Christmas in Destiny

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Christmas in Destiny Page 29

by Toni Blake

  She could scarcely believe Shane had come back. And it only made her love him more that he’d done the right thing—for Anita. He was clearly ready to embark on a relationship with his mother and begin letting go of the past.

  But when the wedding was over, she realized she was almost nervous about facing him herself. Because he’d come back here to walk his mother down the aisle, but that didn’t change the fact that he’d left Candice behind.

  So it was almost a relief when people swarmed him right after—Grampy and all the new friends he’d made in town. And it made it easy to slink quickly away toward her car by herself.

  Walter and Anita headed to the reception at Edna’s barn in grand fashion—driving Grampy’s sleigh—and the wedding guests formed a caravan of cars behind it, following them down the road, across the stone bridge, and into the orchard.

  Once there, Candice busied herself with greeting people and some final setup—she took charge of turning on the music to hear Elvis singing “I’ll Be Home For Christmas” through speakers she’d helped put in place earlier. She had no idea where Shane was—or for that matter if he’d even attend the reception. Of course, it would only make sense given that he’d come back all this way for it, but who knew? Yes, he’d come home for Christmas, but maybe he was still heading to Miami and had to leave right away. Maybe he still didn’t see Destiny as home for him at all, and in fact, perhaps it was even presumptuous to think he should. Her mind spun with questions and emotions as she straightened red napkins beside a tower of candy canes and white cupcakes.

  And that was when a touch came on her arm and she looked up into Shane’s captivating blue gaze.

  “Hey,” he said softly.

  “Hey,” she whispered, the one word coming out shaky. Like she felt inside.

  “I’m . . . sorry for the way I left, Candy.”

  She nodded quickly. “It’s . . . it’s okay. I know you must have been feeling under a lot of pressure.”

  “It was still the wrong way to handle it,” he told her. “Did, uh, Frosty deliver my present?”

  It struck her again how adorable it was that he’d attached the gift to her kitty. “Yes,” she said. “Thank you. I’m wearing it now.” Though, crap, she hadn’t exactly meant to say that part. It made the locket sound so special to her. Like she would cherish it always. Which was true. But at the moment she didn’t need him knowing what a lovesick fool she was.

  “Did you already put a picture of your father in it?” he asked, sounding a little surprised she had the necklace on.

  She shook her head. And blurted out another truth. Because apparently she couldn’t stop. Apparently she was a truth machine. “No, I put one of you in it. From my phone. The one I took next to the fire that time Frosty was climbing all over you and making me laugh. I printed it out.” And clearly intend to treasure the one picture I have of you. Good Lord, shut up. “Because . . . you gave it to me. And my father never actually gave me much of anything. So I just . . . thought it made more sense.” Because I’m clearly in love with you and can’t stop making that painfully obvious. Then she shook her head. “I haven’t had much sleep lately.” Oh God, stop it. She’d meant to explain why she was babbling incoherently, but instead it pretty much only confirmed that she’d lost sleep over his departure. Truth machine.

  And all of that embarrassing truth made her decide she might as well just put the rest of her thoughts on the table, too. “It’s really great you came back for the wedding, Shane. I’m so glad you did. And it’s . . . really wonderful to see you. And I love the locket. And I don’t know what your plans are, but I realize I probably made more of things between us than you wanted.” Her heart beat so hard just taking him in, feeling his presence, looking into those eyes, that she thought it might consume her. “So I know this doesn’t change anything between us.”

  Just then, Anita came rushing up, and turning to the crowd at large she said, “Everyone! Everyone! If you haven’t already met him, I want to introduce you all to my handsome son, Shane!” She looked into his eyes for the next part. “Having him here to give me away to Walter has made this truly the happiest day of my life.”

  Everyone applauded, the barn filled with warmth despite the cold outside, and the announcement seemed to open the door to another one, especially since Tessa was nudging her sister-in-law Anna, saying, “Tell them, tell them!”

  Anna made a shushing face at Tessa and, looking a little embarrassed, said, “Oh—no, this is Anita and Walter’s night. My news can wait for another time.”

  Anita, however, was quick to smile and say, “Anna, honey, this is a joyous night, and if there’s more good news around here, I want to hear it!”

  So Anna said, “Well, okay—if you’re sure.” Then she glanced toward her longtime boyfriend, Duke Dawson, and said with a smile, “Looks like we’re next. Before coming to the wedding tonight, Duke made me peek in my stocking hanging from the mantel—and I found an engagement ring inside.”

  Duke and Anna had been together so long now that the crowd cheered, and Duke stepped up to say, “Guess seeing what Anita and Walter went through to get married made me realize it’s time I make an honest woman outta this one,” and he wrapped his arm around Anna’s shoulder and kissed her.

  And that was when Amy said, “Okay, I wasn’t gonna do this here, but I guess I will.” She glanced over at Anita then, who made approving, prodding motions for her to go on, then smiled back at the whole barn full of people. “I’m happy to tell you all that Logan and I will soon be adding another member to our family.” However, given that they already had two cats and a dog, and that Amy was cat-crazy, everyone silently assumed she only meant another cat until she added, “We’re having a baby next summer!”

  Again, the crowd applauded and broke into even wider grins—but Amy interrupted to say, “And this seems like the perfect time to give Walter and Anita my present to them.”

  Despite it not being customary to force the bride and groom to open their gifts in the middle of the reception before even a toast had been made, people were used to humoring Amy in certain ways, so they did so now as she carried a box up to Anita, with Walter now standing at her side.

  Walter took the box, holding it while Anita removed the lid—and looked utterly dumbstruck as she said, “A cat!” Holly from the bookstore, to be exact. Then she started looking around, appearing slightly panicked, her eyes finally landing on Amy. “This is sweet, Amy, really, but . . . I don’t know about having a cat.”

  Yet Amy seemed undaunted. “You’ll love having a cat! And this one really needs a home! And she’s sweet as can be—ask anyone.”

  Anita’s eyes resumed darting around, apparently seeking some other, more willing victim—the full measure of her desperation showing when her gaze stuck on Shane. “Wouldn’t you like this nice cat?”

  But he only threw up his hands. “Who, me? No, I already have a cat with Candice. Frosty is weird enough—we don’t need another one.”

  And Candice spun her head to look at him, feeling a little confused—and like she might actually faint—as she tried to take in his words. “You already have a cat? With me?”

  The crowd’s attention was back on Anita and Walter now as Shane said to her, “If . . . you want things that way. If you don’t, though, I understand.”

  She blinked. “I . . . thought you just came back for the wedding.”

  Yet Shane shook his head. “That was part of it, sure. But not all of it.”

  She remained a little breathless. “Well, maybe you could tell me the rest.”

  Next to her, he let out a sigh, looked into her eyes, and said, “As I was driving south, I guess I was thinking about George Bailey. And . . . well, before coming here, I wouldn’t have believed much of anybody would miss me if I was gone, but you made me feel . . . important, like I mattered. And I realized I was leaving behind the best person to ever enter my life. And why the hell would I do that? I mean, I was going to Miami looking for a new beginning and l
ooking for . . . some new kind of happy, you know? When I’d already found that—here, with you. If . . . if you’re as into me as I am into you, that is.”

  Still struggling to breathe, she said, “Oh, I am. I totally am. I love you, Shane.”

  His brow knit and he almost looked surprised. “Really? Still? Even though I messed up?”

  She nodded. “Love doesn’t just stop when someone messes up.”

  He looked toward his mother, then back to her. “Yeah, I guess I’m starting to understand that.” Then he eased his arms around her waist. “Damn, Candy Cane, I love you, too. And I’m gonna be a better man for you, I promise.”

  “You’re already a good enough man for me, Shane.”

  And in response to that, Shane took her hand and drew her into the recesses of the barn, finding a shadowy corner—where he lifted both hands to her face and kissed her. Slow, sweet, deep, and in a way that trickled all the way to the tips of her fingers and toes, hitting a few particularly sensitive hot spots in between.

  No moment had ever been more perfect for Candice, and after it ended, she said, “I thought I’d never get to kiss you again.”

  “Me too. And I’m so glad I came to my senses. Now I get to kiss you forever. And other stuff, too,” he added with a wink. After which he looked around and said, “I know we should stay awhile, but all I can think about is getting you home.”

  “Impatient, are we?” she asked.

  “Can’t help it,” he told her with his usual naughty grin. “Remember? Candy canes are my weakness.”


  One year later

  ’Twas the night before Christmas and all through the town

  Cats were climbing onto dinner tables and being told to get down.

  The stockings were all hung by the chimney with glee

  With thanks that this year’s Christmas was more drama-free.

  Anita baked a ham and when Shane heard a clatter,

  He and Walter ran to the kitchen to see what was the matter,

  But alas, ’twas only Holly the cat causing a stir

  And Candice said, “I hope the ham won’t be covered with kitty fur.”

  Jenny, Mick, and Dustin were there, too, ready for dinner to be served,

  And Anita finally had the family she deserved.

  It had been a busy year with much to celebrate,

  Shane had opened a body shop in Destiny and it was doing great!

  He’d started the business after the Montana house sold,

  And he’d begun to make peace about his dad and the things he’d been told.

  Duke and Anna had gotten married up on Half Moon Hill

  And Amy and Logan had a beautiful, healthy baby girl.

  Candice had stopped writing manuals to take over the Destiny Gazette,

  And her life was more fulfilling than she’d ever dreamed it could get.

  But by the time dinner was over and the gift-giving through

  Shane was more than ready to say goodnight and adieu.

  He wanted Candice home and snug in their bed

  As naughty visions of candy canes danced in his head.

  When, after some hot chocolate, Shane suggested they say goodbye,

  Candice said, “You’re right—Grampy and Edna are expecting us for pie!”

  The Christmas Eve festivities stretched on and on

  And Shane began to give up on having naughty Christmas fun,

  When what to his wandering eye did appear

  But his Candy Cane wearing something red and sexy and sheer.

  With a seductive grin, he said, “Finally, I get you alone.

  “Well, except for the weird cat staring at us,” he groaned.

  But cats and delays aside, he wouldn’t have traded this life

  Where he’d learned about love and joy and what’s right.

  And he was heard to proclaim as he turned out the lights,

  “A merry Destiny Christmas to all, and to all a good night.”


  Some of these acknowledgements may sound familiar from earlier books, because I habitually turn to the same people for help with my work. After all, if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. And when someone helps you repeatedly, they definitely deserve to keep being thanked.

  Thank you to Renee Norris, who lent me her insights and suggestions on this project over and over again. I don’t think there’s a literary problem she can’t solve or work around.

  Thank you to Lindsey Faber, for feedback and reactions throughout the writing process, every time I needed them, and for reassurance that my vision was clear.

  Thank you to Robin Zentmeyer, who, when I said I needed a name for a white cat, immediately said, “Frosty!” And Frosty, the newest Destiny Cat, was born.

  Thank you to my publishing team—my agent, Christina Hogrebe; my editor, May Chen; and everyone at Avon Books—for all you do for me and my work! I’m so grateful for our long association—this book celebrates ten happy years together!

  And thank you, last but not least, to my loyal and beloved readers, who I know are happy to be coming back to Destiny for Christmas this year. Wishing you all a lovely, heartwarming holiday!

  Praise for Toni Blake

  Praise for USA Today bestselling author TONI BLAKE and her breathtaking novels of romance!

  “Toni Blake’s romances are so delicious, so intoxicating and addictive, a good night’s sleep isn’t even an option. One Reckless Summer debuts an exciting romantic series that captures the intensity and passion of fated love. No one does it like Toni Blake.”

  New York Times bestselling author Robyn Carr

  “Toni Blake’s One Reckless Summer is one wild ride! This is just the book you want in your beach bag—it’s sexy, emotional and filled with twists and turns that will keep the pages turning.”

  New York Times bestselling author Susan Wiggs

  “Toni Blake writes wonderful books!”

  New York Times bestselling author Jennifer Crusie

  “Toni Blake writes the kind of book I want to read!”

  New York Times bestselling author Elizabeth Bevarly

  “Toni Blake writes powerfully erotic stories.”

  New York Times bestselling author Stella Cameron

  “Toni Blake is a star on the rise! Her books are sexy and full of heart!”

  New York Times bestselling author Teresa Medeiros

  “The sweet fifth installment of Blake’s Destiny contemporary series offers the captivating story of bookstore owner Amy Bright . . . it’s impossible not to empathize with and cheer for Amy in this charming tale.”

  Publishers Weekly (Starred Review) on Willow Springs

  “The perfect small town romance.”

  USA Today bestselling author Eloisa James on One Reckless Summer

  “Heart-stopping sensuality!”

  New York Times bestselling author Lori Foster

  About the Author

  USA Today bestselling author Toni Blake’s love of writing began when she won an essay contest in the fifth grade. Soon after, she penned her first novel—nineteen notebook pages long. Since then, Toni has become a RITA®-nominated author of more than twenty contemporary romance novels, her books have received the National Readers Choice Award and the Bookseller’s Best Award, and her work has been excerpted in Cosmo. Toni lives in the Midwest and enjoys traveling, crafts, and spending time outdoors.

  Learn more about Toni and her books at

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  By Toni Blake

  Christmas in Destiny

  Take Me All the Way

  Love Me If You Dare

  All I Want Is You

  Half Moon Hill

  Willow Springs

  Holly Lane

  Whisper Falls

  Sugar Creek

  One Reckless Summer

to a Secret Lover

  Tempt Me Tonight

  Swept Away

  Wildest Dreams

  The Red Diary


  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  christmas in destiny. Copyright © 2016 by Toni Herzog. All rights reserved under International and Pan-American Copyright Conventions. By payment of the required fees, you have been granted the nonexclusive, nontransferable right to access and read the text of this e-book on screen. No part of this text may be reproduced, transmitted, downloaded, decompiled, reverse-engineered, or stored in or introduced into any information storage and retrieval system, in any form or by any means, whether electronic or mechanical, now known or hereafter invented, without the express written permission of HarperCollins e-books.

  EPub Edition NOVEMBER 2016 ISBN: 9780062392602

  Print Edition ISBN: 9780062392596

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