I Heard It All Before

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I Heard It All Before Page 28

by Chenell Parker

  They didn’t need to be told twice. They slipped on gloves and searched Cam’s car with urgency. When one of them came up with a big block wrapped in plastic, Cam’s eyes bulged in shock. He was ready to start hyperventilating when the other office held up two more.

  “Hold up! That shit ain’t mine!” Cam yelled as he tried to walk back over to his truck.

  He was forcefully pulled back and slammed against the car, as the officers continued to rummage through his belongings. Cam was in shock, but something wasn’t right. He hadn’t touched drugs since he was released from jail and he had no reason to start. He needed to get in contact with Demi and he needed to do it soon. When the officer started reading him his rights, he already knew what time of day it was.

  “This is some bullshit!” Cam yelled as he was being shoved into the police car. They didn’t pull off right away and he was happy for that. He wasn’t in a hurry to go back to jail, but that was exactly where he was heading.

  Chapter 36

  Demi didn’t realize that she had fallen asleep until the ringing of her phone jolted her awake. The clock on the wall let her know that it was after six that evening and Cam still hadn’t made it home. Over three hours had passed since he said that he was on his way and he had never made it. Her calls went unanswered and Demi was starting to worry. She had missed the call that had awakened her and three more from the same unknown number before that. Something was wrong and Demi felt it.

  “Hey Demi,” Nora said when she answered the phone for her daughter-in-law.

  “Hey Ms. Nora, is Cam there?” Demi asked.

  “No, I haven’t seen him at all today and we haven’t talked since earlier. He told me that y’all were having a relaxing weekend and not to worry if I didn’t hear from him,” Nora replied.

  “Yeah, but he still hasn’t made it home yet. He said that he was on his way over three hours ago, and he’s not answering his phone,” Demi informed her.

  “Did you call Kobe? Now, I’m starting to worry. That’s not like Camden and I don’t trust Asha’s ass,” Nora rambled.

  “No, I haven’t talked to Kobe. Let me call him and I’ll call you right back,” Demi said, right before hanging up and dialing Kobe’s number.

  “What’s up Demi?” Kobe asked when he answered.

  “Is Cam still at the shop Kobe?” Demi asked.

  “Nah, he left a few hours ago. The shop is closed and I’m at home,” Kobe replied.

  “Something is wrong,” Demi acknowledged.

  “What do you mean?” Kobe asked.

  “He was supposed to be home hours ago, and he’s not answering his phone. I’m worried,” Demi replied.

  “That’s not like that nigga to do some shit like that. Give me a minute to throw on some clothes and I’ll go ride around and look for him,” Kobe said.

  “Okay Kobe, I appreciate it,” Demi sighed.

  As soon as she hung up with Kobe, Demi’s phone rang again, displaying the same unknown number.

  “Hello,” Demi hurriedly answered.

  Her heart dropped when she heard the pre-recorded message from the prison start to play. She didn’t even have to hear the name to know that it was Cam. When the recording ended, Cam’s angry voice was the next one that she heard.

  “Man, these bitches got me fucked all the way up!” Cam yelled and cursed.

  “What happened Cam?” Demi questioned.

  “I was on my way home and I don’t even know why they stopped me. I was on the bridge, so I got off and pulled over to see what they wanted. Them bitches cuffed me and searched my car. They pulled out all kinds of dope but, I swear, I don’t know where the shit came from,” Cam answered.

  “Oh, my God, Cam! Are you fucking serious? I just went through this shit with Kamari. I don’t want to have to go through it with you too,” Demi fussed.

  “First off, don’t compare me to your punk ass ex-husband. The fuck I need to sell dope for Demi? It ain’t like I need the money. I haven’t touched drugs since I got released from jail that last time,” Cam swore.

  “Yeah, right. I heard it all before Cam and I don’t wanna hear it again. I can’t believe that I keep putting myself in these same stupid ass situations,” Demi cried.

  “You can’t be serious Demi. I fucking need you right now and this is the shit that you’re coming at me with?” Cam asked.

  “Well, I’m sorry, but I can’t do nothing for you. Call your grandfather and run that lame ass game on him. I’m not buying it,” Demi replied.

  “Man, Demi, fuck you, straight up,” Cam snapped, right before hanging up the phone.

  He couldn’t believe how Demi was trying to come at him. He was in a fucked-up situation and he needed her support. He shouldn’t have had to involve his grandfather, when his girlfriend was an attorney. That made no sense. Cam was aggravated because it was a Friday and he couldn’t get into court until the following Monday. Since he was a habitual offender, he was sure that he wasn’t going to have a bond. He missed his father already because he would have been on his way to the rescue by now. Cam didn’t know what kind of attorney his grandfather was, but he was about to find out.

  After he calmed himself down, he made a call to his mother and Kobe. It was fucked up that they believed his story, but his own girlfriend didn’t. He told his mother not to tell his grandparents until he could see what was going on himself.

  Cam felt the depression creeping in as he went back to his bunk and stared at the ceiling. The peaceful weekend that he was supposed to spend with Demi was being spent in a dingy cell and dormitory, surrounded by other men. Cam didn’t go to sleep at all that first night and he never left from his bed unless he went to the bathroom. Cam didn’t remember falling asleep that Saturday night, but he woke up Sunday morning to a deputy yelling his name.

  “Yeah,” Cam groggily replied as he sat up and wiped his face with his palm.

  “Get yourself together. You have an attorney’s visit!” the deputy barked.

  It was the weekend, but attorneys could see inmates at any day and hour. Cam tried not to get excited, but the thought of Demi coming to his rescue had him smiling hard. He didn’t have anything to freshen up with, but he grabbed some tissues to clean the sleep from his face. Demi was gonna get a whiff of his morning breath, but it wouldn’t be her first time. After following the deputy to the visitation room, Cam stopped in his tracks when he laid eyes on his visitor. Instead of seeing Demi sitting there waiting on him, Cam saw Amy’s ugly ass face instead. She looked like a transgendered man and that was a compliment.

  “The fuck do you want?” Cam snapped, refusing to sit down where the deputy told him to.

  “Well, well, well. I guess my sources were right after all. Imagine my surprise when I got a call from a close associate telling me that my dear old stepson got arrested for drugs yet again. I just had to come see it for myself,” Amy smirked.

  “Bitch, you better be lucky that we’re in here around all these guards. I would have knocked your Caitlyn Jenner looking ass out if we weren’t,” Cam threatened.

  “Are you upset Cam? You shouldn’t be. This is your home away from home, just like I told Demi. Your daddy is not here to save you, so you can get comfortable,” Amy taunted.

  “I got money baby. I can hire an attorney with no problem. I can get one for free at my father’s firm if I want to. You must have forgotten whose blood flows through my veins,” Cam replied.

  “Good luck with that sweetie. My husband was the best attorney at the firm and he can’t be replaced. Even if one of them does represent you, they’re not as well connected as Camden Blaire was. Not even your grandfather has that kind of pull. You’ll still have to do some time,” Amy chuckled as she stood to her feet.

  “Fuck you, bruh. Grown man looking ass bitch,” Cam fumed as he turned around and told the deputy that he was ready to go.

  He was excited when he thought that it was Demi coming to see him. His depression returned as soon as he got back to his bunk. Cam was born
with a dark cloud following him and it seemed as if not much had changed.


  Cam was up bright and early Monday morning, ready to go to court. He needed to get the ball rolling, but he had to see if he had a bond or not. Standing before a judge was the first step to obtaining his freedom and hopefully going home. Cam hated the musty orange jumpsuit that he was given, but he put it on and got shackled to the other inmates. He was anxious as they boarded the prison van and drove right next door to the courthouse. He told his mother and Kobe about his court date and he was sure that they were going to be there. Nora was a nervous wreck because she had been through the motions with Cam so many times before. As soon as Cam was led into the courtroom, his mother, auntie, Kobe, and Lacey were right there on the front row waving at him. He didn’t expect to see Demi because he didn’t tell her what was going on. Once she told Cam how she felt, he never even bothered to call her again.

  Cam sat impatiently as the other inmates’ names were called and they stood before the judge. Some of them had lawyers present, while the others were given court appointed attorneys. When it was his turn, he jumped up and made his way in front of the judge.

  “Do you have an attorney Mr. Davis? If not, the court can appoint you one,” the judge said as he looked at Cam over the rim of his glasses.

  “That won’t be necessary your honor. I’m his attorney,” Demi said as she rushed into the courtroom carrying her briefcase.

  Cam looked at her and frowned before doing the same to his mother. He knew that Nora was responsible for Demi being there and he was pissed with her too.

  “No, your honor, I don’t have an attorney, but I will soon. I don’t need the assistance of the court. I’ll hire my own representation,” Cam replied.

  “What the hell are you doing Camden? I’m trying to help you,” Demi whispered.

  “I don’t want your help or your sympathy. You basically called me a liar and said fuck me when I needed you the most. I would have never done you dirty like that. I’ll rot in this bitch before I let you represent me,” Cam snapped.

  “I’m sorry Cam, but you know what I’ve been through. I do believe you and I’m sorry for ever doubting you,” Demi apologized.

  Demi was upset when Cam first called her, but she had time to sit down and think about it since then. Cam was good financially, so he didn’t have a reason to go back to the streets. She also thought back to when Asha tried to get him to start back selling drugs. Cam was almost broke, but he refused to turn back to his old ways. Demi felt like a fool for not believing him in the beginning and she didn’t blame him for being upset with her.

  “Mr. Davis, do you have an attorney or not?” the judge asked impatiently.

  “Not yet, but I’ll have one for my next court date,” Cam replied.

  He knew it, but he was still crushed when the judge ordered him to be held without bond. His record was a mile long and that was to be expected. His second court date was scheduled for four months later and he wanted to cry when it was announced. The courts were backed up with cases and that was the soonest date available. Cam could see the look of hurt and confusion on his mother’s face and he was sure that Demi’s expression mirrored hers. He didn’t even look back as he was led out of the courtroom, along with the other inmates.

  “What the hell just happened?” Nora questioned when Demi walked over to them.

  “He’s mad with me and now he doesn’t want my help. Cam is so damn stubborn. I’m gonna wait until I think they’re back in the prison and try to go see him,” Demi replied.

  “I don’t want my baby being in jail for something that he didn’t do. I’m calling his grandfather,” Nora said as they all rushed out of the courtroom.

  Demi waited around for another thirty minutes before she made her way across the street to the prison. She checked in like she normally did and was led to the conference room. When the door opened a few minutes later, she stood up, expecting to see Cam. Instead, the deputy walked in and informed her that her request to see him had been denied. Demi wanted to scream, but she picked up her briefcase and left. She understood Cam being upset, but he was doing the most. Demi felt depression trying to creep in and she didn’t know how to stop it. She needed Cam home more than he knew and she wasn’t going to stop until he got there.

  Chapter 37

  Courtney was stressed and she was at the end of her rope. Her marriage was going from bad to worse and she was tired of trying to fix it. Alton had missed two of their counseling appointments, and Courtney had to threaten him with divorce to get him to go to the others. He was still stuck in the past and they couldn’t move forward until he let that go. He kept dwelling on that bullshit with Cam, and Courtney was over it. Cam had been locked up for almost two months and he wasn’t a threat to anyone. Nora was losing her mind and Demi was too. His grandfather was doing everything in his power to get him out, but the judge refused to set a bond. Cam’s previous arrests didn’t help and the judge was being an asshole. He said that Cam shouldn’t have been released all the other times and he wasn’t making the mistake of letting him out again. Aside from Kobe, Cam didn’t want anyone else to visit him. Courtney talked to him a few times when she went to Nora’s house, but that wasn’t too often. Cam still wasn’t talking to Demi and she hadn’t tried to go see him again. Nora visited Demi all the time because she was depressed about Cam being gone.

  “You wanna go get something to eat?” Alton asked his wife, pulling her away from her thoughts.

  “No, just bring me home,” Courtney replied, void of any emotion.

  Alton wanted to say more, but he decided to leave her alone. He knew that his stubbornness was putting a strain on their marriage, but he was having a hard time getting over the past. He didn’t want to lose his wife, but that’s the direction that he felt like they were headed. As soon as they got home, Alton sat down in his recliner, as Courtney stormed down the hall to their bedroom. He flipped through channels, trying to find a movie to watch until the noise coming from their bedroom got his attention.

  “What the hell are you doing?” Alton asked when he entered the room and saw Courtney pulling clothes from the closet.

  “What the hell does it look like? I’m done Alton. Fuck counseling and everything else. I’m tired of trying to make this work all by myself,” Courtney said as tears clouded her vision.

  Courtney didn’t have anywhere else to go, but she would live under a bridge before she stayed there and continued to be miserable. She was an only child and she didn’t have any living relatives that she knew of. Still, anything was better than where she was.

  “Don’t do this Courtney, please. I’m sorry baby. I’ll try harder, I promise,” Alton begged.

  “What do you mean you’ll try harder? You’ve never tried at all. I’m tired Alton and I can’t take no more. I cheated and I was wrong, but ask yourself why I did what I did,” Courtney replied.

  “So, this is my fault?” Alton asked while pointing at himself.

  “How much did you expect me to take Alton? I’m not even thirty years old and I feel like my life is already over. We don’t go anywhere or do anything. We used to have sex every day in the beginning, but you barely touch me now. We’re still supposed to be newlyweds, but all we do is argue,” Courtney cried.

  “I wonder why Courtney. Maybe it’s because you fuck your ex every chance you get. Disappearing with that nigga like I’m too stupid to notice. You’re not the only one who’s fed up. I’m tired of being disrespected!” Alton yelled, bringing up the situation that happened at the club a while ago.

  “Why did you marry me then, Alton? Everything that you mentioned happened before we got married, so why did you go through with it?” Courtney sniffled.

  “Because I love you, that’s why. Baby, look, I can’t place all the blame on you. I got comfortable and stopped doing all the things that I did before. I don’t condone you messing around, but I know that my actions probably drove you to it. But, please, don’t give up o
n us Courtney. I admit that I wasn’t trying before, but I’m ready to give it my all,” Alton promised.

  “I’m trying Alton, I’m really trying. I shouldn’t have done what I did, but I can’t take it back. Either we’re going to move forward or we need to go our separate ways,” Courtney replied.

  “I want to move forward, but I want us to do it right. No more outside people in our marriage Courtney. If you can’t agree to that, then this won’t work,” Alton explained.

  “I’ve already told you that I’m done with that Alton. I love you and I’m ready to move forward,” Courtney replied.

  “You say that now, but you’re still being deceitful,” he pointed out.

  “How am I being deceitful? I admitted to all my wrongdoings and I apologized,” Courtney said.

  “Okay, so why were you with Cam a few weeks ago when you were supposed to be at work? I saw you pull up at IHOP and his truck was already there,” Alton informed her.

  “Really Alton? So, you’re spying on me now?” Courtney asked.

  “I’m not spying on you. I went to the bank that was right next door. That doesn’t change the fact that you lied to me though,” he noted.

  “I didn’t lie to you, Alton, but you don’t trust me. I haven’t been with Cam sexually in months, but you never believe what I tell you. Cam has been my friend for years and you want me to give that up,” Courtney countered.

  “That’s because you can’t keep your thongs on around that nigga. It’s sad that I trust you more because he’s in jail,” Alton snapped.

  “Wow. You’re so against my friendship with him, but you should be grateful. It’s because of him that we’re not divorced,” Courtney admitted.

  “What is that supposed to mean?” Alton questioned.

  “It means that I was fed up long before now. I was done with this marriage, but it was Camden who suggested counseling. He was the one encouraging me to give my marriage another try and do all I could to make it work. The same person that you despise is the same one who was in your corner the entire time. Cam has moved on and he’s happy. I want us to do the same thing,” Courtney answered.


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