A New Witch in Town (the Other Side of the Moon) (A Modern Tale about the Witches of Springsville Book 3)

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A New Witch in Town (the Other Side of the Moon) (A Modern Tale about the Witches of Springsville Book 3) Page 7

by Dani Corlee

  Then she saw it. A huge, dark cloud quickly approaching the town, partially lit by the reddish moonlight. Oh, she thought, another nice trick to scare the people! Yet she didn't feel relaxed. James and a few other people followed the witches’ gaze and worried glances were exchanged.

  What's that? Lucille! she tried to ask. But again she was exhausted and couldn't connect. She wondered why she was so mentally tired. She was aware her powers were not great, regardless her being “the queen,” but she had learned how to keep a conversation, even a long one, with people on the other side of the globe. What was the matter now?

  She felt her head spinning, and would have fainted had James not held her now strongly by the waist.

  My goodness, she heard James saying. She looked again at Isidora and the other witches, their arms held above their heads. Clearly Lucille was trying to tell her something, looking at her deeply to get her attention, but she couldn't hear anything. She lifted her gaze. Papers and light objects were now flying around them and the city lights had lowered, even those lighting the stage and the color spotlights. Then she heard a loud splat and people started to shout. Not the shouts of enjoyments full of laughter of before, but few high screams of fear and astonishment. Unaware of what was happening, the most of the dancers kept on enjoying their time. Splat, splat... again and again. Then she saw it. One, two, another one, and another one. She lifted her arm to protect herself from the rain. The big dark cloud was now over them.

  “Frogs!” James shouted so loud that she could hear him. He pulled her on one side, took her strongly by her arm, and ran out of the crowd on the farthest side of the party. The music stopped, and annoying hisses and whistles were heard from the loudspeakers set around the square. Most of the people were now realizing what was happening, either looking up or by being hit by the heavy rain, and had started moving quickly around, like a crazy herd.

  Trembling, Kim turned to James who hugged her. “We'd better go,” he said, tightening her in his arms. “We must reach the club before all these people go in that direction. There might be wounded people tomorrow, even worse, because you cannot control a group of scared persons.”

  “The community will control them,” she let slip.

  “What?” James replied, pulling her a little further to look at her. “Who?” he added.

  She shook her heard. “Sorry, no, I meant, er... I was thinking aloud. Let's go.”

  They walked back steadily, in silence, but many people were behind them, now slightly more calm.

  Finally they went inside the club. Kim was panting, her calves and feet hurting for having walked so fast with those high heels. She massaged her wrist while looking around, searching for her closest witch friends. James widened his eye. “Oh my goodness, Kim! I must have gripped your arm too tightly!” He took her hand in his and carefully touched the wrist, inspecting it. “I'm so sorry, but I was really scared someone would start pushing and making us fall down. It happens... When scared people behave madly. They could have crushed us.” He drew in a long breath. “Boy!” he then exclaimed. “I'm so glad Aurora wasn't here. I would have been even more scared.”

  She looked at him with a thankful gaze. “Thank you for saving me,” she whispered. She turned back and gave a look outside. The sky seemed darker now, and she could spot the moon, shining again like a normal full moon. Many cars were leaving from the club park and long line of cars was moving slowly in both directions lighting the people walking with their headlights, their party costumes not seeming so glamourous and beautiful anymore.

  “What a weird thing.” James frowned. “I know these sorts of things happen sometimes. I heard of a rain of fish in Australia a few years ago. And even of frogs, even though I cannot recall where. I think it was in Europe, though. But I've always thought they were fake news. You know, urban legends.” He scratched his head. “Yet it is so strange something like this happens on Halloween night, and when everyone is out for the party. Had it happened yesterday or any other day very few people would have noticed.”

  “Yes...” Kim replied, unsure about what to say. She didn't dare to look into his eyes. James was a nice man, and she felt bad she couldn't be sincere with him.

  “Are you OK?” he asked.

  She nodded. “Let's get something to drink and sit down. Out of the corner of her eye Kim noticed Catarina rushing into the club while James carefully guided her into the meeting room. The buffet that had been used at the beginning of the party but was still full of drinks and food. No doubts some witchcraft was involved.

  She looked around, slightly perplexed not to see any of her closest group of witches. Had it all been a spooky effect that got out of control? She doubted it.

  “Let me know when you want to go,” James told her, sipping a glass of juice.

  “Thank you James,” she said, biting her lower lip. “I don't know what could have happened to me without you. I really felt so tired I could barely move. I think I would have been knocked down by the crowd.”

  He leaned against a wall and squinted. “I don't understand what happened,” he admitted and shook his head again.

  Lucille entered the room, and soon after Isidora and the other witches followed her. They all looked tired and nervous.

  Kim waved at them with a gaze full of questions. Lucille noted her and raised her head in a muted greeting. Go home, she mentally ordered her. I'll reach you later.

  Kim slowly turned to James. “Can you please take me home now? I feel really exhausted.”

  “Sure!” He quickly put down his glass and the one Kim was holding and placed them on the nearest table. Then he took Kim by the arm and they headed outside.

  Kim realized having James near her made her feel protected and wasn't sure that she really wanted to go.


  At home Kim took a long hot shower, which made her feel much better. She was still wearing her bathrobe, her wet hair wrapped up in a towel, when Lucille arrived. Sitting on her bed with only the night table light on, she saw a tall figure appearing against the moonlight coming from the window and gasped, her heart beginning to race. Then she recognized the silhouette, the usual backcombed hair, even though now lopsided and messy, and blew out her cheeks, annoyed her friend hadn't announced herself.

  She wanted to complain, but didn't. Even in the dim light, her friend looked pale, and not because of Halloween makeup. Her eyes were circled by deep, dark marks and she looked much older than usual. Lucille plopped down in the armchair in Kim's bedroom and turned to the window behind her. She looked up to the sky and whispered. “Thank goodness, everything is normal now. At least it seems so.”

  “What happened? Some effects prepared for Halloween going wrong? It could have ended in a tragedy!”

  “No, the scared crowd was handled easily.” Lucille rubbed her temples. She lifted her head and looked directly at Kim. “I wish it only had been a cinematographic effect. It was real. Terribly real.” Then she paused, playing with one of her rings, twisting it on her finger, lost in her thoughts.

  Kim a waited few seconds for an explanation that didn't arrive, then lost her temper. “Can you tell me what happened?” She stood up abruptly, her towel turban lopsided on her head. She tried to adjust it and approached Lucille.

  “I cannot really stand all this...” she looked around in search of the right words. “This conspiracy atmosphere. If there's more I should say, I want to know it. Now!” and she highlighted her words with her hand.

  Not used to seeing her reacting so nervously, Lucille looked at her with dull eyes, in silence, and this made Kim even more angry. She raised her voice. “Lucille, I order you to answer me and tell me everything and I mean E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G I still don't know.” Kim started walking around her room, gesticulating like mad. All the tension gained in the last months suddenly felt a too heavy load to bear.

  “It is said a divorce and a move are two of the main causes of stress and even heart-attack. And I underwent both of them. Nobody has ever a
dded turning into a witch.” She raised her voice again, “Just because nobody has ever experienced it. But I did!” She spat some saliva which shone against the moon rays, and Lucille leaned back in the armchair not to be hit.

  Kim went inside her bathroom and slammed the door, opened it right after and went out, sat again on the bed and buried her face in her hands. “I'm tired.” She exhaled slowly, accompanying the breath with the palm of her hands, a yoga exercise she had seen many a time. “OK, I can make it.” she mumbled.

  “Would you like a piece of gum?” was the only reaction.

  Kim rolled her eyes and gestured no with her head. Looked at Lucille and felt pity for her. She looked devastated.

  “Start from the beginning,” she asked. Please.

  “We knew something could happen. We had some signals and were also warned by Seraphine and even Mabel about it.”

  Kim reacted with a high-pitched voice. “Who the hell is Mabel?” She then dismissed her own question with a wave. “No, never mind. Please, go on.”

  Lucille shrugged. “The witches of the other side of the moon are forcing the exile spell and are getting more powerful day by day. They were here again, after you. We suspect that now they are stronger, and this time once you are in their hands they won't let you go and all your power will be theirs. They cannot imagine you don't have much.” She stopped and bit her lip.

  “That I'm not powerful at all? That I'm clumsy and cannot remember the easiest spell properly? That I cannot really recognize herbs and I could even kill someone instead of curing him?” She gave a bitter smile. “I didn't ask to turn into a witch. I still don't know why it happened, even though I know there must be a reason. Go on.” Kim crossed her arms over her chest and waited.”

  “We don't know what they are after and...”

  “Did you ask them?”

  “Uh?” Lucille's expression dulled. “No, of course not.”

  “Why not? And why of course?”

  Lucille didn't answer.

  “I suppose you should add Diplomacy as a school subject,” Kim mumbled. “Am I in peril? What about Aurora? She will be here the day after tomorrow. I should say tomorrow, since it's nearly dawn.”

  “No, you aren't because all the communities are watching you and Aurora. Don't worry about it.”

  Kim's jaw clenched hearing the usual don't worry, but she didn't say anything.

  “I'd better sleep a little, or tomorrow I won't be able to go to work.” She was so tired that the idea of feeling scared by the situation didn't hit her. She waved goodbye to Lucille and turned the light off while her friend vanished from her sight, taking with her the usual strawberry and vanilla smell of her gum.


  Kim turned off the car radio to be sure the phone was ringing, looked in the rearview mirror, put the turn signal on, and pulled over as soon as she could.

  Regardless of all her good intentions, her bag was always messy and she couldn't find her phone.

  "Holy moly!" she fussed to herself, frustrated that she might miss something important. "Oh, here you are!"

  Kim smiled when she saw it was her ex-husband’s number. News from Aurora!

  "Hello?" she said cautiously, not knowing if it was Aurora or Jason on the phone.


  "My little love! How are you, my dear?" They had talked every day, but Kim had missed her a lot all the same.

  "Mom, yesterday there was a huge party at the amusement park. I was dressed like a witch. A witch!" she emphasized and laughed.

  "But during the party a storm started. Dad picked me up and I've lost my broom. We saw a tornado in the distance and Dad took me back to the hotel. And bought me a huge bag of candies. Oh! I also saw a girl dressed like a mermaid. May I have a mermaid costume next year?"

  Kim frowned. She had gotten up late and had to hurry to work, not having time to watch the news from the day before, not even on her smartphone. Only from a few chats with co-workers and the radio had she learned that the weather problems had been experienced everywhere.

  "You are all right, aren't you?"

  "Yes, and you? I bought you a gift!"

  "Did you?" Kim smiled and felt like hugging her little love.

  "Yes, and we'll be back later today. Yesterday I also saw a man dressed as a mouse and his wife was like a cat. Wait, here's Dad." Aurora said in one breath.

  "Hello?" Jason’s deep voice was one of the things that had made her fall in love with him. "Kim, we will get there in the late afternoon. Please be at home."

  Kim's free hand tightened into a fist. Stupid, stupid, irritating man. She felt like replying with some very bad words, but instead only said, "Obviously. Please put Aurora back on."

  "My love, I'll see you later. I can't wait to have you here again!"

  "Me too, Mom." And she sent a loud smack.

  Kim drove home, had a shower, and rested a little, sipping a cup of tea. She wanted to go to the Club to learn about the night before, but needed to relax for a while before driving again. She didn't dare to teleport by herself, after that time she’d found herself in an unknown forest and had to call for help to get back. At least mental conversation was something she could usually do quite easily. She liked to feel independent but she felt lazy and still too tired because of the lack of sleep. Without realizing it, she had drifted off to sleep.

  "Phew!" Kim sank on the couch. "At last he has gone! Now I feel better!" Kim slapped her thigh.

  "What, Mom?"

  "Come here!" Kim patted the couch beside her. "I need to cuddle you a little. I really missed squeezing you while you were away."

  "Wait! I have a present for you!"

  Aurora took her little pink backpack and approached her mom, kneeling by the couch. She opened her backpack and took out all her "must-have-with-me" belongings. A box of pastels, a little address book full of drawings, a coin purse filled with plastic beads, some well-folded sales receipts, an empty pack of candies, two crown corks.

  "Wait, I know it's in here."

  "Mm..." Kim looked at the corks. "You haven't had a beer, have you?"

  Aurora looked at her mom and replied with a serious look. "No, I hear it make the stomach big. I don't want my tummy to look like a balloon."

  Kim's mouth curved into a smile she tried to hide.

  "Here!" Aurora finally exclaimed and handed her mom a little parcel. She had a wide smile, anticipating the joy of her mom at seeing the present. Kim opened a parcel. It was a little box shaped like a spooky pumpkin. “Is there anything inside?” she asked. Aurora nodded. She opened it and couldn't hold back an exclamation of surprise. It was a music box, the ballerina replaced by a dancing witch followed by a black cat. An appropriate present for her!

  She laughed and, holding Aurora, she lifted her onto her lap.

  "Ouch! You are getting big! Soon I won't be able to pick you up!"

  Aurora shouted a loud Noo! with a smile, and burst into laughter when her mom tickled her.

  A clap of thunder resounded in the distance. A few seconds later, more thunder seemed to be nearer, and a light rain started to tap against the windows.

  "Ugh! A storm is coming,” Kim exclaimed. She gently pulled Aurora on the couch, got up and looked out of the window. "Mm... Nothing good." Her heart quickened a little, thinking about the storm of the day before. Were she and Aurora safe?

  "Mom, look. Mom!"

  "What?" Kim slowly turned, still absent-minded.


  With a hand at her chest, she swallowed hard and grabbed the nearest chair.

  "Aurora, my goodness, how many times have I told you not to scare me to death? Stop it!"

  Aurora's wide smiled died and her lower lip started trembling.

  Her daughter’s head was coming out from a wall at mid-height, her neck pulled out, as to imitate a stuffed animal head, her tongue out from one side, her eyes crossed. The kind of trophy Kim surely didn't appreciate.

  "You are not funny!" Kim repeated, then open
ed her arms to hug her little one, who literally flew into her arms, crying softly.

  It had been a stormy night and had poured incessantly with a loud drumming, while the wind wailed between the cherry trees, muffling their rustle.

  Aurora, her pillow under one arm and Mrs. Daisy under the other, had tiptoed into Kim's room. Kim had raised her eyes from the book she was reading and had met her begging gaze, which turned into a smile when Kim lifted the bed covers to welcome her. She was so funny and cute in her pink pajamas and loose bed socks! They had fallen asleep at nearly the same time, but Kim's dreams had been interrupted many a time by the wind and the thunder, and also by kicks from Aurora, who must have also been having a difficult and restless night as well.


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