, don’t you agree?”

  Having discreetly entered the room at the far end marked staff only, she glances back at him enticingly. And he doesn’t need telling twice. Nervously pushing the door closed behind him, he turns to find himself in a small room cluttered full of cleaning materials and a staff toilet. Selena immediately pounces on him, her fingers busy unbuttoning his shirt. He leans forward to kiss her but she turns her head slightly, his lips finding her cheek instead.

  “Have that meeting babe, remember, and can’t smudge my lipstick.”

  Jason, now topless, attempts to take hold of her, but she pushes his hands away, and winks at him.

  “This is my fantasy, babe, and so no touching until I say.”

  And tantalisingly runs her nails down his chest, to his waist, losing no time in both unfastening, and unzipping, his trousers. They fall to the ground. He goes to take hold of her, “Now Sel?” But she steps back, and slowly removes her blouse.

  “Want to lose the trousers babe.”

  Frantically, and somewhat clumsily, he kicks them free of his shoes. Selena, now dressed in just her bra and skirt, kneels before him, tugging hard at his boxer shorts. He gasps as he feels them fall to his ankles. She helps him free himself of the boxers before once again moving slowly backwards, and unfastening her bra. Jason, now in just his shoes and socks, and his eyes glued to her breasts, groans with pleasure as she runs her nails down the shaft of his penis. Her fingers go to her handbag, something being thrust into his hand. Looks down to find a condom.

  “Put it on in the toilet babe, those things make me cringe so can’t watch. But you know we have to use it, right? Let me know when you’ve got it on.”

  Her back slightly arched, eyes pleading with him to hurry as she slowly unzips her skirt.

  “Right. Yer, of course.”

  He backs into the small toilet, a longing look in her eyes as she pushes the door closed. And her voice spurs him into action,

  “Please hurry babe, I’m throbbing and I need you now.”

  Jason struggles with the condom, all fingers and thumbs. The excitement, the anticipation, the desire leads to him almost dropping it several times. Finally on, he calls out, “Selena?”

  No reply.

  “Sels, am so ready for you babe.”

  Odd, no response. He gently eases the door open with his foot.


  He can’t quite fathom what is going on. Spends several minutes staring around the room.

  “ Selena?”

  But the room is empty. Selena has unexplainably disappeared and what’s more, so have his clothes. Makes no sense. He starts to feel a sudden overwhelming panic as he considers the possible explanations. Did a member of staff disturb them? Did Selena have to make a quick exit. What else? Something vibrating. His mobile, next to his wallet, where he’d left it on entering the room. Scoops it up from the wooden shelf, knocking a couple of cans of polish flying in the process. A text message from Selena,

  ‘Feeling humiliated? I bloody hope so. I have dreamt about this day for years. Just wish you could hear me laughing, and see the pleasure I am getting from this. More than you could ever give me with that tiny prick of yours, that’s for sure. And did you really think I wanted to have sex with you? YOU? LOL. As if I am that desperate. But thank you for being such a stupid arsehole, it was all so, so easy. And revenge feels so good. BTW. Your clothes are in the garbage. Have a nice life... Not! LOL’

  He has to read it several times, not that it helps, and just can’t make any sense of it. Starts typing in a response, but what is he supposed to apologise for? To his knowledge, he has never humiliated her, certainly not back when they worked together. Unless she means this morning, not recognising her. No, that can’t be right, said she has been planning it for years. And to go these lengths, and for what, revenge, but why? Deletes the text message, seems pointless now, she's not likely to have a change of heart and return his clothing.

  Jason risks
opening the door just far enough to poke his head out, and peers around the room. His worst suspicions confirmed, the room is still full, pulls the door closed. The only window in the cleaner’s room is too small to fit through, besides which, judging by the state of it, he doubts that he could even open it. Paces the room, seems irrelevant but runs through everything in his mind. Solid brick walls, wooden shelving packed full of cleaning materials, a small toilet and a red cleaner’s apron hanging from the hook on the back of the door, Yes, a cleaners apron, At least it partially preserves his dignity even if his backside is exposed. A duster in one hand, and a can of polish in the other, he pushes open the door. Backs himself against the wall, and eases himself along to the first booth. A young couple linking hands across the table, lost in each other’s eyes. He darts past. Next booth is empty. Just one more on this side of the room to negotiate and he'll of reached the stairs leading up. Next booth. Pretty brown eyes make brief contact with his before a dark haired male raises his voice, Priya, and her attention returns to him. At the bottom of the wooden stairs, his mobile vibrates in the front pocket of the apron. He silently mouths the word bitch on seeing the message,

  'BTW. Just informed the police that a naked man has been seen loitering in Comfort Zone Bar... LOL'

  Time now against him, he throws caution to the wind and runs up the flight of stairs. The upper level is still packed full of men and women in business suits, but most look to be deep in conversation. Bugger. A cocktail waitress is now looking across at him. And then she shrieks at the top of her voice.

  "Ehh you. What the hell do you think you are doing?"

  Dozens of eyes are suddenly boring into him. Jason swivels, and darts through the exit, several gasps and one distinctive scream accompanying him out of the bar. Holding the duster behind his back in a pointlessness attempt to conceal his backside, he runs towards an alley to the side of the bar. Several cars honk their horns and a window cleaner leans out of his van whistling. A man passing by with several shopping bags yells at him

  "Oi mate, cover your arse up, bloody disgusting."


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