Lone Star Baby Scandal

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Lone Star Baby Scandal Page 5

by Lauren Canan

  “Are you hungry?” he asked, unfolding his cloth napkin and settling it on his lap.

  “Starved. But I think my eyes were bigger than my stomach because I don’t know how I’ll be able to eat all this. It looks delicious. What did you get? The ribs or the sliced beef?”

  “I decided to try a little of both.”

  The tables on the boardwalk were plentiful but they were already full by the time Clay was half finished with his plate. Sophie had already laid her fork down, indicating she could eat no more.

  An announcer broke in telling everyone they were preparing to start the fireworks display, encouraging all who were eating inside to come outside for a better view.

  Before he could turn the evening over to the team that would shoot off the fireworks, Shane Delgado, the owner of the Bellamy Hotel, stepped up onto the low platform stage.

  “Folks,” he said into the microphone. “Before we get started, there is something important I wanted to share with all of you.” He turned and grinned at Brandee Lawless, the woman everyone knew had stolen his heart. “Brandee said yes!”

  No one in the TCC had to be told who Shane was talking about. Or what. You could see the love shining from both of their eyes from two blocks away. A loud clapping, more like a roar, washed over the crowd, accompanied by whistles and plenty of calls of “Congratulations!” to the couple.

  “Thanks. We hope you will join us on our special day. Gabe Walsh and Chelsea Hunt will be our best man and maid of honor.”

  Sophie glanced over her left shoulder and saw Chelsea positively beaming, she was so happy for her friend Brandee. Chelsea was CTO of Hunt and Co., a chain of steak restaurants. And to Sophie’s right sat Gabe, owner of a security firm, his roots in the FBI. He was grinning ear to ear. It was too bad the two of them were merely friends, Sophie thought. They looked like they would be great together. The way Gabe looked at Chelsea from across the room, he maybe thought so too.

  The applause erupted all over again. But before Shane could hand the mic back to the announcer, Toby McKittrick, drop-dead gorgeous millionaire rancher, grabbed it. “Since this is a night for announcements, for those who may not know, my wife Naomi and I are having a girl.” The broad grin reflected his pride in the woman who had become his life. He’d stolen her away from a thriving career as a as a stylist with her own local cable TV show, though it was rumored she might go back to work after the baby was born. Applause once again broke out along with oohs and aws and calls of congratulations. Their eyes met across the room and it caused a zinging sensation in Sophie’s heart.

  No sooner had he finished his announcement than the first explosion brought everyone’s attention to the sky overhead. The fireworks came in every color in every design you could imagine as the orchestra played music in perfect rhythm with the display.

  Clay stole a glance at Sophie’s face. With her chin resting on her palms, she seemed totally captivated by what was happening up above. He took his time to really look at her. She was positively drop-dead gorgeous. Her features were near perfection, so delicate. Her lips were full and sensuous. Her neck long and slender. In almost slow motion she blinked, smiled and turned to him. He watched as the light blush covered her ivory skin, the smile faded but the sparkle in her bright blue eyes told him all he needed to know.

  His body was running hot, his erection straining against his jeans. He pushed back the chair and stood up He took her hand and pulled her to her feet.

  “Do you want to dance?” he asked.

  “Really, no.”

  “The fireworks are about to end. How about if we get out of here before the other cars make it impossible?”

  She nodded her agreement.

  Still holding her hand, he headed to the front of the building. His limo was immediately brought around. Clay helped Sophie inside then sat beside her. He said nothing. He couldn’t make small talk. He’d been in her presence far too long without taking her in his arms. Once he did, it wasn’t dancing he would be doing. He needed to be inside her. Until that happened he couldn’t retain a rational thought.

  “We’re going to my house,” he told the driver.

  “Why?” Sophie asked in a surprised tone.

  He glanced at her. “You know why.” The long car propelled them forward like a streak in the night. It took fully five minutes to reach the destination, which was four and a half minutes too long. When they reached the ranch house, Clay exited the limo, came around and opened Sophie’s door and held his hand out for her. Interior lights had been left on in the house, which made it look even larger than it was during the day. No employee greeted them at the door.

  “Where is your staff?”

  “Everyone is off for the night.”

  Clay turned to Sophie. Waiting another minute was too long. He pulled her to him, his lips coming down over hers. She immediately opened to him, accepting the deep kiss and inciting him further with her tongue. His hands found her zipper and rolled it down her back. He began to push the spaghetti straps from her shoulders then realized they were still in the public eye. Knowing Sophie would call a stop, he scooped her into his arms and all but raced up the stairs and into his master suite.

  He set her down and made away with the dress. He slid the jacket from his shoulders then began to take off his western shirt, unfastening button by button while remaining focused on her; on what they were about to do. Next went his boots, then his jeans. Standing before him in a beam of soft moonlight, Sophie was exquisite. His hands cupped her face and his lips returned to hers. She was his. And he was not going to let her go for a very long time.

  The adrenaline rush slammed his system in much the same way it did seconds before the gate was swung open letting a bull he was riding out of the chute. Clay lifted Sophie and laid her on the bed, his mouth never leaving hers. Her arms came around his neck and he heard her moan as she pushed her lower body against him. Then it was his turn to moan, which came out more of a growl.

  “Are you ready for me?” he asked in between nips and kisses to her neck. “I don’t think I can hold back any longer. You make me insane, Sophie Prescott.”

  She opened her legs to him and Clay didn’t hesitate. Reaching down, he pushed two fingers inside her, feeling the wet heat that almost seared his hand. With a moan she tilted her lower body upward, impaling herself on his fingers. She was damn close to cresting. He touched her most sensitive spot with his thumb and she went off like one of the fireworks at the July Fourth celebration. He worked her, making it last as long as possible. Then he gently removed his hand and positioned her to take him.

  She was breathing hard and he knew she was beyond communication. He grabbed the small foil packet from his wallet and quickly put the condom on. With his hands he pushed her legs farther apart then cupped her hips in preparation for entry. He felt the tip of his erection meet the core of her body, the wet heat so hot it almost burned, and without any further delay, he pushed inside.


  Sophie moaned and there was an instant of hesitation when she pushed against his shoulders. “Clay...”

  “You can do this, Sophie. Try and relax, hon.”

  She wanted to take him. She wanted Clay, period. She wanted to feel him filling her, stretching her tender muscles. She raised her head and kissed and licked the sweat from his chest and neck. A distant drifting memory that she’d sworn she would not do this a second time flitted across her mind. Then it was gone as the intensity of their mating began to grow yet again.

  The scents of Clay, his cologne and sex swirled around her, furthering her desire, building yet again to a fevered peak. Clay lost all control, pumping inside her in a raw, animalistic manner. She responded, raising her legs, cupping his head and kissing his sweaty brow. At some point she lost her small grip on reality. The room spun and the sky exploded as together they found completion.

  Clay dropped his heavy body to the side, one arm and one leg still covering her. She turned, facing away from him, and curled into his body. With one heavy arm he pulled her closer. She felt him rain kisses over the back of her head. Then she slept.

  Her internal clock said it was past midnight when she woke up. Clay was still beside her, his hands playing with the strands of her hair. She smiled and turned onto her back, her hand stroking the beard stubble on his face.

  He caught it in his hand and placed kisses in her palm. “Are you all right, Sophie?”

  “Mmm, I’m good.” She could hear the drowsiness in her own voice. “But it’s late. I should go home.”

  “There’s no transportation leaving the ranch tonight. I’m afraid you’ll just have to stay right where you are.”

  “Can I borrow a car?”

  He was still for a moment. “What if I said no? What if you were trapped here?” He rolled onto his side and propped his head on one hand, looking down at her. “If I beg would you stay?”

  She reached out and cupped his strong jaw, feeling the evening shadow rough against her skin. Her thumb moved over the full lips that could do such amazing things.

  “Clay, we’ve talked about this. You know it’s not something I feel comfortable with.”

  “I want you in my life, dammit.”

  “You have me in your life. Five and six days a week, eight to ten hours a day. Longer when needed.”

  “That’s not the same thing and you know it.” He was silent as though in deep contemplation. “You are hard enough to resist during the day in the office. To know you could be living under my roof, to know I would get to see you and be with you every night as well... I think it would be the best for both of us. That’s as lightly put as I can say it.”

  “I understand.” And she did. She was so in love with him that other men just didn’t exist. She respected Clay and was flattered by his desire to keep her solely with him. Maybe she was a bit old-fashioned, but why start a serious relationship if you knew from the beginning it had nowhere to go? Clay didn’t want a wedding ring and all the trappings that went along with it. She did. He still had most of his life to live and be free. Sophie was the exact opposite. She longed for a husband, a home and kids scampering and playing around the house. She wanted a man with a golden band around his fourth finger that proclaimed he was happily married and proud to let any and all know it.

  “If you don’t want to move in here then let me set you up in the penthouse of one of my buildings nearby. You would want for nothing, Sophie. You would be close to the horses anytime you wanted to ride.” He nuzzled her ear. “And you’d be closer to me.”

  “I like my little house. It’s only four miles away.”

  “That’s four miles too far. If you won’t agree to that, either, then let me move in with you.”

  She couldn’t stop the giggle that rose in her throat. “Oh, yeah, I can see how that would work out well. Park your Porsche out on the street.”

  “I could always drive the truck.”

  “Let your feet hang over the end of the couch when you sleep.”

  “Not if I was sleeping with you, which I absolutely would be.”

  “You would bump your head every time you came into the house.”

  “Sophie, you drive a man crazy. I know because I’m there.”

  “I like to make you crazy,” she said, rubbing her fingers over the thin line of hair below his belly button.

  He took her hand and pushed it lower, wrapping her fingers around his shaft. “Stroke it,” he whispered.

  She didn’t hesitate. The feel of his smooth, silky skin was in such direct conflict with the rest of his body. Clay rose above her and found her mouth in the darkness.

  “What am I going to do with you?”

  The words Anything you want flittered across her mind. She was so in love with Clay. She could no longer deny it. Even to herself. But he must never know. Clay lived on the fast track and even the idea of tying him down was ludicrous.

  His lips came down on hers and there was no more talking for a long time.

  Sophie woke before dawn, eased out of bed and hurried to the shower. She couldn’t face Clay. Nor could she count the number of times they had made love. Standing under the warming spray, she leaned her forehead against the stone wall and indulged in reliving the memories from last night. He’d positioned her in so many ways, brought her to climax so many times she didn’t know if she would ever recover. But that was a great thing. Her body felt well used but more alive than ever.

  Exiting the shower, she pulled on one of Clay’s T-shirts, gathered her dress and heels, and eased down the stairs in the hopes of finding someone who would take her home. Within minutes she was on her way. She refused to worry about the staff gossiping about her and their boss. Women sneaking out of his house in the early hours of the morning were probably a common occurrence. Or they had been at one time.

  The following Monday at work was easier than Sophie imagined it would be. Clay did kiss her good-morning but then sealed himself inside his office, door closed for most of the day. She heard his voice get loud and angry a couple of times and it made her curious to know what was up. The next time he emerged, she intended to ask. This was so out of the norm.

  At four o’clock the inner door opened.

  “Sophie, why don’t you head home. There is no reason for you to stay any longer. I suspect I’ll be on the phone the rest of the day.” And the door was again closed.

  This was repeated the next few days and still Clay didn’t reveal what was wrong. The men and women who called sounded upset but didn’t care to speak with her. Just Clay. So as soon as his line cleared, she would send the next call through without knowing what was going on.

  Days after the siege had started, the high intensity of the calls stopped. Clay began spending more and more time out of his office but that dark side of his personality remained in place.

  * * *

  Trembling, Sophie stood from the bathroom floor. She turned on the sink faucet, then splashed cool water on her face and tried to still the shaking. This was the third time in a week she had awakened to a feeling of nausea. Initially believing she’d picked up a bug, she’d shrugged it off as summer flu and had begun religiously taking vitamin C. But now she wasn’t so sure she’d diagnosed her symptoms correctly.

  Please no. There was really only one other thing it could be. If she took into consideration the recent intense cravings for hot-fudge sundaes and strawberries with tuna fish, it limited her choice of mystery illnesses down to one. She could be pregnant.

  She’d been so seduced out of her mind by Clay the night of the masked charity ball in May, she honestly couldn’t swear they’d used protection. Stupidly she hadn’t thought about it. Until now. They had made love into the wee hours of the morning. Neither seemingly could get enough of the other. And how many times had he kissed her awake only to take her again? And again. And she’d not wanted him to stop.

  She could go on worrying about her suspicion or she could face the facts in a doctor’s office. She would make an appointment today. She couldn’t think any further ahead than that. After wiping her face, she brushed her teeth and reentered her bedroom to get dressed for work. It had been a challenge not to fall into Clay’s arms every time he walked into her private office knowing she must keep up appearances in front of the rest of the house staff. She’d always left her door open for employees to come to her if Clay was otherwise tied up in meetings or on the phone. It would look odd if she suddenly started closing her door. She was probably overthinking the situation, but her mind had ceased to rely on common sense.

  But if she was carrying his child, her situation would go from difficult to practically impossible in a heartbeat. If for no other reason than knowing Clay had made it clear a long time ago he didn’t
need nor want any emotional attachments. Marriage and becoming a father were about as emotional as you could get. With his lifestyle, a child just wouldn’t mix. But he had every right to know. This was not something she would keep from him. But that said, she would wait and hopefully choose the right time to tell him.

  Right now he was involved with something bad going on with Everest. He hadn’t shared what it was but each time one of the board members for that company called, his whole demeanor changed. He never asked her to take a message or tell them he would call them back. Sometimes Clay would open the inner door with fires of anger blazing in his eyes. Other times he would just step through and disappear out of the house. Sometimes the glow on the phone line would go out and still he didn’t open the connecting door. Something was definitely up but until he chose to confide in her, all she could do was maintain as much normality as she could.

  Sophie stepped outside into the morning light and locked the side door of the little rental cottage behind her. For heaven’s sake, she was getting ahead of herself. She was worrying about the outcome of a situation that hadn’t as yet been confirmed. Maybe she’d been hit with a flu bug.

  And maybe cows could fly.

  * * *

  Clay had just poured a second cup of coffee when Sophie pulled her car into her parking spot. He watched as she opened the door and stepped out. She looked flushed and her brows were drawn into a frown. Not typical for Sophie, who was the most positive person he knew; she always had a smile for everyone. He hoped she wasn’t sick.

  He couldn’t help but speculate what was wrong. Had she received bad news from her family back in Indiana? Was she covering up the fact that she wanted to stop their affair? Technically were they even having an affair? When she was in his arms, she gave him just the opposite impression. He still wanted her to move in with him. Or he wanted to set her up in a luxury apartment closer to the ranch than the cottage she was renting. To hell with what anyone would think. Let the town’s gossips do their worst. It was none of anyone’s business but their own. He could give her anything she wanted and he wanted to do so. The only thing holding him back was Sophie. A more independent woman he’d never met.


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