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by Unknown

  He shook his head. She really didn’t understand, and time was running out. He could feel the call of the moon. “Don’t make me force you,” he said. “Now, I’ll tell you one more time. Get in the car.” His voice was hard, cold. No one had ever refused his orders.

  She shook back her glorious mane of hair, looked him straight in the eyes, and said, “Make me.”

  He wrapped his hands around her neck and felt her stiffen, saw the sudden fear that flashed across her lovely face. Good. She should be afraid. He wasn’t someone that she could play with. She would have to come to understand that.

  “Gareth…” She breathed his name on a whisper.

  “Shh…” He leaned forward and kissed her sweet lips. Sleep, my one. Sleep.

  Her eyes widened, went blank and glassy. Then her lashes fell, and she slumped against him.

  He lifted her and climbed inside the limousine. Michael and Alerac quickly followed him. Within moments, they were on their way, speeding away from the darkened road, away from Maple Lane.

  Gareth looked up, feeling the weight of Michael’s stare.

  “Is she what you expected?”

  He glanced back at the sleeping woman. His gaze swept down her body, and hunger stirred within him. “No,” he whispered, the word almost a growl. “She’s more.”

  Bite of the Wolf: Chapter 2

  Trinity opened her eyes and discovered two very important

  facts. First, she was naked.

  Second, she wasn’t alone.

  She was in a king-sized bed, covered only by a black silk sheet, and he was with her.

  Gareth. The too-sexy to be real man who’d kidnapped her. The psycho.

  He was watching her, his golden stare intent upon her face. A small frown marred his otherwise perfect brow.

  “What did you do to me?” she asked, pushing herself up, carefully keeping the sheet over her breasts.

  He blinked, then a smile stretched across his face. “Nothing…


  Her eyes narrowed. “Why am I naked?” Her gaze darted around the room. “And where am I?” The last thing she remembered was Gareth kissing her. His lips had been so warm against hers. And then—

  She frowned, trying to remember.

  “You’re in my home.” He raised his hand and stroked the skin of her upper arm.

  Goosebumps rose along her flesh. She swallowed and felt heat begin to rise in her belly even as a dark suspicion burned in her mind. “You kidnapped me, didn’t you?”

  He shrugged and slid closer to her. “I don’t think of it as kidnapping.”

  “No?” Oh, damn, but he smelled good. Her heart was pound-

  ing like crazy in her chest. “Wh-what would you call it then?” The sheet was covering him, but it pooled around his waist. His chest, his thickly muscled chest, was completely bare.

  One black brow lifted. “Retrieving something that was lost?”

  She blinked, not understanding. “I don’t—”

  His hand was on her breast, lightly stroking the nipple through the thin barrier of the sheet.

  “You’ve got the most beautiful breasts,” he muttered, his burning gaze locked upon her. “I watched them while you slept. And I wanted to touch them, to taste them.” His thumb slipped across the taut nipple and she bit back a moan.

  “Don’t touch me,” she ordered, but her voice was weak.

  His features tensed, but his thumb continued to stroke her.

  Oh, God. It felt so good. Her breasts were tight, aching. It had been so long since she’d been with anyone, since she’d—

  She jumped from the bed. “Look, Mister—”

  “Gareth,” he said, his voice soft and his gaze locked on her naked body. “I’m Gareth.”

  She knew that, but she didn’t want to call him by name. He was her kidnapper, for goodness sake! Not her buddy. “I don’t know what you did to me or how you got me here, but I want to leave.”

  She took a breath, tried to calm her racing heart, and said, “Now.”

  He shook his head. “I can’t allow you to leave. It’s far too dangerous.” His gaze was locked on her breasts. He licked his lips. “I hope you taste as good as you look.”

  The man had a serious one track mind. She crossed her arms over her breasts. “Where are my clothes?”

  He shook his head and rose slowly from the bed. “You don’t need them right now.”

  He walked toward her and her gaze fell, dropping to stare at the long, thick length of his dick that rose, hard and hungry, from the cradle of his thighs.

  “I’ve been waiting a long time for you,” he whispered, his voice like rough velvet. “Don’t make me wait any longer.”

  She shook her head and jerked her gaze up. His golden eyes seemed overly bright, almost feverishly so, and his face had a stark, feral look. “I just want to leave, okay?” She stepped back, moving slowly. She had the feeling that he would pounce on her at any moment.

  “I told you. It’s too dangerous. If I let you leave, he’ll take you.”

  He shook his head once, a quick, negative shake. “That’s not going to happen.” His gaze trapped her. “You’re mine. ”

  “Look, I don’t know who ‘he’ is,” she muttered, taking another small step back. There was a door behind her; she’d seen it when she’d jumped from the bed. If she could just get through that door—

  His nostrils flared. “I can smell you, smell the scent of your sex.” His cock swelled even more.

  Okay, time to give up playing it cool. Trinity turned on her heel and ran. A low growl rumbled behind her.

  Her fingers latched onto the door knob and she jerked the door open. She fled down the hall, her bare feet pounding against the hardwood floor. She could hear him behind her, hear the thudding of his footsteps, the harsh rumble of his breath.

  She rounded the corner—

  And stumbled to a halt when she saw the other two men. The men who’d helped Gareth kidnap her. Their eyes widened when they saw her naked body.

  Gareth roared, grabbing her by the arms and jerking her behind him. His body shielded her from the other two men, and he kept an unbreakable hold on her wrist.

  “Leave!” He snarled, his shoulders stiff with rage.

  The other two men lowered their heads and instantly left the room.

  She stood behind him, shaking, embarrassment sweeping

  through her. Who was Gareth? What did he want from her?

  He turned slowly to face her, and Trinity’s eyes widened at the sight of him.

  His cheeks were hollow, his eyes blazing. And his teeth—

  She swallowed, fear pounding through her. His teeth, his ca-nines, were sharp. Long.

  Too sharp. Too long.

  He lifted his hand, and she saw that his nails had grown, had changed. Claws grew from the ends of his fingertips.

  She could only stare up at him, stunned, terrified, and she knew, with utter certainly, that she was in danger. Mortal danger.

  Because Gareth Morlet wasn’t a man.

  The eyes that stared at her were those of a beast.


  He could smell her fear.

  And her lingering arousal. The two scents wrapped around him, fed his hunger, and he knew that he was going to take her. Knew that he had to take her.

  The others had seen her. They’d seen her naked body, seen the pink-tipped breasts, the soft thatch of black hair at the cradle of her thighs.

  He wanted to kill them. They were his friends, his packmates, but that didn’t matter. They had seen Trinity’s body. And he wanted to kill them.

  His control was razor thin. He needed her, needed to bury himself in her tight heat, and he needed to do it now.

  “Get on the table,” he growled, jerking his head toward the center of the room. Trinity had fled to the kitchen, and while he would have preferred that their first mating be in a bed, he didn’t have the strength to wait until they went back to his room.

  She lifted her chin, and
for a moment, he thought she would deny him, but then she stepped forward, and moved slowly toward the table.

  He wanted to howl in triumph.

  His gaze dropped to the curves of her ass. He needed to touch her, to slide his hand over the smooth globes.

  Trinity stopped at the table, glancing back over her shoulder.

  There was fear in her gaze. And, beneath the fear, hunger. A hunger to match his.

  “Get on the table,” he repeated, stepping toward her. His balls were tight against his body, and his dick felt like it would burst.

  His mate had the most perfect little body. Soft, smooth skin and slender legs. Those beautiful breasts.

  She climbed onto the table and lay down on her back. Her legs were locked together, and her arms were positioned stiffly at her sides.

  He licked his lips, already tasting her.

  He took a quick breath, and yanked the leash on the beast within him. He felt the change in his bones as he fought back the driving hunger. His claws disappeared, but his incisors stayed strong and hard in his mouth.

  He leaned over her, bracing his hands on the table. Her gaze, so bright and so blue, met his. “You’re not a… man… are you, Gareth?”

  He shook his head. No, he wasn’t a man. He wasn’t human,

  not really. But there would be time later to tell her. Now… now he needed his mate.

  His head lowered toward her breast. He couldn’t wait to pull her nipple into his mouth. To suckle her and hear her cries of need fill the air.

  “Don’t…” she licked her lips, her small, pink tongue flashing out, “don’t hurt me.”

  He stilled. His hand lifted, caressed her cheek in a feather light touch. “You’ll know nothing but pleasure, ma petite,” he promised.

  There was no way he would hurt her. He couldn’t hurt his mate.

  She seemed to relax at his words.

  He lowered his head and closed his lips around the tip of her breast. She tasted as good as he’d thought she would. Better.

  His mouth widened as he suckled her, trying to taste more of her. His hand came up and began to rub her other breast, his fingers plucking the nipple. She was laid out for him on the table, and he intended to make a complete meal of her.

  He heard her gasps, and the rich scent of her arousal flooded his nostrils. His little mate wanted him; he could smell her need, could feel it. Her nipples were tight, and he bit down against her, gently, and his fingers squeezed her breasts. She moaned, tilting back her head. Her hips began to move, rocking against the table.

  He lifted his head and stared down at her. Her nipple gleamed, the moisture from his mouth shining against the tight peak. The beast within him raged. Demanded that he thrust into her now, hard and deep.

  His gaze drifted down her body, past the smooth expanse of her stomach, past the flat plane of her abdomen, down to the dark hair that covered her tender flesh. He slid his hand over her body, marveling at the softness of her skin. He could feel the weight of her stare upon him, and it heightened his desire, his need.

  “Spread your legs,” he ordered, and after a small hesitation, Trinity obeyed. She opened herself to him, and the sight of her spread thighs nearly brought him to his knees.

  He parted her soft flesh with his fingers. She was hot, and wet.

  The proof of her need was plain to see in the cream that coated his fingers as he stroked her.

  He couldn’t wait to thrust inside of her. To bury himself balls deep in her snug warmth. A growl rumbled in the base of his throat.

  He pulled his hand away from her and moved to the edge of the table. He locked his hands around her thighs and pulled her toward him, not stopping until her legs dangled over the side of the wooden table. He stepped between her spread legs, his hands gripping her thighs. Staring into her blue eyes, he pushed her thighs farther apart, leaving her completely open to him.

  He could see the pulse pounding at the base of her throat. He could hear the sound of her ragged breathing. And he could smell the thick aroused scent of her cream.

  He stroked her inner thighs, slowly working up to the center of her need. Her pussy was open to him, the folds a dark, flushed pink.

  He slipped a finger inside of her, marveling at the tight feel of her. She arched her back, moaning softly.

  He pressed his finger deeper into her. She was so tight and hot, she was going to feel like heaven around his dick.

  He worked another finger up into her warmth, pushing down

  hard. Her breasts pointed into the air, her nipples tight.

  “Gareth!” His name was a desperate cry upon her lips. Her face was flushed and her hips bucked against him.

  He leaned forward, capturing a breast in the heat of his mouth, while he continued to thrust his fingers into her pussy. Deep and hard. Her inner muscles were clamped around him, holding him tight, and her cream coated him.

  Her moans were driving him crazy. Her body was twisting, undulating against his as hungry need swept through her. Her fingers were on his back, digging into his skin. With a flash of pleasure, he realized that his mate was marking him. Marking his flesh.

  Good. Because he sure as hell intended to mark her. She would wear his mark for all to see.

  He lifted his head and gazed down at Trinity’s glorious body.

  She was perfect. Those breasts, those thighs—God, he could come just from looking at her.

  His dick was swollen. Hard, hungry. It was time, time for him to take his mate. He pulled his fingers from the hot cradle of her pussy and brought them to his lips. Her gaze, bright, dazed, locked on him.

  He lifted his fingers to his lips and licked her cream, his lips curving at the tangy taste. “I knew you’d taste good,” he whispered.

  And he knew that later, he would have to have more of her, taste more, that he would taste all of her.

  He positioned his dick against her opening, feeling her wet heat coat the broad head of his shaft. He knew once he thrust inside of her that his control would be shot. He prayed that he’d aroused her enough so that she would be ready for him.

  “Gareth!” Her voice was a breath of sound. Her hips arched against him. “I need you!”

  He thrust deep, burying himself to the hilt. Her pussy locked around him, holding him tight.

  So. Damn. Tight.

  “I claim you,” he gritted, as he pulled almost out of her hot warmth and then thrust back, hard and strong, into her. “I claim you as my mate. I bind you to me. I give you my protection, my vow.”

  He thrust again. Deeper. Harder. “You are mine. My mate, my woman!” His hips pistoned against her, thrusting in a frenzy. Again and again he buried himself in her warmth.

  His orgasm was pressing on him. His balls tightened and a tingling began at the base of his spine.

  He bent over her, his mouth fastening on the tender curve of her throat. His fangs scraped against her skin. He could feel her pulse, could feel the frantic pounding of her blood.


  He felt her body tighten around him, felt the shuddering grasp of her delicate muscles as her climax ripped through her. He thrust into her, burying himself in her over and over again, and he knew he could wait no longer.

  He buried his teeth in her throat, piercing her skin. Her blood flowed over his tongue. The taste was rich, sweet, and he drank from her, taking her very life essence into his body and creating a link between them, a link that would hold until the final mating ritual had been completed.

  He felt another climax rip through her. He heard the choked cry that was his name slip from her lips.

  And then his own orgasm swept through him. He jerked his

  head away from her, howling as the pleasure snapped through him.

  His body shuddered, emptying itself deep into the core of Trinity’s body. Black lights danced before his eyes. His arms tightened around her, pressing her against him in an unbreakable hold.

  As the last tremor swept over him, his body collapsed against h
er, crushing her against the hard table. Her body was a soft cushion for him, warm, welcoming. And the soft echoes of her climax still shook her pussy, sending pleasant ripples over his cock.

  Her hands were on his back, stroking lightly. He liked her touch, and he licked the curve of her breast to show his appreciation.

  Her heart was still pounding, but its rate was slowing. He stretched, enjoying the feel of his body rubbing against hers. He’d never felt—

  Trinity stiffened beneath him.

  He sighed and lifted his head from the soft pillow of her breast.

  She stared up at him, the passion gone from her wide blue eyes.

  Her hand lifted, touched the curve of her neck, and her fingers came away bright with blood.

  Horror filled her gaze.

  So much for soft words from his mate. Gareth locked his jaw, knowing what was coming.

  “What,” she enunciated slowly, “in the hell are you?”

  Bite of the Wolf: Chapter 3

  What had just happened? Trinity lay on the table, ripples from her orgasm still moving through her, and wondered if she’d gone crazy. Absolutely freaking crazy.

  Because, after all, she’d just made love with a monster.

  She stared at the drops of blood coating her fingertips.

  A biting monster.

  And she’d loved it. Every single second of it.

  She was crazy. Had to be.

  She shoved against his chest, feeling trapped on the table, trapped beneath the solid weight of his body.

  Gareth moved back slowly, pulling his still erect cock from her body. She glanced up at him, enormously relieved to note that his fangs were gone.

  Fangs. Jesus. What had she done? Gone and found herself some kind of vampire boyfriend? As if her life weren’t already screwed up enough. For the last five years of her life, she’d lived like an old spinster. Then, when she’d just hit thirty, she’d gone and slept with the undead!

  “Trinity…” His lips pressed together and turmoil seemed to swirl in his gaze. “Don’t be afraid of me.”

  She scooted across the table and stood on trembling legs. “Yeah, well, don’t bite me.”

  His hands clenched. “I couldn’t control myself. I had to taste you. It was the bonding.”

  Her eyes narrowed. “The what?” She glanced around the room, searching for something to cover her body. She couldn’t stand being there, stark naked. What if his two friends came back?


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